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Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator Practice Test Questions in VCE Format
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Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
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to be able to demonstrate some things related to the differences between profiles and roles. And in order to do that, we need to be able to log in as different users to search for login instead of having to pull up login access policies and click on that. And then you can enable administrators' being able to log in as any user by checking this box and clicking Save. And so now whenever we go into the users, we'll see a difference in the interface with the list view of users. Here under Manage Users, we should see login links for users that have custom profiles. Unfortunately, we're not able to log in as some of these other users. So we may have to get fancy with deactivating and activating different users to test out some of this visibility. But now we can see what it looks like to log in as Jim Doe, at least, and that will give us the ability to experience things as Jim Doe. It's the one thing we need to do—we need to set up the system so that when we log out as Jim Doe, we don't have to re-log in as ourselves, and we also need to set up Jim's user record to give them access to Lightning Experience as well. So let me go ahead and log out and pause, and then we'll make some settings changes. And so you may notice that once you've enabled logging in as another user, once you log out you've got to relog in as yourself, so you can make it so you can just revert back to yourself when you log out as that other user. So that is configured under session settings, and this only scrolls down to the bottom of the page, after which you must scroll back up, at least for me. And so it is here that we can uncheck forcing a login after logging in as a user. It's one of the worst name checkboxes in the history of Salesforce, but it is what it is. So if we uncheck "forcing relogin" after logging in as a user, then we can avoid having to relog in as ourselves. Also, if you're on Internet Explorer, I don't know why. But here is a big warning about how you need to get off of Internet Explorer. Especially if you hope to use Lightning Experience and Salesforce, you may feel the need to put all this in CAPS. So take that for what it is, and perhaps that's just some pent-up aggression because Microsoft acquired LinkedIn and Salesforce isn't over that yet. But anyway, that's just one of many theories I have. Let's click Save and disregard the rest of the options. So now that we have set it up so that we don't have to log back in as ourselves whenever we log out as another user, let's go into our user Jim Doe, and I'll show you how to make sure that he has access to Lightning Experience. So we want to go to his profile, and then it's under the system permissions on the profile level that you can turn on Lightning Experience for someone, and it may already be turned on. It may just be odd behavior. So there are 24 instances of lightning on this page. So it's here that we need to check the Lightning Experience user checkbox. and I need to edit before I can check it. So now I get to find it again after I scroll back up and click Edit and go back down. But at least it's alphabetized. So Salesforce is helping me there. So clicking the "Lightning experience user" checkbox and clicking "Save" And so now we're back on this profile that Jim Doe belongs to. And so I could go to the profile overview and then go to assign users to get to his user record and go that route in order to log in as him. So now we log in as Jim Doe. It may refresh or take a little bit. Sometimes the lighting gets a little weird. But now you see that we are logged in as Jim Doe. Here's a nice welcome to Lighting Experience I'm going to ignore it, and you should too. And then there are all these other pop ups.I feel like I'm returning to 1998 or something. All right, so here's this banner that shows that we're logged in as Jim Doe, and here's the link to where we can log out as Jim Doe. But the thing to note as well is that when we logged in as Jim, he is a Lightning Experience user now, and it defaults to Lightning Experience. And so now we're set up to be able to test out the visibility of records as Jim Doe, and we can start to have a better shot at comparing and contrasting profiles and roles. Now that we have the ability to not only login as another user but also log out and not then have to log back in as ourselves, It just reverts us back to our own instances. Usually, not always, but usually, now that we've done all that, we've set up the ability to log in as another user and set the settings that we have. It's now time to dig more deeply into profiles and roles as we discuss what the differences are between profiles.
