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Salesforce ADM-211 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Salesforce ADM-211 Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Salesforce ADM-211 Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Salesforce ADM-211 certification exam dumps & Salesforce ADM-211 practice test questions in vce format.
Creating custom objects through Schema Builder Alright, in the previous video we learned about creating a custom object in Salesforce Classic. That was a pretty straightforward way of creating that. However, there is also another way of creating custom objects in Salesforce, and that is through Schema Builder. So what is a schema builder? Schema Builder is basically a dynamic environment for viewing and modifying all of the objects and relationships in the Salesforce application. In fact, something like this greatly simplifies our task of designing, implementing, and modifying the data model—or the schema, however we call it. This schema builder is enabled by default and is also available in the developer edition. In fact, we have discussed in detail the schema builder and the basic administration course. So let me directly jump into the creation part. Go to Schema Builder, and here you already see the course object. There is a custom object that we already created in case any of the other objects are selected. Like, you can select the objects or, if you want to clear off all the selected objects, use clear all. Here you have the options for all objects you want to view in the schema builder. All objects: selected objects, standard objects, custom system objects So here, let me go for custom objects. So the custom object that we have now is the one that we created that is a course object. This is the only single custom object that we have. And at a later point in time, when you create all your other custom objects and their relationships, it will show you all the custom objects here with their relationships marked across them. now that we have only one custom object. So let's stick to that. Now let's see how we create a custom object in Schema Builder. Here there are two tabs: elements and objects. Go to the elements tab. Here you see either how we can create an object or the field associated with an object. So both these components can be created in Schema Builder because, basically, it talks about the objects in the relationship in the schema builder, right? So here you can create an object or create fields associated with an object. So how do you create an object? You have this particular element in your object element, right? Just drag and drop it, and the screen for creating new objects will open up. So fill in all the details. Here I have filled out all the necessary details. label, plural, object name, description, mandatory thing that we have to do, record name, what's the datatype of that, and it is deployed. Save now that this new custom object has been created in our application. But because we don't have a tab created for that, we may not be able to see that in the UI. But for creating a tab, go to Salesforce Classic here and do it the regular way that we do it. However, for creating objects and fields, we can use Schema Builder. For example, let's create a field for this Instructor Custom Object. Say, for example, the instructor's first name. So the instructor's first name is in our text field, as we can see here. So go to Schema Builder, pick up the Text Field type so that it is here, and just drag and drop it on the Instructor Custom Object. So the pop-up window opens for creating a new field. And the field type that we chose is text. Given the details, it is automatically mapped to the Text Field type. Once you're done giving all the details, hit the Save button. Now that we see this new field, instructor FirstName has been created in this instructor custom object. So this is just another way of creating custom objects and custom fields in SalesForce. Other than the regular way of creating that, this is just another way of doing it. Similarly, you can create all the other custom objects and the ones that we have as part of our data model.
Now that we are done creating custom objects, it's time for us to explore creating new custom fields with different field types. So what's a field? A field is basically a placeholder for storing business information as simple as a stack. Every object has numerous fields associated with it for storing the various business information that the customer wants to store in the CRM system. Salesforce has basically two different types of fields. One is the standard feel, and the other is the custom feel in standard fields. As the name says, it's standard. It is available in Salesforce by default. However, the custom fields are the ones that are custom-created by us. So when we talk about these objects and fields, basically in the database on the back end, objects are represented in the form of tables, whereas fields are represented as columns of the table. Now that we have created our objects, it means that we have created the table structure. And now that it's time for us to jump in and create those table columns, that means those fields. So let's take a quick look at our data model. So here is the data model, and as per the plan, we have created the objects. And now let's jump into creating fields. First, are the courses an object? So, picking any field for that matter, let me pick the Courses object, and let me pick this particular field, which is coscore. And as per the data model, the fieldtype that is a data type is text. So let's create the Course codefield with the Text data type. So open the SalesForce application. And now let's create our first custom field for the