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Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI-100)

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Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI-100)

Includes 517 Questions & Answers


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Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI-100)

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Examine the 47 Project Management Processes You Must Know for CAPM Exam Success

4. Analyze Planning Processes

The largest group of processes belongs to the planning process group. There are 24 planning processes. Four processes develop the project management plan. So what does this do? It creates a plan. Plan scope Management creates the scope management plan and collects requirements. This process gathers the requirements, and these will be documented in the project. Generally, the project scope will reference the requirements, but you have to get out and collect requirements. Then you define the scope and create the scope statement. We'll create the work breakdown structure. Plan schedule management. That gives us our schedule management plan. We define activities, then we get into sequencing those activities, estimating our activity resources, estimating our activity durations, and then developing the schedule. And that's where we get into floating. So, when we get to time management later in the course, we'll talk about it. Then we move into cost management. so we have to plan cost management. We get a cost management plan, estimate costs, and determine your project budget. Then we get into planning quality management. We have a quality management plan and a process improvement plan. Plan human resources management, our HR management plan, and the staffing management plan. Plan communications. communications management plan. Risk management. This plan for risk management will be called the risk management plan or risk response plan. All of that comes out of planning risk management, identifying risk, and doing qualitative and quantitative analysis. All of this is part of Chapter 11 in the Pinbach. Then we plan those risk responses. There are seven risk responses that we'll see when we get to that portion of the course plan. Procurement Management, and the new one, Stakeholder Management. So as you can see, you're going to have a lot of test questions on planning. So, know these planning processes. a little clue, though. Almost all of these have a corresponding subsidiary plan. So for example, the HR plan, the staffing management plan, the quality management plan So that may be something that can help you think about the output of what these things do. So a lot of questions and a lot of processes are here in the planning process group. 24 processes. All right, good job. Let's talk about executing cute.

5. Survey Executing Processes

In this lecture, we're going to look at the eight executing processes. So executing, there are eight of them. This is where you're going to spend the bulk of your time, the project manager, and where you'll spend the bulk of the project funds because you're actually doing the work. So executing directs and manages the project work. Quality assurance is an execution process. This is where you'll acquire the project team, develop the project team, and manage the project team. So chapter nine of the Pinball on HR management has three processes of the eight on team. So there's really no team development, team acquisition, and then managing the team. Managing communications is an executing process, which is critical for your exam. Conduct procurement. This is the actual purchasing process, and we'll spend some time on that in Chapter Twelve of the Pinbach to conduct procurement. And then our last process here is to manage stakeholder engagement. The real thing to take away from this idea of executing is that it takes iterations; you never just do it once and go away. You might say, well, what about acquiring the project team? I might do that one time and go away. True. but often people come and go. People move on to other opportunities. People quit. You have to fire people. So then you have to go back and acquire new team members to come onto the team. And then you have to developyour team and manage your team. So these happen over and over and over.And like most processes, with the exception of the project charter, there are iterations that you'll work through over and over. Alright, so eight processes for executing. Good job.

6. Review Monitoring and Controlling Processes

Monitoring and controlling. There are eleven monitoring and controlling processes. monitoring and controlling processes. These are done in tandem with execution through monitoring and controlling. We look at the results of work that we want to control and make sure things are in alignment with our project plan. So we monitor and control the project's work. We have integrated change control. Something we'll look at in chapter four is the pinbock. Basically, what integrated change control means is that whatever you change in one part of your project can affect the rest of the project. So for example, if your customer says, "I want to add things to the scope, I want more deliverables, and we need more time and more money," that changed those other areas of the project. It could actually be much broader than that. It can change the whole project. So that will be something to look forward to when we get to Chapter 4, Pinball. Validate Scope. You want to confirm with the customer that what you've created is what they've expected, and that leads to closure. As a result, validate the scope and control the scope. You want to keep the scope in alignment with what was promised. That means for customers and your project team or other stakeholders, you control the scope and have to control the schedule. same idea that you want to stay on track and meet your deadlines. As a result, these could be overall project deadlines or milestone deadlines. So, in Chapter 6 of the Pinbach on time cost, we'll go over that. Chapter Seven on Costs: You've Got a Control Cost We'll do quality control. so you control quality. You're controlling communications. You want to make sure that the right people get the right information and the right message at the right time and in the right mode. So that's all about controlling communications: that we plan it, we execute it, and we control it. Very important. We control risk; we control procurement. It's really important because we want to make sure that the vendor and the customer are both living up to the terms of the contract. So we control procurement, and then we control stakeholder engagement; we want to keep people involved, excited, and supportive about our process. So monitoring and controlling a very, very big portion of your exam All right, great job finishing this portion. Let's keep moving forward and we'll talk about closing next.

7. Complete Closing Processes

All right, we've made it to your favourite process group, and that's closing. In the closing processes group, there are only two processes that you really need to know. Two processes are required to close the projector phase and to close procurement. This represents 7% of the PMP exam. So write about 14 questions. So that's 14 questions, about seven questions each on closing out the project or phase and closing out procurement. I would highly encourage you—like to invite you—to spend a little extra time on initiating and closing. You can see those are just four processes, which represent a significant portion of your PMP exam score. So these two processes to close the project or phase—that's something that trips up a lot of project managers. Typically, when we think about closing, we think about the very end of the project. The reality is that we can close out each phase of the project. When we get to the end of construction, we can close out that phase. When we get to the end of landscaping, we can close out that phase or whatever phase is in your application area that is in your project lifecycle. You can do closing activities. And so the point of closing is to reach acceptance—we want stakeholders to accept what we've created. So closing out the project, yes, at the very end But we can also close out each phase. So pay attention to that idea. It's not just the end of the project. It could also be each phase. and then closing procurement. When we hire a vendor to do some work to deliver goods or services, there are some activities that we'll do when we close out the contract. So when we get to chapter twelve in the Pinbach on project procurement management, pay attention to closing the procurement. We always close according to the contract, according to what you and I, the buyer and the seller, have agreed to do. So, ultimately, the contract terms govern the procurement process. And then there are some activities likearchiving and making sure that we havea vendor or procurement management file. But we'll talk about that coming up.All right, good job. I'll see you at the next lecture.

