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Microsoft Azure AZ-104 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Microsoft AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft Azure AZ-104 certification exam dumps & Microsoft Azure AZ-104 practice test questions in vce format.
So let's talk about diagnostics within Azure. Now, certainly each of the resources that we've been working with has a diagnostics option. So this is a resource group, and I can go down and look at the diagnostic settings for the resources in this group, which is another great reason to organise things into resource groups. Going back into it, we can choose our Web app. And again, going down into here, we can see that the Azure Web App does some stuff automatically. But right now, all the diagnostics are turned off. And we can certainly start turning on different diagnostic settings if we want to start tracking diagnostics from Azure Webapps Going back up to here, if we go to the services and we start looking at Azure Monitor, Azure Monitor is a relatively new dashboard for all of the diagnostics activities within your account. So monitor applications and your infrastructure all in one place. So instead of it being so diverse across the resource group level or into individual resources, we can look at metrics, we can look at logs, and we can set up alerts all within Azure Monitor. So Azure Monitor, very rightly, is starting to become them for diagnostics. If we see down here, there is a Diagnostic Setting tab in Azure Monitor, and we're seeing the same resources that were shown in the diagnostic settings at the resource group level. So now it's all in one place for the same effect. Let's go over and look at a virtual machine. So here's a virtual machine that I created the other day. And you can see that it does actually fire off the CPU and network, et cetera. But if we go to diagnostics settings, there's a diagnostic settings menu here. First of all, you might have to turn on First of all, yoSo it was something that I enabled when I was setting up the virtual machine. But when you go here to this overview screen, it might please turn on the diagnostics. And so there's an agent that needs to be installed. Let's switch over to the Agent tab. So the machine is actually modified in order to throw off diagnostic settings. So if you don't enable the agent, you don't get diagnostics at the Azure level. In order to have diagnostics, it needs a storage account. You can see here on the Agent tab that the storage has a five gigabyte disc quota. So what that means is that as it's accumulating logs, it's going into a storage account. And that storage account is actually an additional thing in a virtual machine that could cost you money. Now, the cents per gigabyte aren't too bad, but 5GB of storage being used or 4GB of storage being used is still money that you should essentially account for, right? You can actually remove the diagnostic scanner if it's giving you trouble. This is one of the things that diagnostics is not working for. You can basically reinstall it. You can remove the eight and then come back here, and it'll allow you to turn it back on. Okay, so start off there. There are a number of sets of diagnostics that your virtual machine produces. First off, there are the performance counters. So we saw on the overview screen: CPU, memory, disk, and network. That is the basic set of performance counters. What that means is every 60 seconds in this configuration,every 60 seconds, your CPU is being tested, your memoryis being tested, your disc in your n,every 60 secSo if we go back to a diagram like this, every 60 seconds, as you can see as you move your mouse, the CPU has been tested. That is, it is not being reset every second or in between times to diagnostic settings. Okay? If this is not the case, and you want more or less fine-grained settings, you can certainly do so. Okay, so if I said custom, then I can basically say there are five pages of performance y, so if I saiThe CPU doesn't even show up. Well, processor, I guess it makes sense. So under processor information we've got percent processor time, percent privilege time, percent user time, and processor frequency. So we could sample this every 20 seconds if we really wanted to know what the processor is doing more frequently. Every 60 seconds, we can disable some of these things. Again, this is all getting into our file; this is all getting into our storage account. There's really no sense collecting things if you're never going to use them. So it sort of makes some intelligent choices in terms of your custom settings. Or you can just copy the basics. After you hit save, you'll have to go to your virtual machine's agents and change how it sends back to measure. So those are the performance counters. We also have logs. As an example, consider the Windows event in your Windows system. It has the Application Security System as three tabs. So you can basically equate this to the Windows event log. You can see that if you want to log, if this is an IS machine, you can collect and store your IS logs in Azure. Any sort of failed request, etc. So if you've got Net applications and you want to get tracing output generated outside of your VM in Azure, you can enable that as well. So logs are pretty straightforward. Bash Dumps is pretty self explanatory.It's disabled by default. Are you really going to be investigating the contents of the memory? It's a very specific use case for youneeding the contents of the memory when aprocess was if you're going to be ableto have the technical capability to investigate that. SYNCs are external services. So, for instance, ApplicationInsights is considered one. You can have your diagnostic data fed into Application Insights. So that's how you set up diagnostics for a virtual machine. If we head back to the Azure Monitor, I actually have a shortcut here. Heading back to the Azure Monitor, we can see that basically it allows you to look at activities, alerts, and metrics logs. We're going to look into that in a future video. But what we're concerned with is the diagnostic setting for virtual machines. And we can see here that Azure Monitor has applications, virtual machines, preview mode containers, and a network, which is Network Watcher. Now, right now, if I click it, it's still collecting data. So we're going to let that run for a little bit. We'll come back to that. However, as the virtual machine begins to generate logs, we will be able to assess the health and performance of that virtual machine, as well as all of my virtual machines.
