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Cisco SISE 300-715 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Cisco 300-715 Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (300-715 SISE) exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Cisco 300-715 Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (300-715 SISE) exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Cisco SISE 300-715 certification exam dumps & Cisco SISE 300-715 practice test questions in vce format.
Cisco Ice relies on various identity sources to validate credentials and check various user or end-point attributes. Cisco Ice supports internal identity sources, one of which is the user identity information, which can include a username, password, email address, account description, associated administrative group, usergroup, and role. The other internal source is the endpoint information for wired, wireless, and VPN-connected devices, which are represented by their Mac address. This may also store other endpoint attributes such as platform and OS version. Cisco Ice also supports several external identity sources, as you see here. We'll talk about these soon, but first I want to tell you a bit more about internal identity sources. This offers a simple way to provision users and end points locally on Cisco Ice without the need for external identity servers. This is great for test beds, temporary installations, and maybe very small deployments. The local database of users and device endpointsis maintained on the primary admin node, whichsynchronizes to the secondary admin node and allpolicy service nodes for easier management of accounts. Assign users and endpoints to identity groups. User accounts have a set of attributes, including a mandatory password. Some protocols, like Eat TLS or Peep TLS, do not use password-based authentication, and so the internal database does not work with these protocols. And remember, the internal database can include device endpoints identified by their Mac address. This is used for Mac authentication, bypass, or Map, which requires you to define endpoints and identify them by their device Mac addresses. Okay, let's look at external identity sources—which provide a scalable, redundant authentication framework. Clients can authenticate against a single authentication source or a sequence of multiple authentication sources. Let's take a look at how CiscoIce can work with these external identity sources, starting with the Microsoft Active Directory. Active Directory is the most widely deployed directory service in the world, where you can assign permissions to users, network devices, and object groups. It is a hierarchical repository for network user and device information. A forest at the top level contains one or more trees. A tree is a collection of domains that share trust relationships. A domain is a grouping of objects that share the same database, logically grouped as organisational units, or OUS. These OUs can mimic your corporate structure: a sales OU, an accounting OU, and an engineering OU. Or they can group server objects in a cluster or printers on the same floor. whatever you need. Each server, printer, client, PC, and user account is stored in the Active Directory as an object. Okay, now all common authentication methods are supported. The most common include eating TLS peeping. Ms.Chapv two and eat fast. But many others are available. These authentication methods use some combination of username and password with client and/or server-side certificates. Cisco Ice retrieves these certificates and validates credentials to verify a user or machine identity. Also, Cisco Ice supports integration with multiple Active Directory domains without requiring you to establish trust relationships between these domains. You can connect up to 50 join points or independent connections to a specific ad server. Now, regardless of how many servers you connect to, you may occasionally have issues with ambiguous Active Directory credential formats. This can be resolved with the Cisco Ice identity rewrite feature. This allows Cisco Ice to modify the username for an incoming request and send it to Active Directory in a required format. For example, Cisco Ice receives an authentication request from the username in this format and rewrites it to this format. There are many possibilities for this rewrite feature. It can also rewrite identities and certificates and process requests that have incorrectly provisioned certificates. This is all based on identity rules, which you define in Cisco Ice. You should also be aware that every Cisco Ice Node runs a diagnostic tool to automatically test and diagnose the ad. Depending on the issue, you can execute tests to detect issues that may cause functionality or performance failures.