A few things in order to properly demonstrate the difference between profiles and roles. I also wanted to investigate the user records. If you remember, we have Jim Doe in this role on the Western sales team. And you also notice that we put this integration user in a director role above Jim in the role hierarchy. But unfortunately, we can't log in as this user. So what I believe I'm going to do is place myself at the very bottom of the role hierarchy and then place Jim above me as the director. So I'll go into my own user record, assign myself a role on the Western Sales Team, and save it. And so then we'll go into Jim DOE's record, adjust his role in the role hierarchy up higher, click "edit here," and we'll make him the director. And I don't remember which one this is. Let me go into the role hierarchy so I can see this visually, make sure I get the right role, expand all, and it's a director of direct sales, and let me cancel that. Okay. So if I go back to Jim Doe and change his role to director of direct sales and click save, it's director of direct sales. So now Jim is my manager and I report to Jim, at least as it relates to the role hierarchy. So now, if I were to log in as Jim at this point, let me show you something here. I believe I own all of the accounts in my.org so far. Let's see if Jim has access to any accounts. And so you notice that Jim can see all the accounts that I own. I was going to say I was going to create an account, but I believe that Jim's profile does not have the ability to create accounts. So this is actually an accidental great demonstration of the difference between profiles and roles in that, although the account object at the organisation defaults is set to private, Jim is able to see records that he doesn't own as far as account records because he is above me in the role hierarchy. And there's access granted using the role hierarchy because it's a standard object. So that is checked by default and can't be unchecked. And so I'm the owner of all these accounts. But I'm logged in as Jim, and he can see these records. Now I'm going to log out as Jim Doe and then check his profile to verify once again that he does not have the ability to create account records. Let me log out as JimDoe and let's revisit his profile. So Jim Doe has a custom marketing profile, and then in object settings, he has read permissions on the account object. And so, I wasn't sure if he had view all permissions, but he does not. And so the sole reason that he has the ability to see the accounts that I own is because he resides above me in the role hierarchy. So now as well, we've confirmed that he doesn't have the ability to create new account records. So if I were to go in and change that, I'm going to grant him access to be able to create accounts as well, and then click save. And then I'll log in again as Jim Doe and create an account as Jim Doe, which will verify that we now have the ability to create accounts thanks to the profile setting. And we're able to see subordinate account records, such as those that I own, when we're logged in as Gym. Now, sometimes this gets a little wonky as it tries to log into someone else's Lightning lightning experience.You may need to refresh or try again. So I refreshed and was shown that I'm logged in, as Jim did let me go back to accounts, and then we now have this new button here. Now the list view is set to Recently Viewed. I can change that to all accounts to verify that I can still see the accounts. All accounts that are owned by either Jim or his subordinates In this case, that would be myself because I reside below him in the role hierarchy. And now that I've adjusted the profile to give him create rights on the accounts object, you can now create an account. I'm going to create an account, and then I'm going to log out of his gym and see if myself, who resides below Jim, can see the record, and I'll explain. I'm going to guess that I can because I've got the right to view and modify all data. As a system administrator, I always prefer not to look at all of the required fields and instead click Save in this case to see what I'm missing. So someone calls that lazy; I call it visionary. So let me choose the SLA, which is a service-level agreement on the account object, the account's SLA serial number, and the SLA expiration date, and then click Save. And so now Jim has an account that he owns. So now I'm going to close this annoying pop-up window and log out as Jim Doe. And my theory is—or my guess is—it's always fun to guess what's going to happen to see if you understand things correctly or not. Although I am below Jim Doe in the role hierarchy and shouldn't be able to see his account that he just created or his account record that he just created, I believe I will be able to see it because I've got view all and modify all data sets on my profile. So let me go into accounts and see if I can see Jim's account record. And so I'm going to go into all accounts, and here's Jim's account, which I can see. You'll notice that it is owned by Jim. Now, the only reason I can see that is because I am a system administrator. And so there's really no way that I can demonstrate beyond this because of the limitations of the free developer account, the free Salesforce developer account, because I can't go in and take away my view all and modify all access, nor can I change myself from the standard system administrator profile. In a real-world production environment, if you have more than one system administrator, you should be able to clone the system administrator profile, create a junior admin type of profile, and remove the system administrator profile. View all data or modify all data. As long as you have someone who has those rights, then you could assign another user to that lesser system administrator profile. But for example, if I go into users and go into my user record, I just want to show you that I'm not able to change my profile; at least, I don't think so. So by clicking Edit, I can change my role, but I cannot change my profile. That's because there has to always be a system administrator in the organisation that can view and modify all data. And so we have exemplified, if I go back into the user list, some of the impacts as it relates to visibility and access to records, comparing and contrasting some of those controls that you find in profiles or in roles. And in this lesson, we did put Jim Doe in a position of being above me in the role hierarchy. And even though the object guide defaults for accounts being set to private, Jim is able to see all of the account records that I own because I reside below him in the role hierarchy. Also, keep in mind that you don't have to assign yourself a role, but if you do, it will open up the records that you own, as well as those above you, if Grant access using hierarchies is checked at the default level. And then as well, if you remember, Jim did not have the ability to create new accounts, and that was set on the profile level at the object settings. And so we opened up the ability for him to create accounts, and he did so. And then I was able to see his account record not because of where I reside in the role hierarchy, but because of the system settings that I have and enjoy as a system administrator with the ability to view and modify all data. And as we saw, we were not able to take those away. If we were to edit the system permissions, we couldn't do that because in the system administrator profile there's no link to edit, and we cannot uncheck these checkboxes. So it would be a bad idea to do that because you could end up, if Salesforce did allow you to do that, having some dire consequences as far as things that you're not able to change, access, or see as a system administrator. So they just prevent that and keep you from breaking things too much. Now that we've talked about profiles, roles, and profiles versus roles, it's now time to get into sharing roles, and we're going to be looking at and returning to the sharing settings menu. And if you remember, that is where the Orgwide defaults are set, and those are the default sharing settings for orgwide defaults. And now we're going to be scrolling down below. org-wide defaults for some of these sharing rules, as well as discussing the various types of sharing rules that can be created.