object. Courses. Navigate to the course object and select view fields. This will basically take us to the object definition page of this custom object course. And here, as you can see, there are no assets and no custom fields created. Hit the new button; it will open up the page for creating the field. And the first attribute that we see here is the field type every custom field has; in fact, standard fields also have many attributes associated with them. Among those attributes, the most important one is the field type. Or we can call it a data type. So what is the field type? Field type is basically what decides the type of data that particular field stores. And, as you can see, there are numerous field types available in Salesforce, including autonomous formula, rollup, summary, relationship fields, and others. These three fields are basically grouped together because these are system-generated fields. External lookup of relationship master detail These are relationship fields. And then there are the standard field types. In our basic Admin course, we already created objects and fields with field types. But now that we are in the Advanced Admin Course, it's very essential for us to understand the various attributes every field offers, the importance of those attributes, where they apply, and why they apply. All those minute details are very important for us to understand. So here, let me choose the text data type because that is how we have designed our data model. So choose Text, and as you can see here, there are no different variations in that text. Text Area Despite the fact that everything contains data, these are the various variations of the text data type. So when we choose a text, it allows entering any combination of letters and numbers and a text area up to 255 characters on separate lines. Text would be on a single line, and this is a separate line. So that is to be noted. And here the text area has this limitation. 13107 two characters on separate lines and the text area rich text area rich as the name says, itallows adding images, links and other formatted text. And when we say encrypted, again, as the name says, this is encrypted text, meaning the data that we enter in this particular field is usually shown in encrypted form. The best example would be storing a person's Social Security number of a person.That data is stored in encrypted form because of the importance of that information. So these are the different options that are available to us when we store data in text format. So we have to explore the different options and what they have to offer. Now that we'll just choose the plain text option next, Now that we have chosen our data type, step two would be to enter the details. So fill in all the details. When you are done filling in all the details, we should also give more importance to the other options that are generally available. One is required. What is required? Required means this field is always required, meaning in order for us to save a record, a value in this field is mandatory. So that is why this required option is available. Allowing or disallowing duplicate values and external IDs is defined as unique. So whenever we set a field as a unique identifier from an external system, then we use this external ID. So here we require a unique external ID. These are the options that are available. In fact, we have to make note of these options that are available. These are also sometimes encountered in the certification exams. Like, what are all the various options available to us when we create a field? So pay attention to all these values. And for our scenario for the course code, I would say that it is required because Costco is always required for any course that is created and unique. Two courses cannot, without a doubt, share the same course code. So let me say that it is unique and it is not a record identifier from an external system. So let me not mark this And the last option that is available to us is the default value. So default values are basically used whenever we want to populate some default value based on some other parameters. So use this show formula editor and then select the particular field type in the organisation profile. Everything has certain fields associated with it. And you have these operators, too. In fact, these are pretty standard operators that are available to us whenever we create formulas and use operators. These are also things we are already familiar with, but we only found out about them while creating a field. And also try using these formula editors to see how it behaves when you create a field. So that's what I'm emphasising again and again: in an advanced administrative course, we sometimes learn the same concepts in greater depth. So the default value is also one such detail to which we may not have paid enough attention while creating this basic admin course. But now that we are doing this advanced work, it's time for us to understand these concepts more in detail. So hit next. Hit next. It is field-level security. Done. So we are done creating our first custom field. That is the course code for the custom object course. The process is pretty simple and straightforward. However, we have to pay more attention to the attributes that a field has to offer, given the various different attributes. That is why, when we created our data model, we made sure that every single field type that is offered by Salesforce is mapped to at least one of the fields among these entities. When it comes to text, we have text, text areas, text areas, and long, rich encrypted text. So try creating all these fields in the application and see how it behaves and how they differ from each other. That way, we can really enhance our learning experience.