for an external authentication source. LDAP is another, perhaps less popular option than Active Directory. LDAP is a standards-based networking protocol that is used to query and modify directory services. There's also a lightweight mechanism for accessing an X.500-based directory server. Cisco includes built-in schemas for ActiveDirectory, Sun Directory Server, Novel.eDirectory, and custom LDAP. LDAP only supports plain-text password authentication, which is less secure than most methods available with Active Directory. However, LDAP sessions can and should be protected using TLS-based LDAP Secure, or LDAPS. Okay, that's LDAP. Let's talk about external Radius servers. A Radius server supports the Radius Protocol and provides authentication, authorization, and accounting services to users and devices. Cisco Ice itself often acts as a Radius server. You've seen this in all the previous examples where the Radius server was Cisco Ice. But Cisco ICE can also offload its responsibility to an external identity source. The Radius Protocol is used to communicate with a Radius server. Cisco.I supports any standards-compliant Radius Server, including RSA, SecureID, and SAFE. With inner EGTC or inner EAPGT, Word Radio supports password-based PAP authentication or token-based Peep authentication. Okay, let's look at the rest of the external identity sources that can be used with Cisco ICE security Assertion Markup Language, or SAML, is an XML-based open standard data format. It describes the exchange of security-related information between trusted business partners. This exchange occurs between identity providers and a service provider. And for our purposes, Cisco Ice fills this service provider, or SP, role. RSA Secure ID is a two-factor authentication external authentication server that provides a unique dynamic authentication code for user authentication. Some authentication protocols use certificates in addition to or instead of password or one-time password-based authentication. For example, Peep and Eeptls are common authentication methods that rely on certificates. Cisco can also use open database connectivity or an ODBC-compliant database to authenticate users and end points. This works for guest and sponsor authentication as well as for Bring Your Own Device or BYOD flows. Cisco.Ice supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft, SQL Server, and Sybase. Okay, remember, Cisco Ice supports all of the external identity sources that we've discussed so far, and you can have more than one. And when you do, identity source sequences define the order in which Cisco ICE seeks user credentials. Cisco Ice always proceeds to the next store in the sequence if a user is not found. When a match is found, Cisco Ice does not look further. It evaluates the credentials and returns the result to the user. Either authentication passed or authentication failed. However, you can configure Cisco Ice behaviour for situations in which a certain database cannot be accessed. Maybe it's down, or the network connection to it is down. For whatever reason, the database can't be accessed. There are two available settings in this condition. They can continue to search other databases or stop processing altogether. Different scenarios may require a different setting. Let's look at an example. deployment with three databases: Active Directory, LDAP, and an internal identity store. The user attempts some kind of EAP authentication method; it doesn't matter which kind, and they send their username. Cisco Ice was configured to check AD first, but the user is not found in Active Directory. As a result, Cisco Ice switches to LDAP, which was set up as its backup option. But the server is down for some reason. Now, since the option to proceed to the next store in the sequence is configured, Cisco Icefalls returns to the internal identity source. Because the user is found in this database and the credentials match, authentication succeeds.
In this session, we will be configuring Active Directory integration so that I can refer to Active Directory to look up and validate user objects and credentials as well as group names. To start off here, we'll take advantage of the work centre as it provides some nice, easy links and information helpful to the task at hand. In this case, we're adding an external identity store. Note that it can be its own identity store for many purposes users, groups, and the like). One exception would be validating an Endpoint ID certificate. ISE is currently not able to authenticate using certificates from endpoints, but other than that, ISC can be used for many things as an internal identity source. In this case, Active Directory will be external. Let's go ahead and add that to the list of possible external identity sources that can be provided. Active Directory is the first one on the list there, and we'll do an ad. In this case, we're given two fields to fill out. The first one is called the joinpoint name. In this case, this is just a descriptive label that ultimately will be added to the ISC dictionaries and available for policy building. So this is the value that we'll see listed here when we look at the condition studio later. If needed, this name can be changed subsequent to its addition here. If we decide that we have a betterlabel or other domains that need to beadded and distinguished, but we can change that. And then this is the actual domain name, not the domain controller itself, but the domain name. And this was the official needs tobe named resolve Wolf domain name Is. He needs to be pointing to a DNS server that can resolve this name to set up DCIP addresses and SRV records and the like. We'll submit that it gives us the opportunity to join all ISE nodes to the Active Directory domain. So in the case of a multi-node deployment, that is a nice, convenient shortcut, and here it is prompting us for credentials that we need to supply here, credentials sufficient to be able to add a computer object to the domain. And one thing that we should point out here is that ISE becomes a full domain member subsequent to this operation. Additionally, to get somewhat more creative, we can place the ISC computer object in a particular area within the domain. It won't create this object, but we can add it and make it distinguishable from the rest of the computer objects that are probably in the domain as well because it's a quick validation that the IC node has been joined to the domain now against this and can be done at any particular point. If we suspect there are issues with communication from this node to Active Directory, we can run diagnostics; we'll go ahead and run all tests now, and we'll have a very thorough interaction with that domain and related domain controllers and verify everything is operating properly. Notice that with this drop-down menu, we can select particular nodes to run this diagnostic tool from. Ultimately, in a distributor deployment, it's the PSN nodes or policy service nodes that will need to be able to interact directly with a domain for network reachability and what have you. In this case, be aware that the full suite of ports are needed to be able to interact with the domain. And then likewise, we don't want to have any network translation policy in the way of the Isenode that needs to interact with the domain controller—no network translation should be taking place there. If you go back to our demo local, in addition to the domain joinpoint name itself, we'll want to add other objects to the dictionary to support policy building in particular user groups. Here we can place an ad and add our own information. It's better to take advantage of browsing into the domain and retrieving those group values. In this case, the default filter has been