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VMware 2V0-31.20 Premium File

87 Questions & Answers

Last Update: Mar 21, 2025


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2V0-31.20 Premium VCE File
VMware 2V0-31.20 Premium File

87 Questions & Answers

Last Update: Mar 21, 2025


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VMware 2V0-31.20 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps

VMware 2V0-31.20 Professional VMware vRealize Automation 8.1 exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. VMware 2V0-31.20 Professional VMware vRealize Automation 8.1 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the VMware 2V0-31.20 certification exam dumps & VMware 2V0-31.20 practice test questions in vce format.

Professional VMware vRealize Automation 8.1 (VMware 2V0-31.20) is a qualifying exam associated with the VMware Certified Professional – Cloud Management and Automation 2021 certification. This test measures the candidates’ skills and knowledge of administering, configuring, and installing the environment of VMware vRealize.

VMware 2V0-31.20: Requirements

The target audience for the VMware 2V0-31.20 certification exam is those administrators who have the relevant competence in performing the standard management and deployment of vRealize Automation utilizing Lifecycle Manager or those potential candidates who have the skills in troubleshooting vRealize Automation 8.1 solutions. It is also recommended that they possess a good understanding of the basic Cloud concepts, such as public/hybrid/private Clouds, networking, security, storage, and multi-tenancy.

Moreover, it is required that the applicants hold at least six to twelve months of practical experience in installing and configuring vRealize Automation. They should also possess a working knowledge of various components, including Code Stream, Cloud Assembly Services, Service Broker, and vRealize Orchestrator. Additionally, the test takers need to have a practical understanding of access and identity management, extensibility, as well as Kubernetes zones & clusters.

VMware 2V0-31.20: Exam Details

VMware 2V0-31.20 is a 140-minute test that includes 5 minutes of sitting time. This exam contains 70 questions covering the single- and multiple-choice formats. You can take this test online as it a proctored option. Thus, the candidates must register for and schedule this exam through the Pearson VUE platform. The applicants must achieve 300 points to qualify for the associated certification. The fee for completing the test is $250 and this applies to a single delivery only. Please note that this exam is available in the English language. Those individuals who have reasons to retake it because they do not get the passing score will be required to pay a new fee. You can find all the details of the retake policy on the official website.

VMware 2V0-31.20: Exam Topics

Understanding the exam topics is very critical. Thus, the first thing you have to do is download the blueprint of the test. This document is available in the PDF format on the official website. Observe all the details of the domains to discover each subject area that will be tested in the certification exam. All in all, the content of VMware 2V0-31.20 consists of 4 sections, which are highlighted as follows:

1. Architectures and Technologies

1.1 Describing the vRealize Automation architecture;

1.2 Describing the services provided by vRealize Automation;

1.3 Differentiating between vRealize Automation Cloud and vRealize Automation.

2. Install, Configure, and Setup

2.1 Describing various types of the deployment of vRealize Automation;

2.2 Preparing the conditions for installations, including service accounts, DNS, and NTP, among others;

2.3 Utilizing vRealize Easy Installer to perform the standard deployment;

2.4 Utilizing Quickstart for configuring vRealize Automation;

2.5 Utilizing Lifecycle Manager for performing the manual installation;

2.6 Configuring identity sources and identity & access management;

2.7 Adding projects, Cloud zones, network profiles, flavor mapping, and storage profiles;

2.8 Setting up the Cloud accounts;

2.9 Describing different out-of-the-box combinations available with vRealize Automation;

2.10 Configuring different capacity tags and multi-tenancy;

2.11 Describing Onboarding Process, Action-Based Extensibility, as well as different types of tags in vRealize Automation.

3. Troubleshoot and Repair

3.1 Describing the vracli and kubectl command options;

3.2 Collecting the log bundles;

3.3 Troubleshooting the provisioning errors and vRealize Automation configuration errors;

3.4 Monitoring the deployments and workflow execution of vRealize Orchestration.

4. Operational and Administrative Tasks

4.1 Managing the tab for identity and access management;

4.2 Managing projects, Cloud zones, Cloud accounts, flavor mappings, image mappings, network profiles, and constraints & capability tags. It also covers the skills in creating and managing the blueprints and their versions. Additionally, it entails the expertise in managing subscription/extensibility and deployments.

4.3 Deploying the catalog items;

4.4 Describing the Kubernetes clusters;

4.5 Utilizing Cloud-init & CloudConfig to customize deployment;

4.6 Creating and managing the custom forms and service broker content sources;

4.7 Configuring the content sharing and managing notifications & policies.

Please keep in mind that the test takers should review the extensive lists, including different links, which can be used to prepare for the certification exam.

VMware 2V0-31.20: Preparation Process

The first step in the preparation process is to review the comprehensive exam topics. With a good understanding of the scope of the domains covered in the content, the candidates can enroll for the VMware vRealize Automation: Install, Configure & Manage v8 official training course. This option is delivered through the official platform. It is a paid course, which means that the applicants must subscribe to a premium subscription package on the website to access this training.

Additionally, VMware offers many links to a list of references that the candidates can use for their preparation. These resources can be found on the exam blueprint that contains some sample questions, which you can use to evaluate your level of understanding before attempting the actual test. Another way the students can choose to measure their knowledge and skills is to take exam dumps and practice tests that can be found online on reputable IT training websites.

VMware 2V0-31.20: Career Advantages

Building a successful career in the field of IT is not easy but lucrative. With the right certification under the belt, the professionals can explore a wide range of career prospects that align with their career goals and objectives. Those individuals who hold the VMware Certified Professional – Cloud Management and Automation 2021 certificate can take up highly rewarding job roles in the industry. Some of the positions that these specialists can explore include an Information Technology Consultant, a Technical Architect, an Information Technology Architect, a Software Engineer, a Network Engineer, and an Operations Manager, among others. As for the wages, you can expect to earn an average of $141,195 per annum.

Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use VMware 2V0-31.20 vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. VMware 2V0-31.20 Professional VMware vRealize Automation 8.1 certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using VMware 2V0-31.20 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.

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