So let's talk about the next requirement, which says data baselines for resources. Now the concept of the baseline within Microsoft Azure is that you might have—if we go into the all resources section, you may have dozens, hundreds, and maybe even a thousand or more resources inside your Azure subscription. And if something were to happen to that, say someone wanted to delete all resources, or something went wrong in a deployment and it started holding things you didn't want it to, how would you recover from that besides having backups of virtual machines and things like that? So the concept of the baseline is having each of your resources stored as either a script (in the form of a PowerShell script or a CLI) or a template an Arm template). Consider having all of the reasons for your account saved in GitHub as an Arm template. That's the baseline. And then as you make changes to it, instead of going in here and modifying the resources directly, you modify the template and just redeploy the template. That's what we want to eventually do in a controlled manner, by modifying your environment in a controlled manner. So, one thing you can do is -- and I'll end this here -- we'll go into reserve. So I'm going to go into the Azsch, the first web app resource group. Now there are only three resources here, but there have been four deployments. And if I go into the deployments section on the left or from the overview screen, I can see that I originally deployed a Microsoft website on June 18, and then I did it again on June 21, Traffic Manager, and Network Security Group on September 2. So we can see how long it took and whether it succeeded and when it was done, etc through.So one way to do the baseline would be to go into like this website view, and if I click on it, I can see the complete deployment. So there was a website, and there was a service plan. I can go over here to the template and see the deployment that happened. On June 21 at 8:00 p.m., I forgot the date. This is the deployment template for what Microsoft deployed. So there's the template; there are the parameters. I can download these and store them, basically. Then I'll have a baseline for the web app and the application service plan. Don't forget that you have to also store the parameters in a JSON file as well as the template. It takes two files to make this useful, and then Microsoft provides four different scripts that you can use to redeploy this if you want to. It's pretty standard PowerShell here. It takes the template JSON and the parameters JSON and reexecutes them. Okay. So you can download that. You can add this to your template library. So I'm going to say, AZ 100 free web app." Then you explain in the description that this is a test of saving a deployment. You want this to be very rememberable and useful. When you do go into your library and you have dozens and dozens and hundreds of templates, make sure that it is very clear as to what you're saving. You may want to have some type of naming scheme that you try to follow in terms of organization. Right? So this is going to get saved to my templates. I could also download it and put it into Git, for instance. Another thing I can do is redeploy it; I can rerun this arm template. And if anything had changed with the resource, it would reset back to the old settings. So if I upgraded the service plan to a new size, rerunning the deployment would correct that. And that's the concept behind desired state configuration and automation. So by rerunning the deployment, Azure ensures that the resources fit into the parameters that we're setting. So that's one way to do it. You can just go find the appointment that contains the resources that you want to save and save it. Now another thing that you can do—I'll go back to the overview here—is go to each of the individual resources. So I'm going to go into the appservice so I can find an automation tab. So there's an automation script tab in this resource. And Microsoft is generating right now as Iclicked it, it's generating a fresh copy ofthe current state of this source. So remember when I did the deployment in June, which was four months ago? I could have changed this resource many times. I could have scaled up, added things, used non-deployment things, or planned future deployments. The automation script is trying to capture it as of this exact moment. Okay, again, templates, emitters, and then four options in terms of scripting. Now I should put a caveat here. The caveat is that not every resource that Microsoft offers is available to be generated using the automation script and to be in this deployment file. So, while it will usually work, there may be times when a resource is unable to be generated because it is dependent. Other resources are dependent. So this is not a perfect baseline strategy. It's good, but there are sometimes resources that might not be covered properly in this. Okay, so that's generating the automation script. Grab this resource. Now this is not the case; the deployment happens at the resource group level. In the case of the automation script, this is the indo resource. Although you can see, because there's a dependency, that the plan is here, The network security group is in here as well. So to