Now it's time to move up another level into sharing rules. We've already discussed users and then profiles and permission sets. We then addressed org-wide defaults and then the role hierarchy. And so now with sharing rules, we're going tobe dealing with, in the next couple of lessons,a couple of different types of sharing rules. And those would be ownership-based sharing rules followed by criteria-based sharing rules if we went back into Salesforce and went into sharing settings where our organization-wide defaults are set. You can see your sharing rules by scrolling down below the.org wide defaults. And as a reminder, we've set the account object to private at the org-wide default level. And so, if we wanted to open up further sharing access beyond what is available to users through the row hierarchy, then we would utilise what is known as a sharing rule. And remember, the role hierarchy opens things up vertically, and then sharing rules, whether ownership-based or criteria-based, will open things up further in a lateral direction. So to create a sharing rule, just simply click "new" for the object that you're wanting to create a sharing rule for. And then you have to complete several steps in order to do this. And so we're talking in this lesson about ownership-based sharing rules. In the next lesson, we'll talk about criteria-based sharing rules. So you'll notice that as we change this radio button in step two, the screen changes accordingly. So for this sharing rule, we're going to base this on whomever happens to own the account record. So, before we worry about the label, that's exactly what this will be called, as well as the description that goes with it. Let's think through what the sharing rule is set to accomplish. And so the sharing rules are divided intoa few different steps beyond the rule type. And, as the owner of the records, you get to choose which ones to share. So in Step 3, it says the account is owned by members of either public groups or roles and subordinates. Subordinates will be those below the particular role that you select. So it would be this role, for example, and any beneath it, which, if it's at the top of the role hierarchy, would be everyone. And so, for example, in terms of roles and subordinates, we had our Director of Direct Sales, whose subordinates in that branch of the role hierarchy were the Western Sales team. So, in this example, let's set up sharing rules so that any records, any account records owned by anyone in the role of Director of Direct Sales or any subordinates, those accounts are shared with users who are either in certain public groups or roles, or roles and subordinates. So, using the concept of opening things up laterally, let me open up the role hierarchy to show you how this will look visually. So if I search for role in setup, I'll right-click this and open a new tab. I do this often so I don't lose my place on the current screen instead of Salesforce, because I don't want to lose the work that I've done thus far. But I want to reference the role hierarchy. So, if we broaden everything here and in this ownership-based sharing rule I mentioned, any account records owned by anyone in this role of "Director of Direct Sales" or any subordinates, which would be those in the Eastern Sales team or Western Sales team, the Director of Direct Sales does not report to the Director of Channel Sales. So, this would be a lateral sharing role. So we could set this up so we could share account records with someone who's on the same level in the role hierarchy. Another way to represent this visually that might be easier to see than the tree view is this list view. And so you notice here that this director of direct sales reports to the VP of North American sales, as does the director of channel sales. So, let's go back to our sharing rule and figure it out. We're going to specify in Step 4 that we're going to share those account records with the role of Director of Channel Sales. We could do roles and subordinates as well, so that in effect, any accounts that are therefore owned by the Director of Direct Sales or anyone beneath the Director of Direct Sales would be shared laterally with the Director of Channel Sales and the Channel Sales team. If it weren't for the sharing role that we're creating, they would not be able to see those account records. Those account records would roll up the role hierarchy to the VP of North American Cells and up to the SVP, etc. However, I would not traverse the role hierarchy laterally because that is not how role hierarchy