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Microsoft Excel 77-727 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Microsoft 77-727 Excel 2016: Core Data Analysis, Manipulation, and Presentation exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft 77-727 Excel 2016: Core Data Analysis, Manipulation, and Presentation exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft Excel 77-727 certification exam dumps & Microsoft Excel 77-727 practice test questions in vce format.
Three characteristics are covered by these sections. You are changing the worksheet colour in domain 1.3.1. So we've seen that a workbook can have many worksheets. One of the nice ways to distinguish worksheets, besides changing the titles, is to change the colour of the worksheet tab. To put the cursor on the tab, throw over the mouse, right-click on the right mouse button, and go down to Tab color. There are a number of options to choose from, but one of the most common is selecting a certain theme. If I hover the cursor over the first column of the theme, you can see that the name of the theme is revealed. So here we have the blue Accent One team, and here we have the green Accent 16. As you go virtually down the theme, you can see they are lightened by a preset percentage: lighter 80%, lighter 60%, and so on. In the master's exam, it's very common to be asked to select a particular theme and lightness level, and that will help you identify the correct theme and lightness. You can also pick colours from this colour wheel. For both standard and custom colours, the choice is limitless. 1.3.2. Renaming a worksheet again On the right mouse button, when you hover over a worksheet tab, you have the option to rename the worksheet. This selection highlights the name, and it is just as modified as typing over the highlighted area. Once you've highlighted the name, you can take it anywhere in the name area and type something different. One, three, four. Changing the Worksheet Order: Changing the order of the worksheets is simply a matter of dragging and dropping your selected worksheet. So you select Requiredtab with the left mouse button, then drag it to its new location. You can see that there is an arrow display that indicates a new position. When you're happy with this new position, let go of the mouse button and the worksheet will have been repositioned.
the Page Setup dialogue box or using the Print pane in the Office backstage. We look at each in turn, and you can decide which you prefer. First, we look at the Page Layout tab, which has several page formatting settings that you can modify. The margins on the page are the amount of white space measured in centimetres from the edge of the page. The page layout provides some default settings, which are generally the normal, wide, and narrow settings. So we have settings in centimetres from the top, left, and right margins. It's useful to point out here that the default is normally centimeters, but that you can change this to inches or millimetres if you need to do so. Just go to the File tab in the backstage view here and select Options. Now, go to the Advanced option and the Display group. Here you can see that you have the option to change the ruler units by selecting from this pulldown menu. It's also worth noting that the mascara will normally specify the default unit and that you should not need to alter this setting during the test itself. However, it's good to know that you can alter it if needs be. Most printers require a minimum page margin because they're known to print to the edges of the paper. Space is also needed on the left or right margins. if you're going to insert the pages into a notebook or ring binder. A wider margin is needed where the paper is held in place by the binding mechanism. The header margin sets the distance between the header and the top edge of the page, and the footer margin sets the distance between the footer and the bottom edge of the page, so that space for the page header and footer to appear.The Custom Margins option provides access to the Page Setup dialogue box, which gives you complete control over all of the page margins. The Margins tab on this dialogue allows you to specify any custom margin size that you may require. The Orientation option allows you to choose between Portrait, which is the vertical option, or Landscape, which is the horizontal option. The Size option allows you to specify what size of paper to use for printing. What you choose will be totally dependent on the printer you're using. The More Paper Sizes option brings us back to the page setup dialogue box. The Scaled Fit group provides options that allow you to magnify or shrink the size of the worksheet proportionately on the page. You can use the Width and Height option to calculate the correct scale value to fit the worksheet onto the specified number of pages automatically. For example, you can scale down a worksheet that requires nine pages to fit into a width of two pages and a height of three pages so that it will print on six pages. The Sheet Options group allows you to toggle on or off the ability to view or print the grid lines on your worksheet by default; you'll always see the grid lines on the screen, but you can turn them off by clicking on this checkbox. This is also the case if you want the grid lines on the printed output of your worksheet. The same is true for the Headings option, which is turned on by default on the screen and turned off for printing. So when I click this checkbox, you can see that the headings disappear from the screen. These other areas of the Page Setup Group are covered in other areas of the objective domain. Next, we take a closer look at the Page Setup dialogue box, which has been in existence since the first versions of Excel. The Page Layout tab, which we've covered, is a relatively new feature that allows you to access most of the formatting features from the ribbon. If you need a page formatting option that is not available in the ribbon, you need to access it in the Page Setup dialogue box. If I click on this small arrow on the PageSetup group, the Page Setup dialogue box is