left on all. So we're seeing a substantial number of groups on this list, many of which won't ever be utilised for ISP policy building. So let's reduce the size of this list and look at globally distributed objects and retrieve once again. Here we have a shorter list. Let's go ahead and select all, and then deselect some that we know we won't be using. We won't need the DNS update proxy, we won't need domain controllers, but we do want domain computers. We won't take advantage of domain guests, we won't take advantage of group policy creators, and we won't take advantage of read-only domain controllers. So understand now what's happening here: we're importing these group objects into the Ise dictionary, where we can now use them for policy building. And it's also important to note that this is more than just a name that's being matched and validated against information being retrieved from the domain controller or from the domain itself. Notice the values are a more specific match. If we need to modify this list later on, we can remove groups from the list, or of course, add to them by redoing this operation. If new groups have been added subsequent to this, we can add those groups. In addition to the groups, we'll also want to add some specific object attributes, and we'll search the directory in this case for a particular user and user-related attributes. And there are a variety of attributes within any particular object that could be useful for policy matching. In this case, we'll monitor bad password counts. We can drive policy around how many bad password attempts have been attempted so far, and down at the bottom of the list is the user principal name we're wanting to match. And so now, again, similar to the group objects, these objects and these attributes for the user object are now also added to our dictionary for policy building on ISe; we'll save that. That's what should be saved, both the groups and the attributes. And we get a success message back if we go back to the connection notice. One of the other things that we can do here is test user access. This is a great platform for this kind of activity so that, as opposed to trying to get out into the network and validate that the whole authentication loop is occurring, we can check those concepts and the reachability and validation of authentication for that domain. Right here, we'll modify the test that we're doing by performing a user lookup first. And although we already did this effectively by looking at the attributes for employees, we see that we were able to successfully retrieve those and have additional information. Again, these values are effectively retrieved along with the authentication success. in this case, just to look up. We can also utilise any of these values for policy building within IS. Let's try that again here with Kerberos, and this time we're requiring a password. Let's test the full credentials. And here we see success, so credentials are matched as invalid, and we see a little bit of the interaction time between our nodes. Is acting as a PSN in addition to Pan and MIT, and how long did it take to retrieve this information? And then last, we'll try interaction with the remote procedure Call, and we'll see successful interaction with that and basic authentication timers. These are valuable when we consider overall latency between users and portals and whatnot, and this would be a value in addition to that latency retrieval time from the Active Directory domain. Here we went very briefly through joining to an Active Directory domain. Once again, Ise becomes a domain computer object within the perspective of the Active Directory domain itself. And this allows us to derive access to our users via Active Directory, and of course, additional information is obtained by the mirror interaction group objects as well; specific user attributes can all be taken advantage of within ISE policy.
In this session, we're going to be configuring LDAP integration for ISe. We'll start like we did with Active Directory Integration by utilising the work centers, and again, this helps us get some general basic information to get started with. It also gives us some nice shortcuts to access things. Here we're looking for external identity sources. We can see our previous integration with Active Directory is still in place. And here we're going to select LDAP by clicking and adding a slightly different concept than a join point. We're getting much more of a client-server relationship between ISA and the LDAP server. Here we're going to put in a label, and again, this label, as it's created here, will get added to the dictionary for ISE and can be utilised for policy building. And then notice that LDAP support on Ise provides directory schemas for Active Directory, SunDirectory, and Nobel eDirectory. Here we're going to select Active Directory in the case of our lab. This makes a nice, convenient resource. That Active Directory server is accessible via LDAP and provides a nice alternative access to an Active Directory joinpoint in the event that your PSN requires network translation to reach an identity source, or if the number of ports required is restricted for some reason. LDAP requires just one port for authentication, whereas Active Directory requires a full suite of ports. Supply the connection information; notice the standard port reference. And we'll want to select authenticated access so we can dig deeper and retrieve more attributes. And for that, we need to supply the Active Directory credentials. And of course, LDAP needs to have some more specifics in terms of the distinguished name that's being utilized. And we need to provide a search base for LDAP client lookup and LDAP object lookup. Where exactly in the tree structure for LDAP are we going to begin searching for user and group objects? And from the search base, it can only look downward but not upward within that directory structure. In this case, we can do a lookup based on the information that we've already supplied, and it will do a search for the ones that are available there. In this case, we'll select the top of the tree for our small lab environment and then, likewise, for the group search base, go back to the connection tab. We can test this connection, and we've had success with the administrative or administration team in confirming that the user ID and password combination are working, and we see a rough approximation of the response time to interact with Active Directory over LDAP. Now we'll do a similar operation that we did with Active Directory: joinpoint will add groups, and we can search in the directory for those. In this case, we're just going to select the contractor group. This will be added to the IC dictionary for policy building, and then we'll add attributes for a particular user as well. And notice we've got the identical attributes that are listed as we saw under Active Directory. In this case, we'll just select the user's principal name, and we've got all our information entered in this at this point for LDAP, and we should be able to successfully submit that. All right, so just in a quick fashion, we added LDAP as an alternate external identity source in addition to Active Directory. Either one of these individual identity sources now can be selected as part of an authentication policy, and we could drive authentication towards either the same external identity source as we are in this case, using different protocols to get there, or different ones. And it is for this reason that the authentication policy will eventually force us to choose one or more external or internal identity sources in order to validate credentials and retrieve additional attributes from that interaction with that identity source. You.
