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Microsoft Windows 98-349 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps

Microsoft 98-349 Windows Operating System Fundamentals exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft 98-349 Windows Operating System Fundamentals exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft Windows 98-349 certification exam dumps & Microsoft Windows 98-349 practice test questions in vce format.

Understanding operating system configurations

2. Control Panel - part 2

configuring control panel options. Part two. We know how to access the control panel and PC settings. We have to go back and talk a little more about some additional options that we can find over there. Administrative tools are the most important. If you want to know one thing from this section, it is that Administrative Tools are a really important place for every engineer. And if you want to know how to manage a Windows 10 device, we'll go back to our test virtual machine, and of course you can ask me anything. So please show me administrative tools. Please keep in mind that it appears fine; you can always find it in Control Panel. That's fine. I can access it from here. Yes, there is no magic behind this option. It is simply a list of shortcuts that Microsoft has prepared for you, and you can access all important options from one location, as well as a very long list of options. Of course we'll not talk about all of them, but I will show you maybe two or three things that are really important. One of them is services. One tip: if you have a virus, this is something that you can verify because, in most cases, if you have a virus, there is a service or something that is running in the background for it. And we'll start with your operating system because this is what services are designed to do. You can configure them to start automatically with your operating system. So if you have a virus, there is a chance that one additional option has been added and you have to get rid of it. Here you can see, for instance, Bluetooth. Okay? And we can see that we have some services for Bluetooth. We have services for wireless for all options that are available in Windows Ten. Please note that some of them say the state is running. This means they're up and running. Some of their startup types are manual, which means you have to start them if you need them. Of course, you can tweak all these options, and if you want a service to start automatically, you can change it. For instance. DHCP client. It is a very good example because I can cover the HCP right away. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol and allows your PC to receive an IP address from a server automatically. This means that your Windows 10 PC is a DHCP client and you go to a DHCP server to receive an IP address. In most cases, your DHCP server is your router. Or in many cases, if you have a small company, you have a dedicated server. For instance, in Windows Server 2016, Long story short, if you want to receive an IP address automatically from a DCP server, you need a service called DHCP Client. And please note it says "running." What's more, it shows you what the service is all about. a great way to learn and identify what the service is designed to do. When you double click or right click and go to Properties, you can decide if the service should be started automatically, you want to start it yourself, or you want to disable it completely. Please keep in mind that you can always stop, pause, or resume a variety of options. What's more, there are some additional options like logon, recovery, and dependencies because sometimes it is not enough for one service to be started. Sometimes you need a list of services—let's say five or six services—to be started first, and then something else can be started. So this is what you can find in this tab over here, and it is going to show you what has to be up and running for this service to be available for you. As you can see, there are a lot of interesting options and things that you can play with. Again, Administrative Tones is a collection of shortcuts that you can access if you want to manage your Windows 10 device. One more option that I want to show you is computer management. A really important option as well is the one people use every day to manage Windows. Well, it's not only Ten, but it was in Windows 710, and so on. Again, a double click on Windows will open it for you automatically. You don't have to look in Control Panel or other places. It is over here for you right away. Here we go. What's more, you can manage your own PC or open another PC from here. Please note that you can right-click and connect to another computer." This is a really handy option if you want to manage a PC that is on your network. Computer management is a snap that allows you to manage a lot of important aspects of your device. You have a task scheduler, which allows you to schedule a task. You will see a few options available straight away, but let's say you're going away, you're going on holiday, and you want to make sure that your PC plays a video clip every day around 5:00 p.m. to pretend somebody is at home. Here we go. You can create a task and open a video clip every day. Event Viewer allows you to view really important logs and messages that your PC has been collecting for you in Event Viewer. If we open it over here, you will see we have Windows logs. This is what you're really after. We have an application security setup system and have forwarded events. Please make sure that you memorise these names for your exam. Of course, application logs apply to applications that are running, and security logs apply to things that are related to, let's say, your login process or things that are important to your security setup and system. It's pretty easy to identify what you can find in every single option. Of course you can imagine, and it is true, that you will find a lot of logs in every single place. It will take a while for Windows to collect all these logs and show them to you, but this is what you can find. I mean, information that's good is something that Windows wants you to know about, and if you see anything in red, this indicates an error, something that went wrong, and you should verify it Please keep in mind that in security, you can see login speciallogin, indicating that something has occurred in the security area. Okay, and system is really everything else that you can imagine when it comes to system messages and things that you should be aware of. I recommend you open your own event viewer and view your logs You can find a lot of interesting things there, and when your PC crashes, event viewer will show you what went well or wrong, which is useful because you can identify what went wrong. OK It was a driver for my sound card. It was a driver for my mouse, and so on. In many cases, Viewer will show you what went wrong and, of course, will assist you in resolving the issue. I hope you're okay with all these options I know it is a lot of things to memorize, but again, the good thing is you can open Windows 10 and play with all these options We'll need one more lecture to talk about the control panel, especially File Explorer options.

