100% Real Microsoft DP-200 Exam Questions & Answers, Accurate & Verified By IT Experts
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Microsoft DP-200 Practice Test Questions in VCE Format
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Date Mar 13, 2020 |
Microsoft DP-200 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Microsoft DP-200 Implementing an Azure Data Solution exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft DP-200 Implementing an Azure Data Solution exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft DP-200 certification exam dumps & Microsoft DP-200 practice test questions in vce format.
Nowadays, being an Azure Data Engineer is very popular among the IT specialists, so Microsoft DP-200 is one of the exams that are taken more than others. This test is part of the Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate certification, which also requires passing Microsoft DP-201.
Potential Candidates and Requirements
According to the fact that this is an associate-level certification track, there are no strict requirements that you must fulfill except passing two exams. Thus, if you are planning to take Microsoft DP-200, you can be an Azure Data Engineer who wants to verify the skills to get certified or a specialist who is just starting an IT career. In both cases, you should have a solid knowledge of the content and be able to clear the tests with high results.
A potential candidate for the Microsoft DP-200 exam should know how to identify and meet the requirements by collaborating with the business stakeholders to implement data solutions that use Azure data services. Besides that, it is required that the individuals have the relevant skills in implementing various data solutions, such as Azure Blob storage, Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure Cosmos DB. Also, they need to be able to ingest batch and streaming data, provision data storage services, identify performance bottlenecks, implement security requirements, access external data sources, transform data, and implement data retention policies. /
Exam Structure and Format
Microsoft DP-200 is a 150-minute test with about 40-60 questions that you need to clear within the allocated time. You should be ready for various types of questions to deal with during the exam. Thus, you can face with review screen, labs, multiple choice, short answer, repeated answer choices, drag and drop, hot area, case studies, build list, best answer, mark review, and active screen. To pass this certification test, you need to score at least 700 points out of 1000. The DP-200 exam can be taken in different languages, including Korean, English, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. To schedule it, you should have a Microsoft account and apply via the official webpage. The voucher costs $165.
Exam Topics and Subtopics
To be able to pass the exam, you should cover its content with great deliberation. Therefore, you need to be ready to learn a lot. Thus, Microsoft DP-200 contains the following domains that you should explore:
In this topic, a potential candidate has to know how to implement non-relational and relational data stores. It includes your ability to implement a consistency model in Cosmos DB, solutions that use Blob storage, Data Lake Storage Gen2, or Cosmos DB, as well as data distribution and partitions for Azure Synapse Analytics. Besides that, the students should have the skills in managing data security, which includes your full understanding of data encryption and data masking implementation.
This section includes two subtopics that cover the development of batch processing and streaming solutions. In these areas, you will be evaluated in creating activities and pipelines, linked services and datasets, ingesting data into Azure Databricks, selecting the appropriate built-in functions, configuring input and output, etc. The skills in implementing for high availability and disaster recovery, PolyBase, as well as data distribution and partitions for Azure Synapse Analytics are also important. Moreover, you should not avoid learning the details of the implementation for the global distribution and be able to provide access to data to meet the security requirements.
As for this domain, you have to know how to monitor data processing and data storage as well as optimize Azure data solutions. These include your understanding of Azure Synapse Analytics, and Stream Analytics. Your skills in implementing Cosmos DB monitoring, Azure Synapse Analytics monitoring, Blob storage monitoring, and auditing by using Azure Log Analytics will be evaluated as well. The topic also contains your knowledge of the configuration of Azure Monitor alerts, monitoring of Stream Analytics, Azure Databricks, Data Factory pipelines, as well as relational and non-relational data stores.
Preparation Options
Microsoft offers useful preparation options for the individuals who are planning to start their journey with this provider. Thus, for the Microsoft DP-200 exam, you can go for the following resources:
There are 8 learning paths in total that you can follow to learn the details of the exam content. Each path has several modules to cover. Thus, you can go for Store Data in Azure, Azure for the Data Engineer, Work with NoSQL Data in Azure Cosmos DB, Work with Relational Data in Azure, Implement a Data Streaming Solution with Azure Streaming Analytics, Large-Scale Data Processing, Implement a Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics, and Data Engineering with Azure Databricks.
As for the courses with an instructor, you can go for the Implementing an Azure Data Solution training. There are the options that include the classroom training and virtual courses. The time for each session is based on the location of the course.
Using the study guides is what you need to do by all means. They help you cover the details of the exam content, its topics, and the information related to the format of the test. You can search for the options offered by Microsoft or look for the ones that are available on Amazon. For example, you can buy Azure Storage, Streaming, and Batch Analytics: A guide for data engineers by Richard L. Nuckolls or Hands-On Data Warehousing with Azure Data Factory by Christian Coté.
Career Prospects
After getting all the required skills, passing Microsoft DP-200 along with Microsoft DP-201, and obtaining the certification, you will be able to show off your knowledge and get a prestigious position, a higher salary, or a promotion. Thus, you can pursue the following roles:
As for the average salary that you can earn, it is about $95,000 per year.
Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use Microsoft DP-200 vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. Microsoft DP-200 Implementing an Azure Data Solution certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using Microsoft DP-200 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.
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It is true that these exam dumps could be very effective even in a few days before the test. I had no time to attend the training courses, so I used only the dumps from this site and get the minimum of the passing score. Though, of course, if you can read books and attend courses, it’s better to use these options. So, anyway, try your luck, from my view these dumps can help you pass.
I really think that the DP-200 exam practice questions and answers can help in boosting the confidence for the real exam. They did it for me at least. Once you see how familiar the test will be to the contents in these materials, you will certainly be in a better position for passing the exam.
These DP-200 practice questions and answers are valid and updated indeed. I practiced with them a week ago, and they really helped me. I passed the test easily and with a very good score! Thanks, ExamCollection!
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