The Cisco Identity Services Engine uses a hierarchical policy system to control network access, and policysets are at the top of this hierarchy. A policy set serves three key, interrelated functions. It is a container for logically grouped authentication and authorization policies. It uses Boolean conditions to steer users to the appropriate group of policies for network authentication and authorization, and it limits that authorization session to a set of allowed protocols. Now, in creating policy, you may need to group authentication and authorization policies based on some criteria, and you accomplish this by creating policy sets. In this example, the grouping is based on use case. Policy Set One controls how wired users gain access, while Policy Set Two controls how wireless users gain access. Another common method is to create policy sets based on location. Users in a particular region, campus, or building may have unique authentication and authorization needs. You can use any criteria appropriate to your organization. They are called policy sets because each one contains a unique set of authentication or authentic policies and a unique set of authorization or Auth Z policies. You create a policy set by configuring three items (name conditions) and a resultant set of allowed protocols. Look at the policy set named Paul Set One. If a user attempts to access the network via a wired Ethernet switch, then Paul Set One is selected. Thus, they are only allowed to authenticate using MAB or ETLS. They will be authenticated based on the rules contained in Authc Policy One and authorised to access certain resources via the Authc Policy One policy. Policy sets are processed top-down, very much like an access list. Because Paul Set One is listed first, its conditions are checked first. If those conditions are not met, in other words, it's not a wired user, then Pulset Two is checked. Pulset Two will be used for wireless endpoints. These users may only authenticate via peep or eaptls, and they are authenticated with auths policy two rules and authorised with Auth Z policy two. So policy sets are the top level of the Cisco Ice policy system. The second level of this hierarchy is the actual policies for authentication and authorization. Authentication policies control which databases to check for user credentials: the so-called identity source or an identity source sequence. Each policy set can have only one authentication policy, but that policy can have multiple rules. This one has two rules for the top-down process top down.First rule: If the user attempts MAB authentication, their credentials are checked against a single identity source, the Cisco Ice internal user database. If this map condition is not met, then the second rule is checked. We're using 802 one x.Then an identity source sequence is applied. First, Active Directory (AD) One is checked, and then LDAP databases. LDAP One is checked, so the user is authenticated. But what actions will you let this user perform? An authorization policy controls which resources a user can access. Again, only one authorization policy per policy set, which can have several rules, This example determines access based on active Directory group membership, so members of the employees group are given appropriate employee level access, while members of the contractors group are limited to a smaller set of resources. Let's review this process from a user's perspective when they are attempting to access your network. Network access services are chosen at the policy-set level. Identity sources are chosen via the authentication policy, and network permissions are chosen via the authorization policy. Check it out. Users use some method to connect to a network access device, which engages the authentication policy. Cisco Ice evaluates contextual information related to this connection and compares this against the authentication policy conditions. When it finds a match, a particular ID store is selected or a sequence of stores is chosen. User credentials are checked against this identity store. Invalid credentials result in a failed authentication, and access is denied. Valid credentials result in a successful authentication. Then the authorization policy is processed along with the other services, as shown here. But for now, we're focused on authentication. Each authentication rule has three components: name, set of conditions, and resulting identity source. The name is any arbitrary name that makes sense to you, perhaps matching some corporate naming convention. A condition consists of an operand or attribute, an operator, and a value. This simple rule condition states that the ifradius or NAS port type equals Ethernet. If this condition is met, then the Cisco ICE queries its internal user database for credentials. The TLS rule strings conditions together with a boolean and an operator. If the certificate serial number equals 745-0174-02 and the network access EAP authentication type equals Eaptls, then a sequence of servers can be checked for credentials. The actual servers to be checked are defined by identity. The source sequence names all user ID stores. Notice that the attribute has the format dictionary. Dictionary Attribute: The words radius and certificate are dictionaries. Inside each dictionary are a list of related attributes like NAS, port type, and serial number. Let's explore these dictionaries, which provide fundamental building blocks for Cisco Ice policies. It's a collection of individual parameters used when configuring conditions, like our example here. Conditions are used to build authentication and authorization policies. Conditions specify constraints on session attributes, which are used to define which policies to apply. So those are the key components of an authentication policy: the policy rules themselves, the dictionary attributes used to build conditions, and the resultant identity source sequences.
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