In this session, let's dive deep into the text data type. So in Salesforce, basically for storing text values, Salesforce offers five different types of field types.They are text text area, text arealong, text area which text encrypted. Now let's learn one by one. So the first is the text, which is pretty much plain text. The one that we created in our previous lecture text area is on separate lines, and textarea long is again different, rich is different, and encrypted is also different from the others. So basically, in our data model, we have different fields with these different text field types. And let's go through the course code they've already created one by one. So create the other field types as well. You know description and here department details,access code and here extracurricular details. Now that we are done creating course code, let me go ahead and create this description field. For a Courses object, go to the Salesforce application Courses object, create a new field, and this time it is going to be a text area. So choose a text area, hit Next, fill in the details, then fill in the details. And here, pay attention to the options that are available to us while creating our text field. There were another two options. One is unique, and the other one is an external ID. So here, those two options are not available. Text area fields cannot be marked as unique, and they cannot serve as external IDs. So these are some of the fine details that we need to note while creating a field. Leave the default value as it is while creating text, hit Next, and then go ahead and save the field. Done. Now that we have created our text area field, let's go ahead and create our text area line that is on the department object. So for creating that field, go to the Departments object, the regular process view fields, and hit the new button. And now that our data type is going to be "text area long," hit Next. Fill in the details. Here, while filling in the details, note that there is a maximum of 13107, two characters, that is allowed for this particular field, right? because it is a text area long field and the default length is this Let me stick on to that. and number of visible lines This is again a different attribute that is not available to the other text fields. number of visible lines, meaning there may be multiple lines that are available and multiple lines of data that are given as input. However, the number of visible lines is the number of lines that are visible in the user interface. So maybe let me turn it to five. And once you do all these changes, you have to go to the UI and see how the data is shown in the UI. And here also, you do not have the option of "unique," and you do not have the option of "external writing." You do not have the option of marking it as required because it's a long text area field. So hit next and then save the field. Perfect. So our text area long field is alsocreated text area rich and text encrypted. So let me quickly go to the extracurricular object and create those two fields. No fields as it's created now. So let me create my first text-rich field. Fill in all the details here. While filling out the details, keep in mind that the other options for the text area rich are not available here as well: unique required or external ID on top of it. The default value is also not available for this particular field type, rich text, where it was available for the other field types but not for this. So these are some of the differences that we need to understand between the various field types. Hit next and go save the field. And our final field type is going to be text-encrypted, and that is again for the extracurriculars object. same object, hit the new button, and choose the field type. text encrypted fill in all the details here and alsonote the different attributes this particular field type has gotto offer so you can make it required. And this being an encrypted field, it is asking for a mask type. So whether we want to mask all the characters or leave the last four characters clear, this very much applies to SSN, the credit card number. So we basically store all of these details in encrypted form so you can choose a mask type. So for the time being, let me choose all of the characters and what the character has to be. So there is an example that is given, for example, the last four characters clear.It means generally for SSN like wereveal only the last four digits. So an example is also given. So this is how we use the text-encrypted data type. It can be made necessary. However, the option of unique or the default valueor the external ID, they are not available here. If you want the text encrypted, hit next and save the field. Perfect. Now that we have created all our fields with the different text field types that are available to us, So now let's go to the UI and see how these text fields appear. In the UI, the closest object, ithas got a couple of text fields. So, for example, the first course, say, marketing or management, and the course code—say, MBA 100—are followed by the description. This is basically the text field that we created. It is in the data type or text area. So it should be able to carry 255 characters in separate lines, right? But now that I have more than 255 characters, it is automatically truncated. So let me stop here, and it's telling me how many characters are left. Hit the save button. So my first record, as well as the CoursesObject, is Marketing Management MBA 100. And this is the description, and this is how text area fields appear in the UI. Perfect. Let's take a look at our text area long fields now. So, long text area for the department's object, department details. So let me go to the department object and create a new record here. Fill in the details. So the department name that I've given Applied Business Studies," and I have given quite a detailed department description. Hit the save button, and as you can see, this is the first record that we created in departments Object. And this is a text area with a long field. So for text area length, the number of characters, the maximum number of characters that is allowed, is 13107 two.And you can see that it is a pretty big description, right? It also differs from our textarea field in that only a maximum of 25 characters were allowed, implying that it could only hold four or five sentences, right? So this is basically the difference between the different text fields. Now let's move on to our next text field type. That is text-area rich. That's for the extracurricular activity. So let me go ahead and create an extracurricular. So that is the text area rich.So let me create my first record here. So first of all, have a look at this text-rich field. It has options for formatting the text. And I have pasted my content over here, and as you can see, I have formatted my text. I have also included a picture here, and those options are available right here. Click on the image button, and then you can upload an image. You can also add Web addresses. So this is very different from the other text fields that we just learned. So once you are done creating all those, this is the access code, basically the text-encrypted one, right? So, the access code, please give it to me. So this is my access code. Hit the same button. So once done, look at the record and see how this field is different from the other text fields that we created, all right? Like we have done formatting, we have added images and looked at the access code, all right? Because the option that we chose was the last four characters, to be clear. That is why it is appearing like this. So these are the different types of textfields and field types that we have in SalesForce. for example, the courses. In the Courses object, the very first record that we created is this course name. This is a text field, allright, but this is a text area field. So that, by itself, demonstrates the distinction between the text fields. These are text fields, but this is a text area field. However, in departments, the one that we created was long in the text area, right? It is different from the text area fields and extracurricular activities. The one that we created was a text area rich with all the formatting, with the images, with the URL, and with the text encrypted field type. So these are the different text data types that are available, and also pay attention to the various options that were available and that were different for each one of them. Some cannot be made required, some can be made required, not all field types can be made as external IDs, and not all of these text field types can be made unique. The default value wasn't available for some of the text field types. So pay a minute's attention to all these details and how it is different from each one of them.
