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Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-230 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps

Microsoft MB-230 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft MB-230 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-230 certification exam dumps & Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-230 practice test questions in vce format.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Module Overview

3. Dynamics 365 For Sales Application Navigation

Alright, so welcome to this training video. In the previous video, you learned about process flow. So it's time I show you the application and how this process flow is configured in Dynamic 65 for sales. So let's see that. So this is what the application looks like. and let me walk you through the application. Alright, so this is the Dynamic 65 application. And here you can see the sales module. So by default, you will see the Sales module. You have a dashboard. So when you log into the MCSFOR application, you will see the dashboard. So you can see the funnel, you can see the bar charts, and you can see all the information that a person needs to work on. So this is personalised as per the user. It means you can see open leads and open opportunities. And it says my up activities, which means whatever activities I need to work on, right? So every person using Dynamic 65 for Sales will have their own dashboard. All right, so let me show you the accounts. So you click on the menu, and you see Sales. Under that, you have customers. So under customers, you can see accounts and contacts. When you click on Accounts, you will seethat whatever active accounts that I'm working with,so it will show all the accounts. When you open any account, it's going to show all the information about the account. So Account is an organization, as I explained earlier. So you can see that you have account details, all of the information, addresses, recent opportunities that you work with, and who the contact persons involved and who are available in the organisation that you are contracting with in case of any problems. And you can see all the other information here. This is all about company. The next one is Contacts, where you capture your customers as an individual.So you can see the information for all the contacts that are available for you to work on. And these can be the contacts that are associated with any account or company, right? So here, you can capture all the details. The next one is about leads. So whatever leads you currently workingon, you will see here. So you can open any of the leads. So let me just show you that. and here you can see the process. So this is how the process works. As you can see in the bar, they are qualified, develop, propose, and close. So this is a business process flow that allows users to follow the step-by-step process so they don't miss anything. And then you capture all the information. So either you can put all the information here and say yes, these are the processes the person has to complete in order to move to the next stage, right? So once this is complete, you can click on Next Day, and it will go to the next stage, right? So this is the way you can capture It has all the information that you need for a lead to be captured. Once you know that the lead is qualified, you can click on qualify to make it an opportunity. And if you have an existing customer, it is not going to create any new accounts. And if you don't have the existing contact, then it's going to create the contact with this name. So if you qualify that, it becomes a portion of an accountant. Contacts are created. If you disqualify that, it means the prospect is no longer interested. You can click as lost or cannotcontact or no longer interested or cancel. So you can select anyone, and this will be added to your open list. So once you qualify, it becomes your opportunity. So let me show you that. So go to opportunities. So here you can see that this is the opportunity, and it basically shows that okay, the qualification is done. It means the next stage is completed. So develop is also done in this case. And the stage is currently being proposed. And you can see that flag here. It means that this is the current stage on which the team is working, specifically the sales team. And there you can capture all the information, like what the current situation is and what the customer needs, what is the proposed solution, what products you are offering them, and is there any quote that you have sent to them, right?So you can capture and create those kinds of things. And once it is done, you can basically define close as one or close as lost, right? If it's lost, then you go to court. So you click on sales and then quotations. And here you have my quotes. So you can open the quote that you want to work with. And here you'll see all the information about the quotes. You can make changes, and you can add other information. So you can add new products and change the pricing and everything. So once you know that the customer is okay with the quotation, you can just activate the code, print it, and send it to the customer. So once they confirm, you can just convert it to order. So you can just say "create order," and the system is going to ask, "Do you want to close the opportunity associated with this?" Then you can just say yes. If you do not want to close the opportunity, there are other options available to you. So I'll just say close the opportunity, calculate the amount based on the course, and click okay. So once the quotation is converted to an order, the opportunity is automatically closed. So here it is: the order is created with the same information, and you can see that this is an opportunity. So when you click on the opportunity, you will see the status of the opportunity as "one," right? So it means that it is being converted to an order, and it is week one, and from here you can fulfil the order. So you click on "Fulfill Order" and enter the description if you want to click "Fulfill." It means that you have delivered whatever services you have promised. And finally, you create the invoice. So you click "Create Invoice" and an invoice is created, which you can print and send to the customer. So you might have internal processes. So there will be a review that says, "Okay, this is the price, and do you want to send it?" So once it is done, you can just say "Confirm Invoice." It means the invoice is confirmed and you printthe invoice and send it to the customer. And once the customer makes payment, you can just say "Invoice paid," right? It's a partial pay of full paid. You can just say you can select one and click OK. And here you can see those invoices placed.So this is how the complete sales process work and make 65.There are a lot of things available in between. There are a lot of configurations that need to be done before you can actually start working on this. So this is the introduction course. So I'm not going to go into detail about it, but I've shown you the complete cycle. That's how you can create a lead, how you can convert that to an opportunity, and then create quotations. From there, you create the order, it automatically closes the opportunity, and finally you can convert that quotation to an order. An order can be converted to an invoice, which can be sent to the customer, and the invoice is paid by the customer. You mark the invoice as paid. So it's just a standard process for this, and you can see that the current process is available in dynamic 65. In case you have a different process that you want to incorporate, that can also be included in the process because it has its own customised module. Alright, so that's it. For this video, I've covered the sales process, and in the next video, I'm going to show you the different modules. So I'll see you next tutorial.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Module Overview (Not Adobe Marketing Cloud)

