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EC2 for SysOps

17. Custom CloudWatch Metrics for EC2

Okay, finally we need to know something about Cloud Watch logs in EC Two.By default, your EC2 machine will not send any logs to Cloud Watch. And so to send logs to Cloud Watch, we basically need something called the Cloud Watch agent to run on our ECU Two machine, and this Cloud Watch agent will push all the log files you want straight to Cloud Watch. So it's something very neat to have. So as an example, this is the Cloud Watch log service. It's green, and we have our EC2 instance in orange, and on it we're going to run the CloudWatch log agents, and this will just send all the logs from our E2 machine straight to Cloud Watch. So for this, obviously we need to make sure that our IAM permissions are correct to push data to CloudWatch. And you should know that it is possible to run the exact same Cloud Watch log agents on your on-premise server to also collect the logs and send them to Cloud Watch logs, which is pretty awesome. So let's go ahead and install this Cloud Watch loggingonto our EC Two instance to see how things work. So here we want to push the CloudWatch logs to CloudWatch, and so for this we'll install the Cloud Watch log agent. I'm aware there's a new unified agent, but it's a bit more complicated. We'll go and configure the older Cloud Watchagents that are running in two instances. It will work just fine, and it will achieve the exact same purpose. Okay, so the first thing we have to do is configure an IAM role for users for our Cloud Watch logs, and we need to make sure that the policy allows logs to be pushed. So for this we can go into our IAM roleand see what it is about and we can seethat right now we have full access and if youlook at the policy itself, it looks like we haveall permissions on logs so the IAM role is fine. Excellent. So let's go back to our EC Two instance. Next, what we have to do is install and configure the log agent on an existing ECTWo instance, and for this we just need to run sudo yam install minus the AWS logs. So let's go ahead and do this. We're on our instance, and I'll go back one level up and run sudo yam install AWS logs. So now the log agent is being installed. Next, we have to edit this configuration file to configure the logs to track, and we're not actually going to do it because we'll just leave it as default, but if you're interested, you can go and look at the concept of this file. It simply demonstrates how the file will be tracked. What we have to understand is that right now, the only file that will be tracked and sent to CloudWatch will be the varlogmessages. And this is how this file is going to be configured. It looks like everything is okay. Next, we must edit the AWS logs at awscli.com because all of our logs are currently being sent to the east one region. Otherwise, for this, we'll just edit this file. So let's do this very quickly. We'll do pseudo-Nano and then this file, and in there we can change the default region. For me, it's going to be an EU-West one. But you can figure out what your region is very easily. So, now that we've finished, we can start the agent. And for that, we'll start the AWS logs for the pseudo-service. And actually, because we're running on Amazon LinuxTwo, we are going to use Systemctl. So we'll do sudo systemctl start. Awkward. Here we go. Done. and we scroll down. We also need to make sure that the agents will be running when our instance restarts. So we'll just run the second command we have to enable the service. Okay, excellent. So now, as the documentation says, we should see the log groups being created, and the log should start streaming into Cloud Watch. So let's go to Cloud Watch, which is right here. Then we go to the Cloud Watch logs. So I'll just refresh that page, and here we can see that we have the log group VAR log messages that was created for us, which is awesome. In there we get a log stream, which is the stream from our EC2 instance. And the idea here is the exact same idea as our first instance there. So it's the same instance ID. When you click on it, we begin to see messages in the VAR lug message log. And so, that's awesome. We'll get a log here. Obviously it's not the most interesting log for us, but if you have an application log or whatever, you just need to configure the agent accordingly, and you'll get all the log messages appearing in Cloud Watch. So that's it. I just want to show you how it was done. But just remember, you need to install the agent and push things directly to Cloud Watch to monitor your issue instance logs. I hope you liked it, and I will see you in the next lecture.

