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2 – Salesforce Fundamentals

1. Salesforce Fundamentals Introduction

Alright, so now we're ready to get into the Exam Guide. In the first section of the Exam Guide, it shows Salesforce Fundamentals, and you'll notice here the different pie charts on the Exam Guide. And for the Salesforce Fundamentals section, it's weighted at 8%, and so a few of the things that we'll be covering as far as it relates to the Salesforce Fundamentals include how the Salesforce platform is built on a multi-tenant architecture. And I explain some of the concepts behind cloud computing as well. Some of these introductory lectures may be too basic for you if you have some experience on the Salesforce platform and fully understand cloud computing, so feel free to skip those if you don't need them, but you may find them helpful. And I do try to cover what may be on the exam as it relates to the fundamentals of the platform. I believe you were asked about the MVC paradigm, which has to do with model, view, and controller, on the exam. And so I go in and explain what that is and what the different components of Salesforce are as it relates to the model of the view and the controller. And then as we progress throughout this course, you'll notice that we start on the front end and the model side of things, and then we start to get into the view, which will be more of the user interface. And then finally, the controller side of things for the MVC paradigm, where we get into things such as business automation and logic, and not so much triggers because that's not on the exam, but some of the concepts behind just what it takes to automate things and the various ways of doing that on the platform. Another cool thing that we look at as far as the fundamentals of the platform go is the Salesforce schema. We get our first glimpse of the schema builder as well, and it gives us a visual representation of how our relational database is set up inside of Salesforce and what our schema or data model even is. And we'll extend that out further as we build our IMDb clone app, as we create additional custom objects, and then throughout the duration of this course, we'll be entering those objects into various types of relationships as well as master detail and lookup, etcetera. I also show you how to download apps off theApp Exchange and then we also in this section willlook at one of the sample questions from the ExamGuide and I'll walk you through that as well. I try to not just give you the answer, but also tell you how to approach questions, how even one word can flip a question on its head, and how you need to be careful when you read these questions when taking the test, because Salesforce is really good at forming these questions to really discern if you understand the platform or not. And at the end of the section, be sure and checkout the quiz and take part in that and test yourknowledge and retention before moving on to the next section. Let's dive right into the fundamentals by looking at the multi-tenant architecture of SalesForce.

