Joe<br /> Question will be in multiple choice not drag and drop statements.Wednesday, February 01, 2012 4:26 AM UTJoe,<br /> <br /> I have question regarding exam format. I got test prep from It has drag and drop statements into box, not a multiple choice kind of question.<br /> <br /> Can anyone let me know which one is correct format? Drag and drop piece of code to construct correct statement or multiple choice. <br /> <br /> Thank you.Saturday, January 28, 2012 5:58 PM UTYour WellWisher do the Bobe dump that cover all the question in all the below dumps posted.but some(3-4) questions answer are wrong in bobe dumps.what i observed.<br /> Please do some homework to get 1000/1000.<br /> with this u can get 900+ marksTuesday, January 10, 2012 2:25 PM UTgennaro with a good score. All question from Bobe dump, few question about developing web forms and manupulating data are wrong. Btw you clearly pass the exam with bobe dumpSaturday, January 07, 2012 10:13 PM UTPriyanka anyone tell me question is exactly same from dump or question wll come in this pattern.please replySaturday, January 07, 2012 10:50 AM UTdeeksha datey too Passed the exam with 940 on 4th jan. some ans were wrong in dumps.<br /> be careful . thnx n best luck.Thursday, January 05, 2012 5:48 AM UTDeepa Ahuja exam on 4 Jan passed with 940 all questions were from bobe n sachdeva dumps.<br /> All the best...Thursday, January 05, 2012 5:45 AM UTsaninnovator<br /> I gave my exam on Dec 30th 2011 from Hyderabad.<br /> I scored 970.I have got 51 questions.All are from the latest 5-6 dumps.<br /> But,some of the answers in the dumps are wrong.Please be careful.<br /> Thanks to all who posted the dumps and also who wrote the comments.<br /> All the Best!!!!!!!!!!!!Wednesday, January 04, 2012 6:21 AM UTKavish Abidi exam today (02/01/2012) with 880 total number of question 51 all from the bobe dumb.Monday, January 02, 2012 5:54 PM UTSubbu cleared with 910 and got all questions from Bobe dump only. Thanks Bobe!!!!!Thursday, December 29, 2011 10:00 AM UTSrikanth, Just read all questions from the dump posted by BOB on 18-Nov-2011. I had taken the exam today and got all the question from the above dump.Thursday, December 29, 2011 8:48 AM UThaszitz Dec 2011. 51 questions - passed 910. Learned from Bobe and zahra(tnx!). I'm guessing NOT all answers are correct in dumps, but enough to pass the test! <br /> (.memory dump: I remember the 3 question from zahra did not look the same. The D answer was with more code (like A,B and C). The 6th question also - answer A was similar to D - had the (int?) not just (int) in first line)Tuesday, December 27, 2011 12:36 PM UTChaminda I passed the exam 910 scored. Got only 51 questions all are from Bobe dump. Thanks Bobe for sharing it.Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:22 AM UTMike exam 22/12, 51 questions, all questions coming from last 3-4 dumps,<br /> thanks guys for posting these dumps.Monday, December 26, 2011 8:03 AM UTYogesh, Can somebody tell me, how many total questions are in this exam because we are getting different comments e.g 51 or 76 for number of questions. Also how many questions we will get from this dump ?Saturday, December 24, 2011 4:29 PM UTvarun from INDIA today with a score of 910. Mostly all the questions are from Bobe dumps. Before writing confirm the answers for this questions 1)you create page and specify custom.master as its master page. add a label control named need to display the value of master page regin property in lblregion.2)When user clicks the item in the list the text color of the WELCOME message will change. The answers for this question is diff in Bobe compared to others. All the best guys!!!Saturday, December 24, 2011 3:01 PM UTSri exam today (24-12-2011) with score 850. had 51 questions.Most of the questions are from Bobe dumps.Saturday, December 24, 2011 12:47 PM UTARROCAL passed the exam today in Madrid. Exam has 51 questions and approximately 47 from last 3-4 exams.Thursday, December 22, 2011 5:28 PM UTjordan 50 Q from last 4 dump,25 new qustion<br /> you need to know the answers ,since they rearrange the answer .<br /> good luck allTuesday, December 20, 2011 12:22 PM UTshaolin passed this exam this morning. Exam have 76 questions and 50 from Bobe dump, don't waste time for other dump zarha, warn, . ( just duplicate and miss some questions). 26 new questions isn't hard even if you don't know and understand. 