1. Dynamics 365 For Marketing Important Terminologies

Alright, so welcome to this new training module. In this module, you will learn about marketing. So in this video, I'm going to explain to you the different marketing terminologies that you should be aware of so that you can start working in dynamic 55. Now, this is not the Adobe Marketing Cloud; it is the base module that comes with dynamic CRM. So I'm going to explain to you the different terminologies, and then I'm going to take you through the process flow and then show you the application. So the first terminology you should know is about marketing lists. So a marketing list allows you to group your accounts, contacts, and all leads together for marketing. So for example, you have two marketing lists. Marketing list one has all the people who are interested in product A, and marketing list two has all the people who are interested in product B, right? So if you want to communicate with the people who are interested in product A, you will send an email or communication to marketing list one. So marketing lists allow you to group contacts, accounts, and all leads together to differentiate what they are interested in. And you can either choose it from your account, contacts, or leads. You cannot choose multiples from the same marketing list. So if you create one marketing list, it can be either accounts or contacts; it means you can add all the accounts; it can be contacts; it means you can enter only contacts there; and it can be leads; you can enter only leads or select only leads for that marketing list. And there are two types of marketing lists. One is dynamic and one is static. So, in static lists, you manually enter all the members into the list, whereas in dynamic lists, you define a criteria and anyone who meets those criteria or parameters is automatically added to your list, correct? So this is all about marketing lists. The next one is campaigns. So campaigns allow you to plan and execute your marketing projects. So whenever you have any new things coming up, maybe you are doing an advertisement, a roadshow, or an event, then that becomes your campaign, and you can manage your entire campaign in Dynamics 365 in this marketing module. So you can define the campaign details—what is this campaign all about? What is the type of campaign and what are the details? The start date, end date. Then you choose the marketing list. So you decide which marketing list to target for this campaign? So a marketing list has contacts, accounts, or leads. And when you include the marketing list in your campaign, you interact with those people. So you can choose multiple marketing lists in a campaign, and then you create and run marketing activities for the execution of the campaign. And finally, you derive the campaign performance, which shows how many leads are generated out of this campaign. All right, so these are the two important things you should know before you start working in Dynamics 365 Marketing. This is not the Adobe marketing but the base marketing, which is in CRM. Also, you will see different entities like accounts, contacts, lead products, sales, and literature, so these are the same as they are in Dynamics for sale. The only thing is, these are the links available in the marketing module as well. Alright, so that's it for this video. And in the next video, I'll explain how the marketing process works in Dynamics 365.