displayed. There are four tabs on the dialogue page, including Page Setup, which allows you to change the characteristics of your printed output page. The Adjust To option is labelled as "scale." In the Page Layout tab on the ribbon, you can specify a specific percentage to magnify or shrink the size of the worksheet proportionately. The Fit To option is labelled as "width and height" in the Page Layout tab to force the automatic scaling feature to fit the worksheet into the specified number of pages. Print quality determines the density of the print characters. This option may not be available depending on the printer you're using. The higher the print quality, the more time it will take your printer to form the print output on the paper. The Options button will display options that are specific to the printer you're using. The first Page Number option allows you to specify the starting page number for the printed worksheet. This may be useful if you're fitting some Excel output into another printed document and you want the page numbering to follow properly. This only works if you include a page number in the header or footer, which we've yet to cover in the course. We've already seen how to use the MarginStab in the Page Setup dialogue box, which can be used to specify customised print parameters. A separate lecture covers the heads of the photos. Finally, you can also change the page set using the print options available in the office backstage. This option contains the most commonly used settings. The Print pane displays a page of your worksheet in Print Preview mode. As you change your page formatting settings, the print preview adjusts to show those changes immediately. The Page Setup dialogue box is also directly available from this page.
There are many occasions when you want to insert and delete rows, columns, and sales within your worksheets. When you insert a column, every column moves to the right, like so. When you insert a row, all rows move down. New rows or columns are inserted at the current position. So if I position the cursor at column B and insert the column by right clicking and selecting Insert You can see that what was column B has now been moved to the right, and the data is now in column C. Similarly with the Rows. If I position the cursor in row two and select Insert from the right mouse button You can see that the data that was in row two is now in row three. To delete either a row or column, just select it and use the right mouse button delete command. This will delete the entire row or column and will also delete any data currently in either. You can also insert or delete multiple rows or columns by first selecting them and then using the Insert or Delete options. So for example, if I want to insert four rows and I just select four rows by highlighting the first and dragging, when I select the Insert option, you can see that four new rows are inserted into the worksheet. You may ask whether there is a limit to the number of rows and columns you can have in a worksheet. In effect, you will never have a limit because the number of available rows and columns is so large. But when you insert a column, the furthest one to the right of the worksheet is deleted. It's the same as rows. Notice that the Insert and Delete options are also available from the Home tab and the Sales group. Which options are enabled will depend on what you select in the worksheet. For example, if I select a column, then the Delete Sheet Rows option is disabled, and so on. When you're in a cell within the body of the worksheet, as opposed to having an entire row or column selected, then when you right click and select Insert or Delete, you're going to see this menu. Selecting an entire row or entire column will work exactly as I've shown you previously. When you have an entire row or column selected, the other options need to be explored a little further. You can choose to insert or delete one or several cells. When you insert new cells, Excel shifts the existing cells to the right or down to make waves in the new cells. It's your choice. When you delete cells, Excel shifts the existing cells to the right or below. Again, it's your choice. So far, we've encountered one simple formula in an earlier lecture, the sum formula. You might wonder what happens to a formula between the leader insert, rows, columns, or cells. Remember, the formula would generally reference the cell addresses. Let's take a quick look at this issue, which we return to in the later lecture. Also, essentially, Excel will make sure that the formulas are maintained correctly. So say we have a formula in this cell, D 4, which is the sum of the data from B 4 to C 4. Now I'll insert a new column at C. Let's look at the formula. You can see that the cell references have been automatically adjusted to take account of the new column, and the formula range has been adjusted to make it from B 4 to D 4. Finally, it's possible to hide and unhide rows or columns. This is different from the Delete option, since while the column arrow can't be seen, it still exists and none of the data is removed from the worksheet. To hide, just select the row or rows or the column or columns and then select the "Hide" option from the right mouse button. So if I select these four rows and then hide them, notice that the numbers of the hidden rows are not in sight. Also, notice that there is a doubleline where the rows have been hidden. The same is true for columns. If I select these two columns and hide them, you can see the effect. There is effectively no change in the way that the worksheet operates. However, any formula that references the hidden rows or columns will be unaffected by the fact that they're hidden. To unhide any hidden rows or columns, select the row or column headings on either side and then select Hide using the right mouse button. An alternative way to do this is to right-click the double line and select "Unhide." You can also drag the edge of the double line to reveal a hidden column roll. But this is tricky. I don't recommend it. The easiest way is the first one. Select the column arrows on either side and then select "High."