26 new questions is very similar with question in dump(similar both question and answer) so only need to remember clearly dump and compare new questions with it and result you pass examTuesday, December 20, 2011 6:43 AM UTPingu elements in the answers of the CompareValidator Question -<br /> ControlToValidate / ControlToCompare <br /> "DataTypeCheck" / "Equal"Monday, December 19, 2011 1:04 PM UTJan exam today with 970. Around 50 questions from the last dumps. A lot questions where from jQuery , MVC. 1 Question about jQuery validation an 1 question about accessing a property from inherithed masterpages.Monday, December 19, 2011 1:04 PM UTPingu exam on Friday. The first 51 of 76 questions were all present in the most recent 4 or 5 dumps. The rest were new.<br /> <br /> Memory is patchy, but this is what I remember from the new ones: <br /> <br /> One Q is about correctly routing year month and day (yyyy/mm/dd) in a url for an MVC2 blog application. <br /> <br /> One Q about XmlDataSource <br /> <br /> One Q about CompareValidator <br /> <br /> One Q about jQuery mouse events (The answer was something like $("#Div1").mouseEnter( . ); <br /> The wrong answers included $(".Div1") . and mouseMove <br /> <br /> One Q about WCF service endpoints on a local network. <br /> <br /> One Q about knowing the attributes of &lt;%@ Assembly %&gt;Monday, December 19, 2011 12:56 PM UTAnuja Pawar 71 question. 25 new questions. Gave on 7 dec. Managed to get pass. Prepare wellMonday, December 19, 2011 12:48 PM UTBogdan the exam last thursday. I would recomend you be very well prepared for the exam. I had 76 question of which only 6 were from these dumps. The overall level of difculty is mainly the same but if you only do the dumps, without understanding each answer you chances of passing are quite slim.Monday, December 19, 2011 8:34 AM UTGamb answer is wrong. <br /> <br /> Correct answer is "C".<br /> <br /> Bob, you stated: "The first time is ran it will work fine, but once the Cache["Active"] is not null it will always return 0"<br /> <br /> Cache will expire after 30 seconds, so it is null then.<br /> <br /> Best regardsSunday, December 18, 2011 9:18 PM UTDragonFly new questions !! Cannot pass ! Typically how long before an updated file appears? Thx.Sunday, December 18, 2011 6:34 AM UTRauf guys. Passed today, scored 970!!! <br /> AshishSachdeva is the most valid.<br /> I had 76 questions. 25 of them were new. <br /> The rest 51 can be found in the mentioned dump. <br /> As for the new questions, study WCF services attributes, Ajax server controls, especially ScriptManager (more detailed), jQuery embedded control validation (I've heard about it on the exam for the first time). All this is needed if you want to score a lot. <br /> If you just need to pass the exam, after reading the book, you will definitely be able to score more than 700, <br /> but still you need to have a knowledge on the area. <br /> <br /> Good luck. <br /> <br /> P.S. Don't be worry about the typos in the dump. Everything is correct on the real exam.Saturday, December 17, 2011 9:54 PM UTDaniel today (16-dec-2011) - 730/1000<br /> Used the following dumps: Bobe and zahra. <br /> So many new questions.60% <br /> From ColombiaFriday, December 16, 2011 8:46 PM UTBob the test and 26 of 71 questions where NOT from this dump or any of the others. As stated before, jquery, mvc and dynamic data are popular topics in the new questions.Friday, December 16, 2011 6:14 PM UTssmirnov today (16 Dec 2011) with 850/1000 score in Russia, SPb. <br /> Used the following dumps: Aadesh, Bobe (recommended), warn and zahra.<br /> <br /> Please, NOTE: Now the test contains 76(!) questions instead of 51.<br /> 57 of 76 questions were shown from these dumps.<br /> Pay attention to jQuery, MVC2 and Dynamic Data ApplicationsFriday, December 16, 2011 11:52 AM UTJarna the exam 13th of December - scroing 56% using this dump. Could probably have scored above 6% if I had remembered everything in this dump, but there are 20-35 new questions, so you do in fact need understanding on the topic to have hope of passing.Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:27 AM UTBob, your right-- it does create duplicated data, so I am wrong.Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:45 PM UTRauf One of the test requirements was to avoid duplicate data in resulting list. Have you tried to put Joe twice to the source list?Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:42 PM UTbob actually A is the correct answer: here is some test code to run if you like. All you need is a Default.aspx web page. You will notice that when you run code-- only Joe and Bob is written to the page and not "@secrectUser", "@admin", or "@root"<br /> <br /> using System;<br /> using System.Collections.Generic;<br /> using System.Linq;<br /> using System.Web;<br /> using System.Web.UI;<br /> using System.Web.UI.WebControls;<br /> <br /> public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page<br /> {<br /> <br /> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)<br /> {<br /> foreach (var person in GetNonSecretUsers())<br /> {<br /> Response.Write(person.UserId);<br /> }<br /> <br /> }<br /> public IEnumerable&lt;Person&gt; GetNonSecretUsers()<br /> {<br /> string[] secretUsers = { "@secrectUser", "@admin", "@root" };<br /> List&lt;Person&gt; allPeople;<br /> allPeople = GetAllPeople();<br /> var secretPeople =<br /> (from p in allPeople<br /> from u in secretUsers<br /> where p.UserId == u<br /> select p).Distinct();<br /> return allPeople.Except(secretPeople);<br /> }<br /> <br /> private List&lt;Person&gt; GetAllPeople()<br /> {<br /> return new List&lt;Person&gt;() { <br /> new Person("Joe"), <br /> new Person("@secrectUser"), <br /> new Person("@admin"), <br /> new Person("@root"), <br /> new Person("Bob") };<br /> }<br /> <br /> <br /> }<br /> public class Person<br /> {<br /> public string UserId;<br /> public Person(string userId)<br /> {<br /> UserId = userId;<br /> }<br /> }Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:33 PM UTAshish with 860 score 25-30 questions from dump.<br /> Prepare mostly on Dynamic data model,LINQ/AJAX and important MVC.<br /> Imp-<br /> Dynamically changing Theme/MasterPage/Loading user control<br /> Check ICompareble&lt;T&gt; implementation<br /> Best of Luck allTuesday, December 13, 2011 10:11 AM UTRauf presume, no real correct answer in this question.<br /> <br /> You are implementing an ASP.NET application. You add the following code segment.<br /> <br /> public List&lt;Person&gt; GetNonSecretUsers()<br /> {<br /> string[] secretUsers = {"@secretUser", "@admin", "@root"};<br /> List&lt;Person&gt; allpeople = GetAllPeople();<br /> .<br /> }<br /> <br /> You need to add code to return a list of all Person objects except those with aUserId that is contained in the secretUsers list.<br /> <br /> The resulting list must not contain duplicates.<br /> Which code segment should you use<br /> <br /> A. var secretPeople =<br /> (from p in allPeople<br /> from u in secretUserswhere p.UserId == u<br /> select p).Distinct();<br /> return allPeople.Except(secretPeople);<br /> <br /> B. return<br /> from p in allPeople<br /> from u in secretUsers<br /> where p.UserId != u<br /> select p;<br /> <br /> C. return<br /> (from p in allPeople<br /> from u in secretUsers<br /> where p.UserId != u<br /> select p).Distinct();<br /> <br /> D. List&lt;Person&gt; people = new List&lt;Person&gt;(<br /> from p in allPeople<br /> from u in secretUsers<br /> where p.UserId != u<br /> select p);<br /> return people.Distinct();<br /> <br /> Correct Answer: ATuesday, December 13, 2011 6:48 AM UTBob more review I can find something wrong with every option:<br /> <br /> A: int numOfActiveBugs = (int)Cache["ActiveBugs"];<br /> Will throw a Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception the first time it is ran because the Cache["ActiveBugs"] is null<br /> <br /> B: int numOfActiveBugs = (int)Cache.Get("ActiveBugs");<br /> Same as A<br /> <br /> C: int numOfActiveBugs = 0; <br /> The first time is ran it will work fine, but once the Cache["Active"] is not null it will always return 0<br /> <br /> D: int numOfActiveBugs = (int?)Cache["ActiveBugs"]; <br /> Will throw errror: CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int?' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)<br /> <br /> So, either microsoft is stupid or the question was written down wrong. Unless I am missing something here?Monday, December 12, 2011 10:34 PM UTBob only real option is the one that starts with:<br /> <br /> int numOfActiveBugs = 0;<br /> if (Cache["ActiveBugs"] == null)<br /> {<br /> .<br /> }<br /> <br /> The reason is it is the only one that checks to see if the cache is null or not first.Monday, December 12, 2011 10:13 PM UTBob numOfActiveBugs = (int?)Cache["ActiveBugs"]; <br /> is not correct you will get error: CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int?' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)Monday, December 12, 2011 10:10 PM UTRauf, I understand this was a typo, but do errors occur on the real exam.<br /> I mean, I've found 2-3 questions with no correct answers and not looking actually as a typo. And I am concerned of facing such questions on the exam, actually.Monday, December 12, 2011 8:15 PM UTJohn I believe it is supposed to be an "int?". It must be a typo, no other answer even remotely makes sense.Monday, December 12, 2011 3:03 PM UTRauf,<br /> I think the question #6 (from the start with no randomization) is incorrect, since there is no correct answer:<br /> <br /> You are implementing an ASP.NET application that includes the following requirements. Retrieve thenumber of active bugs from the cache, if the number is present. If the number is not found in the cache,call a method named GetActiveBugs, and save the result under the ActiveBugs cache key. Ensure thatcached data expires after 30 seconds. You need to add code to fulfill the requirements. Which codesegment should you add?