100% Real Microsoft MCSA 70-740 Exam Questions & Answers, Accurate & Verified By IT Experts
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50 Questions & Answers
Last Update: Feb 07, 2025
Microsoft MCSA 70-740 Practice Test Questions in VCE Format
Microsoft MCSA 70-740 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Microsoft 70-740 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft 70-740 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft MCSA 70-740 certification exam dumps & Microsoft MCSA 70-740 practice test questions in vce format.
Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use Microsoft MCSA 70-740 vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. Microsoft 70-740 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using Microsoft MCSA 70-740 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.
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I passed my exam today and I scored 910. Around 4 new questions.
Premium valid. Passed exam on 7/15 with 57 questions. Scored 815. No new questions
Premium still valid in France passed with >900
Premium valid, scored today with 966.
The Premium Dump Valid in Egypt 26/8/2020
Premium 100% valid. Pass with an 888
Is it still valid?
Passed this morning. Premium 280q dump 100% valid.
Passed Today. premium dumps 100% Valid
Dump is 100% Valid in South Africa , passed today only studied the dump!!!
Premium still valid
Passed. Premium 280q dump is still 100% valid.
70-740 Premium valid. 885.
Passed Saturday, PREMIUM still valid in the US!
Thanks guys!
Passed last week. Still valid in Israel
Passed today with 911
no new question.
Passed today with 844, premium still valid in US
Premium dump still valid, passed in the end of December with 840.
Passed today. Premium 280q dump 100% valid. No new question.
I am sitting for the exam on 8th, just wanted to know if the premium 280q are still valid?
@Martin how many new questions did you see?
@sami how did you go - can you please provide us all an update on how accurate the premium dumps are?
Passed 920 in the last Saturday.
Like i said in my previous message no new question i was talking about the premium dump
plz,I want take exam on few day any news for 70-740 ??
70-740 Sınavını 814 Puanla Geçtim Tesekkürler ExamCollection
70-740 Premium 280Q Hala Geçerli
1 Yeni Soru
@Mohammed Attiyah Hi please guide me which test is valid for i am going to do exam on 20th Jan please
Passed with 920 marks. Oct 30th dump still valid with no new question. Mississauga, Canada
pass yesterday 911 plz by attention also, there are around 5 news questions
Premium Dumb still valid. passed on Oct. 6 2019
Premium Dumb still valid. passed today with 870 No new questions
Premium Valid in SA - Passed today 805
still vaild ..the exam from this dump
This dumps still valid write my exam 70-740 on the 11th October 2019 and I passed
280 Premium is still valid, only did 230 of the questions, got bored, took the test, passed with over 800 score. Great stuff, thank you!
Premium Dumb still valid. passed today with 770 No new questions
Premium dump is still valid , i passed yesterday with score 841 . one new question
Any lab questions on the real exam ? If any how many questions that appeared ?
I have buy the premium and will take an exam next month. Is it still valid ?
Just passed premium dump valid no new questions
Passed today : 840. Premium is valid
Passed today in the 800s - There are no new questions. This is a valid practice exam but I'm sure that I answered all of them but still get 800s. I'm ready for the next exam
Hi Guys, Passed with 876 score today, dumps are still valid I got 64 questions
Premium Dumb still valid. passed today with 870 . 6 new questions
Premium dump valid. Passed Oct 14, 2019 score 876
Passed 70-740 Exam with a score 876 Yesterday. 280Q Premium is valid
Does 70-740 premium dump file still valid?
Passed today : 841. Premium is valid
Passed this morning! Just about every question was on this practice test. Study until you can make about a 95% on all questions and will be fine
Can any one tell me this premium dump is still valid or not.
@Rabia Khan. Yes its still valid
The dump still valid
got 832 xD
Can anybody Tell me 70-740 Premium 273Q Dumps still valid are not?
I just took it, every question is on the premium but the answers aren't always in the same locations, also the matching is actually in drop down form. Passed with a 908
Passed today, Aug 31st. Premium file very valid!
can any one tell me this premium dump is valid , i want to purchase please.
passed today 894, 1 new question.
Passed today 929... All questions came from premium 280.
anybody knows answers of Question# 254 , 255, 257, 258 and 259?
Passed today w/764. Premium valid! 3 new questions
Pass today 18/07, a few new questions(5-9) but premium file still valid!!!
Passed yesterday.
Premium 273 is valid.
2 new questions.
The premium file has 280q tho? Not 273...
Unable to open with A+ vce player, is there any other software this will work in without paying for Avanset VCE player
Passed today 814 score premium dump is valid, about 8 or 9 new questions
Wrote and passed 2019-07-25. Premium file is still valid with a few new Q
Where is the 264q version?
