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Microsoft DevOps AZ-400 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps

Microsoft AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft DevOps AZ-400 certification exam dumps & Microsoft DevOps AZ-400 practice test questions in vce format.

Azure Pipelines

2. Demo - Build Pipeline

So let's create a build pipeline to deploy our changes. First of all, go to the report and verify that the templates are present. You can see the keywords "templateparameters" and "templates" are present there. Now go to your builds, and you can see several options. Builder, click on Builds, and you can see that no build pipelines are up right now. So click on New Pipeline, and you can see several options. for asking, "Where is our boat?" Use classic literature. Click on that. Use the classic editor option in the bottom section. Here you can select the source. You can choose from different sources. But because we have chosen a repository, let me take on my first option. You can even verify the team project details, the repository details, the branch details, et cetera, for the branches. We are going to have a separate lecture soon. As of now, I'm going to keep over these changes or keep all of these default changes and click Continue. So once you click on Continue, it will ask you to select a template. We are going to select an empty job. A template is something that is redefined in Azure Post, for example. So once the integer is selected, you can see the build pipe and skeleton are here. The first thing that I'm going to do is change the name of the pipeline. So let me give it a name here, like "Build Hash One." Let me view it. So inside the pipeline section, you can see the name of the company. On the right-hand side, you can see the name of the build pipeline. Under Agent Ports, you can see that if you go to the dropdown inside Agent Pools, you can see two types of agents. One is the Microsoft-hosted agent, and then there are private agents. Then under Agent Certifications, you can see different types of agents like Windows agents, Linux agents, and macro agents. I'm not going to touch any of these options as of now. I'm going to keep the values at "default" again. Get sources if you want; you can verify the sources that we selected before. Underage and Job Section There is a plus icon on the right side. Click on that plus icon, and inside the search box you have to type Azure Resource Group Deployment. Let me type de the searthe first option. Azure Resource Group deployment. Click on that "Add" option. Once you click on Add, click on that particular task. The first thing that I'm going to do is change the display name of the task. So the display name in the sense of the name of the task will appear in the DevOps build box. Because I am using a keyword deployment tab, I'm going to give it a keyword deployment. So under a subscription you go to the drop downand select the service connection that we designed earlier. Now the service connection is used to do the deployment to Azure. The service connection that we have defined earlier is the action that you can choose that the action.You can keep the same create or update resource group. Under "resource groups," you will get a list of all the existing resource groups that you have in Azure friendly. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to choose a particular resource group. Let me choose the KV Test resort group, and under the location you have to choose the resource duplication location. So I believe the resource location for the KV test is in the north central United States. Let me go to the Azure Portal and verify that. Let me log into portal.azure.com. Wait for the page to completely load, and then go to resource group view, and for that KV Test resource group, you can see that option KV Test resource group, which is in North Central US. So let me go to Azure DevOps and give that input there. The template location is in the north central United States. You can choose it as a linked artifact. It's asking for the template file. You have a browse option there to choose the template file. I'm going to click on that and choose my keyword template file. Make sure that you're not actively selecting the parameter file. Select the template file itself. Then you have template parameters option. Click on that browse option, choose the parameter file for the keyword template, and click on okay. There is an option to override template parameters, which we are going to discuss in the coming lectures. The deployment mode option is the next option. There are three options: incremental, complete, and validation only. Choose validation only as of now becausewe are going to only validate theerm templates within our build pipe. The other two options we are going to discuss in the next lecture Now this task is completed. Click on "Save." Click on Save again, using the default value. And now you're ready to build the pipeline. On the build pipeline, go to build new again. Click on the build option. So on the right-hand top corner, you can see a queue option where you can run the build pipeline. So go to that option to view the build pipeline. Click on that. You can choose the default values and click on "run." So once you run the pipeline, you can see that it's waiting for an agent. So you can also see that the heading "stays second commit," which is our latest commit message, That is all the change till this commit message is included in this particular build. You can see the job got initialised and it iswaiting for checkout it just wait for check out andonce the account is completed, it's going to run thatkeyword deployment task that we have added. So the keyword deployment tab is getting executed. It will not take much time. You can see it was completed, and that's it. Bill got completed. You can see that Bill is a failure. That means because we have given validation, that meansthat the violation of AI template is completed. Now, what we are going to do is introduce a JSON error to the template and see how Azure DevOps catches that error. Thank you.