works. Thus the need for sharing rules. So then in step five, you can select the level of access for the users that you're sharing these records with in step four, so you could set the default account and contract access. And you can specify read-only or read write.And as well, you can specify the opportunity in the case of access. I'm just going to leave these as defaults. I'm going to choose the Director of Channel Sales who reverted or did not persist. Now let me go ahead and label this now that we're clear on what we're doing. And remember, this is an ownership-based sharing rule, not a criteria-based one. We'll get into that in the next lesson and then tab out of the label. And then I'm just going to go to backup, copy this, put it in the description, and then let's click save and click OK. And so now we have created an ownership-based sharing role. Let me show you down here what this looks like when you're looking at or trying to figure out the visibility of records and what the security settings are. You would go into sharing settings and look at the worldwide defaults on the object level of the account and see that it's set to private, and then be reminded that grant access using hierarchies is checked because it's a standard object. And then, as far as any sharing rules go, those happen laterally. As a result, any account records owned by the director of direct sales or any of their subordinates will be shared with the director of channel sales and any of their subordinates, providing them with the corresponding level of access to the related not only account but also the contract object and, if applicable, an opportunity. Now, to go in and adjust this further, we could change the case access and/or opportunity access accordingly and click Save. And so there's a lot of flexibility with sharing rules, and you can get really specific, and sometimes you need greater flexibility than just based on the ownership of a record. And any time you make a change to a sharing rule, it takes some time for your.org to recalculate the sharing. Those sharing rules are then applied across the organization, and any affected objects display this warning. So you can refresh to see once everything has cleared. But until it does, you can't do any edits to the sharing rules or create new owner-based sharing rules for opportunities targeting the following groups as well. It's important to note that you will receive an email when each operation finishes also.So check your email if you're following along, and watch for that email once that processing completes. And usually I just refresh until it's done, and oftentimes you're not making a lot of changes to sharing rules. It's kind of a case-by-case basis, and then you'll want to log in as a user, test it out, et cetera. Now we could attempt to assign one of these users to a different role. We had Jim Doe and the Director of Direct Sales. We could change the integration user role to Director of Channel Sales and click Save. And I cannot log in as that user. And I'm trying to remember if this user has access to the account object. I believe they have seen all. Okay, so let me try this. I'm going to experiment a little bit, and I think I've got to do this in Classic actually.All right then. So, let me locate JimDough's account, and then this is Jim's account. Let's see if this actually works. It makes sense or is the better of two options. I'm looking for the Sharing button, not to be confused with the Share button in the Chatter feed. You can always hide the Chatter feed by clicking Hide Feed in Classic, at least. And then click on "sharing," and this will reveal who has access and why. And this did work. Hallelujah. Amen. So we can see here, through the user and group sharing list here, that Jim Doe has access because he's the owner of the account. It doesn't list us as a user. It's just kind of assumed that the system administrators will have access to particular records because they have all and can modify all access, and that can't be changed. But also in this list, most importantly as it relates to this work that we've just worked through and demonstrated, is that any role and subordinates inside the director of channel sales also have access thanks to our nice and shiny account sharing rule that we just created. And that was an ownership-based sharing rule. So now that we've covered that side of things with the sharing rules, we're going to look at another way that you can open up lateral access to records, and that would be by creating criteria-based sharing.