2. Multitenant Architecture Overview

The salesforce. multi-tenant architecture. We're going to go real high level on this and just kind of explain what "multi-tenant" means. Some of you may already know about the multitenant architecture of Salesforce, and you can go ahead and just skip this if you need to. But the idea behind a multi-tenant architecture is that you're on a platform and are sharing resources with other customers of Salesforce. Each instance is now its own "walled garden," if you will, in the sense that you can only access data that resides in your own cell force instance. There's proper security around that, but there are other customers on your same Salesforce instance. And what I mean by an instance is that if I go back to my account here, and if you notice this NA 35 in the URL address bar, I'm on the North American server number 35. And so that's a Salesforce instance, and there are a lot of other customers that are also on that same instance. And I believe that is a common use case for the free developer account. So you may actually be on NA 35 as well. We need to be basically good citizens on this platform, if you will. Consider living in an apartment building with other people, where there are multiple floors and multiple apartments on each floor, and literally hundreds or thousands of different residences, and where each resident has their own electricity flowing into their apartment. And so that is a shared resource, though. And so you couldn't have one resident take up all of the available electricity for the entire building while everyone else suffered a blackout. So since companies rely on Salesforce for their day-to-day operations, Salesforce places a lot of limits on what you can do. And they encourage you to bulk up your code and do efficient processes, and they protect you from doing things that would drain the resources for other users. It's really a good thing. It is a frustrating thing as you're learning to code on the platform, for instance. But it is good in that it prevents your own instance from being drained by someone else's mistakes. And so it's one of these things that we have to live with on our platform. You have a lot more freedom as a Java developer, Net developer, or Ruby developer to basically break things and have just total control over what you do. And that can be a blessing—and it can be a curse as well. But I wanted to show you this. Force.com Multi-Tenant Architecture document. This goes into really deep technical details, which you may want to read or may not. The main point is that it goes into great detail about the multitenant architecture salesforce. You may have a question on the exam related to multitenant architecture that you don't need to know about, like polyglot persistence or any of those big words, but this is more for your own reference. I wanted to make you aware of this. I'll make this link available in the Resources Section. In addition, developers are worth mentioning. Salesforce.com has a lot of good resources for developers that you want to check out. And so there's just a lot of detail around the multitenant architecture and the multitenant app development as well. a pretty picture of the schema builder in Salesforce. We will be working with the schema builder in this course, but this is a way to visualise the schema. And here's the section on the Force.com browser-based development environment, and you can do a lot inside the browser to develop on the platform, and it goes into more detail there. There's a section on APIs if you're interested in that. Query languages, Apex and procedural logic, multitenant processing, and a lot more. So the thing to bear in mind is that the core concept behind Salesforce is that it is a multi-tenant architecture and environment. You share resources with other Salesforce customers. Therefore, there are a lot of limits that are placed on you as a developer that you've got to get your processes to comply with so that you avoid bringing down the system for everybody. That concept may be reflected in several questions on the exam, and so I wanted to at least address that, and you can read about this further, but don't get too deep in the weeds. Then, in addition to being a useful resource developer, salesforce.com is a useful website that you should visit frequently. You can see the technical library here on the right and a lot of other links as well for products, resources, community, blog, and trailhead, with which you can supplement this course with different trailhead trails if you'd like, and then you can search for them here. So in the next lecture we're going to be talking about and introducing the MVC design.

3. Introducing the MVC Design Pattern

Okay, guys, we're going to introduce the MVCdesign pattern as it relates to Salesforce. So I've got a page from developer salesforce.com up here that's an introduction to VisualForce. We're not going to talk about visual forces much, but it does get into the MVC paradigm as it relates to Salesforce. I am going to link up this particular page in the resource section of this lecture. So I wanted to show you that if you scroll down on this page past the Visual Force inaction, there's a pretty diagram about Visual Force and some example code, which, for example, you can get some good code snippets from developer Salesforce.com by clicking the icon to view source and then simply grabbing and pasting that into your editor. We'll begin to use visual force later. But what I really want to hone in on is the model-view-controller paradigm. And I wanted to find a decent diagram that was publicly available that Salesforce provides in order to share this with you. So when you see the acronym MVC, that stands for model-view controller. Now, the reason you should care about thisis because these concepts are the underpinning ofwhat Salesforce is built upon and what reallyhas made it so revolutionary. There is this paradigm in software development known as the MVC paradigm, or model-view-controller paradigm. As a result, Salesforce has used that paradigm to build their own platform, making much of it available through clicks rather than code. So understanding where the various items in salesforce development fall in these three different buckets, if you will, for the model, the view, and the controller will help you understand how to build effective applications on the platform and be an effective app builder on the Salesforce platform. And then as well, there may be something related to the MVC, or model view controller paradigm, on the exam. Now, it's not going to question you as to whether you know all the ins and outs of the paradigm itself, but it's more related to where would a visual force page reside? Would it be in the model, the view, or the controller? well, a VisualForce page that has to do with the user interface or the view. Now, a controller has to deal with more automated processes. And so there are standard controllers, and then there's custom Apex code. For this particular certification, we do not do Apex coding. I may show you an example of a standard controller that's in a Visual Force page that leverages a controller that is written in Apex. And so we might get some hints at this—just so that you understand what these items are. And this would be a custom Apex, I should say, because Apex classes are under the model of this paradigm. And then there are Salesforce objects. And so we're going to be dealing with standard and custom objects. And so those would be in the model piece of the MVC paradigm, or model view controller. And so I wanted to spend some time talking about this MVC design pattern or paradigm, whatever you want to call it. At the beginning of this course, you can begin to categorise the items we learn according to which piece of the MVC paradigm they belong to. And so next we're going to be diving into the Salesforce schema. We're going to look at the schemabrowser and Salesforce so that you can visualise how Salesforce handles different objects. And you'll notice as well that as the course progresses, we'll be going from model to view to controller. And so, really, in this particular certification, there's a lot around the model, and then there's some around the view, and then a small part around the controller. So stay tuned as we dive into the model piece of the MVC paradigm, as we discuss and explore the Salesforce schema.