3. Demo - Validating JSON errors

Welcome to this lecture on validating JSON errors. So the first thing that we are going to see is if we are going to look at the template that we already have in our agenda, which is a valid JSON template that we pushed. What we are going to do is aregoing to deliberately make this JSON template andinvalid template by introducing some JSON others. So let me go ahead to my local repo and make a change. To make this a syntactically incorrect JSON file, remove line number ten, which in our case is a closing price and a comma. And our build pipeline is going to validate this JSON file. So it should cache this error. So let me commit my changes to my local report of the JSON error that we introduced a provider to add all the file changes to with a commitment. I'm going to give my commit messages a check for JSON validation. So I'm going to push my changes using Git push. So these three commands are already familiar to you, right? So we should have our error JSON file (errorJSON parameter file) in our Azure DevOps report. If you go ahead and refresh the page, you can see that line number ten is removed with a closing bracket and comma, and that section is removed. So let me go ahead and queue my build pipeline. So the build is in progress. I have queued my build pipeline. You can see that it came up when checking yes and validating. So let us wait for the build pipeline to come online, ideally because the build pipeline is validating the JSON file. As I said before, build pipelinemeans validation for infrastructure code. That's how we configure it. It should catch the JSON error and say that this template is not ready for deployment. This is not a deployable template. So let's wait for the building of the pipeline to be completed. You can see that the keyword deployment task is in progress. It should throw out an error any second. Yes. There, you see? Ensure that the parameter file is valid. So it is giving us a message that the parameter file, the JSON file that we uploaded, is not a valid one. You can see the detailed message by going inside the log. So you saw that, right? The JSON is being captured. The task that we have added, the Azure ResourceManager deployment task, is catching those JSON errors. So what we're going to do now is revert these JSON errors and make it a valid template, and then see how the bill works after that. So let me go ahead and go to my JSON file and reward those changes that I have made. We now have a valid JSON file with us. Let us add these changes. Get a Git commit added to a local commit. Let me send the commit message. So that's it. Let me do a Git push. Now we will have our changes again available as a template in our remote Azure DevOps repo. Go to the repos and open that template parameter file. You can see that the line number is now filled with the valid values. Let us go ahead and queue the build again. Now, this time, as I said, because our JSON file is valid in this case, you can even see the reverting. JSON accepted the latest commitment. It is building. Now, the bill should be successful because our JSON file is a valid one. So the idea that I'm trying to convey here is that if you have any sort of error, whether it is syntax or any other Azure cloud-side error or an invalid keywordname or something, all these errors will be validated by the build pipeline, and it will throw an arrow if the template is not ready for employment. So you can see that the build pipeline was successful because our template is a valid one, and it indicates that our template is ready for deployment, so we can go ahead with the release pipeline. That's it. Thank you.

4. Lecture - About Pipeline Artifacts

Welcome to this lecture on pipeline artifacts. Our build pipeline is complete, and we have ensured that the template that we have uploaded to our repository is a valid one. So we are ready for deployment. Right? For deployment. What will we use? We will use release pipelines. So we go ahead and create a release pipeline in Azure DevOps, which needs to be triggered once the build is successful. But the question is, how will you provide a connection between these two? How will you tell the release plane that you need to get triggered if this particular building is successful? We know that a release should trigger if and only if the templates are valid, or, in other words, a release should trigger if and only if the build is successful. In an actual production environment, there will be any number of build and release pipelines. For example, you might have pipelines for Kubernetes deployment, pipelines for your application service, pipelines for Docker builds, pipelines for infrastructure deployments, etc. You must precisely provide a connection between the two required build and release pipelines based on all of this. So this is the use case where pipeline artefacts come into play. Pipeline artefacts provide a way to share files between different pipelines or between stages in the pipeline. They are typically the output of a built-in process that needs to be consumed by another job. So an artefact is a deployable component of code. In our case, it's validated templates for application deployment. This deployable component can be the object code for a Docker build that is available after building or compilation. It can be the container images or even the deployment files. So we can also have different artefact sources. Artifact sources can be an Azure pipelines-built pipeline or a Jenkins project, which will be used in a release pipeline. Or, in other use cases, we can also use version control systems such as Gift or TF VC to store our artifacts. Or we can use repositories such as package management in Azure DevOps or Nuggetrepositories to store our artifacts. So the bottom line is, in our case, we will define an extra task in our build pipeline to generate an artefact each and every time building is successful. And then we will configure the release pipeline to use this artifact. So thereby, we are making sure of two things. First, the exact build and release pipelines are connected. And second, the validator deployable on templates—which are the output of the build pipeline—is available to the release pipeline. So the takeaway from this lecture is that you can configure Azure pipelines to deploy artefacts from all the sources that I mentioned about.And for our use case, we are going to use our build pipeline as an artefact source and use it in our lease pipeline. So, let us see how we can do that.

