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11. Lab : Basic Router Configuration

Hello, everybody. That's now a configuration toy. This is going to be our first configuration lab, and I'm feeling really, really excited. We have nine steps to accomplish and will simulate this topology in the Cisco Packet Tracer application. We are going to do it step by step, and in the first step, our lab says that we configure router host names. And first, let's set this up in the packet tracer, then configure the hostnames as shown in the figure. I'm switching to the packet tracer. I need to take two routers, but first I'd like to discuss Cisco packet tracer. This is a simulation programme that you can use to simulate your devices, Cisco devices, and make some configurations. You can use any topology that you want. Sometimes these tools may not be supporting some comments, but that's no problem. That really supports most of the comments in the CCNA exam. So let's take a look at my topology. I have two routers, and I can choose the network devices from this tab, as you know. As you can see, we have a network devices tab, and I want to remove the taskbar, e the taskNow let's put two routers in here, and we need to zoom so that you can see better. We have two rudders, and we need to connect these rudders with a cable. I'm taking the cable and connecting the rods from the gigabit Ethernet zero parts. Let's see that. If I have something more for my topo, it's okay. I connected my routers to each other. Now it's time to configure the hostnames. I'm going to configure hostname Madrid, and I'm going to configure hostname Miami for the routers. I'm going back to pick an adapter and configure a device. I just clicked on the router and I'm using the CLI tab. Welcome to CLI, guys. As you can see, I'm at the command prompt of the router. And if Cisco routers are asking something like that when they first reboot, they should continue with the configuration dialogue, yes or no. Please answer yes or no. If you choose yes in the step, you receive a configuration dialogue, and the router asks you many questions. If you want to configure hostnames, would you like to configure IP addresses? Would you like to use somerouting brokers, elbow, et cetera? I don't really recommend that we use the manual configuration way, so I don't want to continue with the configuration dialogue. I'll never use this. Okay, I selected no, and it's time to make some configuration. As you may recall from previous sections, we are in math mod user mode. This is the user-exec mode. If I want to make some configurations on the router, I need to switch to configuration mode. But before I go to configuration mode, I need to go to enable mode first. So I am typing "enable." All right, this sign switched to the pound sign, as you see, which means that I'm in enable mode for now, and let's use a question mark first; the question marks show the list of the comments that I can use in the privileged execut mode. As you can see, we have some commands that I can use in here, but what I need to do is to go to config mod I need to type config terminal to get to the configuration mod. That's okay, everything is fine. But first, before configuring the hostname, I'm going to show you which comments I can use in the configuration mode Two, as you can see, I can configure a question mark. I can configureaccess lists, I can configure hostname, I can configureglobal IP, configuration key licence POW too much thingsthat I can configure as you can see. But what I'm going to do is configure the hostname that the lab wants me to use to configure the host name. My comment is hostname; that's all; the hostname for this router was Madrid, and that's all; enter as soon as I enter. As you can see, the host name of the router switched to Madrid from router okay.Let's configure this router as well; I don't want you to enable it again first, and I need to switch to configuration mode now. Now it's time to configure Miami's hostname. Enter Miami, and as you can see, the name switches to Miami. As soon as I click to, I push the enter. Alright, step one is accomplished. Step two configure enable password for Madrid andenable secret password for Miami and passwords aresame network el one, two, three okay, dowe remember how to configure that? You will remember if you don't remember even now. Oops, sorry. I'm in Madrid and I'm going to configureand enable password now please pay attention thatI'm still in the config mode. If I want to go to the privilegedexec mode, I need to use exit butI need to configure in the configuration mode. So let's do it. The command is enable password to create a Radish enable password, and let's see, question mark was saying we can define a level two as well, but I'm not going to do it. I'm sorry. My keyboard is making me crazy sometimes. I'm just going to set the password to "enable password network one, two, three," and that's it. And I'm going to set it to enable script password on Miami rather than password. Okay, please keep in mind that when I try to configure enable password, I'm using the enablepassword command, but if I want to configure enable secret, I'm using the enable secret command. You can easily show that. You can easily see that using the question mark again, as you can see that after enabling, we have two options: we can use the password or the secret. Now we are going to use secret, and my password is the same network as ones, two, three, and another. All right, we are going great. Step two is accomplished. In step three, we need to configure the telnet so both routers and passwords will be remote. This