handle other related resources Now let's actually take that moment to go into the deployment. It's called templates. So, if we go to all services and templates, we can see the free web app that we just made. So when we went into the resource group and we wanted to save that deployment, the template had already been saved here. So if we need to redo this, we can do it. We can redeploy it, for instance, from this section. So those are the two methods for establishing a baseline for your environment using Arm templates. Now, the other way that we can baseline our environment is to create PowerShell scripts. Now, if we go into the PowerShell example, which is a good example, anytime you go into Azure documentation, you should be able to find PowerShell examples. We could obviously create PowerShell Scriptsthat will recreate our environment. Now this is much more of a manual task, right? So we're going to have to manually generate PowerShell scripts from our existing environment, but we certainly could take a sample script like this. Creating a virtual machine might be more complicated; we'd have to get our values right, our resource group name, our location, our VM name, et cetera. So creating virtual machine scripts from scratch is one way, and then you store that in your repository, your GitHub, and then you would need to enforce that. Only PowerShell scripts can be used to make changes to your deployment in your environment. And then that gets incrementally stored. So, obviously, Arm templates are the way to port. And it's also great because it will do the delta for you; it will do the desired state configuration for you. But PowerShell scripts are certainly one way to permanently document your environment so that you can recreate it in a new region or, in the event of a disaster, recreate your entire environment based on the scripts that you've been keeping up to date.
So when we're talking about diagnostic settings, we're also thinking about alerts and metrics as being sort of cousins of that. If you go into a resource, we can see that in the monitoring section, we've got our diagnostic settings, which we already went into, but alerts and metrics are immediately next to it. So let's go into the alerts. Now, I have not configured any alert rules, okay? This is going to allow me to get notified when certain things happen within this resource group. So I can say "New Alert Rule" and select the target that you wish to monitor. So I've only got one subscription, okay? And I can say I want to monitor apps. Let's look at app services. And we can see here that I've got multiple app services on my account. I'll just monitor the first web app that I know of, so I'm going to monitor this web app. Now, the criteria that I want to alert is let's say thatI want to know when the web app is stopped, okay? So let's take a look at web application stoppage. I want basically all alerts based on the Stop Web App. Now going into the, that's the condition. As a result, whenever a stop web application is initiated at Sgt's first web application, an alert will be triggered. Okay? Now I need to define: what is this alert? The alert itself is going to end up being a resource that's going to be stored in this resource group. This is the first alert or web page. Something happened that stopped this Web app. Again, this thing becomes an object that gets stored, and we're going to see it in the resource group. Now what is going to happen when the web app is stopped? Now I can basically say I want something to happen, and I'm going to say email admins, and it's going to be an email function, and I'm going to say email Azure Manager, role owners. Okay? So that's what I want to happen. when my web app is stopped, for whatever reason. Now it's going to go off, and these things, before I can save it, say, "Select Mins," check added. All right, so this is a very simple alert condition, but you can sort of see how powerful it is to be able to do it across my entire account, across a particular resource group, or only on specific resources. If you want to track certain events, whether you want to fire off a web, have an SMS message sent, be emailed, or just refresh the page, I have no alerts. I do have the alert rule that I've just created. Now, you live on the edge here, right? So I'm going to go into my first Web app. So, really, I'm expecting this to send when I stop it. Now there was that message saying it takes up to five minutes for the rules to be created. I'm going to pause this and try this in five minutes. All right, so let's go into our web app, and I'm going to hit stop, and we're going to hopefully be alerted of this so we can see that the web app stopped. And if I go up to the resource group level and we go into the activity log, we can see that the alert was activated, that the web app was, and this caused an alert to go off. Going to the alert monitoring, I can see that there has been an alert. If I look down here, I see 274 alerts and the fact that the web app was stopped. I don't know why it fired twice, but basically, this is the alert that I wanted to happen, which is that the web app has been stopped. Okay, so we can basically set alerts based on any activities that we want to be notified of. Yeah.