Pick list and multiselect pick list aswe learn the different field types thatare available to us in Salesforce. Now let's understand what this pick list field type is and what the multiselect pick list field type is. Basically, while using these field types, there is a pick list field and the multicellect pick list fields, which offer a set of predefined values for us to select from while creating data. pretty much like the dropdown feature that is available on almost all websites. In our data model, we have a couple of pick list values, and we have a couple of multiselect pick list field types. Especially for this instructor object, we see there is a field called "position" with the field type "picklist," and then there is another field called "subject areas" with the "multiselect picklist field type." So now let's quickly create these two fields. So let's go to the Salesforce application, go to the Instructors object view feeling, hit the new button, and the field type that we are going to use is picklist. So choose Pick List, and it gives a description, allowing users to select a value from the list that is already defined. Hit the next button, and here it asks for the field label. But other than that, we see there is anotheroption that is using a global picklist value setor giving a fresh set of values. So what is this? So using a global picklist value set means we can define a value set and then use it globally throughout our application. Say, for example, yes, no, or not applicable. These are some of the very common options that we have for pick lists and that might be used in different places in the application. All right. So instead of recreating that every single time, we can create a global pick list value set, have it ready, and use it whenever applicable. So now let's create a global picklist value set and then use it here. Search for pick list value sets, and as such, there are no global value sets available right now available.Hit the new button. It's asking for a label. Let me say "general pick list value set" and give a meaningful description. And for the values, let me say yes, no, or not applicable. And these are options available to you if you want to display the values alphabetically and if you want to use the first value as a default value. So that is totally up to the business scenario. Hit the save button. So now we have successfully created our global value set, and this is now ready to be used anywhere in the application whenever we create the picklist or the multicellect pick list field types. So now let's go to the instructors' object and let's try recreating that field. The pick list data type and field that we will create is a position, which is essentially the instructor position. So an instructor can be a lecturer, an assistant lecturer, a professor, or the head of the department; write like that. But here, yes, no, and not applicable are really not applicable in this scenario. However, as I just showed you how to use that global picklist value set, So in case you want to use that, this general picklist value set that we just created is available over here for us to choose. But otherwise, in this scenario, as it is not applicable, let me go for the other option, and here, let me choose those values. I've given all the values here, and if we want, we can restrict the picklist to the values defined in the value set. Otherwise, on top of the values that are already in the picklist, users are welcome to enter more unique values, more custom values, and those will automatically be added to the picklist. So that is this option, and the field name is given a proper description and help text if needed. And then hit the next button. Go save the field. Now perfect. Our pick list field is created, and that is this position pick list field for the object departments. So from this, we understand how we can create a global pick list value set and use it in a pick list. We did not use it, however; we know how to use it. And here on the pick list, there are different options that are available. The general options are whether it is required, if there is a default value, and the pick list options: whether we can restrict the pick list to the values that are defined in the value set or if we can allow the users to enter more custom values, so that is also an option that is available and controls the field. Yeah, we can define whether a pick list is a controlling pick list or a dependent pick list. We'll discuss that later. Field dependencies are field dependencies that we can use to create those dependencies in picklist validation rules. We can create validation rules based on these picklist values, and then these are the various values that are available for us here. We can see all these values are active, so that is why this deactivate button is available. And in case you want to deactivate any of the values, we can hit the deactivate button, and that will automatically fall in the inactive values section. So these are the different options that are available for us while creating the picklist field. As we can see, this field is definitely different from the other field types that we have in Salesforce. You know, the options that we have for defining the validation rules that we can use for defining the various values, the active values, the inactive values, and how we can reorder them, replace them, and add chart colours to those on that particular field type. All