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2018: Fundamentals of Testing

12. Test Analysis and Test Design

concerned with the finer points of knowing what to test and breaking it down into fine testable elements known as test conditions It's an activity during which general testing objectives are transformed into real test conditions. Conditions During Test Analysis Any information or documentation we have is analysed to identify testable features and define associated test conditions. One term we need to learn is "test basis." Test basis is any sort of documentation that we can use as a reference or base to know what to test. Again, we will talk more about test bases in the following section. Test analysis includes the following major activities: analysing and understanding any documentation that we will use for testing to make sure it's testable. Examples of test basis include requirements specifications such as business requirements, functional requirements, system requirements, user stories, Epics use cases, or similar work products that specify desired functional and nonfunctional component or system behavior. also design and implementation information such as system or software architecture diagrams or documents, design specifications, call flows modelling diagrams, for example, UML or entity relationship diagrams, interface specifications, or similar worker products that specify component or system structure. We also have the implementation of the component or system itself, including code, database, metadata, inquiries, and interfaces. Risk Analysis Reports, which list all the items in the software that are risky and require more attention from us. Risky Analysis Reports may consider functional, non-functional, and structural aspects of the component or system. All those are examples of test bases. While we are analysing the test basis, it will be a very good opportunity to evaluate the test basis and test items to identify defects of various types, such as ambiguities—something that's confusing to the reader and might be interpreted differently by different people or measures. Something is not mentioned inconsistencies something thatwas mentioned in a way somewhere butalso mentioned differently somewhere else in accuracy. Something is not accurate. Contradictions: A contradiction between two statements is a stronger kind of inconsistency between them. If two sentences are contradictory, then one must be true and one must be false. But if they are inconsistent, then both could be false. Superfluous statements are unnecessary statements that add nothing to their meaning. Actually, it's a skill to read a document and find effects in it. Not everyone can do it. It's a skill, but it's also a science that can be taught. So I should consider making a course about it. But I need to see students like you actually asking for it. It should be called Requirements Testing, so if you are interested, just shout out in the Questions and Answers section. The identification of defects during test analysis is a significant potential benefit, especially where no other review process is being used and/or the test process is closely connected with the review process. After analyzing, understanding, and evaluating the test basis, we should be able to identify the features and sets of features to be tested. Then we should be able to define and test conditions for each feature based on analysis of the test basis and considering functional, nonfunctional, and structured characteristics, other business and technical factors, and levels of risk. Finally, we should be able to capture bidirectional traceability between each element of the test base and the associated test conditions. Traceability here means that we need to make sure that we have test conditions for all the features that we have decided to test. Of course, we should do everything we can toreduce the likelihood of omitting necessary test conditions anddefining more precise and accurate test conditions. Techniques like "black box," "white box," and "experience-based" testing, which we will talk about in a little section, can be useful in the process of test analysis. Such test analysis activities not only verify whether the requirements are consistent, adequately expressed, and complete, but also validate whether the requirements accurately capture customer, user, and other stakeholders' needs. During test design, the test conditions are elaborated into high-level test cases, sets of high-level test cases, and other test work. So test analysis answers the question what to test? While test design answers the question "how to test?" Test design includes the following major activities: designing and barrierizing test cases and sets of test cases. The elaboration of test conditions into test cases and sets of test cases during the test design often involves using test techniques, as we will discuss in a later section. Identifying necessary test data to support test conditions and test cases Here we decide what data should be used to test the test conditions and how to combine test conditions so that a small number of test cases can cover as many of the test conditions as possible, designing the test environment, and identifying any required infrastructure and tools. And finally, again, we need to capture bidirectional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, and test procedures. As with test analysis, test design may also result in the identification of similar types of defects in the test cases. As we have said before, this is a significant potential benefit.

