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Cisco SSFIPS 500-285 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Cisco 500-285 Securing Cisco Networks with Sourcefire Intrusion Prevention System exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Cisco 500-285 Securing Cisco Networks with Sourcefire Intrusion Prevention System exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Cisco SSFIPS 500-285 certification exam dumps & Cisco SSFIPS 500-285 practice test questions in vce format.
Known as Securing Cisco Networks with FireSIGHT Intrusion Prevention System, the 500 285 exam is what you can pass to prove your skills and knowledge of the next-generation network security. This test evaluates your expertise in using the useful features of Cisco FirePOWER Services, such as FireSIGHT Management Center, IPS tuning & configuration, snort rules language, and in-depth event analysis. It doesn’t grant any certification, but after the successful completion of this exam, you will be given proof of having all the needed specialization skills.
The Cisco 500-285 exam has no strict requirements that you should fulfill before sitting for it. The potential candidates don’t need to pass other tests or get some certifications for this option. It is free for taking for any interested individual who has an account on the Cisco website. If you don’t have it, you will not be able to know the details and see the information about registration. Besides that, the only thing you need is your mastery of the topics covered in the exam.
Exam Overview
If talking about the structure, Cisco 500-285 is 90 minutes long and has 55-65 questions in total. The exact number can be variable and the items will be presented in different formats, including drag and drop, multiple choice, testlet, and fill-in-the-blank. The exam is available in the English language only and can be taken on the Pearson VUE website.
The exam content is what you need to know as well if you want to clear the test with flying colours. Therefore, you are required to learn more about the following sections before taking Cisco 500 285:
In this topic, the potential candidates should learn the details of the object types, which are used in the FireSIGHT System, including geolocation, VLAN tag, security intelligence, network, application filters, and variable sets. Also, it is important to have an understanding of the types of objects that may be created & configured in object management and be able to implement the security intelligence feeds.
The next subject area is all about the AC policy and determines the types of traffic that will be allowed, blocked, or logged. To be able to answer all the questions in this domain, you need to know about the purposes, configurations, and features of the AC policy rules. Besides that, you should understand the purpose of this policy and be able to configure it.
This domain covers the information about network intrusion detection and intrusion event analysis. To deal with it successfully, the individuals should have an understanding of the role that geolocation plays in analysis as well as be familiar with the interfaces for analysis, including Workflows, Context Explorer, and Dashboard.
As for this section, it covers the details of the IPS policy interface, policy layers, and policy editor. It is also required to know what is used for the implementation of the suppression in the Rule Management user interface. Additionally, the students need to have the skills in creating policies and have the knowledge of Policy Layers.
To ace this exam part, it is essential to know what to do with the FireSIGHT technologies and user information. The level of expertise that you will possess after passing the test should include the understanding of the host attributes, discovery information, and network discovery policy. Moreover, you should have the ability to configure a discovery policy, view the network map & connection events, and create the host attributes.
Here you will be evaluated on the knowledge of the AMP & communications architecture, file rules, types, and categories, as well as Spero & dynamic analysis. The applicants need to have the knowledge of malware & retrospective events, network file trajectory, context explorer, and file disposition caching.
This module is all about the user account management, predefined user roles, creation of the authentication objects, and user privileges. The learners should also be able to create new user accounts and configure external authentication. In addition, their tasks will include the configuration of permission escalation and user in the local database.
This objective includes the details of the rule body, rule headers, and writing rules. The test takers need to know how to use the system GUI to build a rule.
As for this topic, it is all about NAT Configuration, Star VPN, Point-to-Point VPN, Mesh VPN, and Virtual Private Networks. You should be skillful enough to modify the name of the inline interface set, rename the device, and create a device group.
The next area covers the details of the correlation rules, policies, and responses. It is also vital to have the knowledge of white lists, traffic profiles, and rule options.
The last domain will evaluate one’s knowledge of preprocessor alerting, SCADA preprocessors, specific threat detection, detection enhancement, performance settings, and application layer preprocessors. You should also have an understanding of the transport/network layer preprocessors, advanced & performance settings, intrusion rule thresholds, and external responses.
Preparation Phase
There is a lot to learn, so you need to have the reliable study materials at your disposal. Cisco offers its own training options and resources, so you can use them along with the ones you find on the third-party platforms. Thus, you can take the official course and add some exam dumps or go for the study guide and utilize it with practice tests. Thus, the Securing Cisco Networks with Sourcefire Intrusion Prevention System guide is the one you can opt for to get all the details of the exam topics. It will help you prepare for Cisco 500-285 with great deliberation and pass it with a good result. If you utilize practice tests several times, you will earn all the needed test-taking skills and theoretical knowledge. The most important for you is to see the result of your training. If you are able to earn about 830-850 points, you will be able to get almost the same score in the actual exam.
Career Benefits
Passing the Cisco 500-285 exam gives you a huge boost in your career and adds variety to it. This means that there will be new doors open before you, so you will be able to land a job in a company you wanted. You can become an Intrusion Detection Analyst, a Network Analyst, a Cybersecurity Incident Handler, a Firewall Admin, a Cybersecurity Systems Engineer, or a Cybersecurity Specialist. Your annual salary may also increase if you start performing more difficult tasks after validating your skills with this test. Thus, it can be an average amount of about $86,000 or even more depending on your type of work.
Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use Cisco SSFIPS 500-285 vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. Cisco 500-285 Securing Cisco Networks with Sourcefire Intrusion Prevention System certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using Cisco SSFIPS 500-285 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.
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