right, so definitely this is one of the different field types that I thought we should discuss to gain some knowledge about it. All right, now that we are done creating our pick list field type, let's create a field using the multiselect pick list field type. So let's go to the data model. There is one other field called subject areas in the instructor's object, and that is of the type multiselect pick list. So let me again go to the same departments object, create another field, and select the field type to be picklist multiselect. Hit the Next button and fill in all the details here. Note that even for multiselect picklists, the option of the global picklist value set is available. The one that we created was a general pick list value set. So we can reuse that. So that is the main use of the picklist value set. Once created, we can use it anywhere in the application for both pick list and multicellect pick list field types. So once we have all the values, let's go ahead and save the field. All right, now let me enter the values for the multiselect pick list. I have given some sample data, and once done, let's go ahead and create the field. Perfect. Now that we have created both our fields, let me quickly create a record for the instructor object, the instructor last name position. Just fill in the details of the position; this is the position pick list that we created. Let me introduce myself as a lecturer and save the record. However, for the department's object, the one that we created is a multi-select picklist value. So here, fill in the details, and here you can see that the multiselic picklist values appear very different from the regular pick list because in a regular pick list, it can hold only one value. But here, as the name says, it can hold multiple pick list values.
Field dependencies. So what are field dependencies? As the name says, field dependency means a value in one field depends on the value of another field.as simple as that. One field is dependent on the other. That is called field dependency. In fact, this is a very common scenario that we encounter in our day-to-day to day life.Say, for example, that on any e-commerce website or in any online transaction that we conduct, we encounter this particular concept. Say, for example, when we give an address, we have a pick list for country, all right? And when we choose the country, say, for example, the United States, And then we have another pick list for state, and that will list all the states of that particular country. So if we choose the USA, all the states in the USA would be listed. If we choose Canada, then different. If we choose another country, then the values in the state pick list will differ. So based on the country that is selected, the values that will appear in the state pick list will differ. So this is a very simple concept of a dependent pick list. So the value of one field that is a state pick list is dependent on the value of the country pick list. Now, let's understand how we create this concept and apply it in SalesForce. So open a Salesforce application to understand this concept of field dependency. What I have done is, for the instructor object, create two pick list fields. One is a category field; the other is a subcategory field. All right, it may not really apply to this particular scenario of an instructor object, but just for understanding the concept, I have created these two pick list fields. One is the category field, and the other is a subcategory field. And both these fields are visible in the UI. For the category fields, field types have chosen three values: category one, category two, and category three. And for the subcategory for this pick list, I have chosen these values: 1121-3212-2331-3233. All right, so now that both are picklist fields already, let's create a field dependency. So how do we create a field dependency? Go to the object definition page, and in custom fields and relationships, you will see an option field for dependencies. Hit the Field Dependencies button. As we see, there are no field dependencies as such created.Let's create one. Hit the new button, and here we see the controlling field and the dependent field. So what is this? So basically, the controlling field is the one that is controlled. What are all the values to be displayed in the dependent field? A quick description of that is given here. So in our case, the controlling field is the category field, right? So let me choose a category, and a dependent field would be the subcategory. So I've chosen a subcategory here, hit the country button, and then basically, this is a matrix that is showing us the values of how it has to be displayed. So for category one and the subcategory values, I'm choosing these three. Just double-click on that, and they will get enabled. For category 2, choose the values. And for category three, these are the values. All right? So these are the values—the subcategory values—for the respective category values. So once done, hit Save. There's also a preview button. You can use that and see the values. Now that the field dependency is perfectly created, let's go to the Instructor object, create a new record, and let me create a test value. And here, as you can see, there are two pick lists. This is the controlling field, and this is the dependent field. So when I choose category one, the options that I see only are category one, two, and three. because these are the three values that we chose for this particular category value. And when you change the category, the subcategory values also get changed. 