8. Work With Project Processes

As we're wrapping up this third module in the Pinball about dealing with project processes, we're going to take a minute and look at some other terms that are kind of barely read into this chapter. So we want to keep this in mind: it is the events that happen in our project that guide us as to which process we should choose. And so, this information that we're looking at here is really based on the events of the project. And then as we move through the course and we start looking at the particulars of each one of these processes, you're going to see some of these terms as inputs and outputs. So the very first one I want to show you—that's kind of a little nugget in Chapter Three—is about project information. So we have these three terms, which you're going to see over and over throughout the course. So you want to get these. Now that we have work performance data—and this is raw observation and measurement— So, what was your actual start and finish dates, or how long did an activity take and how much did it cost, and then were there things like the number of change requests, any defects, or actual cost in relation to what was planned cost? So things like that are just raw data. Then you take that information and you analyse it. You're going to study it, and that gives you work performance information. It's the analysis of the data that you've collected that tells you what the status of your deliverables is and what the implementation status is for change requests that have been approved. And then what about doing some forecasting for the project total, like estimating to complete or estimating at completion? That's work performance information, so you have raw data, you analyse it well, and now you can communicate that data in your status reports or other types of reports. That is work performance reporting. This includes any report you create that communicates information about your work performance. So you don't want to get tripped up. Am I dealing with data or information? So here's how you keep these straight: It's alphabetical. Data is initially raw data. That's what you go out and get. First you analyse it, then you get information. Once you have information, you can make reports. data, information, and reports. Piece of cake, right? So data, raw data, and information are stuff that you've analyzed, and now you can put it in a report. All right, you're going to see that a lot throughout the course because it's going to be some of our inputs and outputs of different processes. Now, if you pick up the PIN box or you pick up one of my books and you flip through it, you don't see chapters called initiating, planning, and Planning and Controlling.What you see instead are the ten project management knowledge areas. So if you look at the pinball and start at chapter four and work your way through these ten knowledge areas, those are the different chapters. So as we move through this course, starting in our next section, it correlates to chapter four in the Pinbox. As we move forward, it's the same order as the PIN box and what you see here on your screen. So the ten project management knowledge areas are the ten chapters that really began chapter four, the juicy good stuff in the pinbuck, and what you want to pay close attention to for your exam. So chapter four, project integration management, gets into the gears of project management. It's because everything ties together that what you do in one area of the project affects the other areas of the project. Then we have project scope management. Of course, the scope is all of the required work and only the required work to satisfy the project objectives. In Chapter 6, we go into our time management. And our time management, of course, is really important because it is our schedule and how we manage and control that. We end on time and cost management in chapter seven, estimating and budgeting and then controlling costs, that's chapter seven.And then we go into quality management—quality management, of course, in chapter eight. And in chapter eight we'll talk about quality planning, process improvement, quality assurance, and quality control. Then we go into Chapter Nine on Human Resources Management. And this was a major issue that we identified during planning. Remember, acquire your team, develop your team, and manage your team. That's all in HR in Chapter Nine. Chapter ten is on communications management, and we need to determine who talks to whom. So communications management is really important. risk management in chapter eleven. So at-risk is a really important topic for planning, and then also for executing and controlling. So we had our risk plan. This is where we do our analysis, where we create our responses, and ultimately where we control our risk. So Chapter Eleven is really important for your exam. Of course all of these are important, but I likechapter eleven, it's really a lot of exam topics. Or, in chapter eleven, procurement management, which is all about contracting and who we will buy from and how we will manage our vendor relationships. Sometimes on the exam you'll be the vendor, and sometimes you'll be the buyer. So you have to be able to see a project from both perspectives. And so we'll talk about that when we get into Chapter 12 on procurement. And then the new knowledge area that I've mentioned a couple times and that we've seen already is stakeholder management, which is about managing and engaging our stakeholders so that they feel a sense of ownership and a sense of buy-in with our project. So we'll talk about stakeholder management in one of our last sections of this course. And of course, it's the last chapter in PMBOK 5. All right, that brings us to the end of chapter three in the Pinbock. We had this big overview of our processes. We're getting ready in the next section to go into project integration management. But before we do, you'll see that you have an activity for a learning game. So I know you want to do this, take a little brain break, but still stay in touch with what we've talked about so far. So go check out this learning game and havea little break here and then come back. Be prepared to start chapter four of the Pinball on Project Integration Management, and I'll see you in a lecture coming up.

ExamCollection provides the complete prep materials in vce files format which include PMI CAPM certification exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, video training course and study guide which help the exam candidates to pass the exams quickly. Fast updates to PMI CAPM certification exam dumps, practice test questions and accurate answers vce verified by industry experts are taken from the latest pool of questions.

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  • Guyana
  • Mar 16, 2022

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  • Mar 16, 2022
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