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Cisco ENWLSD 300-425 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Cisco 300-425 Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-425 ENWLSD) exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Cisco 300-425 Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-425 ENWLSD) exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Cisco ENWLSD 300-425 certification exam dumps & Cisco ENWLSD 300-425 practice test questions in vce format.
Hello and welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about wireless design for data that will just support data coverage. When we add more and more wireless devices, we see that each person has more than one device, and we've gone from covering data only to covering location-based information, and now we start supporting more real-time applications such as voice and video. As wise deployments, we've almost seen an evolution throughout the years. We will now compare it to—we can even compare it to—our wired network. So wireless is no longer something you deploy just to avoid using cables. Now it is more likely to become a lifestyle for most of the users. But let's go to the design, where it all started. It is all about where things stand with data coverage. So in the early days when no real-time applications or any running location applications were needed or weren't even known, We had data-only designs, and this was when clients only needed to read emails. You only need to go to some URLs, and I'm sorry if you want to provide users with some browsing emails even today. Browsing URLs. Reading emails. Some policies will only allow corporate usage. Then you will have a design for wireless. This is the most generic wireless deployment; however, it generally evolves into other designs, so you end up adding real-time applications or some location applications to your data-only design. This will give you basic WiFi connectivity, and this is the only simple thing. You will not have a hard time designing this, and you will not have a hard time deploying it either, as you don't have any real-time support such as VoIP or video. Of course, this design can support it to a minimum percentage, but we cannot guarantee anything. This is just like the best efforts for those real-time applications. However, the important thing here is that we have coverage everywhere—indoors, outdoors—all the places we need to be able to connect to wireless no matter what. So now we need to talk about how things go from coverage to capacity, and when wireless networks evolve every day, the main requirement is shifting from coverage to capacity and even to real-time support. When it comes to capacity, we want to extend wireless access to areas where a wide connection was previously unavailable, but we also want to add some location information and capacity for some mission-critical services, so we will not tolerate any connection loss in that capacity design. So this is where the first wireless design starts: you need to provide data, after that you will provide coverage with the data, then you will provide capacity, real-time application support, and location application support. Then you will have the whole picture for your wireless design. So in this video we talked about the wireless design just for data, and we will continue our discussion further. Thank you for watching.
And welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about how wireless network demand has changed significantly. So in the old days, we could use our smartphones or tablets just for simple data access. We were checking our emails, we were going to the internet, and we were just browsing pages that did not have any videos and that did not have any highly bandwidth-consuming ads. So we were doing some file transfers that are not gigabytes or terabytes. So we were just using it for simple data access. But in our world, no wireless networks are using real-time applications like Skype or Jabber Webex, and we are using apps on our phones. We are using apps on our PCs as well. Now we are watching Netflix, we are watching some Amazon Prime, and you are watching this training from your PC or from your mobile phone. And maybe you clicked on 720 pixels or 1080p,maybe you are watching it in Ultra HD. So you're consuming a lot of bandwidth, and even for real-time applications, you need that benefit with a high-quality service. So from simple demands like email, we went on to real-time applications such as voice and video. And even in our working environment we are notjust using our PC or we are not justusing our workstation, we are using our cell phones,we are using our company cell phones. We are bringing our own laptops and tablets to work environments because now we can easily access them. They are a lot cheaper, but they make our lives easier. So bring your own device. Just change a lot. It increased the benefit that we required in our wireless network demand. It increased the quality that we need because now everybody is using real-time applications. So we are fighting against our colleagues in the work environment. Of course we are not just fighting for the promotion; we are fighting for the bandwidth. And even our mobile devices just increase their skill set. So they are not just mobile devices, they look like bricks. You remember the cell phones that look like a hut for a grown man? Because now we increase the skill set. We are now using mobile phones, and we are now using laptops for everything. We are using tablets almost like a regular workstation. And that also increased the demand that we are using to connect to the real world. How are we connecting with our tablets? We are connecting with wireless. Of course there are some diagnoses for a wired connection, but you wouldn't ask for that, would you? You want WiFi, you want 5 GHz, and even WiFi 6, which is now the hottest topic in the wireless environment. We