13. Test Implementation and Test Execution

During test implementation, the test, where necessary for test execution, is created and/or completed, including sequencing the test cases into test procedures. So, test design answers the question of how to test. While test implementation is underway, implementation answers the question: do we now have everything in place to run the tests? Test implementation includes the following major activities: developing and prioritising the test procedures, and potentially creating automated test scripts. Create test suites, form the test procedures and automated test scripts, if any, and arrange the test suites within a test execution schedule in a way that results in efficient test execution. We will talk more about the management aspect of everything, including test scheduling, in the test management section. building the test environment, and sometimes it's hard to build a test environment similar to what the customer has. So in that case, we might also need to build simulators, services, virtualization, and other infrastructure items like test harnesses. Again, we will talk about this harness in the next section. All in all, we need to verify that everything needed has been set up correctly. And as we have said, we need to prepare and implement tested data and ensure it is properly loaded in the test environment. Last and again, verifying and updating bidirectional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, test procedures, and test suites The service says that test design and test implementation tasks are often combined. Actually, I would add the same concept about testing NS as well. This is a critical point. Actually, in simple words, it means that in real life we don't have strict borders between test analysis, test design, and test implementation. Many times, you would be doing all three of them at the same time. I will explain more. So far, we've said we create test conditions during test analysis, we create test cases during test design, and we create or implement test procedures during test implementation. Now, think about it. If during your test analysis you created the "before 20" range test condition, remember our example, and you thought that ten would be a good input to use as an input for a test case for that test condition, would you say no, I'm in the test analysis right now and I shouldn't create test cases? Of course not. You simply create what you can while you are doing the analysis, design, or implementation. So really, you use all the information that you have at the moment and don't really think about whether you are in test analysis, test design, or test implementation. So, for the exam, yes, we say we create test conditions in test analysis, and those test conditions grow into test cases in this design. And we purchased the steps for developing test procedures for test implementation. For example, when we ask, "When do we create test data?" We know that data should be created along with test cases. Test cases cannot become test cases without data. But for example, if we decided that we needed a file of data to use in our test cases Then we design the test data in the test design stage, but we actually create a file that contains such data in the test implementation stage. Test Execution During test execution, test suites are run in accordance with the test execution schedule. As tests are run, the outcome, or actual results, need to be logged and compared to the expected results. And whenever there is a discrepancy between the expected and actual results, this incident, or as we call it, a bug report, should be raised to trigger an investigation. Test incidents will be discussed in the Test Management section. Test execution includes the following major activities: keeping a log of testing activities, including the outcomes pass, fail), versions of software, data, and tools, and recording the IDs and versions of the test items or test objects and the test tools and techniques used in running the tests. Also, run test cases in the determined order manually or using test automation tools. combining actual results with expected results and analysing anomalies to establish their likely causes. Anomalies are when there's a difference between actual and expected results. As we have said before, not every variance between actual and expected results is a bug. Yes, some anomalies or failures may occur due to defects in the code, but false alarms also may occur. I have mentioned false positives before; remember reporting defects based on the failures observed with as much information as possible and communicating them to the developer to try and fix them. After fixing the bug, we need to retest or perform regression test activities to confirm that the bug was actually fixed, which is called confirmation testing. Also, we need to make sure that the new fix didn't unintentionally introduce new bugs in areas that were already working, which is called regression testing. Verifying and updating bidirectional possibilities between the test cases, test conditions, test cases, test procedures, and test

14. Test Completion

Test completion activities occur at project milestones, such as when a software system is released, a test project is completed or canceled, a milestone has been achieved, an agile project iteration is finished as part of a retrospective meeting at this level, or a maintenance release has been completed. Test completion activities collected data from completed test activities to consolidate experience, test results, and any other relevant information. Test completion activities concentrate on making sure that everything is finalised, synchronized, and documented. Reboots rated defects as closed, while those deferred for another phase were clearly visible. Test completion includes the following measure activities: checking which blend deliverables have been delivered, ensuring that the documentation is in order. The requirement document is in sync with the designdocument, which is in sync with the delivered software. checking whether all defect reports are closed and entering change requests or product backlog items for any defects that remain unresolved at the end of the test exclusion. creating a test summary to be communicated to stakeholders, finalising and archiving the test environment, the test data, the test infrastructure, and other test sets for later use. Make sure that we delete any confidential data handed over by the customer to the maintenance teams, other project teams, and all other stakeholders who could benefit from its use. Analyzing lessons learned from the completed test activitiesto determine changes needed for future iteration, releasesand projects using the information gathered to improvetest process matured as we have mentioned before,although the main activities in the tested bossesare in sequence, they can be considered tobe more of iterative nature rather than sequential. Aerial activities may need to be revisited according to the circumstances. According to the result of the test report, we might need to re-plan the whole testing activity to add more time to the testing activity. A defect found may force us to revisit the analysis of the design stage to create test cases that are more detailed. If we discovered a defect in which a piece of functionality is missing, we may need to revisit, plan, and control how much time and resources we allocate to Zen's newly added functionality. Moreover, we sometimes need to do two or more of the main activities in parallel. Time pressure can mean that we begin test execution before all tests have been designed.