2. Dynamics 365 For Marketing Process Flow

Alright, so welcome to the training video. In the previous video, you learned about marketing terminologies. Now in this video, I'm going to explain how the marketing process works in Dynamics 365. So let's jump in. So the first step in marketing is planning the campaign. So what exactly do you want to market? So you might want to market your product, the new launches you have, or any special offer that you are running. so that you need to create a campaign. So you need to plan campaigns in Dynamics 6.5. So once you have that information ready, the next thing is that you need to attach the marketing list. So the marketing list will have people who are interested in this kind of promotion. So you can enter multiple marketing lists in your campaign. So attach the marketing list; that is the second step. Once you do that, you define your marketing activities, or what activities you are going to perform in the campaign. For example, if you are running a promotion, you may need to send an email informing people about it, or you may need to send a reminder email. You call individuals and tell them about your marketing campaign. You can send them an email with the coupon code that you are offering a discount, right? So you can define those types of activities in the marketing activities that you must perform. So once you define the marketing activities, in themarketing activities itself, you need to define that whatis the budget of that particular activity. So you can define budget at two levels. You can define the budget at thecampaign level as well as you candefine budget at the marketing activities level. So it ensures that how much you have budgeted for the specific activity and when you start executing this campaign, you will have actual costs that you enter into the system, which will sum up all the actuals and show you in the marketing campaign what the budget is that you have planned and how much you have already consumed. So you define the budget andthen you execute the campaign. So whatever activities you have, the step-by-step activities you have are Activity 1234. So for those activities, you start executing data based on the dates that you have defined, right? So when you execute, there are certain things. So for example, the campaign activity could be making a phone call to the customers. So when you execute this campaign activity, it is going to create activities for all the customers, and it will be assigned to an individual who is going to make calls. So when somebody respond to your calls, youremails or your follow ups then that isconsidered as campaign response and that campaign responseyou can convert it into lead and fromthere you can start following the sales process. So as you can see, marketing is the first step in any business where you have a plan for marketing. You define all the activities, you define the budget, and you execute the campaign. You generate leads from there. And once you generate the leads, then you follow the sales process that I've explained to you in the previous training module. So the sales process begins with you, the lead. Then you create an opportunity, a quotation, an order, and an invoice. So the complete sales process follows once this process is complete. So this is how the standard marketing process works in Dynamic 65. And in the next video, I'm going to show you exactly how it works in Dynamic 65. Application.