4. The Salesforce Schema

Okay, now it's time for us to talk about the Salesforce schema. And so in order to discuss or visualise this, I thought it would be good to show you the schema builder, and we will be getting into the schema builder more in a later lecture. But what a schema is, is how like a database is around. And I wasn't necessarily terribly familiar with the concept of a schema when I first started going down the path of learning Salesforce development. So if you're not familiar with that word, it is admittedly a nerd word. So for an object-oriented system or a database, you're dealing with objects. And we're going to be getting into objects aswell, both standard and custom objects in later lectures. But I wanted to speak to the schema in particular on Salesforce. I'm in the Schema Builder, and this is a visual representation of the different objects in your free Salesforce account. And so there are a lot of these objects that will not even come up on the platform at the Builder Certification exam, and then some of them will. And so, like, for instance, I don't think macro is on the exam. That's more of a service cloud consultant exam feature. But you can actually traverse this screen by clicking on this to move the view. I'm moving a small little blue box here at the bottom right, and it's moving my display. and then I can zoom out by clicking the minus sign or zoom in. And then, as well, you could clear all objects from the palette or then select all to show them all. And so there are these different objects, and then there are different relationships between them. And so I wanted to highlight a few things here, and it would probably be best to look at an object that we'll be dealing with a lot. So if I click the magnifying glass next to the contact object, it will find the object for me. You can see that this is a tangled mess—a lot of spaghetti here, if you will. So, a good way to see relationships and visualise them in Salesforce's schema is to clear everything in the schema builder and then just grab the various objects that you want to work with so that you can visualise them more effectively. For instance, I'm going to grab Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, and then Opportunity Products, and you can get the lay of the land here and see that these two are way over here to the right. So I'm going to zoom out to give more of an accessible view here and drag some of this into place a little better. You can also click and drag to move him across or drag him, like I mentioned before. So we make this nice and pretty, basically. And so we've got an Account object. And it has, if you notice, relationships with the Opportunity object and the Account object; you can see these relationships between these objects here, and then as well, from Account, you can go to Opportunity, for instance, and then from Opportunity, it has child records for the Opportunity product. And so this particular lecture is just to give you a high-level overview of the Salesforce schema and some of its capabilities. And so we will be getting into objects and fields as well, and custom objects and custom fields, and rounding out this whole Salesforce schema experience. But I wanted to address this on the frontend of the course or early in the course so you could be aware of the schema builder and the underlying objects that you'll be working with at an introductory or cursory glance at least. Furthermore, making you aware of If we zoom in here and click and drag to go down like on the account, for instance, you can click to show more fields, and this becomes scrollable. You notice this legend here. There's the blue line, and this is some sort of lookup relationship. So these are lookup relationships, and if you hover over it, it shows this is a lookup relationship from contact to account. So on the contact record, you see this account name, and it says it's a look-up field, and I can click on that, and that highlights it. And so then, as well, for the opportunity, if I click on the account name there or hover over this, it says look up the relationship from opportunity to account. And then as far as Opportunity Product goes, if I hover over this, it's a lookup relationship from Opportunity Product opportunity as well. If you notice this branch going down from account down to the parent account, that's a hierarchy field, and that is a master detail relationship. And then you see the red line, and this vertical red line indicates required fields. And so we'll go into these different objects more later. But from the schema builder, you can see the Salesforce schema, the underlying objects and fields, and their relationships. And then as well, you can see the required fields on those objects. You can also do a lot more with the schema builder, and we will be getting into that in a later lecture as far as the capabilities and functions that you can perform in the system from the schema builder. So for now, that's enough for the schema builder. We'll revisit that later, like I said. But in the next lecture, we're going to be visiting the App Exchange, and this would be a way that you can extend your Salesforce instance and introduce additional objects and records in your instance. And so in the examples I'm going to give in the next lecture, I'm going to run you through how to find some apps that are provided by Salesforce to give you really good reports and dashboards to start rounding out your own free Salesforce instance. We'll use those reports and dashboards much later in the course, but it's time to become familiar with the AppExchange, which is the app store for Salesforce, how to install those apps in your instance, and then how that will start to round out your own Salesforce schema.