It disappeared from the website?
Passed yesterday W/902, One new question in WDS
Premium 273q valid
Passed with premium dump 7++ on 29/5,
6-8 new questions
Pass Today Premium Dump is Valid 264Q a few new questions
Pass today 05/07, a few new questions but premium file still valid
Hey people,
i'm gonna study for this exam and i need some help from you. Where can i get does dumps and i neet too website torrents for download the nuggets windows server 2016
Passed yesterday with 750+, about 50% of the questions from this dump, a lot of drag and drop questions, some of then from previous dumps from this page, other new about Azure, etc..
Premium dump is valid! Passed exam today 08 06 2019. 6-7 new questions
Hi all!
Do you have some examples of the new questions that are appearing in the new exams?
Could someone give us some examples?
I successfully passed the exam on 1/6/2019 with 875 point using premium file (vce V.16, 264Q).. exam was 64 questions .. 10 Yes/No questions and 54 mixed questions .. New questions was 7 only but easy (3 new Yes/No questions and 4 new mixed questions).. if you studied the premium file only (264Q) you will get +800. Good luck for all :)
Passed the exam with 750+ Points (04th June 2019). The premium Dump is Valid (264q) Few new Questions.
Premium dump (264q) is valid. Passed exam today. 6 new questions.
Where is the 264q.vce??
Passed today!!!I scored 735 points.
I used free dumps.
There were about 17-20 questions that were not in the free dumps.
I plan to pass the following exams 70-741 and 70-742. I will use your dumps and VCE Simulator.
Thank you so much for your work !!!
Just passed yesterday 29/MAY/2019 with 858 score. Can confirm that premium is valid.
I was skeptical at first because a friend of mine referred me here. But I was surprised to find out that he was correct about the premium being spot on with the actual test. Word-for-word. There were roughly 10 questions on the actual test that weren't in the premium, but if you understand how powershell works, then you will be fine.
About to buy 70-741 from here. Now that I know how accurate these tests are, its a ton of weight lifted off my shoulders.
i passed yesterday 841 the premium dump is valid
Got 78* points yesterday
lots of new questions
Passed the exam today 8**! Had several new questions on the exam, but study the concepts behind the question and answers and you will be fine. I used the Premium dumps.
What vce player are you guys using? My A + Pro vce player doesn't open any vce anymore. Please help.
Passed today with 823, about 10-15 new question
Got 780 last week, lots of new questions (about 20-30%)
The premium dumb is about 80% Valid. There are 15 new questions. I can remember all but something about storage using powershell,data deduplication also about advanced nfs share settings so I would research how to share thing with advanced option. There was a question on which version of Windows can you implement powershell direct options were windows server 2012, windows server 2016 and windows 10. smb security enhancement. I can't rember all of them but the premium should be able to get a pass mark. Make sure you get NLP, failover clustering and hyper V to tee revisit the storage objectives and whatever you can do on the gui make sure you know the powershell commands for it too.
What vce player are you using guys?
does someone have some evidence that we can pass test with this :)
Passed today with 780. Premium dump is valid.
This test is still valid, just enough to pass. I pulled a 708 studying this test almost exclusively. There are 12-15 new questions, you need to lean towards Data Deduplication as well as creating templates with certain windows features included in them (mine was telnet).
Took and passed this today with a 797 score.
There are a lot of valid question in the dump that showed up but there were about 20 questions out of 64 that were brand new. Not sure if they are included in the premium.
If you study with the free dumps published in 2019 and read the exam reference guide, you should have not trouble passing.
Premium is valid. 02/04/19
Please, pay attention, we recommend using of VCE Exam Simulator to play VCE files properly https://www.avanset.com/products.html. Use the latest version of this player to open these files.
Is this dumps still valid ? and is it good for israel ?
Passed today with premium dump. There were some new questions about smb options and storage
@examcollection why was some questions removed from the premium?
Is the premium file update with the new storage questions?
Passed exam (840), some new questions, 2-3 new questions about Data Deduplication, 2-3 new questions were about Azure (MFA and storage for example), they updated the questions for ReFS as well. No Nano as expected, lots of old questions though.
We had reviewed the file. We try to keep it according to real questions
Is Premium dumps still valid?
@Sam Passed 70-740 today (21/3) with 761. Premium dump is still valid although I also received 8 new questions. I completely agree with O's comment below me.
Passed today with 780
There were new questions
@Y, Please let us know after your exam premium dumps are still valid or not?