3. Dynamics 365 For Marketing Application Navigation

Alright, so welcome to streaming video. In the previous video, you learned about the marketing process flow, and now in this video, I'm going to explain how the marketing works in Dynamics 650. So I'll give you an overview of the Dynamics 55 Marketing Module. This is what it looks like in the application. So let me walk you through the application. So here we are in Dynamics, and you can see we are in marketing. And in marketing, you have dashboards. So similar to sales, you also have a dashboard in marketing. So you can select the different dashboards available for marketing, social media, and other things. Then this shows everything about what is in the campaign mix and what kind of campaigns you are running. So advertising is like the 13 campaigns; you're running ten campaigns, which are for co branding.There are about nine campaigns for that marketing; there are nine events which are nine.So you can see the entire campaign mix as well as the budget and actuals month by month. So, how much do you expect to spend on the particular campaign, and how much do you actually spend on it? So those are the kinds of things you can see in the complete dashboard. You don't have to go into detail to see that information. So let me just show you the application. As a result, the customers you see here are the same as the sales modules. So, as you can see in the sales module, we have account and contact, and here in marketing, we have account and contact. So these are the same account and contact links that are available in Sales. The lead is also the same, which is in the Sales module. So if you go here and you can see leads, this is also the same lead link. The next thing is marketing. So let's click Marketing list, and here you can create all the marketing lists. Let me just quickly show you how you can create a marketing list. So when you click New here, you can create a marketing list. You can enter the name in the marketing template. Here, you can choose whether that's static or dynamic. So when you say static, you need to manually enter the members, and if it's dynamic, you need to specify the condition. Then whenever the condition is met and you open the marketing list, the system is automatically going to add or remove those people. So I'll just choose "static," and it's targeted towards accounts, contacts, or leads. So you need to specify either one of them. So when you say account, you will be able to add only accounts. If you choose contact, then you will be able to choose only contacts, and if you choose lead here, then you will be only able to add leads from the system. So I'm going to choose contact, and I'll just save it. You can click on this or you can press Control S. So I'll just save this marketing list, and here you can add the members. You can add the members manually or you can use find that one is fine.So once you have added this to the marketing list, similarly, you can create multiple marketing lists which basically show the categorization of your contacts, accounts, or leads. This way, you can create marketing lists The next thing is campaigns. So here you have campaigns. You can create campaigns. I'll just show you all the campaigns available, so you have different campaigns that are already available. I'll just open this campaign template, and here you can see the campaign details: the campaign code is automatically generated, the currency, the campaign, and what the campaign type is—whether it's advertisement, at, marketing, event co-branding, or other—so you can choose that and you can specify the information, and here you add the marketing list. So when you run this campaign, you should have people whom you are going to market to, right? So here you can add the marketing list. The current one that we have currently done is the marketing demo, so you can select that and click add. So either you can add it to the campaign or to the activities. So currently we don't have activities; we'll just choose "campaign only," and the marketing list is added. So currently we don't have any members, but if you have any, it's going to show you here. Similarly, you can add multiple marketing lists to the campaign, which it is going to show you here. Then whatever leads are generated from the campaign will show here what activities you perform in the particular marketing campaign you define here. Then, whatever budget you have allocated for this specific campaign, you define it here, and total cost actuals come from activity costs, so you define the actual cost that has been uncovered for the activities, and it will sum up and show you where you are correct, and whatever responses you receive from that specific campaign, that will be captured here. So once you receive the campaign response, you can convert that campaign response to leads, and you can start following up with them and completely follow the sales process. So this is how the campaign works. The next are quick campaigns. So quick campaigns are associated with only one activity, so you can't create them from here; you must convert them from activities so that each campaign is associated with only one activity. So this is a quick campaign; it's specific in that when you want to do things quickly, you can use that. The next thing is products. So products basically allow you to see all the products that you have in the system and allow you to create them as well. So if you open any product, you can see here the product details, the primary group and unit group for the price list if there are any properties involved, and then what the price list of the particular item is. So when you say retail customers, you are going to sell this particular product at $382.95. Similarly, you can create multiple pricelists for different kinds of customers. So is there any relationship of products? It means you can upsell, downsell, or cross-sell any products with this. So this is basically what the product is, and you can define those things here. Let's move to the next one. The next is sales literature. So sales literature allows you to upload the documents that you have. So, for example, if I open a computer product line, you can see that it's a product, it's a product sheet, and this is what exactly it is. And you can attach the sales documents. So when you click attach, it is going to open that document. You give the name. You give the keyword. So it's easy to search, and then you can choose the file to attach and it will be stored in CRM. Later you can search the particular salesliterature and use it for your business. And then you have reports, alerts, and calendars. So this is all about marketing. It's a very simple process. So there are a lot of things to learn in Dynamics 55 marketing, the fundamental marketing. So when the Adobe Marketing Cloud releases, I'm going to include that as a bonus here to give you the basic overview. So this is what is said about marketing in Dynamics 365. And if you have any questions, please feel free to get back to me. And that's it for this video, and I'll see you later in the next video explaining the new module.

Go to testing centre with ease on our mind when you use Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-230 vce exam dumps, practice test questions and answers. Microsoft MB-230 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant certification practice test questions and answers, study guide, exam dumps and video training course in vce format to help you study with ease. Prepare with confidence and study using Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-230 exam dumps & practice test questions and answers vce from ExamCollection.

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  • gonzales555
  • Italy
  • Jan 18, 2021

I passed the exam two weeks ago. 90% of the theory questions came from these MB-230 VCE files. You can depend totally on these files, but it is still important for you to do some additional reading to be well prepared to tackle the questions from any of the examinable topics.

  • Jan 18, 2021
  • jessica372
  • United Kingdom
  • Jan 08, 2021

It was a wise decision for me to purchase the premium bundle from ExamCollection. The training course as well as the practice questions and answers for the MB-230 test helped me to pass it on my first try. Thank you for providing accurate and helpful materials for exam preparation. I’m proud of being the Microsoft Certified in Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate!

  • Jan 08, 2021
  • lucas
  • Azerbaijan
  • Jan 01, 2021

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  • Jan 01, 2021
  • sheila-n
  • United States
  • Dec 28, 2020

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  • Dec 28, 2020

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