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Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-300 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Microsoft MB-300 Microsoft Dynamics 365: Core Finance and Operations exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft MB-300 Microsoft Dynamics 365: Core Finance and Operations exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-300 certification exam dumps & Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB-300 practice test questions in vce format.
Hello and welcome to this session. Now let's see what we are referring to as "sequence numbers" within Dynamics 365. So within the system, if we open any pages that list information about master data such as vendor customers or document information such as sales orders or purchase orders, if we open them up, as I do for all vendors, we will see the first column, which represents the recordID, and it's the unique identifier for that particular data that we are looking at. For example, this vendor account is a unique identifier for any vendor in the system. So now if we want to see how the number sequences have been set up in the system for vendor accounts, we should go to the setup of that particular module. We are in this example, I'm going to go toset up section of vendors, click on Accounts Payable Parametersand then going on to the Number Sequences tab. If I click on this one, I will see that there are several possibilities that I can define a sequence number for. One of them is vendor account, which is the field that we are looking at, right? It also displays a number sequence code and some information about it. Okay, it says "unique key for vendor identification." The key is used when creating new vendors. All right? So anytime within the system, if you notice that there is a drop-down list like this one and it shows you in the blue color, it means that it's a link and can take you to the respective record. So this is the code of my number sequence: ACCO three one three. And now I'm on the detail page of that sequence number. So as you see, this is the number sequence code ACCOthree one three that is given to the sequence number. So as you see, the scope has been defined as shared. And if I go on my segments, which currently just have one segment that is alpha-numeric and is going to be six-digit numbers, it's going to be 00123 four. And if I wanted to add another additional segment to it, you will see that I will have just the option of a constant to be added to my segment, and I'm able to, for example, add a specific constant to it. I will say, for example, that I want to specify that this type of sequence number that is defining the vendor account is to be started with Vent. And you see that the format gets updated, and it shows me that my sequence number will be a six-digit digit numbers.And if I wanted to change the scope to, let'ssay company and then I choose my company to USMF. For example, because I am currently in USMFcompany, you will see that the segment "company" has been added to my segments, right? And the constant must be added as Vend. Then you'll notice that my format has been updated to include my legal entity name as well as my constant and alphanumeric segment. Okay, actually there is another step that I have to set up for my sequence number, and I have to say that this is not a manual sequence number. It should always be automatically created. I'll click on Save close this out goingto go under the all vendors this time. If I want to create a new vendor account,I will be able to see that the vendoraccount has been created for me automatically with theformat that I have defined for my sequence number. If you are implementing Dynamics 365 finance and operations, you will start out with a blank environment, and you will need to either define hundreds of number sequences for each record type in the system as we did for vendor accounts or you can let the system do it for you automatically. The tool available is the Number Sequence Wizard. It is usually common to utilise the Number Sequence Wizard to generate standard or default number sequences for number sequences that we really don't care about, and then we can go back with our clients and change the ones we care about to a more meaningful and helpful number sequence. Now let's see how we can use the Number Sequence Wizard in the system. So now we are in our demo legal entity, and if you want to generate sequence numbers through Sequence Number Wizard, we have to go to organisation administration, and under the number sequences, we should click on Number Sequences. As you see, these are the numbers sequences that have been created so far within the system for other companies that exist in the system.So, for the time being, we will click on numbers. Sequence or other companieThis is the first page that you will see that the resort will take you to, and what we see here is some information that I do suggest that you go and read, to give you some information. There are usually some warnings when you're creating them, and they're useful; you can read them. some of the number sequences, the highest number will be decreased to match it to the length of, for example, a certain data type within the system. These are some warnings, and they are not something that you should be concerned about. Now we click on "next." As you might notice this time in the whole format area, you already have the demo as the scope of the company within all your sequence numbers that you are defining in the system. So we simply say include scoping format and click Next. This is the last step of your work, and as you see, it says completed. If you click on Finish, the sequence numbers get generated. Now you are back in the list of the number sequences that are defined in the system, and if you want to see the ones that have been generated for this particular legal entity, you can easily take one of the areas, like for example, accounts payable, and then choose the reference that you're looking for. For example, we are looking for vendor accounts, let's say. And then now you can choose your company, which is at a demo rate. As you see, this is the Vendor Account Number sequence that has been generated for us. So now if you want to change or give some particular pattern to our, let's say, vendor account that we want the system to generate for us easily, you can go on that particular number sequence and click on the edit button and try to play with the segments based on the requirement that you have in your company. As an example, I would use the constant event to identify that this is related to vendors, and I would leave the alphanumeric to six digits and save it. So as the format shows me here, it says that, finally, your vendor account will look like something like this. It starts with the demo, which is the name of my legal entity, and a constant value table with six pieces of numeric information at the end.
