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Cisco FPIMPADM 500-174 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps

Cisco 500-174 FlexPod Implementation and Administration (FPIMPADM) exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Cisco 500-174 FlexPod Implementation and Administration (FPIMPADM) exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Cisco FPIMPADM 500-174 certification exam dumps & Cisco FPIMPADM 500-174 practice test questions in vce format.

If you want to configure FlexPod for your needs and be skillful enough to use the FlexPod solution, you can go for the Cisco 500-174 exam and earn the Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Implementation and Administration Specialist certification. This path provides all the interested candidates with in-depth knowledge of the tools as well as standards to evaluate the performance characteristics & requirements of the FlexPod integrated solution.

Requirements to Meet

Cisco 500-174 is a specialist-level certification test that does not require fulfilling any prior requirements to go for it, so you can take it whenever you need. The most important task is to master all the topics to be able to deal with the exam. There are no other prerequisites, and you don’t need to obtain other certificates. Usually, this path is taken by certain IT specialists who want to learn new skills or validate the current ones. Thus, you can see the professional services consultants, channel partners, systems engineers, and field engineers among the potential candidates.

Exam Details to Know

Cisco 500-174 is the only exam that you need to pass in order to get the specialist-level certificate. It measures your level of knowledge of the configuration processes required for the FlexPod solution components. The test also evaluates whether your expertise includes the grasp of the ways to manage and troubleshoot these components in a realistic multi-hypervisor network or not. This exam lasts for 1 hour, and you will need to deal with about 45-55 questions within this allocated time. The items are presented in various formats, including testlet, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice (with single or multiple answers), and drag and drop. To register for this option, you need to have an account on the Pearson VUE website. The test is available in the English language only.

Exam Topics to Ace

To be fully ready for the Cisco 500-174 test, you need to prepare well. In this case, a potential candidate should be familiar with the topics covered in the exam content and know all the details it contains. Thus, to be able to clear all the questions, you are required to know the following:

Information Gathering for FlexPod Solutions: This topic covers about 10% of the overall content and includes the following details:

  • Main FlexPod components, such as storage, network, and compute;
  • Cisco UCS components, including servers and fabric interconnects.

FlexPod Design: The next 10% are covered by this domain that evaluates your knowledge of the following:

  • Storage components utilized in FlexPod (FAS/AFF and E-Series);
  • Cisco UCS servers utilized in FlexPod, including B-Series chassis & blades and C-Series servers;
  • Network switches supported in FlexPod (OSs and Nexus 3000 or Nexus 9000).

FlexPod Configuration: This is the largest area of the whole content presented in 34% of the questions. To be able to deal with it, you need to know about the following processes:

  • Installation & configuration of the FlexPod components, including hypervisor components, network, compute, and storage;
  • Initialization of Fabric Interconnect covering the policy criteria, internal wiring of Cisco UCS, and different UCS modes;
  • Configuration of networks in a UCS solution, including QoS and configuration of the UCS pools to be created and port channels;
  • Configuration of the SAN boot in a FlexPod solution;
  • Configuration of a service profile as well as UCS service profile/template;
  • Configuration of a storage in a FlexPod solution, including the details of the storage aggregate creation, differences between SAN & NAS LIFs, as well as storage VM;
  • Configuration of Cisco Nexus switches, such Nexus VLANs, licenses, port-channel, NxOS switch configurations, and vPC.

FlexPod Administration: As for this part of the test, it comes with 26% and includes the following tasks to perform:

  • Administering FlexPod solutions according to the FlexPod best practices, including your ability to enable/disable NetApp AutoSupport & UCS call home feature;
  • Using the FlexPod management apps, such as storage system management, UCS management, and other tools;
  • Installing & upgrading FlexPod solutions using the ONTAP operating system, hypervisor, Nexus, and UCS.

FlexPod Troubleshooting: The last module contains 20% of all exam questions, which evaluate the following skills:

  • Performing basic FlexPod troubleshooting as well as dealing with the network or Boot problems, iSCSI IQN targets, and correct WWPN to zone FC SAN LIF.

Preparation Options to Use

There are many ways to prepare for this certification exam, including training courses, study guides, whitepapers, practice tests, exam dumps, and even more. Most of the candidates combine various options to increase their chances of success, so you can follow the same pattern. However, try to choose the main prep resource and decide which materials will be the additional ones.

Thus, the Implementing and Administering the FlexPod Solutions v2.0 (FPIMPADM) course can become your main resource during your preparation phase. It is an ideal variant because you can easily use study guides, exam dumps, and practice tests with it at different stages of learning. Besides that, it is available for taking along with a certified instructor who can help you better understand the content. This training course will help you learn all the needed details of FlexPod architecture & implementation, FlexPod workload solutions, management tools, as well as network, storage, and compute layers. The primary audience for this course is network administrators, system engineers, network engineers, and server administrators. Before attending it, you need to have knowledge of hypervisor technologies, such as Red Hat, VMware, or Microsoft, as well as a technical understanding of FlexPod Solutions WBT.

Career Opportunities to Choose

After clearing this path with flying colours, you will get many benefits, which will surely enhance your career and grant you a lot of opportunities. You will be able to become a Network Administrator, a Channel Partner, a System Engineer, a Server Administrator, a Data Center Architect, a Network Engineer, a Systems Engineer Advisor, a Professional Services Consultant, a Systems Engineer, or a Field Engineer. Your income will also increase greatly and the exact salary will depend on the tasks you perform. If looking at the average figures, you can earn about $75,859 per year.

Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use Cisco FPIMPADM 500-174 vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. Cisco 500-174 FlexPod Implementation and Administration (FPIMPADM) certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using Cisco FPIMPADM 500-174 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.

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