31323 three. All right, so based on the value that we select in the category pick list, the value in the subcategory pick list changes. That is, the value in the dependent field changes based on the value in the controlling field. So this is the overall concept of field dependency. Now that we have a basic understanding of this concept of field dependency, let's take a quick look at the various considerations that we have with this concept. Point number one: So when we talk about this concept of field dependency, which are all the field types that we can use as part of this field dependency concept? There are only three field types that we can use for field dependencies multiselect pick list checkbox-pick list Only these three fields can be part of the field dependency concept. Checkbox fields can be controlling fields but not dependent fields. Yes, so when we say checkbox fields, it is not that. It can be both controlling and dependent. Checkbox fields can only ever be controlling fields; they cannot act as dependent fields. Let me show this to you in Salesforce UI. This is the instructor's object. Let me go to the object definition page. And here we have one checkbox field that is a trainee field. And now, if I try to create the field dependencies, this training field is available only here. That is a controlling field. And that training field is not available here in the dependent field, right? Checkboxes can thus only be a controlling field and not a dependent field. Next consideration: a multiselect pick list can be an independent pick list, but not controlling it feels, you know, like it's the other way around. As a result, when we say multiselect pick list, we mean that it can only act as dependent fields and not as controlling fields. So the multi-select pick list is here in the instructor object; we have the multi-select pick list as subject areas. So let me hit cancel. And now let me create the new field dependency and the controlling field. That multicellect picklist, subject area, or independent field are not visible to me. I see subject areas, meaning a multi-selectpick list cannot serve as a controlling field but can only act as dependent fields. Perfect. Moving on, now let's talk about pick list fields. Now that we know checkboxes, we know multi-select know multi select pick list.How about the regular pick list? Regular pick lists can be either controlling fields or dependent fields. However, it depends on whether it is a custom pick list field or a standard pick list field. Custom picklist fields can be either controlling or dependent, and there are no restrictions out there. However, the standard pick list field can control the pick list but not the dependent fields. All right, so there is a difference. So, what you can do is create custom pick list fields that can be both controlling and dependent fields. Both the category and the subcategory fields that we created are custom fields, so they can act either as controlling or dependent fields. And that is how we see that category here, as a subcategory. As a result, it can function as both a controlling and a dependent pick list. There are no restrictions out there. However, the standard picklist fields that are already available in Salesforce can only act as controlling fields and not dependent fields. The following point to consider is when converting existing fields to dependent picklists. This is pretty much the same scenario that we replicated the category picklist and the subcategory picklist, which were already existing, and then we converted them to be dependent on the controlling pick list, right? So what happens in the scenario when the picklists are already existing and you already have data for that, and then we convert them from dependent pick lists to controlling fields? Then what happens in that scenario? It doesn't affect the existing values. However, after conversion into dependent or controlling fields, the dependent rules will apply to only the new records, and there will be no changes to the existing data in your application. So all these considerations, as and when we learn them, will definitely be a good learning experience for us to recreate the scenario in the UI and see how it behaves. Moving on about the field level security settings, though the controlling and dependent fields are logically tied, the field level security settings are independent. So always remember that the field-level security for the control field and the dependent field are independent. So just in case you hide a controlling field for some reason, also hide the dependent pick list. so it makes logical sense out there. The data import wizard doesn't consider field dependencies, meaning while we use these datatools, it will not basically consider the logical relationship between those two fields. It will basically consider whatever input data as just data and upload it. So it is our responsibility to ensure that the controlling field and the dependent field values are as per the logical relationship between them. So these are some of the considerations that we need to note while creating field dependencies. And of course, it will be a good learning experience for us to replicate these scenarios in the UI and see how it behaves.
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