time, one, two, three this time.Okay, let's go and do it. I want to configure the Iwant to configure the Madrid first. Why always Miami? I want to go to Madrid. Okay, I'm in Madrid now. If you want to configure the telnet on a router, you first go to the "virtual lines" line. Let's see what I can use. Virtual lines are VTY. As you can see, line VT-4 I'm using Login, and I need to set a tual lines" line. My password is remove one, two, three and download. Okay, as you can see, that is giving me a warning. As I mentioned in the sections, the first login is disabled on five lines until a password is entered. And when I set the password, that's going to be enabled. But it's okay that I typed the login again, too. Okay, let's go to Miami now. I'm in Miami. Not typing. Yes, it's okay. Line four password: remove one string again. Why didn't it type password? Remove one, two, three, and login. And that's it. We are going pretty well. And we accomplished the third step two. Now it's time to check our configuration with the Show Run command. Use the showrun command and check the configuration. I'm going to check the configuration in Madrid. As you can see, I'm in config-line mode right now. That's a specific mode. If I want to run the show commands, I need to go to privileged mode. I can exit by typing Exit and Exit twice, and then enter the privileged Exec mode. But I can also enter the privileged mode by typing and in the specific mode; as you can see, I just typed and you are now in the privileged Executive mode. And let's type the showrun command that our lab wants us to run. But I'm going to show you something else right now. I typed "Show Run," but if I want to make sure that and see the complete form of the command, I need to press "Tap," and I'm typing "Tab" right now. I push the tab button, and as you can see, I have completed the command. The who version of the command displays the current configuration. All right. And I just entered, as you can see thatI can see that I configure the host namein this router, which name is Madrid. I enabled the password network here from one to three. And these are the default configurations. And I configure telnet. Please keep in mind that the enabled password is in plain text in Magic Router. And let's go to Miami. Now I am in Miami. In Miami, I'll go to the exclusive executive double exit, exit, exit, show Run and who. The first thing I need to pay attention to is that I'm seeing something special in here. As you can see, the enable secret password is not in plain text; it's hashed, as you see. So that's a secure method. As I told you before, using the enabled secret password is secure, as you can see that I also configured the hostname and the telnet. And let's see if my enablesecret password is still valid. The enable secret password is being used when I try to switch from user mode to the privileged executive mode. I'm in user mode now, so type enable again. Enter yeah, it's asking me a password right now, as you can see that I'm typing my password, "networkel," one, two, and three, and yes, that's true. And I'm in privileged execution mode right now. All right, everything is going fine for me now. And our fifth step is to encrypt all passwords in show-run output. How do we do it? To accomplish this, I need to go to Madrid, where my password is not encrypted. I want to show you again with ShowRun. As you can see, my enable password is in clear text, and if somebody gets my showrunning config, he or she can easily display my enable password, which is no good. Okay, so I need to encrypt this one too, and I have two options to accomplish this. First, I can use and enable a secret password, but I have another method that you can remember from our sessions, and that's it. I need to go to the configuration mode, and I need to type "service." I'm using a question mark, and I want to show you that if you see something and that's it, anchor it to system passwords. As you can see, the command is "Service Password Encryption Enter." As soon as I type this router, the cool passwords in the Show Run are encrypted; let's see that exit and show Rom whoo it was. Network El 1, 2, 3, just 1 minute ago, and what is it right now? As you can see, it was encrypted, and I can't understand anything as I look at this, but I can understand that that's network "al one, two, three man." All right, pretty cool. We have done this too. In the sixth step, select and configure appropriate IP addresses for gigabit zero interfaces on bot routers. And let's first choose a proper iPad. This is for the interfaces. As you can see that the network ID inhere between Madrid and Miami routers are this one. My network ID is 1041, 380 slash 24, which means that I can use the address space from one to 254. Please keep in mind that I can't use the last IP address because this address is being used for the broadcast traffic. So I'm going to configure the gig interface of Madrid width, and there will be a tattoo here. Okay, as I told you here, I can choose whatever I want in this range. So I choose this one. Let's just configure them. I'm going to configure the gig interfaces, and let's go. I need to go to configuration mode and I need to go to interface mode because I'm going to configure an interface. Okay, pretty straightforward interface. I'm going to configure my IP address, IP address 1, and my subnet mask is slash 24, which means 255-255-2550, and I'm getting an error. But what I need to say here is that you should never forget to use a command when configuring an interface. In Cisco devices, interfaces arein shutdown mode defaultly. So you need to activate the