Sharing rules, and we're going to switch to the Lightning Experience out of Classic to do that. and the idea behind criteria-based sharing rules. And if you recall, we just created an ownership-based sharing rule, and oftentimes a notion-based criteria rule will work. But there are times where you need to make exceptions or be more granular in the particular records that need to be shared laterally. And so if you go back into sharing settings, and this is a typical thing that happens out there in the real world, you'll see that there are always exceptions in business and in life. And as soon as you think you've got a rule nailed down as far as this is what should always happen, someone will come along and go, "Well, forget that." Don't forget that Betty Sue needs access to these records on Fridays because the UPS driver doesn't show up until two or there's some sort of oddball exception that needs to be accounted for. And so Salesforce is powerful enough to be able to account for that in the security model. And so through the sharing rules, you can create additional sharing rules that aren't just ownership-based but also criteria based.And that's what this is about. Now, once again, I'm going to skip over the labelling because at this point I have no idea what our criteria is going to be. I literally poke around and figure this out, oftentimes as we go along, because I'm making decisions on the fly here as to how best to explain these concepts and also within the limitations of these free developer accounts. But the main point, regardless of what we're getting ready to build, is that this criteria can be built in step three here by selecting which records to be shared. You can also include filter logic as well as multiple and ors to get really fancy with these criteria-based sharing rules. So you could say that instead of going down the path of sharing all records, they're owned by certain public groups or roles and their subordinates, which also means you likely will need to know these different types of selections on your exam as well. This is a common trivia type question that may appear on the exam: with whom can you share records through sharing roles that are public group roles or roles and subordinates, either records that are owned by or shared with? I wanted to remind you of those options. However, as we progress through the criteria-based approach, we shift away from public groups and roles or roles and subordinates and toward actual specific information on the records. So you could say any accounts that belong to Sony, for example, if the account name equals Sony. You can get really granular with that. Or if your biggest customer account is Sony and you only want some of Sony's accounts to be shared laterally through a criteria-based sharing rule, You could say, "Okay, we want the accountname to equal Sony, and we want the billing country to start with the letter U." And this could encompass Uganda, the United States, and the United Kingdom, for example. So for whatever reason, if you have some sort of oddball request and say, "Okay, only for these three countries," that's one way you could approach it. And that's kind of a dumb idea or rule, but you can get really specific on any of these fields on the account object. So, for example, you could say any Sony account where the year began equals 2018. So then, once you have your criteria nailed down, you could add the filter logic. It defaults to one and two. You could have it be one or two. The impact of this filter logic is that any account names that match Sony, or any accounts that do not match Sony but whose year started equals 2018, will be shared with users in either a public group, a role, or a role in subordinates. So we could share these with the Director of Direct Sales again and make these same settings read-only. We could also modify the opportunity access. Let's just do read-only for all these, just for grins. So this would be any accounts owned by anyone with the name Sony or with a year start of 2018, which we will share with the Director of Direct Sales. And this is a criteria-based rule sample. I'm just going to name it that. So now I've written a chapter in the description just to remind me of what I did here. And then I'm just making sure I'm actually sharing this with the Director of Direct Sales. Let's just change that director of ChannelSales, because that's what I wrote here. I just want to be consistent, click Save, and click Okay. and it will recalculate things. And we'll see the alerts and warnings down below, but we're not seeing the famous last words. But let's look at our sharing rules. So we've got the two sharing rules. Here's the owner-based one. Here's the criteria-based one. And I guess with the criteria, it was probably a lot quicker because we don't have any records that match that criteria. So I believe I'm going to create an account called Sony, or let's do this: let's just go into an account record and just select an existing one and put the year start. Here's Jim's account. Actually, let's do one of my accounts because I'm even lower in the role hierarchy and I report to Jim, but Jim does not report to that lateral person in the role hierarchy. So let me go into the details of this account. I don't know that we have that filled in; our page layout doesn't look like it. So I'm going to do is I'm going to popover into Classic, because we need to do that anyways. To view the sharing, click the sharing button. And so I'll pause for just a second, and we'll be magically inclassic. And then I will add that fill to the page layout, and we'll look at the sharing visibility of this record and see who has access. All right, so that account that I was looking at is Burlington Textiles. So I'm going to go into that account. Not that it matters because we're not making changes yet, but I know that that's an account that I own. I'm going to edit the page layout, and then I'm going to drag that field down into the page layout. So that would be year started drag this down. I'll just type it in here under annual revenue and hit Save. And so now we have our year on the field. And before I change here, the year's already started field.But before I change that to 2018, I want to click on the sharing button and see who has visibility. Okay? So because of that's, right, I am below Jimin the sharing rule, the ownership based sharing rule. And so my record rolls up to Jim. So Jim has access to that. And then, through this ownership-based sharing role that we created previously, that shares the record already with the Director of Channel Sales. And so let me go in real quickly and adjust that first sharing rule that we created. I'll show you what you can do to change that. and we'll show the impact of that. This will be