3. Control Panel - part 3

We are ready to continue our discussion about some important options in Windows. For ease of access, here we go. OK, we go for Control Panel, Ease of Access, and then Ease of Access, and you have a few options over here. You can have an on-screen keyboard, you can set up high contrast, and so on. Of course, if you have disabilities, this is a good thing. But sometimes an on-screen keyboard is handy if you don't have a rear keyboard in front of you. Let's say your keyboard is dead. Actually, it happened to me yesterday. I have a wireless keyboard and it just died. I couldn't log in to my desktop PC. Well, no problem. Even if you log in, you will be given the option to activate all of these features. So if you try to log in and your keyboard is off, no problem. You can start an onscreen keyboard and type your password. a really handy option. and, of course, some additional options like high contrast, magnifier, and so on. Now, something that is really interesting and allows you to play with many different options is File Explorer. Of course, you know, you use File Explorer to access your documents, downloads, pictures, videos, and so on. Please note, we have frequent folders. You have quick access options here, so you can modify these options and pin folders that you use every day. That's fine, but we go for view, and then we have options over here. Here in view, we go to the change folder and search options. a few things that I want to show you. First of all, this is a really cool option. Show hidden files, folders, and drivers; some drives Sometimes, if you want to access a file, it is going to be hidden. And if you enable this option, "Show hidden files," you can access it easily. Another good option is using overheight extensions for known file types. If you have a document, let's say I will cancel it, and I will go to Documents and create a new document. Right-click a new text document. Okay, let's create a new text document and call it Test. Please note that Windows is going to show "Test" and there is no "Test dot TXT" because Windows is assuming it is a well-known file. So there is no need to show you the extension of this file. Sometimes it's handy to have it enabled, and if you go to View again, you will say, "Now you know what, I want to show extensions for all files. Okay? and we click OK. And please note now we have "Test TXT," a really handy option that allows you to view your extensions for files that Windows is aware of but will not show you, like TXT, doc, PDF, and so on. We have to go back because over here it's not enough to know we have options, but we have some additional features that I'm pretty sure you're aware of, especially for pictures. You can show details, which means the date and size of a file. If you have pictures and video clips, it makes sense to go for large or medium icons. You can see what's inside, but details allow you to see what's been modified, the date, the modified type, the size, and so on. What's more, when you right click, you can add some columns here. Let's say you want to see when this file was created. Okay, no problem. You can see it now. It was created here and modified over there. Yeah, when we go to View again, you will see that you can sort, buy, and decide how you can sort your files, along with three additional options item check boxes, name extensions, and hidden items. Everything can be tweaked from the options, but a lot of things can be accessed from here, so you don't have to dig in and change it somewhere else. I hope you're okay with all these options, and I hope that you've learned a couple of new tricks and things that will make your life easier. We are ready to move on.