interface using theNor shutdown command as soon as I enter it. As you can see, that ICS log message in here,interface Ggrabita ten at zero zero change state to up. It was down before by default, as I told you, but as soon as I type "shutdown," it's up again. All right, let's go to Miami now. Where is that thing? I'm in Miami and am making the same configuration here. Jigget interface and IP address 2255-2555-2550 Enter, and that's it. No, man, that's not it because you didn't type "no shutdown. Okay? No shut. And as you can see, that interface has changed state up.And also, the line protocol on interface GW zero changestate is up, which means that Miami is saying that, "Oh, my God, there's somebody on my gigabit ethernet port," and "Okay, I'm sure I'm seeing that guy right now." And, as you can see, that was red before and is no longer red. That means this link is operable at the one in Oclayer one.All right, pretty cool. That's okay too. And what does this guy want from me again? From this guy, she wants so much d, there'sMiami's Interface from Madrid I will go to Madrid, and I will issue a pink comment to pink here. What was pink? If I want to check that I have reachability to somewhere I can use the pink command, I'm testing that. If I can send a packet here and the packet is returning to me right now, please keep in mind that verification commands, such as show comments, operate in the privileged executable mode. So I need to go to privileged execute again, and my command is just pink, nothing else. k that I haOh, no, it was two, and I just hit tender. And yes, as you can see, I could ping. I didn't get a request timeoutmessage and my pink as successful. Step seven is okay; in the 8th step, it's telling us to use the show run command and check the configuration for the last time. Okay, and in the last step, it's telling us to save our configurations on both routers. Let's save the configuration first. I'm in Madrid. Remember that if I want to save the configuration, my comment is "write memory," which I use in the privileged exec mod. It's fine to write memory and enter it. And write memories. It's not okay because I'm not using the exact one. Oh, I'm sorry. And write memories. That's it. I saved all of my configuration right now. Even if I reboot this device right now, my configuration will be with me no problem right now.Okay, now it's time to take a look at the show's run. We are in Miami and issued a show run in Miami. We have enabled a secret password, as you can see, and we have an IP address attached to the interface gig, and we have our telnet configuration, and my password is in plain text, and that's it. Look at the show that's running here as well; we have a hostname and an encrypted password, even if I use the enabled password because I used the service password encryption command. Here we have an IP address configured under gig zero zero, and as you can see, because I used the service password encryption command, my telnet password was encrypted too, because if I hadn't used the service password encryption in Miami, it was in plain text, but in Madrid, it was encrypted too. All right, we are all these steps we madeour first configuration and that was really great session. Thanks for being here, and see you later in the next lab.

12. Lab : IPv6 Interface Configuration

In this lab, we will take a look at configuring the IP version six interface. This lab has three steps. In the first step, we need to configure the Gigabit interface with the IP Version 6 addresses as shown above. This one and this one In the second step, we need to run the ShowIP version six interface brief command and check the output. And in the last step, we need to check Show CDP Neighbors" command, and okay, let's go. We have Madrid and Miami again. Let's go to the Miami. First, I need to go to the interface mode of the gig. And now it's time to assign the IP version six address to here; remember that the command I used to assign the IPV four address was IP address? But if I want to assign IP version six addresses, I'm using the IP version six address command. The address is something like that. That's it. That's okay. And don't forget to not shoot again. And I need to copy this address because Miami's IP address is the sixth version of this. Let's go to the Miami and Configmode interface and IP version 6 to address this, right? I just enter and type the no shot. Pretty cool. The first step is done. There's no problem. And in the second step, it says to run the Show IP version six interface brief command to show I'm sorry. To run the show commands, enter privileged executable mode and issue the show IP version six interface brief command. This command shows us if I attached an IP version six IP address to the related interfaces. As you can see, the IP address that I attached is an IP. Okay, I checked it out. Now run. Showcdp neighbors. command on Madrid. going to Madrid. As you are aware, in order to issue a run or show command, I must first enter the privilege executable mode. But I have another option too. If I put do at the beginning of the command, I can use the show command in interface mode or configuration mode too. You can use it however you want. Show CDP Neighbor your progress. If you recall from previous sections, CDP is displaying information about neighbours who are directly connected to us. As you can see from the output, Madrid has a directly connected member, whose name is Miami. And Madrid's local interface when it's connecting to Miami is gigabit terabyte zero. And we can also see that Madrid is Cisco turf and Miami is using its port while it's connected to me.