18. CloudWatch Logs for EC2

So if you're like me and you want to clean up your resources so as not to waste any money, what I'll do is just terminate my two easy instances. We'll be reusing stuff over time. We can also go to our elastic IP. And once this elastic IP has been dissociated, which shouldn't take long, we can simply release the address, i.e. delete it entirely. So the elastic IP is now available, as is our AMI. If you want to, you can just delete it and deregister our Apache server. So I'll go ahead and deregister that. And here we go. We have no more amis. So after all this clean-up is done, you'll basically make sure that everything is terminated. And as you'll see, this one is still running. The reason is we have "termination protection." So we have to change this. So for now, we'll just change the termination protection. We can disable it. And now we're able to terminate it on the console. Excellent. So that's it for this lecture. Just a quick tidy up. I will see you in the next one.

Managing EC2 at Scale - Systems Manager (SSM) & Opswork

1. Section Introduction

Now that we know all there is to know about EC2, it is time for us to understand how to manage EC2 instances at scale. And for this, it is going to be around systems management and operations work. So this section is quite big. We will learn about SSM from an exam perspective. But I also wanted to cheer for Real World, so we'll go a little beyond because I think SSM is a tremendous service. So we'll learn how to manage fleets of EC2 instances and on-premises servers using SSM, how we can apply patches at scale, how we can run automation and create secure shells, and how we can store parameters. And finally, for Upwork, we'll just stick to using chefs and puppets. I hope you're excited. Let's get started.


. Systems Manager Overview

So let's talk about the AWS Systems Manager. Now, this is a service that I believe you will use frequently as a student, but right now in the exam, it's a dress rehearsal, a small part of it, and I want to provide you with real-world skills. So I'm going to go a bit beyond what you should know for a systems manager. Trust me, it's well worth it. Still, in this lecture, I'm going to give you the main aspects of Systems Manager so that you're ready for the exam. If you want to skip the rest of the lessons, that's up to you. So, Systems Manager will help you manage your EC2 instances and your on-premises systems or VMs at scale, and you will get operational insights about the state of your infrastructure. So it's the way that you manage your infrastructure. With it, you can easily detect problems. You can patch for enhanced compliance. As a Systems Manager, you have the ability to patch, which is a very common question on the exam, and it works for both Linux and Windows. It is, by the way, free and integrated with Cloud Watch metrics, dashboard, and configuration. So overall if there's one thing you should remember outof it, if the exam is asking you we needto patch all the OS of our easy to instances. How do we do this? Well, the way to do it is to use Systems Manager. That's basically it for the exam. Still, I want to go a bitbeyond and show you other things. So far, there are so many of them.There are resource groups, insights, and it provides an insight dashboard, inventory, and compliance. There's a padded store that we'll see in this section. Then there are some actions youcan do such as automation. So, for example, if you want to automate shutting down EC2 or creating AM eyes, you can run commands directly from Systems Manager onto all of your instances. and that's something we'll see. You could use Session Manager, and we'll see this to SSH, or you could use Magical to secure shell into your instances, and you'll see Patch Manager, as I said, is how you patch all your instances all at once. Maintenance Window is how you configure your instances so that they can be patched at a specific time, and State Manager is how you define how your OS and applications should be configured. So there are a lot of things here, and honestly, I don't expect you to remember any of them. You just need to remember what SystemsManager is and what it's used for. And really, what's important for you is the parameter store, the RAM command, the session manager, and the patch manager. Or I'll show you how it looks in the user interface. So here in the management console, if we go to Systems Manager, we get basically a central place to gain operational insights and take action or use resources. As I told you, there are so many kinds of things you can do, and you can see on the left side that all these different menus have something to offer. Now this is, as I said, quite advanced and you shouldn'tlook into all of them or learn all of them howthey work but the most important ones I will show youand so right now what I did in my slide isjust copy all these and explain them. Trust me, as time goes on, you'll get a better understanding of how they work and what they do next—how systems managers work. So it's super important for you to understand how that works because I think that could be a question on the exam SSM is an AWS service, and basically we need to have our instances install the SSM agents, which means that by installing the agents, they will report to the SSM service. This agent is installed by default when you use the Amazon Linux AMI or any Ubuntu AMI. Otherwise you'll have to install it, but it's very easy; it's just software. So say we have easy two instanceswe may have also on premise VMs. So we install the SSM agents, and it automatically reports to the SSM service, so we can have this on many instances as well as on-premise VMs. If there's a problem saying the SSM agent cannot talk to SSM, it's probably an issue with the same agents, and IAM that's because you don't have the proper permissions to talk to SSM. So this is one thing I want you to remember: SSM doesn't work out of the box; we need an agent on it. So in the next lecture, what we'll do is launch a few East 2 instances and configure them correctly so that we can see them in SSM. So, until the next lecture.