4. Configure Desktop Settings

MTA's Windows operating system provides the fundamentals needed to configure desktop settings. As you can see, we have a lot of things to cover here. We start with the first option, Windows profiles for our test Windows 10 virtual machine. We've already gone over two options: Windows Settings and Control Panel. Please note that we can control and modify accounts using Windows Settings and the Control Panel. Over here, it's user accounts. And in Windows settings, it's called an account. Let's start over here. Please keep in mind that we have the ability to change everything on the left side. One of the things that we can go for is over here: families and other people. And we can add a new account, our old Control Panel. We go to User Accounts, and then we can manage another account over here, and we can add a new user. Okay, please know it takes us over here. Well, this is what Microsoft has been trying to push. Windows settings stop using these oldmethods Control Panel and so on. So more and more options are available using Windows Settings for your exam. I recommend you know both. Please make sure that you memorise the path that you have to take to access whatever Microsoft might ask you to do. So for instance, let's say they ask you, "How can you modify account settings using the Control Panel?" You say? Well, I go to control panel user accounts, user accountsagain, and then I can change settings from here. Please note that on the left-hand side, we have some additional options. We can manage our credentials over here, and so on. So there are some additional options that we can go for; most of them are reserved for enterprise networks. Just to remind you, we have two types of accounts. You can have a local account, or you can have an online account. Of course, Microsoft encourages to create an online account,and some features might not be available for youif you go for a local account. So here, as you can see, I am using a local account at the moment, but I can switch to an online account using this option. Sign in with a Microsoft account instead. Hello, sign in options windows. So this is like a way to allow Microsoft to recognise you. That's a nice item. and some additional options. Of course, today we have more than one option. If we want to access our PC, email, and Apple account over here, we can add an account. And please note, if we have an email account, we can configure our emails from here using Outlook, Exchange, Google, Yahoo, iCloud, and any account we want that supports POP and IMAP, the two main protocols that are designed to support our emails. Advanced setup, of course, is always a good idea if you want to tweak all these options.