13. Ideal Network

In this section, we are going to talk about how to create an ideal network. We are going to talk about some best practises for creating an ideal network. First, we must ensure that our network is physically secure. For this purpose, we should keep our devices in a secure data center, which includes fire suppression, professional cooling systems, etc. And we need to monitor our datacenter using cameras to prevent unauthorised access. Another important aspect of physical security is using separate cables and pads for power and data to prevent electromagnetic interference. And let's take a look at keeping our network safe from the software point of view. There are lots of network security threats that we can face on the internet or local area networks. Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, malware, and other software treats are common. And to mitigate these treats we needto use software or hardware, firewalls andantiviruses and something like that. So from the password point of view, let's take a look at how we can keep our network safe. Another important thing to keep our network safe is using strong passwords. We need to use strong passwords for our end devices and network devices as well, and we must encrypt our passwords on network devices by using the service password and encryption command. Let's take a look from the access point of view, since SSH encrypts the remote connection session, and we should use SSH instead of telnet. We should also use triple A authentication, authorization, and accounting to protect access to our network devices. Authentication means users must use a username and password before accessing devices. Authorization means we should authorise users with different levels, for example, an operator level, an admin level, or something like that. And accounting means we need to record user accesses for device configuration chains, and in an ideal network, monitoring is a really, really important part. Today, we need to monitor device configuration chains, device interruptions, and network traffic with monitoring tools. And we need to receive emails from network monitoring software to be informed quickly. And let's take a look at prioritising critical traffic. All traffic in our networks doesn't have the same importance. We should prioritise critical traffic, and if there's congestion in our traffic, our prioritised traffic should use our bandwidth first. We should also use redundant devices and pets to mitigate the hardware and cabling problems. For example, let's say that if this device fails, the communication can go ahead by using this device; or, for example, if this cable fails, no problem. Again, we can go ahead with our communication by using this path, or by using this path, or something like that For easy management and troubleshooting and efficient use of resources, we should use a hierarchical design on our network. This design consists of three levels and their access layer, distribution layer, and core layer in the access layer. This is the network of end devices, such as PCs, IP phones, printers, layer 2 servers, and so on. A distribution layer is the layer that manages individual branches of its wider network connection, and the core layer is the layer that provides high-speed forwarding services to move packets between distribution layer devices in different regions of the network.