So, continuing to look at Azure Monitor Now, we already talked about how you can go into the alerts report of Azure Monitor and create rules and look for notifications that alerts are firing. Let's talk about metrics. Alerts are basically notifications that happen behind the scenes, and they will basically just find a message when something meets a criteria. But metrics are a little bit different. Okay, here I am in the metrics section, and it's basically creating a chart. created this new chart. I'm going to my 100 Resources group. You can see all of the resources in there. I'm going to choose the virtual machine, and now I get to choose from the various metrics. Let's look at networking. And I want to add another metric to the same chart. I'm going to check the network out. Okay? And so, this is a chart that contains the network in and network out for this AZ 100 virtual machine. I could pin this chart to my dashboard as an example. And so when I leave and go home, I have to scroll over. I can obviously pre position this when I editmy thing, but I basically put something that Icare about apparently into the home page here. Go back into metrics. You'll notice that when I go back into it, the chart that we're working on is gone, right? So they added it to the dashboard, but by leaving the screen and coming back into it, we've now lost our setup. So this metrics section is really just like a report you're generating on the fly, and it's not meant to be your dashboard. So if you want reports to be permanent, you have to add them to your dashboard. Okay, let's pick another thing here. Instead of the AZ 100 Resource Group, let's go into Azed's first web app. And I've got my app service. Now the inputs and outputs, the types of stuff that we can monitor, are different for an appservice than for a VM, which is different than a storage account and IP addresses and things like that. So basically, I can now start to builduseful charts that are going to tell meover, in this case, last 24 hours. I can obviously make it a 30-day chart, although I guess I haven't been saving for that long. But you can sort of see the potential there.
Now the exam requirements also talk about action groups. Now, when we were talking about alerts a couple years ago, we briefly touched on it. I didn't get too deep into it, but if you pop here, there's a menu. I'm talking about managing action groups. We created an action group when we created our first alert, which is to email the owners of the alert that is happening. So you'll see that when I go into Mantraaction groups, I've got one already there. So in this case, the email admin is an email service. If I look at the details, it's basically email resource manager, role owner, okay? And I can give it a name—call it email—and probably try it without spaces. All right, so I have this email me.We can create another action that also happens. So multiple actions can occur when an event fires. And so in this case, it can be the call function. Now I don't have a function set up, but I don't think you can see the actions beyond email, SMS, voice, and call. If you have a function, you can trigger the TriggerLogic app or just a random web hook. So, if you have a service listening for a URL and an HTTP trigger, you can simply have this function called or an automation run. So I'm going to go into the Azure function. I'm going to switch. I do have a functional resource group. This isn't specifically set up. So you'll see here that I can choose the function. Unfortunately, I don't have any HTTP Oh, there's one H-triggered triggered functions.So I can basically say that when this web application stops, then this is going to email, meaning it's also going to fire off this function. So some kind of other automation happens, I can click save, and now I have two actions. So this is the concept of an action group. I can also apply this to multiple alerts. So the fact that this is a stand-alone event, that this email admins and call function will occur, and that I signed that to the alerts that I want this to occur at, So there's almost a disconnection between the alert and the action group that fires when the alert triggers.