<br /> <br /> The system show the following answer as the correct one, but actually it would give a runtime exception if the object is expired (I believe):<br /> <br /> A. int numOfActiveBugs = (int)Cache["ActiveBugs"];<br /> if (!numOfActiveBugs.HasValue){<br /> int result = GetActiveBugs();<br /> Cache.Insert("ActiveBugs", result, null,DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);<br /> numOfActiveBugs = result;<br /> }<br /> ActiveBugs = numOfActiveBugs.Value;<br /> <br /> int on the first line should be int? (in both places)Monday, December 12, 2011 10:18 AM UTRauf Mohammad:<br /> The code with this.GetType() is more general and preferable according to refactoring needs. I would definitely use this method, and not only, me but the examples in the book hold this view.Monday, December 12, 2011 9:55 AM UTMohammad Rauf : In the exam you should choose ( the Best Answer ) , the two answers are correct but the answer :<br /> Add the following code line to the Page_Load method of each control, where CLASSNAME is thename of the control class and strJavascript contains the JavaScript code for the control.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(CLASSNAME), "script", strJavascript). <br /> <br /> <br /> is the best answer and this beacuse you have specific typed Class determined in the question and we know the type , your answer will be the best if you dont know the type ( we use the gettype() method if we dont have a specific type for the script )Monday, December 12, 2011 9:03 AM UTRauf everybody, I've found a question. I think the result is incorrect. The question text is as follows (the question No 15 if your turn off the randomization):<br /> <br /> You are implementing custom ASP.NET server controls.You have a base class named RotaryGaugeControl and two subclasses named CompassGaugeControland SpeedGaugeControl.Each control requires its own client JavaScript code in order to function properly.The JavaScript includes functions that are used to create the proper HTML elements for the control.You need to ensure that the JavaScript for each of these controls that is used in an ASP.NET page isincluded in the generated HTML page only once, even if the ASP.NET page uses multiple instances of thegivencontrol.What should you do?<br /> <br /> The program pointed to the following correct answer (which I think is incorrect):<br /> <br /> D. Add the following code line to the Page_Load method of each control, where CLASSNAME is thename of the control class and strJavascript contains the JavaScript code for the control.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(CLASSNAME), "script", strJavascript).<br /> <br /> I think the correct one should be the one below:<br /> <br /> B. Add the following code line to the Page_Load method of each control, where strJavascript containsthe JavaScript code for the control.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "script", strJavascript).<br /> <br /> Please, show your attitude. Maybe I am wrong. Thank youMonday, December 12, 2011 7:52 AM UTDanish Khan passed exam on 2 Dec 2011, Got 970 Allham dul illah. Most of the questions were from this dump.<br /> ThanksMonday, December 12, 2011 6:59 AM UTNir on 9 Dec , Israel with 910<br /> Had 76 question 35 from this dump and the rest was most about MVC<br /> good luckSaturday, December 10, 2011 2:41 PM UTvv Passed with 910 on 7/12/2011 . I had 76 quesions. It seems the question difficulty and the number of questions are changed.The dumps is useful. I found nearly 25 questions from this dump.Friday, December 09, 2011 5:48 AM UTNaima gave the exam today and cleared wih 850.almost 40 questions were from dumps.I felt the rest all were new mainly from MVC and Ajax but not really tough if you know the basics.All the best to people who are going to give the exam.I only went through the dumps!Thursday, December 08, 2011 5:21 PM UTKannan All, I cleared today with 850 and out of 76 questions more than 30 questions are new. be prepared. @sait u r rite. I too faced new questions.!Thursday, December 08, 2011 2:28 PM UTRayden Hi sait. I am preparing for the same exam. Could you please tell me how many questions where there for the actual exam and whats the total mark?(is it out of 1000). Also please let me know what is the mark required to pass the exam. Is this dump provided here useful? Are there questions from it?Thursday, December 08, 2011 11:20 AM UTsait exam today (08.12.2011) with score 850. It was about 40-50% of new questions there. So be prepared!Thursday, December 08, 2011 10:40 AM UTnapo is the same dump as the one before.! exactly the same.Tuesday, December 06, 2011 4:56 PM UT