5. More Options for your Desktop

The next option that we have to cover is display settings. We can right-click here and go to Display Settings. Please note we go to again Windows Settingsand we have our options over here. a lot of pretty standard things that I'm sure you're aware of. For instance, screen resolution You can change it from here. Add more than one. If you have more than one screen, you can customise it here. notifications and actions. This is what you can find here. You can customise everything and add or remove Quick Actions. Please note: here is what we have. But you can always modify these options. You can specify applications and notifications that you want to use. Now it makes sense to cover power, sleep andenergy saving options because these things are related. It is especially important if you have a laptop. Then you want to tweak all these options. We've seen them already, and you know that you should verify if your wireless card is not going to be disabled after ten or 15 minutes, and so on. But please note, we can access some basic options using Windows settings as well. Here it just says, "Okay, turn off my screen after eight minutes." But you know, you can tweak more options using the Control Panel. Just to remind you, we went to Control Panel, and we typed Energy. Here we go to the power options, and you have more features and things that you can play with. Over here. We've seen some basic options when it comes to desktop settings. Now we want to configure customers. Start, Menu, Taskbar, and Toolbars Here are just some shortcuts to make sure that we are on the same page. Of course, we can create a shortcut. Right click New Shortcut, and we can create a shortcut for an application that we want to use. Of course you can go for, let's say, what do we want? Okay, Paint 3D, left-click Drag over here and you're going to create a shortcut. Yeah. Please note it says "Shortcut." You can right-click, go to Properties, and then it is going to say Shortcut. You can modify the icon, change the name, or apply some security options. It's more advanced and not really used for details. You know that it was created, let's say, five days ago, two minutes ago, and so on. Shortcut If you know Windows Eight, you know that Microsoft decided to get rid of the Start menu and Start button with Windows Eight. Then it was, in a way, brought back with Windows 8.1. But now with Windows 10, we have a full context menu over here and a Start button with a lot of options, and we can customise everything over here. When I right-click over here, I can unpin from Start. Let's say I don't want to use Microsoft Edge here. Microsoft Edge is a new browser for Windows Ten. There is also Internet Explorer in Windows 10. But Microsoft wants you to use Microsoft Edge as the new browser. Microsoft claims it is much faster than Chrome, Firefox, and so on. But let's say I don't want to have Sway, okay? You can unpin and get rid of it. If you want to add something, let's say a camera, you can pin it to Start, and then it appears. Of course, you can reorder everything and customise whatever you want. Please know that some of these items are live, so they can show you updates and so on. like here, weather, and so on. A really nice option is over here, Power Options. When you left-click, you can restart and shut down your device. And you can get to Settings right away from here. But I want to show you this option. You right-click on the Start button, and then you have a really nice menu with things that you want to use and access straight away. For instance, file explorer You don't have to go to my computer. Click. Now, this PC Now you can access it from here. What's more, you can shut down or sign out, reboot your PC, go to Settings, and one of the things that I really like is Power Share. Where was it? Device Manager. Okay, I really like it because I can see all my hardware over here right away. I don't have to go to the Control Panel and so on. It is a nice way to make sure that you can access things right away without spending hours trying to find this option. In, let's say, Control Panel, you can press Windows R on your keyboard to open this as well. So I'm doing this at the moment. And now here, you can type whatever command you want. So for instance, CMD, it opens the command prompt. Of course, I could type it into the command prompt and open it here, but this method is much faster. Please note that I press the Windows button and type CMD and Present, and I can access the CMD command line interface command line straight away. What can you do from here? Well, we'll talk about this later on, but I can introduce one command straight away. Well, I hope you know this command. If not, Ipconfig allows you to verify IP settings, TCP IP settings, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and other settings—things that you really need to access the Internet and all other devices in your local area. Network Ipconfig. I think it's worth memorizing. What's more, a lot of things that you'veseen so far can be accessed from here. Do you want to see an example? Here we go. You can right click here and access Device Manager, which allows you to monitor your hardware, verify that there are no issues with your drivers, and so on. Or you can go to Run and type the EV Device Management MSC there, okay? And then you can access the same Snap and the same set of options, and literally everything that you've seen so far is available using the CMD or the Run command. You can Google it. Power options, EdgeDevice Manager in Internet Explorer, and so on. Almost everything can be accessed directly by using a command. It's handy, especially if you want to speed up your process. If you want to maybe script something or create a script to automate a task, then it's handy. Of course, here it's not a big problem. You can right-click and go to Device Manager. Still, it is a nice option to have the taskbar appear when we go to Taskbar Settings again. It takes us to Windows settings, and we can log the taskbar to make sure it stays in place. We can hide. I'm pretty sure you know about this option. Yes. So it disappears automatically, and so on. I will not talk you through these options. They are pretty obvious, and it's enough to read what's on your screen. Taskbar Location I recommend you try it because you might say, "Oh, it's much better if it's on the right hand side." Not a lot of people try it, and then they're surprised—oh, it looks much better. It's much better for me to have it on the right side. I recommend you give it a go, and then how you want to show items high delay oncethe notification area you can tweak and it's goingto take you to additional options. One of the things that you can turn off is, say, "I don't want to see my clock or network settings." Yeah, so please note that it disappears over here when I tweak it. When you right-click here, you go to Toolbars, and you can create a new toolbar. Let's call it testone. And please note it's here andI can access my test document. One more thing that I want to show you is the Task Manager. Task Manager allows you to monitor your laptop, desktop, and so on. You can see CPU, memory disk, and network utilization. Maybe your application keeps your CPU so busy that you cannot do anything on your laptop. Then you can go to the task manager. You can go for a process that keeps your CPU so busy, and you can just kill it. So you can right click and say "end task." Please be very careful because you can even crush your PC if you close something that Microsoft Windows needs. Yes, so please be very careful. But let's say if you see Firefox and it takes like 99% of the CPU, yeah, just kill it because something went wrong. The same applies to memory discs and so on. It's really good to know that you can access them and produce some graphs as well. Users, as you can see, admin only details and services. Again. I can right click start, stop, open services. We've seen services already, but as I've mentioned a few times already, in most cases, you can access an option using two, three, or even four different ways. And this is what you have to know for your exam. And of course, it's handy if you use Windows 10 everywhere because it is much faster to stop a service using Task Manager. For instance, if you have an application that has just crashed