Taken the exam today (20/03/2019) and passed with 805. The exam had 7/8 new questions. I used the premium dump, therefore I would say it is 80% valid. However, do not just rely on it completely, also study literature and watch videos. The recent changes are minimum and shouldn't effect your pass rate when you study the premium dump.
PS: Do not remember the order of each answer as it differs in the exam. Study each question and reasoning behind the answer.
@John, When did you appear for the exam after the update on 13th or before?
The premium is still valid but there are 15 new questions that are not in the premium dump.
Taken this exam yesterday in the netherlands, and pass with 805.
@Jez Tnx, so a little more storage questions.
Taking my exam this Thursday.
Exam update PDF
Passed today with 850. Premium dump valid. About 5 new questions
There is an update which is effected from 13th March, does that mean the question bank will be updated?
Implement Storage Solutions is now worth 15-20%, however, I'm not sure if new questions are added to the bank.
Premium is still valid ?
Is premium still valid in the uk?
Premium dump is still 100% perfect. Just passed today with 903
Passed the exam yesterday. All questions were from the premium.
Is anyone passed the exam after the update? Is Premium Dump still valid after the update of March 13th?
Please let me know as I am planning to appear for the exam in a week.
@Jez Do you have a source that confirms an update as of the 13th March?
@Y the update is on Microsoft official exam website.
We are constantly updating question pools.
Is Premium dumps are still valid for Canada ?
which one ? premium or free dumps
I have purchased the premium exam two weeks ago .Is it still valid ?
passed, no new questions
Premium still valid!
Coouple of new questions and some question in the prep doesn't belong to the exam
Dumps are still valid and no new questions
Using only free dumps 138q - 796 points
About 5 new questions
premium file is corrupt
please reupload
Taking it in two days. How often is the bank updated?
Do you think the questions are reliable?
hello friends who passed this exam at last?
We checked the file, it isn't corrupted. Please use the latest version of player to open these files. We recommend using of VCE Exam Simulator to play VCE files properly https://www.avanset.com/products.html
If you already use this VCE Exam Simulator, please, update it to the newest version. If it does not help we advise you to contact the support of your player.
Still valid. 01/11/2019 scored 900+
Is the Premium dump valid in the UK? I'm planning to take the exam in 1 month.
Guys I planning to take the exam soon . Please advise which one is still valid (Saudi arabia )
Still valid. 01/17/2019 scored 850+.
Maybe 1 or 2 news questions.
Please help to advise which one is still valid
Exam still 100% valid in South Africa
Premium still valid (Netherlands)?
Any chance of just purchasing the 70-740 premium file? I just want the exam file.
Got premium, passed today, score 855. No new questions found. Do not study the order of answers (eg. A and E are correct), the order varies in the exam!
Guys, just study for it and you can pass.
740 Premium dumps are valid. Passed exam today (with 882 marks; Karachi, Pakistan.
Still valid :) scored +800
witch one is best?
Premium exam is excelent! i have passed with 785 score! i think theres no aditional question in the exam!
you can sign on the site and buy the premium file on the right block of the page.
Passed today with 860. Premium Dump is valid! 1 new question.
Is the premium file still valid? I have exam next week
Is Premium still valid in US?
Finished the exam 10 minutes ago and i scored 828 with the premium file. Premium is valid!
Premium dumps 243 still valid. Passed with 892 16/11/2018
Premium Dump Valid. Passed Today = 05/12/2018
dump is still valid 1\12
is this still valid?
Hi, which dump is the best?
has anyone taken the 740 "remote" and if so, do you need to have your webcam on or screen share?
@Christophe yes I noticed that , about 10% off the dumb same as 741 question.
Premium dumps 241 still valid. Passed with 882 on the 6th Nov. 2new questions seen.
Passed with 935/1000 using premium - 12/5/2018
I see a lot of indepth questions regarding DNS, IPAM, AD DS... in the premium version. Aren't they supposed to be in 70-741?
the dump 241q is valid. i have passed the exam with a 890.No new questions.
Passed today- 925
2-3 new Q
Premium dump 244q
Dump valid - passed 26th oct with 854pts
Premium dump still valid - passed today, 12/11/08, with 860 pts
Are the questions from the Premium dump the same questions you get on the actual exam?
70-740 Premium Bundle still good.
just passed it today.
Score 930
Premium dump is valid, passed with a 770. There was about 5-6 new questions on the exam.
and Premium File >> Very helpful got 810
Passed with a 920 19October.
Passed with 960, premium dump is valid
What is premium dump that people are talking about.
Please any one guide.
Passed today with 740, used latest premium 231 Questions, there are 5-7 new questions out of 58.