5. Helpful Practice Activity – Downloading Apps off the AppExchange

So if we click Set Up and then Set Up Home, so you can get to the App Exchange, there's this big icon here in the middle for the App Exchange on the Setup home page. And then as well, you can toggle through these other squares here to see the ability to download Salesforce A, which is for administrators, access release notes, or check system status. And then as well, there are options to setup cells, force one, or explore objects. But the main thing we want to focus on right now is visiting the App Exchange. Then also, you can find it by doing a search here and pulling up the App Exchange marketplace. Both will take you to the same location, which is the app store for Salesforce called App Exchange. So once you're in App Exchange, you can do a search for reports and dashboards. I'm going to show you a few that I like particularly. And I searched for the word "user adoption. Under apps. You could also search for components, consultants, developers, and jobs as well. So, FYI, if you're looking for a Salesforce job, you can click here and search for jobs there. But we're searching for apps, and I'm going to scroll down. This is the Salesforce adoption dashboard. It's showing that it's lightning ready.So we want to pay attention to that. I am going to click on that to get more information. You see here that this is provided by Salesforce Labs. It's lightning ready.And here's the level of salesforcethat is available for it's professional. EnterpriseUnlimited, Developer, and Performance Editions are all included. We're in a developer account, which is the equivalent of enterprise level. So this app will work. The overview appears here. It's an app by Salesforce Labs. This is Salesforce's own application that they build and release through SalesforceLabs, so they're highly trustworthy. I refer to Salesforce Labs for reports and dashboards because they tend to get pretty good reviews and they're provided by Salesforce. The Salesforce Adoption Dashboard gives you some analytics around user adoption on the Salesforce platform, where you can see a user's login history and adoption of key features such as accounts and opportunities. And so if we click on Reviews, you can see the various reviews that have been provided for an app such as this one. And then, as well, you can get more details on the provider. And this is where we should see the information around Salesforce Labs. And then for further details, by clicking here on the details, you can actually see more about a particular app that you're installing. You'll find it here. We see there's a data sheet related to this particular app. And this package includes 42 reports, six custom fields, three dashboards, one dashboard folder, and one report folder. So you can see very quickly how you can get to hundreds of useful reports and dashboards and additional folders as well. And this will really roundout our own Salesforce account. Consider this a useful practise activity, going through the steps of installing this in your own organization. So if I click "get it now," log into the app exchange. Click there. So the App Exchange requires you to login with your Salesforce credentials in order to verify that you have a Salesforce account. Then, once you're logged in, it's asking if you want to install in production or in a sandbox. We are in developer.org here if you're using the free Salesforce account. And so I'm going to click Install in Production. So you see here that we're almost there. It's showing the username. This is my fake username. I'm using my organisation name. And then if you're like me,you never read Terms and Conditions. Say you have, and you click Confirm and Install. But if you do want to read them, you can click Terms and Conditions before clicking Confirm and Install. And so I'm prompted to login again to my Salesforce instance. And this is simply a security check to ensure that you're logging into the correct Salesforce instance. So I click Log in, and then it brings up the Install Package screen. It's asking me if there are existing component names and what we should do if they conflict with something in this particular install package. So what I'm going to do is select and rename any conflicting components in this package. That means that if there's anything that has the same exact name in this package compared to what's in my own instance, it will rename those components in the package and avoid any naming conflicts. So I can install this app for just Admins onlyor Install for all users, or install for specific profiles. So I'll just install it for administrators only and click Install. So it's installing the application and granting access to admins only for this app, which contains a lot of reports and dashboards that were selected off of the App Exchange. And