1. Switched Networks Overview

In this section, we are going to take a look at the surge networks. Overview: If you want to manage a switch remotely, you should assign an IP address and default gateway to the device management. IP and default gateway is calledconfigured on switch for remote access. If you want to assign an IP address to a layer 2 switch, you should assign it to the device, not a physical interface. As you can see here we are getting into theinterface mode by typing interface and the villain number. Then we are assigning our IPLus by using the IP address that we want to configure and the subnet mask command. The default gateway configuration is also pretty straightforward. To configure a default gateway on a switch, our command is "IP default gateway" and the IP address of the default gateway. Let's go ahead with how to configure a switch port. Now, to configure a switch port, we should go to the interface mode by typing interface and the interface name on the config map. In this example, we are defining the speed of the port and we are defining a full duplex option for the related interface. Let's take a look at the configuration now. The interface name is faceteness one, as you can see, and I'm getting into the interface mode by typing "interface" and the name of the interface. As you can see, as soon as I type the Enter key and as soon as I hit the Enter key, I'm many places in the configuration. I'm in the configuration interface mode, and to define a duplex, I'm typing duplex and duplex speed, and to define a speed for the port, I'm typing the speed and the speed that I want. Command. To verify the switch port configuration, we can use "Show run interface" and the interface name as the first option. This command shows us the whole configuration of the related interface. For example, here we are typing a showrun interface fast eternal one, and here is the whole configuration of the fast determine one. As you can see, the second option for verifying switchboard configuration is Show IP interface brief commands. This command shows the physical status of the interface and if this is a layer capability switch. This command also shows the IP addresses assigned for the interfaces. For example, as you can see here on switch one, we are typing a Show IP interface brief command, and we can see the physical status of the ports in here. And as you can see, some ports are in up mode, some of them are in administratively down mode, and we can see the IP addresses assigned to switch ports because of this layer 3 capability switch. The third option to verify the switchport configuration is the "Show interfaces" and "Interface Mode" interface name commands. This command shows the physical status of the interface, such as if this is up or down or something like that. And this command also shows some useful information such as MTU bandwidth delay; if we have some input errors or not, or if we have some CRCs or something like that, we can monitor all of them with this command. Let's take a look at the switch's security. Now, as we talked about before, we should always use SSH instead of telnet because SSH encrypts the whole connection. To configure SSH as a remote connection protocol on a switch, our command is "cryptogenerate RSA GeneralKeys Modern 1024 But first we should create a domain name to activate SSH on our device. Here is the domain name configuration IP domainname, and we are typing an arbitrary domain name. Then, to generate the crypto keys, we are typing the crypto key generate RSA general keys modules and the key module size, which is 124 bits. For this example, let's take a look at the local network attack types. Now, without security measures and controls in place, your network might be subjected to an attack. Some attacks are passive, meaning information is monitored. Others are active, meaning the information is altered with intent to corrupt or destroy the data or the network itself. Your networks and data are vulnerable to any of the following types of attacks, such as Mac floating DHCP, spoofing, Telnet attacks, and CDP attacks. If you do not have a security plan in place, you may be faced with all of these attack types. Let's start with the Macfluoting first. In computer networking, Mcflooding is a technique employed to compromise the security of a network switch. The attack works by forcing legitimate Mac table contents out of the switch and forcing Aunique's floating behavior, potentially sending sensitive information to portions of the network where it is not normally intended to go. As you know, switches maintain a Mac table that maps individual Mac addresses on the network to the physical ports on the switch, and this allows the switch to direct data out of the physical ports where the recipient is located, as opposed to indiscriminately broadcasting the data out of all of its ports as an Ethernet hub does. In a typical Mac fluting attack, a switch is fed many Ethernet frames, each containing different source Mac addresses provided by the attacker. The intention is to consume the limited memory set aside in the switch to store the Mac address table. As you can see, we have an attacker, and our attacker flew a cam table with frames containing numerous unveiled source Mac addresses. And valid hosts cannot create CAM entries anymore. Then, in the second step, normal traffic is flooded out of all of its ports because no CAM entries exist for the valid hosts. Let's take a look at HCP Hcp Spoofing.Now, this is a special kind of attack where attackers can gain access to network traffic by spoofing responses that would be sent by a valid DHCP server client. On the network, the PC is sending DHCP requests. This request is a broadcast, and all hosts on the local area network will receive it. As you know, guys, only the DHCP server knows what this request actually means, and in a normal situation, only the DHCP server will reply to that request. The DHCP server is then replying to the client with a message that will configure the host client PC with an IP address, a subnet mask, and the default gateway. When we have an attacker PC in the network, he will use his host PC to simulate a DHCP server. With this action, he will be able to reply to the DHCP request before the real DHCP server because it's closer to the client host. It will configure the client