Good luck.
Exam passed with 920, secured test 97%
@azeem. No simulations in the exam. All multiple choice questions...
Premium is still valid ?
I have to pass 70-740 certif in December,
Thanks :)
19/10 Exam passed with 860
Thanks and good luck
Sorry, it was error in displaying of amount of questions. We fixed it already. Also we updated the file. There are 231 questions in premium now. Good luck!
@H do we want to purchase VCE player seperately? If so, can you recomment a good one?
Passed exam today with a score of 920. Premium dump is valid.. good luck to all of you..
Is there any simulation on the exam? lab
Wrote 70-740 today. Passed with 910. 4-6 new questions though
Hi, could you help to find full dump?
Pls I think 220q dumps has been removed bcos I am only seeing 127q dumps now. Is it that it's totally new or it supposed to be added to the 220q premium dumps. Pls I need to know what happening cos I am really confused
passed 850 by premium dump 220q
Kindly, Can anybody explain me please? Because I haven't seen 220questions
premuim dump still valud
and there is no labs in exam
@H could you please tell me is there any lab or simulation in this exam?
Hi, you said dump? 220 questions
Can anyone tell me is there any simulation I mean lab? becoz I'm new here in Microsoft certification.
It seems 220q has been removed.
pass using 220, a few new question.
Hi, Dump? I dont understand you said 220questions
I pass yesterday with 810 found new 11questions I used dump 220Question
I need Q192 answer please (220 premium file).
I passed today with a 900 off of the premium dump.
just passed yesterday score:780 using Premium only. i think there was 4-5 new questions
@HaLe How about your exam, chnage the q set ?
I have passed my Exam 70-740. I got 860 :) just go all over your dumps. and study clustering!!
@Fenix, do you remember 9 new questions?. I you
do, can you give me this new questions.
Tomorrow, i will have exam 70-740
Can someone please tell me how to purchase these dumps and the player.
Passed with 880 marks today using premium dump (about 85% questions came from this).
I passed. With 950. Have about 3 new question. I used dump 220Question
@Fenix, do you remember 9 new questions. If you do, can you give me this new questions. Tomorrow, I will have exam 70-740.
Thank you very much
Premium dump is valid. Passed today with 880. I found new 9 questions.
@Hassan, did you study the premium dump or the free ones?
passed in 19-7-2018 with premium dumbs
I have new question in exam not include in the dumbs
when I test the premium have 198Q
now you update it to 213Q
Where can i find the premium dump file?
Hi I'm planning to take the MCP 70-740 exam in next 10 days. Is that okay If I study the dumps I can clear the certification without the knowledge ? How Accurate are they ???
How Valid are the Premium Files for the Real Exam?
Passed today with 780 using premium. Good amount on the exam that was not in the dump but enough to pass. 58 questions.
Premium is still valid, passed a couple days ago 870. There are new questions and all of them are "you cannot return" section. Good luck.
Free download: Microsoft.MCSA.Testkings.70-740.v2018-06-02.by.Messi.112q.vce is 50% valid in the Netherlands. All the question in which you have to arrange answers in the right order are left out of this one...
is this still valid
passed yesterday with 800 in Pakistan. valid Dumps Few questions are new.
passed on 8/10/18 Premium Dump Only.
Dump valid a few new questions and they took a few sims and made them questions. But if u know
Q&A on dump u should be fine. Score 870
Is this still valid?
Premium Dump is still valid in the United States. Passed Today received a passing score of 820
Premium file had about 90% of questions was listed and only about five new questions when I took the exam.
New Questions are mainly in Clustering.
@ faith bahati to be on the safer side kindly just go through all files. you know not what the examiner has in mind. but again, you can confirm that by looking at the practice test to help you know the areas that are frequently tested
the last time i tried exam 70-740 i failed. i don’t know where i went wrong. planning to do the soon. somebody to help me know how bestto go about the exams.
hi people. is one supposed to read all 70-740 premium files? or is there a possibility of trying to choose? that is if there are some that are not tested in exams.
@rajab i have a collection of questions and aswres of 70-740 pdf. this is what i used for my studies and passed. got 878/900.
can somebody tell me if 70-740 exam is valid in canada. i planning to the exams but someone was telling me to confirm if it is valid first. for her case she did one that was not valid.
@ william ligs the labs are so demanding. i advise you take them during leave. alternatively, you can go through the dumps and see if you can manage. if you have been practicing by using windows server then you are good to go. you will find it easier to handle.
hey for those who have tried 70-740 how was it. do i really need training and can i do it together with my full-time job or should i wait for my leave?
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