are even increasing the demand. We are not just talking about ten megabits, eleven megabits, or 100 megabits; we are talking about gigabits. And as a real-time application, demand just increased. We are now needing special consideration for VoIP. We are now needing special treatment for video calls because we don't have to go to our company every day. We can even work from home. We can work from our Starbucks. We change the work environment, so there are some things that are not always good at changing this work environment and being accessible 24/7, but to be honest, we like it, so as long as humanity likes it that much, the demand for wireless networks will increase a lot each day, and now as every location in the workplace, we will need this WiFi for the local coffee shop because the coffee shop will lose customers if they do not bring the high-quality WiFi, We need to put in wires, we need to offer quality service for real-time traffic, and we also need to provide that quote of service both on the wired side and on the wireless side. When we are doing the design, we should also think about the site surveys The site survey has also increased to keep up with the increased network demand because now we need to do the site surveys in open areas or on campuses because it will not be enough to cover the rooms. just to cover the closed environment, and we also have office extended access points that we can use at ourhomes Our family will use the internet from our home, but we will use the internet that will be connecting directly to the company HQ, so we will be able to do our work from where? And we don't even have to go to our company. Of course, being accessible to our company might be covering or tedious for you, but this is how people demand it, so if we cannot change that, we at least need to put our designs into work with the demand that companies need and the demand that all general people want from us, so we should consider all those things, including the increasing real-time application demand. The increasing number of mobile devices means we should consider all of them while doing our designs, so this was all about how wireless network demand changed. Thank you for being here.
Welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about some of the standards that we need to be familiar with for our wireless design. So what are those? First of all, we have 8211 A. This is the 5 GHz band, so it only operates on the 5. It has a maximum bandwidth of 54 megabits per second. This is suitable for some homewide area networks but not for our corporate networks. We have even something worse. This works on 2.4 GHz. But the maximum bandwidth that you can get from it is merely eleven megabits per second. Isn't it like it's from the 1990s? And then we have an improvement, a 2 to 12 B. This again works for 2.4 and goes up to 54 megabits, just like a 2211 A. But again, this will not be something we will be proud of. We will travel faster than A to eleven B, but that is not what we want. So again, like in averaging, we made an improvement. This standard network has 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies. You can select which one you want to work on, and you can also service both frequency bands. And the maximum speed is a serious improvement. 450 megabits per second. The 811 standard and technology produced five distinct pens as well as five distinct generations of WiFi products. And as the fifth one, we have 811 AC. This is 5G Pen technology, and it has two different versions. With wave one it can go up toone three GB per second tarot speed. And with wave two, it can even go up to 6.9 gigabits per second. So this is fast, right? This is seriously fast. And with the help of that, you are almost getting wired speeds. But how did we get it? How did AC provide such high speeds? First of all, we can increase our bandwidth for channels. For others, we are mainly dealing with 20 meg channels. But for AC, we can go up to 160 MHz channels. So this is a serious improvement. And how this happens is that we get 20 MHz, collect them together, and it will make 40. Then collect and take another 2020; it will make another 40, and these two will make 80. And if you do the same here, you will have another chance. And when you collect them together and make a single channel, then you will have 160 megs of channel. What else? We will have more special streams. We will have up to eight special streams. and this will be very beneficial for my mode design. Multiple inputs, multiple outputs We are also using 256 QAM. So let's also write it down. 256-quadrature amplitude modulation. This will also help us get higher speeds. And as we just talked about, we have two different waves for waves one and two that can reach different speeds. And by only operating on 5 GHz, bands 800 and 211, we will avoid many of the interferences that we will get on two 4 GHz bands. Those are microwave ovens and Bluetooth devices. In addition, you will have adequate coverage in the dual band for your 5 GHz band. And as you increase the bandwidth channels, when you get from 20 up to 160 mg channels, you will have much higher data rates and, with the help of eight special streams, you will have more signals to transmit. So you will be supporting more devices with one access point. Don't forget that our wireless medium is half duplex. So you either receive or transmit on a single antenna. And if you have eight of them, if you have more than one antenna, if you are receiving with multiple antennas, if you are transmitting with multiple antennas, then you will have a better chance of serving your clients at high speeds with better-quality wired signals. So in this video, we talked about different standards for wireless design and how we can get up to higher speeds and what the speed requirements are, the different channel bandwidths and sizes, and how many special streams those new standards support.