host with the IP address of that subnet, but it will also give the host a false default gateway address and maybe even a false DNS server address. The DNS server and default gateway address will both be the IP address of the attacking computers. In this manner, he will direct all the communications of the client host to himself. Later, he will make it possible to forward friends from the client host to real destinations. In order to make communication possible, the client will not know that his communication is always going to the attacker's PC, and that attacker can easily sniff frames. To mitigate this attack, we can use the HCP snooping method, which we are going to see on our later slides, and let's go ahead and look at telnet issues. We talked a lot about this thing. As you know and as we discussed before, telnet is an unsecured remote connection protocol because it does not encrypt the communication. Telnet can also be used as part of the DDoS attacks. And because of this, we should always use SSH instead of Telnet. And let's go. And how do we secure our switch ports? To secure switch ports, which are their interfaces, we have three options. First, we should shut down our unused ports. Second, we should use DHCP snooping. And third, we should use port security. If we are not using a physical port, we should always shut it down manually. Because of mitigating the physical layer attacks,unused ports always must be kept shutdown. So to configure a manual shutdown, we are getting into interface mode again with the interface name that we want to shut down, and the command is pretty straightforward. We are using the shutdown command, and we are administratively shutting down the port. And let's go ahead with DHCP snooping. In computer networking, DHCP snooping is a series of techniques applied to improve the security of a DHCP infrastructure. When DHCP servers are allocating IP addresses to the clients on the local area network, DHCP snooping can be configured on a local area network to prevent malicious or malformed DHCP traffic or to rock DHCP servers. In addition, information on hosts which have successfully completed a DHCP transaction is accrued in a database of bindings, which may then be used by other security or accounting features. So let's go ahead and see how we can configure DHCP snooping. Now, to configure DHCP snooping, we are getting into configuration mode. Then, first, we are globally enabling DHCP snooping by typing the IP DHCP snooping command. The second thing we are going to do is type an IP DHCP snooping VLAN and define the VLAN numbers that we are going to use for the DHCP snooping. We enable DHCPoption 83 in the third step by typing the Ipdhcp snooping information option. Then we are defining the number of acceptable DHCP packets per second for switch ports by typing IP DHCP snooping limit rate and the rate that we want. Then in the last step, we defined DHCP trusted ports. IP DHCP Snooping Trust is the command that we are using for this. Please keep in mind that for trunk ports and DHCP server ports, we should define this command. Let's go ahead with the port security now. You can use the port security feature to restrict input to an interface by limiting and identifying the Mac addresses of the workstations that are allowed to access a port. if a port is configured as a secure port and the maximum number of secure Mac addresses is reached. When the Mac address of a workstation attempting to access the port is different from any identified secure Mac addresses, a security violation occurs, and we have three violation modes, which are shut down, protect, and restrict. So let's take a look at the port security in our slide now. Alright, in here we have a switch port, and we have a hub connected to this switch port. As you can see here in the hub, we have two PCs, and they are PC One and PC Two, which means we have two Mac addresses behind our switchboard. If we define a port security for this switch port and I go here in here with a port security of maximum max of three, for example, and I plug in a PC, which is PC three, and another PC, which is PC four, that is a port security violation. As I told you, we have three port security violation modes, and they are shutdown, protex, and restrict. We block all traffic and place the port in error disabled mode when in shutdown mode. We've been disconnected from our switch port. If a violation occurs in the project, we block the violator's traffic while allowing others to pass. That means for example in here we are just blocking thetraffic of the PC four, but PC One, Two and threestill can go ahead and in the restrict mode we areblocking the traffic who makes the violation and allow other. And this time we are also creating a log message to configure sports security. We are getting into interface mode by typing interface and the name of the interface. Then we are typing "switch port security" and "enabling" the port security now. But as you can see in here, the command is rejected because face-to-face one is a dynamic port, which means we need to type, we need to define an access mode for the switchport, and we need to configure the port security because of this one, we are typing switchboard mode access. Then we are typing the switch port security command after switchport port security maximum and are defining the maximum Mac addresses that can be learned from that switch port envelope step. We are typing "switch port secure to violation" and we are defining a violation mode that is restricted for this example. A port security violation can make our port add air; disabled mode ports must be reactivated by using shutdown and the Noshutdown command after the device is removed, which makes the violation. We can use the show interfaces that are error-disabled command to monitor the error-disabled parts. Assume that the first iteration entered the error disabled mode in order to reactivate this port. We are getting into the configuration mode by typing "interface faster" and we are typing "shutdown first." Then we need to type "no shutdown" to activate it.

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Simply submit your e-mail address below to get started with our interactive software demo of your free trial.

Free Demo Limits: In the demo version you will be able to access only first 5 questions from exam.