5. Demo - Release Pipeline

So we have created our build pipeline. Now it's time to create our first release pipeline. Go to the Release tab under Pipelines and click on New Pipeline. It will take you to the Release Pipeline Creation Window. It is asking you to select a template. You can choose MD Job for now, and then it will ask you to rename the stage that you want to configure. As of now, we can keep the default values as is and press the close button. So there you have it. It is asking you to select an artefact source. Click on that "add an artefact link." It will ask you to select a source from where you can select the build pipeline that we have configured for hash one, keep the default version of the latest itself, and click on Add. So once you have that, you have the artefacts of definition. Before we proceed again, let me go ahead and rename the lease. Let us consider it at least hash one. After that, under stage one, you can select one job zero task, and under agent job, you can click the plus sign (+) to add that, and then select the same task. Azure Resource Group deployment is the same task that we have used in our pipeline. So you need to do the same configuration steps again. Let me change the display name of the task to deployment. Because we are deploying a keyword, and under subscriptions, we have already defined the service connection before. So I can use the same service connection here as well. If you go to the drop-down menu for subscription, you can see that service connection. Click on that and select the service connection. Choose the action as "Create and Update" or "Update Resource Group." Under resource group, you can select the resource group that we wish to deploy our keyword to. Let me choose a resource group. It is located east of the United States. So here it is asking—you can see that the template is asking you to select the template. So if you go to the Browse option, you can see that there is a linked artefact section with the name of our build, but it does not contain anything. Why? Because we have defined our artefact source in our build pipeline, but we have not added anything to our build pipeline to make it act as an artefact source. So what we need to do is go inside our build pipeline and make it an artefact source so that our release pipeline can take the artefact from that build pipeline. So I'm going to discard all my changes in this release pipeline, go to my build pipeline again, and reconfigure that to make it an artefact source, and then come back and create a release again. So I am inside my build pipeline again I clicked on Edit inside the build pipeline, so you can see the previous tasks that we have configured. Click on that plus icon again and search for this task. Publish the built artefact now! This is an important step. We have to make the build pipeline an artifact. Click on that "publish build artifact." You can keep the deferred values as they are. Except one thing. There is a path to publish. You can give anything But as of now, we are choosing the template folder where our templates are residing, inside the purple. So I went with the keywordtemplates folder and the artefact name. It will drop itself. I'm going to save my changes after that. Now that this build pipeline can create or publish artefacts from there, the release pipeline can use them. So I'm going to create a build and run it again so that the published artifact, which is the validated templates, is available as an artefact to the community. Let's come back once the build is completed. So the build is still running. The job was initialized. The checkout is happening. So it's completed. We have our building pipeline completed. Now go to releases again and click on "New Pipeline." We are going to create a new release pipeline. Click on the empty job again with the same settings. Close the stage window. Click on "Add an Artifact." Now choose "build pipeline" again. The difference now is that the artefact displays this build pipeline because we reconfigured to click on add and rename the lease pipeline as a release hash one again. Go to the "one job, zero tasks" Click on the plus icon and again search for the resource keyword. Azure resource group deployment task. Add that particular task into our pipeline. Rename the display name to a more meaningful value, and I'm going to call it keyword deployment. Choose the Azure subscription that you want to deploy your changes to. So that is the service connection that we have defined. If you want, you can directly authorise from there as well instead of using a service connection. Resource Group was selected as a resource group again Location: Choose the location of the resource group. Now the difference comes into play in this part. If you go to the template section and click on Browse template, you have the build pipeline. Under that you have a folder named "Drop," and inside that drop you will have your templates as an artifact. That is, these are the validated templates from the build pipeline. So I selected the template file and clicked okay. I'm going to do the same for the parameter file. Drop after clicking on that build. Select the parameter file and click on "Okay," so deployment mode is what we are going to discuss in detail. As of now, you can keep it as incremental. We are going to discuss that in detail. So once everything is completed, that's it for the release pipeline. You can click on okay. So what we are going to do is, if you want, we can barely create a list by clicking the "create list" button and clicking on "create." But before that, what we are going to do is rename the name of the keyword in our template file and do everything from scratch. That is, we are going to rename the template file and make a code push to Azure repose again. So let me go to my parameter file in my local folder and rename the keyword to the name that I want to deploy my keyword with. That is, I'm going to add a different name. Let me add this name as the keyword developed as "unityngkv." Let me save my changes. So once I save my changes, I am going to go to the command prompt and push these changes. Let me add these files first. Get status. It is tracking your files. Add all our change files to the list. In this case, the parameters were "file git commit" to make it a local commit. so I'm going to give a commit message. Let us say testing; testing is what I will provide. So once the local commit is complete, I'm going to do a git push, which is going to push all these changes to the Azure DevOps repository. So if you go inside the Azure DevOps repository now, you can see that we have the keyword template folder inside parameters. We have the updated name available. That is the shattered KV. Now go to the build pipeline and create a new build to verify that our template is valid. You can see that the message is being released. Let us come back once the build is completed. So we have our build pipeline complete, and the artefact should be published to the release pipeline. So we can go ahead and release this one. Go ahead to the release pipeline and click Create List" and click on "Create." So you can see that a new MSA release that has been queued is displayed. You can click on that release to go inside and see the log. Click on that. Close this window. You can see that Stage One is in progress. Click on that "in progress" button. You can see the complete lock. You can see that the artefact download is in progress. Now the keyword deployment is in progress. It will take approximately 50 seconds to 1 minute for the task to be complete. So let us wait for the task to be completed. So the keyboard deployment task is still running. It is fetching the artefacts from the build pipeline, and it's going to deploy them. So the release pipeline got completed. Now we will go to Azure and see if it goes inside our resource group that is configured for our list. I plan a KV test. RG: You can see that a new resource with the name of the keyword that we have given in the template is getting automatically deployed using our release pipeline. So that's it. That's how it works. You can see that the skew of the keyword standard and the location are now central to the values that we have specified in our templates.

Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use Microsoft DevOps AZ-400 vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. Microsoft AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using Microsoft DevOps AZ-400 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.

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  • Chandika Kalyananda
  • Australia
  • Feb 19, 2022

Any one passed this exam recently?

  • Feb 19, 2022
  • az-400
  • Peru
  • Nov 09, 2021

anyone tried this dump recently? please confirm

  • Nov 09, 2021
  • Robert Costea
  • United States
  • Jan 18, 2021

I passed today with 832. Some of the questions contained the details about the build traffic manager profile with geographical setting, Azure AD module to Azure Runbook, configuration of the Web App backup, creation of the Web App Staging environment, VM access to Azure Key Vault, Boot Diagnostics storage, and configuration of SQL to report Queries to Azure Analytics.

  • Jan 18, 2021
  • Moka
  • Australia
  • Jan 05, 2021

I wrote the AZ-400 test today, and I can say for sure that the dumps are valid. As for me, there was only one question about the functions and azure key vaults and, mostly, the questions were connected to SQL, including SQL injection, log analytics, etc.

  • Jan 05, 2021
  • Henry
  • Pakistan
  • Dec 30, 2020

These dumps are really valid. I passed the AZ-400 exam with 700+ points. I can say that the exam I took had about 90% of the questions covered in the dump. I think there were only about 5 new question. All in all, the questions I had were regards the SQL query, Key Vault, Azure function app, and Log analytics.

  • Dec 30, 2020
  • Amy
  • Australia
  • Dec 22, 2020

I passed today with 750, and had about 3-4 new questions. Other questions were identical to the ones I found in the premium file. I was really surprised how similar they are, because I thought that the dumps should have only questions for practice before the exam. It was really unexpected. Thank you, ExamCollection!

  • Dec 22, 2020
  • Henry
  • South Africa
  • Nov 12, 2020

@Dan - did you have any labs in your exam?

  • Nov 12, 2020
  • AZ400
  • Norway
  • Jan 31, 2020

Dump is VALID!
Pass with 700+ the exam dump valid 80%-90% Q covered in the dump, 5 to 7 new question, got lab Q with 11 task. Q were regards SQL query, Key Vault, Azure function app, Log analytics. Good luck.

  • Jan 31, 2020

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