A document's theme is a set of theme colors, theme, fonts, and display effects that you choose and apply to a document as a combination. By default, Excel uses the Office Theme for our workbooks. You can change the theme to any of several built-in themes. You can also create themes. You access the Themes group on the Page Layout tab. A theme is actually a combination of a colour theme with several colours and a font theme with two fonts. You can select a different colour theme independently of the font by using these buttons. Themes are very useful for creating a consistent look for all of your documents, whether they are letters, spreadsheets, or slide presentations. Notice that each theme has a name in the "Must" test. The general question is to apply a specific theme to a worksheet. You can see more themes by moving the slider bar. As you point at each theme, you can see the changes taking place in the background. Theme colours consist of four sets of text and background colors, six accent colors, and two hyperlink colors. You can select any colour for any of these settings, but you need to consider how they will appear when combined together. You can also create your own themes by customising the colours and fonts involved. In either case, click the customise button to start creating a new theme. This is very useful because you can see the effects of the changes in this preview window. You can then save the theme with a customised name for later.
That the columns or roles that you're using need to be widened in order to accommodate the information you're entering. We saw in an earlier lecture that if the adjoining cells are empty, then the overflow will be displayed like this. Of course, the formula bar will always show you the contents of a cell. If, however, the adjoining cells already have some content, then the overflow would be hidden like this. You may now want to increase the width of this column to be able to display all of the contents. There are a few ways to do this, but the fastest is to move the cursor to the intersection between the two columns. Here you can see that the cursor changes shape, and when you double-click on the intersection, the column width is automatically changed to adjust to the largest piece of information in that column. Otherwise, you can manually change the width by dragging, as you have the left mouse button to press. If you right click on the column header, you can select the column width option and specify an exact width in centimetres or inches. How the column width will be affected depends on whether you're entering text or numeric information. Numbers are a special issue because Excel can't just hide the overflow numbers as it does for text. The rules for numbers are very specific. If the number you enter is only slightly wider than the default column width, then Excel will widen the column that little bit more like this. If the number is much larger, Excel changes the number to what is called scientific notation. You don't need to understand what this is, but you do need to be aware that it happens. If the width of the column becomes basically unusable for the number entered, then a series of hash signs will be displayed. As you widen the column, you can see that the scientific notation becomes visible, and then as you widen it a little more, the full number is shown. The adjustment of rows is fairly similar. You can drag the height of the row just like you can for columns. When you double click on the intersection, Excel automatically adjusts the row height. Another more comprehensive way to adjust the columns is to go to the Home tab and then to the Sales group. The Format option gives you the ability to change the column or row characteristics as required, so Auto Fit will perform the same action as double clicking on the column intersection. You can set the default standard width here or specify an exact width for the selected column. You can see that there are similar options for the role.
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