Come to our new lesson. In this lesson we'll talk about multiple input, multiple output) technology. Before understanding MIMO, we need to understand single input, single output, and why it causes some effects of multipoint. So when you have a single antenna for transmission and receiving, you will have the multiple effect. So this is your antenna, and you will be sending this signal to the receiving antenna. So this is the transmitting one, and this is the receiving one. And when you also send it this way, you will also see some reflection and get the signal. Get the same signal here, but a little bit more disordered. How distorted will it be? It will have a phase difference; it will have a magnitude difference. So if we have a signal like this one, we will have a phase difference signal with this one.And when we combine these two, we will have something like this one here. So it will be something like this. Okay? So you will have a greater signal when you get the peaks aligned. If they were in phase, you would get a higher-magnitude signal. However, because you did not get any two signals in phase, you will have a distorted signal, not as much as this one, but similar to this one. And communicating with a distorted signal will not provide the same benefit as communicating with a perfect, non-distorted signal. So if you had only received the signal from here directly, you would have this same signal. But now you have a distorted one. How do I get rid of it? You can use a couple of technologies to get rid of this single input, single output multiplier effect. And for that, we are now using MIMO. And MIMO uses some advanced signal techniques. What are those? The first one is maximum ratio combining, which is st one is maThis is performed with N and AC receivers. And what this does is let the receiver capture the transmitted signal and put it into a signal processing unit. And the combination of the receive signalswill increase the receive signal sensitivity. Because now you will understand that the received signals were not in phase. So you will fix that, and you will have a better phase. Like "sorry, you will have a better signal like this one. And the combination of the receive signalwill increase the signal sensitivity and thiswill decrease the effects of multipat. What else? We also have special multiplexing, but before talking about that special multiplexing, we can talk about transmit beam forming because special multiplexing is like a combination of all of them. What transport beam forming does is that it allows two to eleven AC transmitters to adjust the phase of the signal such that even though the signals are reflected like this, they will arrive in phase on the receiver. It will be like directly sending the signal to the receiver in increased amount and increased magnitude, as these are like small copies, and we call them special streams. They will arrive at the receiving antenna with different amplitudes and some phase differences, but the difference will be so small as to be negligible due to the multipart effect. Using a couple of special streams will make it easier to send some information with greater reliability, and you will be able to send a greater volume of information for improved throughput. You can also combine the improved throughput and reliability factors together. And what special multiplexing does for your MIMO is that it combines the receiving part. The maximum ratio combining and transient part is as follows: As you have a couple of special streams here that will be sent, receiving antennas will get them, use maximum ratio combining, and transmitting antennas will do the transmitter formation so that it is like directing the signal to the receiving end, and with that, you will have a higher throughput and a better chance of sending the exact signal that you want to send. So transmission beam forming is related to the transmission maximum ratio Combining is unrelated to receiving the signal. When you combine them and send special streams, you will have special multiplexing. So what else? When you want to improve the MIMO technology, you will at least need more inputs and more l streams, yoYou will get them with the help of special multiplexing. You will get it from MRC and transmit the information. What else? Maybe you want to serve multiple users at the same time by using multiple inputs and multiple outputs. This is valid for 800 and 211 AC centerand instead of focusing on one client and insteadof focusing on to one client, you will beable to send the same data multiple clients andyou will be able to do it simultaneously. The simultaneous part is important because you can send the data to different clients at different times. So how is this even possible? Right? You're warning me about that. So what the access point does is that it precodes the data for the clients, and it does it in the multi-user group and simultaneously. And in that multi-user coding, the access point sends these beams directly to each client. So if we drive, it will be better. This is the access point and thisis user one user to user three. If I'm trying to send the data to user 1, I will direct it to user 1 like this one, and these ones will not be so much for user 1. So this user is black, and now let's change the colour and see the effect for others. Now for user two, which is the red one, if I want to send the data, I will be sending it and directing it to him too, and the other ones will not be so directed. So user two will get it directly, and the energy for user one on red and the energy for user three on red will not be that high. What happens if you want to send it to a user tree? So user tree is the blue one now, and if you want to send it directly to user tree, you will have a better signal here and not so much of a better signal for