demonstrating the ownership-based criteria, the ownership-based sharing rule, and making a change to it. So it's to take that record away. So for that first sharing rule that we created previously for the owner-based one, I'm going to edit that. And here is the reason that my records are seen by this Director of Channel Sales: because any members or subordinates of this Director of Direct Sales role in the hierarchy are shared with channel cells. And I can't edit that. Let me cancel this. But that's why they would already have access to that record. So for sake of demonstrating this other sharing rule, this criteria-based sharing rule, I'm going to delete the first one, the ownership-based sharing rule. So I'm going to click Okay to delete that one. To get it out of the way, you could create a new one. And I'm debating about doing that. So what I could do is create or replace that ownership-based sharing rule with one where it is just roles and not roles and subordinates. And so the Director of Direct Salescan be shared with roles and subordinates. The Director of Channel Sales will say that this is an ownership-based sharing rule. So let me click "save," then click "OK." It will take a moment for that. To refigure the sharing rules, let me refresh and make sure that that is all clear. And then I'm going to return back to that account and see who has access through the sharing button. So we're all clear, and let's go in and revisit our account. Click on "Sharing." And so now I only have access because I'm the owner. But most importantly, the ownership-based sharing rule doesn't display those in the role or role hierarchy because we changed that sharing rule to only share accounts owned by the Director of Direct Sales but not any of their subordinates. I'm a subordinate, so I'm excluded from that sharing rule now. So this account is not being sharedthrough that ownership based sharing rule. And so now, if you remember,we have the two sharing rules. Let me go back to this account and let me just change the year to 2018 now and see if that will then open up access to this record through the criteria-based sharing rule that we created previously in this lesson. So we clicked Save, and now we're going to click Sharing to see who has access. And now the Director of Channel Sales and their subordinates have access to this account. Because of the criteria-based account sharing rule that I created, we covered a lot of ground there. We've dealt with not only creating a criteria-based sharing rule, but also creating an additional ownership-based sharing rule to take the place of the one that we created previously. And so we're going to stay in classic, because in the next lesson we're going to talk about another way that you can share.
In addition to either ownership or criteria-based sharing rules, which can be very specific and rigid in nature, you can also allow your users to do manual sharing, which allows them the discretion to share records with other users that they choose. So I'm in an account with an object that I own. I'm the owner of this record. So if I click on the sharing button, it shows that I'm the only user that has access. Now, if I wanted to manually share this with another user, I just click Add, and then here is where I have options for manually sharing this record with other users. And you notice I'm using ink here instead of lightning. One quick caveat or note: manual sharing is not supported in the Lighting experience. At the time of this recording, there is an option on the App Exchange from SalesforceLabs for this Lightning component known as Lightning Sharing. This is a landing page. For that, I will link to this. For a resource link down below this lecture, I'll link to this lesson. But I want to make you aware of this as an option. So if you're tasked with having to enable sharing inside of Lightning, this is really your only option that I know of at this time: this component that's brought to you by Salesforce Labs. I'm not going to go into it because I'm not really familiar with this particular app on the app exchange, or component, I should say. I do notice it has three out of five stars, and it was released some time ago, and the latest release was several months ago even. However, you can watch a demonstration of how that works and decide whether you want to try and install it in your own.org. But I'm anticipating students to tell me, "Hey, you can do Sharing and Lightning through this app." I wanted to at least make that known or mention it from the forefront, but for now we're just going to stick with Classic. As a result, you can resume manual sharing. Public groups, roles, roles and subordinates, and individual users are the usual suspects here. And if you think about it, when we were doing either the ownership-based sharing rules or the criteria-based sharing rules, we could share those with groups, roles, or roles and subordinates. But with manual sharing, this is point-in-time decisionmaking by your end users, and Salesforce does extend the ability for you to share with a specific user. And so for this particular example, I will share this record with Jim Dough, and then let me go ahead and try and manually share this as well with the Security user and Integration user, and click Save. Now it returns to the sharing detail for that account record, and it shows that not only do I have access to the owner, but also that the reason for these other users now having access is due to manual sharing. So you can remove manual sharing of a record by just clicking "Delete" from those in the list. And so I'm just going to remove the security user from the list and take away access to the account. And so as we revisit this diagram, we've looked at the sharing rules, and something that is often forgotten about is the ability to manually share records. and that is a way of opening up further access. And as we orient ourselves to where we're at in this sharing architecture of Salesforce, and as a reminder, We've talked about users and then profiles and permission sets and then organization-wide defaults and then opening up and having wider access. As it is mentioned here, as you work your way up the sharing architecture. The role hierarchy is the mechanism for vertically sharing records as records and their access roll up the role hierarchy. Then we looked at the sharing rules. Those were the criteria and ownership-based sharing rules. To broaden the scope even further, this would be for ad hoc, random, or complex sharing at the discretion of the user. There is manual sharing. And so now that we've discussed manual sharing, we're next going to traverse further up the sharing architecture and address team access starting in the next lesson.
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