this is the Salesforce Adoption Dashboards app. We'll do a few more, but while we're waiting on that, we can click View Components to see the package components. So the installation was actually completed before I could view the components. I'm going to go ahead and click, and then the screen refreshes. I'm going to show you how you can get to the components for the app that you just installed. So that brings up the installed packages. In this case, these are any apps I've installed from the App Exchange, of which I have one. So I can click on this to learn more about the installed package. I can view the components by clicking here. And this brings up the various components that are contained within the package. And you see some custom fields and dozens of reports and three dashboards. And then finally, a report folder and a dashboard folder. If you wanted to uninstall an app, you simply clicked Uninstall. But now if I click on the Reports tab and click all reports, I have reports that I can access through Enlightening Experience. So that is a good thing. So, in terms of folders, I can see that I only have one Reports folder. Now. What about dashboards? I can click on dashboards. You can see all folders; there's one Dashboard folder. And then I can click on Dashboards, and it brings up the three dashboards that were created from installing this app. So if I click on one of these, I can access the Dashboard. We'll go into more detail on dashboards in a later lecture, but this gives you a sneak preview of how cool dashboards look now and the Lightning Experience, as well as a sneak peek at reports. If I click on all the reports here and just click on one, this is the DV adoption app, and it's called the Activities Wall of Fame. And so I'm on the Wall of Fame for the various activities that I've done here. And this is an example of a report. Now, I'm going to go through quickly and install a few more apps off of the App Exchange, and I'll make links to these available in the resources section of this lecture. So that means that we need to go back to the App Exchange. So if I go to set up home and then click on the App Exchange again to visit it, So previously, I searched for user adoption. Another good way to get a lot of good reports and dashboards is simply to search for the word "dashboards." And you see here some of the top results that are lightning ready—these are from Salesforce Labs. As a result, you can save some of these for later use by clicking the Save icon. And then, if you want to install or get further information, you can click on one. This is another Dashboard app from the App Exchange provided by Salesforce Labs, which I'm going to click. Get it? Now, the thing to keep in mind as well is that these are native, and they run on the Salesforce platform. That's another key feature that you want to look for a lot of times when you're dealing with the App Exchange and making your decision. Is this a native app, or does this require an integration or a third-party party services?So this one is native to the Salesforce platform. It's from Salesforce Lab, so I trust it pretty highly. And someone installed it in production. Notice, here are the ones that I've saved for later, the three inside the heart there. And then I can click down to see the three here. So I'm installing one of those now. So it's saying I'm almost there. I've read the terms and conditions. Of course I'm going to confirm and install. I'm going to log in again as a safety check and to make sure I'm logging into the right instance. It's really easy to log into the wrong instance and install things in the wrong place. So for the CRM Dashboards app, I want to install this for all users and click Install, and I'm going to try and view the components before it installs. And here we go. So here are the various reports and dashboards available. The main thing to keep in mind as you're dealing with a dashboard application off the App Exchange is that, with dashboards in general, they have to have underlying reports that generate the data that the dashboard derives from. And so that's why I search for dashboards when I'm on the App Exchange, when I need to get a lot of sample reports to work with, because I know that I'm going to be getting a lot of good reports and a lot of dashboards as well. So I'm clicking done now that that installation is complete. And now my instance has even more reports and dashboards. And so we see the two installed packages. I'm going to go ahead and stop there. You get the routine down as far as how to install apps on the App Exchange, and just bear with me while I just search for dashboards or user adoption. And then as well, just remember that I'm going to be making the links available to these particular applications in the resources section.

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