user two and user one. So if you direct each data onto different clients andwhat we call this directing is null steering because wewill send almost null signals to other clients. For example, we will send null data, and we will now do strings for user two and user three. for the black one. We will now direct traffic for users one and three. for the red one. You'll now be steering for usertwo and the blue one. So we send a strong beam towards user one for the black one, and we send a very minimal energy signal for user two and user three. This is what now storing is called multi user multipleinput, multiple output is a very risky and it's avery risky technology and it has some challenges in itself. So it needs precise channel estimation to maintain those nulls. It needs some overhead because it will do some pre-recordings and some estimation. As a result, the overhead will be much higher than in the other cases, such as normal multiple input and multiple output. And you also need to adapt the rate for each actual data beam, and you will also have throughput benefits that are sensitive to multiuser grouping and that will also create a challenge for you. But although it gets higher overhead, it will have great benefits, and with the help of that, an access point can deliver more data to its clients, as well as transmit more than one client at the same time, which will increase the effective speed because you will not be providing service to one client at one specific interval. You'll be able to serve more than one client, and with the help of that, we will have a more effective data rate. more effective speeds. So in this video we went over MIMO whichis multiple input, multiple output and some different featuresrelated with that that will make MIMO available. And we also went over multiple users, multiple inputs, and multiple outputs.
Hello and welcome to our new lesson. In this lesson, we will talk about some of the 800 and 211 amendments, what they are, why we use them, and for what purposes we can get benefit from them. So first of all we which will be usedto increase performance of your Ho 211 communication. With the help of an eleven E, you can use QS, and especially the wireless media support, which is VM, will be used to control the bandwidth, and with the help of that, you will get optimised delivery of voice and video applications. By using 802.11 E, you will have proper prioritisation on your wireless network so that, as for video and voice recommendations, clients need to satisfy some latency jitter and packet loss requirements, and 800 and 211 E will help you support all that. Another thing about roaming is that with the help of 2011 R, we can support a fast transition. Clients will be able to move to a new access point within the same mobility domain, and they will be reusing the same one executive key, so they will not have to start authentication and authorization from the start, and they will have a fast transition by securing handles from one access point to another. With the help of that fast transition, a 211 Ryou will allow both the negotiation and some requests for authentication to happen at the same time. Then we have 8211 V, which is for management; the other one is for measurement purposes. They will help the clients connect to the past access point while also considering the load and topological requirements. So when it comes to Ho 211 V, the access point will recommend the client move to another access point because the overall system will see that there is less load in that access point and, according to the network topology, the client will have better quality in that access point. So load, topology, and load will be certain factors that will help the client go to another access point. These are also called "network assisted roaming," and with the help of 811 V, you can direct some clients that are sticking to certain access points so that they will have better quality, and those poorly connected clients will not be real in your network, causing much more problems for the other clients. For the eleven K, it will send a client some information about the neighbouring access points, and with the help of that, the client will be able to choose to connect to a better access point. Although they both seem familiar or they both seem similar to each other, the K one is not something that is strictly asking the client to go to another access point; it will just give it some information. But with the help of 811 V, you will solve the sick client problem because it will disconnect the client from certain access points and send it to connect to another access point. So this is like giving information, and this is more strict than Ho's 2011 case. So those turners just help you get better connections, better roaming, better signalling information for the neighbouring access points, and better signals and connections for your clients. We also have 811 U, which will also be similar to a thousand V in terms of management purposes, but for the efficiency or for the purpose of 811, it's pretty different. But we help you help the clients getbetter functionality interface for Hotspot Hotspot 20 andwe also have 802 and this will becalled as management Frame protection. What this will do is it will provide somemechanisms to enable data authenticity, data integrity, and itwill prevent the data replay and it will alsogive you some data confidentiality for your management frames. So this doesn't deal with the dataframes like the other ones, but this is especially for the management frame protection. So with the help of those different 800 and 211 amendments, you will get better performance, better signal quality, and also better protection, especially for your manager and management friends.
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