3. Start EC2 Instances with SSM Agent

Okay, so I am in the console, and what I want to do is launch EC-2 instances so that we can see them in Systems Manager. So I'll click on Launch Instances, and I will choose Amazon Linux 2. The reason I do this is that it comes with the SSM Agent already installed out of the box.So I'll click Connect, and next I'll select two micros because they're free, and I'll click on Configure Instance Details. For this, I will choose to create three instances. You're more than welcome to just have one, butI want to do examples with many different instances. So in this case, I'll just choose three. Importantly, I need to have an IAM role, and that IAM role needs to be able to talk to SSM. So what I'll do is I'll create a new Imrole and I'll create a role it's for EC Two. And then I go for permissions. Here. I will talk to SSN. I will look for SSM. And there's a role called Amazon EC 2 for SSM. And that's the default policy for AmazonEC 2 for the Systems Manager service role. So this policy, if we look at it, basically allows us, as I scroll down, to do a lot of things on SSM and for our instances to report to SSM. Without it, SSM would not see our instances. So I'm happy with this one. I'll take it. Yes. Then I click on tags, click on review, and I'll just name it Amazon EC-2 role for SSM. something quite simple. I'll create a role, and we're done. Now I'll go back to EC2, and I'll refresh my IAM roles. And now I can select Amazon EC two role for SSM. Great. Then I click on Add Storage, and I'll have a root volume. Excellent. Add tags and then configure. Security group. And for this one, I can create a new security group, and I'll just call it SSH managed instances. And what I'll do is that I'll remove the SSH Security Group rule. So there is no Security Groups rule at all in my managed instances. And as you'll see, you may be asking, "Why are you doing this?" Well, as you'll see, it's pretty cool. I'll click on reviews. I'll just give a description of SSM, and then I'll click on Review and Launch, and I'll select an existing key pair for AWS Course and click on Launch Instances. Now this is going to create three instances for me. So I go and click on "View Instances." And now they're getting started. Let's go back to Systems Manager. In Systems Manager, we have a lot of different menus, but what's important to know is that for our instances to appear in Systems Manager, we need to go to Managed Instances. Manage Instances is a way to centrally view all the instances that SSM manages. And so how it works is that we need to verify the prerequisites Install SSM Agent if it is not installed by default, but for us it was installed by default Configure the instance role, which we have done, and they will appear right here now that my three simple two instances have been launched, and we should be able to access them through instance managers, so go there, refresh the page, and under manage instances, you can access them. Now we see our three instances are online, and they're all managed by Systems Manager. We can see the instance ID, and we can see the IP addresses. The computer name, and then direct claims to the EC in two instances, which is pretty cool. This is just the beginning, but here we've launched three easy instances, and we'll do lots of fun stuff with them, but we wanted to have them visible under SSM, so here they are under manage instances It would not have worked if we had not installed that IAM role in Amazon Easy to Role for SSM because it would not have been able to report to SSM OK. So that's it for this lecture. I just want to show you how to launch two instances that can be managed by SSMin. In the next lecture, we'll have a play with them.

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  • daps
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  • Oct 25, 2020

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  • Oct 25, 2020
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  • Oct 19, 2020

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  • Oct 15, 2020

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  • Oct 04, 2020

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Is the premium dump for the Old or New Exam?

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is this still valid and most accurate to date?

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  • Aug 10, 2020

@Rushikesh Kalyani Did you pass the exam with the dump? Are the answers right in the paid version?

  • Aug 10, 2020
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  • Aug 04, 2020

Anyone tried this and/or confirmed if the $70 premium dumps has most of the test questions?

  • Aug 04, 2020
  • Rushikesh Kalyani
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Aug 03, 2020

Purchased premium subscription. Attempted the exam yesterday. almost 95% of questions were from this dumps

  • Aug 03, 2020

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