6. Native Tools: Edge and Cortana

Configure applications and tools. Yes, we'll talk about some tools and built-in applications in Windows Ten. We'll start with Microsoft Edge and and Cortana. CorYes, we can talk to Windows 10 now and ask Cortana to help with everyday tasks. If you check the bonus section, you will find a couple of interesting lectures, and you will see what you can do with Kotana. And sometimes you can have a really funny conversation with your assistant. What's better, Xbox or PlayStation One? Xbox One. That's the idea. Katana can help you check your calendar, book a meeting, or verify something on the Internet. Of course, sometimes it is much faster to type whatever you want or use your mouse. But yesterday it was all about interactions, and you had to talk to a device and get what you wanted. And of course, Microsoft was forced to match what other vendors do. And you know what I'm talking about. Yes, on the iPhone with Siri, and actually, you can ask Kotana. I do know Siri, and I will not spoil your surprise. Please verify what Kotana is about to tell you. What's more, you can ask What's better, PlayStation or Xbox? a lot of funny questions. I recommend you visit the bonus section or try Cortana at home. How to configure Cortana We go to Settings, and then we can access Cortana options. We can say "hey, Cortana" to start talking to her and ask her to show our calendar or show our alarms. I have a Nokia phone with Windows on it. And yes, that's what I do. I say, "Show me my alarms," and then I can see my alarms straight away. Sometimes it's handy. Yeah, you can use a keyboard shortcut for that as well. And that's it. Please remember that Kotana is not available on all platforms and for all languages. And, as far as you remember, you have to have an online account with Microsoft to use Cortana. a really nice add-on for your exam. You have to know how to configure it and what Cortana is. It is much more important to know when you use Microsoft Edge. Microsoft is really proud of Microsoft Edge and claims that yes, it is much faster. Please note that it shows it is much faster than Firefox and Google Chrome. Yes, you have to verify if that's the case, but this is what Microsoft tells you. Can we access Internet Explorer? Sure, if you say Internet Explorer. You can access Internet Explorer from Windows Ten as well. But Microsoft really wants you to use Microsoft Edge. What is so special? Well, it is fast. This is what Microsoft says. And there are some really nice add-ins and things that you can do with Microsoft Edge. One of them is "add notes." Let's say I want to focus on this one, okay? So I can circle it here. I can say, Well, I want to memorise this n this oneI can add a note. I can say tomorrow. ay, Well, Ia very nice addon that is built into Microsoft Edge. Of course, you can achieve the same with Firefox, Chrome, and so on. But you need an add-on here. Microsoft says you don't have to download anything. We immediately give it to you. Over here you can clip, you can touchwrite, and you can save a web node. Okay? You click save, and then it is going to be saved. You can view it or open it. You have a private ? You click It is all about privacy today. We don't want everybody to know what we are doing at the moment. We've all heard about Facebook and know how dangerous it is. Of course, all browsers allow you to have thisoption and make sure that will not keep yourcookies, history, temp files and so on. And we'll get rid of all these files when you close this window. And this is called "inprivate browsing" in Microsoft Edge. What else? A really nice add-on reading list It is something that allows you to come back to an interesting article later on if you think, "Okay, I will come back to it and read this later on." books, history, and downloads. Nothing special. A couple of addons things that are built into Edge. But again, the main advantage is that Microsoft Edge is the fastest browser out there. Is it? Check it out.

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  • Nigeria
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  • Oct 23, 2020
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  • Aug 24, 2020
  • Ricky Faith
  • South Africa
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  • Aug 19, 2020
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