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I took AZ-104 on 03rd Sep, 2022, passed with 820. I have exactly answered as per the file and looks few questions were not correct answers in file. 388Q file is valid. There are only two new questions came.
Passed in August, with latest premium files, scored 770
STill valid only twe new questions
I wrote today and passed , still valid in SA
Is this still valid in UK? Has anyone taken exam recenetly in 2022?
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Exam cleared today. These are still valid dumps.
About 7-8 new questions and 1-2 twisted from existing ones.
Passed today with premium file with a score of 823. 64 Questions, 2 Labs and 5-6 new questions. All other are in the premium file.
Purchase dump, have some new questions and a little bit difficult, recently passed with 8XX score.
Passed on 01/15/2022. Exam still valid
Passed on 21 December 823/1000. Dump still valid.
Premium still valid, 7-8 new questions.
Confirmed that the premium dump is valid in South Africa. There was about 8 new questions in the exam more on the azure networking side.
Premium dump is valid for May 21
Passed today (8-May-2021 online exam) with 800+. I just want to confirm that the premium file still valid. Be aware that the answers are in different order. I got 5 or 6 questions that are not in the premium file but I found them on another place.
Premium dump is valid for May 3.
Premium dumps are still valid, I passed the exam today but 8-9 new questions.
The dump is still valid
Premium file is valid. Yesterday I passed with 850
Yesterday I passed the exam with flying colors. 90% of the questions are in the payment dump. 2 or 3 new questions, be careful to change the position of the answers, good luck and study....
I got both the free and premium VCE files to spot the difference and was quite surprised. The premium file that I bought individually without a course has definitely more questions than the free version. But the free version is quite good I would say. It’s not a bad addition to some other materials you use.
passed today 12/01 with a score of 876
question are still valid.. i only had about 2 new questions in my exam
Premium dumps are still valid, I passed the exam today but 2-3 new questions.
No labs only Q&A, Drag & drop and Yes & No.
Dump Still valid in Canada. About 13 new Q's
passed, dump is valid. 08.01.2021 / please dont use psiexam web site for exam just use pearson vue. psiexam terrible
I passed today with 895 points, so I can assure everyone that these materials are valid. I used the premium bundle, downloaded the free VCE dumps, and bought the exam simulator. So, I can say that I used everything this site offers for the AZ-104 test. Believe me, the dumps are really good. There are about 200 questions that you can practice with and check why this or that answer is correct for each particular question with the help of the simulation software. The free VCE files are not so full as the premium version, but it is more than enough for a free option. The video lectures are also not bad. They are informative and have a lot of useful details. If you use all of it with the official guide, you will surely get more than 900 points, believe me.
Passed Az-104 exam on December 30, dump is still valid but just few new questions are in the exam and I scored 781 numbers.
Passed AZ 104 on 12-28 evening with score 740. Just seen new 225 questions dump released in the market now. Good Luck!!
I tried a couple of other platforms, but I think that this one is the best. I passed my AZ-104 exam with the help of the practice questions with answers. I purchased the premium file that contained them and an exam emulator to open the files. I also used the official study guide and, eventually, was able to pass the test with flying colors.
Passed on Dec 21, score 761, dump still valid, 5 new questions in the exam
Passed on Dec 8, score 7xx, dump still valid, new questions in the exam
Passed. Was some new questions that is not in premium
Passed yesterday 7XX
Passed today 776 score. Few new questions.
AZ-104 198Qs is valid, passed today, as mentioned by KiwiNZ
there were 7 questions on the you couldn't go back section that was not in the dump. Should be easy, if time to study more on Monitor and Back Up Azure Resources.
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