15. Test Work Products

Test worker products are created as part of the test process; they are whatever we may need to create during the test process. I was thinking of managing this video with the previous video explaining the test process group of activities, but I said let's keep it this way so you can compare the different worker products easier at each stage in the test process. Just as there is significant variation in the way that organisations implement the testing process, there is also significant variation in the types of worker products created during that process, in the ways those work products are organised and managed, and in the names or titles used for those work products. What we are presenting here are the test worker products of a very formal test process where we create all sorts of test worker products, which is not always the case for the exam. Of course, we need to know which workerproduct is created when this syllabus adheres to the tested process outlined above and the workerproducts described in this syllabus and in the ICTB Grocery ISIS Standardisoecitablee 29119-3 may also be used to test worker borders. So just to remember, ISO standard 29 1191 is talking about software testing concepts, ISO standard 29 1193 is talking about software testing processes, and ISO standard 29 119 3 is talking about test work products. So far, so good. Now consider the testwork product for each stage of the tested process. Testing Worker Products Tested blending worker products typically include one or more test plans. We will talk about the test plan in a future section, so let's save it for now. Testing, Monitoring, and Controlling Worker Products Typical testmonitoring and control worker products include various types of test reports, such as test progress reports generated on an ongoing and/or regular basis and test summary reports generated at various completion milestones. So just know the difference. Test progress reports are reduced on an ongoing and regular basis, where test summary reports are reduced at various completion milestones. All test reports should provide the audience relevant details about the test's progress as of the date of the report, including summarising statistical execution results once those become available. Test mounting and control worker products should also address project management concerns such as test completion, resource allocation and usage, and effort. In the test management section, we will go over the work of products created during test monitoring and control in greater detail. Test Analysis: Worker Products Test analysis worker products include documents that contain defined and barrier eyesight test conditions, each of which is ideally bidirectionally traceable to the specific element or elements of the test basis it covers. There could be hundreds or thousands of test conditions, so we need to prioritise them, starting with the most critical conditions first, so we can provide the highest ranking in test conditions with more care, time, and effort. Test Design Worker Products: test design results in test cases and sets of test cases to exercise the test conditions defined in test analysis. As we have said, it's often a good practise to design logical test cases, also called high-level test cases, without defining concrete values for input data and expected results. Such high-level test cases can be reused across multiple test cycles with different complete data while still reducing the test case's scope. Again, there could be hundreds or thousands of test cases, so we need to prioritise them. Put the most critical test cases first so we can provide the highest-ranking test cases with extra attention. Ideally, each test case is bidirectionally addressable for the test conditions it covers. Remember that each test case can trace back to one or more test conditions, and each test condition can trace forward to one or more test cases. Besides designing test cases, test design also results in the design and or identification of necessary test data, the design of the test environment, and the identification of infrastructure and tools. Though the extent to which these results are documented varies greatly depending on the test design, we may need to go back and refine the test conditions defined in the test analysis if necessary. Test Implementation Work Products As you may have expected already, test implementation work products include test procedures and the sequencing of those test procedures. Test suites also contain a test execution schedule, which contains the steps to execute the test procedures that are run sequentially at a scheduled time or when they are triggered by a build completion. Again, we will talk more about the test execution schedule in the test management section. Remember that the main objective of the implementation is to make sure that everything is ready for test execution. Again, there could be hundreds of thousands of test procedures, so we need to prioritise them both and provide the most critical test procedures first so we can provide the highest ranking test procedures. More frequency Execution in some cases involves creating a workable that's used by tools such as services, virtualization, and automated test scripts. Test implementation may also result in the creation and verification of test data and the test environment. The completeness of the documentation of the data and/or environment verification results may vary significantly. The list data serves to assign concrete values to the inputs and expected results of test cases. Such concrete values, together with explicit directions about the use of the concrete values, turn high-level test cases or logical test cases into executable low-level test cases or concrete test cases. The same high-level test case may use different test data when executed on different releases of the test object. Ideally, once test implementation is complete, the achievement of coverage criteria established in the test plan can be demonstrated via bidirectional disability between test procedures and the specific elements of the test basis through the test cases and test conditions. Test conditions defined in test analysis may be further refined in test implementation. Test execution work products include documentation of the status of individual test cases or test procedures, for example, ready to run, passed, failed, blocked, deliberately skipped, and so on. And we also have defect reports, which we'll talk about in a different section of the documentation, describing which items (i.e., test objects or objects), test tools, and testware were involved in the testing. Ideally, once the execution is complete, the status of each element of the testbase can be determined and reported via bi-directional traceability with associated test procedures. For example, we can say which requirements have passed all blend tests, which have failed tests and all have the effects associated with them, and which have blend tests that are still waiting to be run. This enables verification that the coverage criteria have been met and enables the reporting of test results in terms that are understandable to stakeholders. Test Completion Work Products test completion work products include test summary reports, action items for improving subsequent objects or iterations, such as after an Agile project with respective change requests or product backlog items, and finalised testware.

16. Traceability between the Test Basis and Test Work Products

It's beneficial if the test basis for any level or type of testing that is being considered has measurable coverage criteria defined. The coverage criteria can act effectively as key performance indicators, or KPIs, to drive the activities that demonstrate achievement of software test objectives. For example, for a mobile application, the test basis may include a list of requirements and a list of supported mobile devices. Each requirement is an element of the test base. Each supported device is also an element of the festive base. The coverage criteria may require at least one test case for each element of the festival's Once executed, the results of these tests tell stakeholders whether specified requirements are fulfilled and whether failures were observed on supported devices. As mentioned before, worker products and the names of those worker products vary significantly. Regardless of these variations In order to implement effective test monitoring and control, it's important to establish and maintain traceability throughout the test process between each element of the test base and the various test worker products associated with that element, as explained before. In addition to the evaluation of test coverage, good traceability supports analysing the impact of changes, making testing auditable, meeting its governance criteria, improving the understandability of test progress reports, and updating summary reports to include the status of elements of the test basis. For example, requirements that pass ZoeTests, requirements that fail the tests, and requirements that bend tests also relating the technical aspects of testing to stakeholders in terms that they can understand. Providing information to assess product quality, business capability, and project progress against business goals Some test management tools provide test work product models that match all of the test products outlined in the previous section. Some organisations build their own management systems to organise the local products and provide the information for stability they require.

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