Hello and welcome to this session. So let's see. What is the Global Address Book? The Global Address Book is a centralised repository for master data that must be stored for all Internet contacts and external persons and organisations that the company interacts with. Okay. When an address changes, the update only needs to be made in one place. All the other associated records are updated automatically. So the data that is associated with Party Records includes the party names, address, and contact information. Other details vary depending on whether the party is a person or an organization. Okay, each party record is assigned to a party, and each party can be associated with one or more party roles in a company. Party roles include customer, prospect, worker, user, vendor, competitor, applicant, and contact. So who is the customer? Of course, individuals, companies, or other entities purchase goods and services that are produced by other individuals, companies, and entities. Prospects: This party might provide a service or benefit to a legal entity. A worker is a person who assumes the role of an employee or a contractor and is paid in exchange for services. A vendor is a party that supplies products to one or more legal entities in exchange for payment. A competitor is a person or organisation that provides goods or services that are similar to the ones that your business provides. An applicant is a person who makes a formal, written, or electronic request to work for or fill an open position in an organization. and then, last but not least, contact. So that's a person, either inside or outside your organization, that you have created an entry for. In this entry, you can save information such as the person's street and email addresses, telephone and fax numbers, or web page URLs. On the other hand, a party record can belong to one or more address books. As you can see, each PartyRecord can store one or more addresses or locations and is assigned a Party Rule. The rule that is assigned to the PartyRecord can have specific transaction types associated with the Global Address Book, which can help you understand the relationships among people and organisations that are associated with your organization. For example, a customer can also be a vendor in a marketing campaign. or a worker in your organisation can also be a vendor.
Hello and welcome to this session. So now let's see how we can create separation within the system, whether it's a customer, a vendor, an applicant, or any type of other party role that we've reviewed together. For that purpose, you need to go to the Organization Administration module on the Global Address Book section and click on the Global Address Book. The system will show us the list of the existing parties. There are always two scenarios that might happen. Whether I already know the party that I'm creating, itbelongs to vendor group, or it belongs to customer groups,or at this moment, I do not know what theparty role could be in the could be in thSo what I'm going to do is go ahead and click on the new I will just define the party within the system. There are a few pieces of information that are mandatory and that I have to provide when I'm creating a new record. First of all, I have to make sure what type of party I'm defining, whether it's an organisation or a person. If I switch to the person, you see that the list of fields changes and I have to provide different information. Whereas if I'm an organization, the fields change to define an organization, a specific type of organization.So let's imagine that this new party that I'm creating is already an organization. Okay? So I call it a demo party. So as you notice, the minimum information was just giving a name and the type, right? You can always get back and edit the record and enter more information as you learn more about your party. Okay, in the Fast tabs below, you can add more information such as addresses, contact information, relationships, and roles. In the Relationships Fast tab, you can provide the relationship between this particular party with the rest of the parties that exist within the system. Let's say, as an example, I just clicked on this one. There are several relationships that can be defined between these parties and existing ones. Whether this can be a child, for example, of one of the existing parties It could be an agent, beneficiary.org, or you see that there is a long list available out of the box from which you can always choose your preferred one.So the next Fast app will show us the role. So what is the role of this party within the system? For now, we do not know what the role of the party is, but let's imagine that now I've decided that this party is considered a vendor for me in the system. So what I'm going to do in here is go click on the vendor system, which takes me to the vendor page, as you've noticed. Right. So you see, there are a lot of other fast apps available because these are the configurations that can be done for your vendor in the system. As you see, the name has been populated based on the party name that I've given to the party record. You can always change this one if you do not like it. But for now, I would like just to say okay. I gave the vendor account number. There are certain mandatory fields that you have to provide when you're creating your vendors. And that's for that, right? Again, similarly, you can always provide asdetails as information you always have. If not, this is the minimum information that is required to create your vendor. I click on "Save." There you go. Vendor account record has been created within the system with the demo party name, right? Let's go back to our party. This is our initial party that we created together. And if I go into the Roles Fast tab, it shows me that the role of this party is vendor. And this is the vendor account ID. I click on this one, and it takes me to the vendor record directly. There is another way to just see what you've created within the system and accounts. If I go to Accounts Payable to see the vendor list, click on all vendors and you will be able to see the demo party record that we created from our global address book. Another point that I would like to tell you is that, let's say you are not going into the global address book, you just decided to go directly to the vendors and create your vendor record. If I click here and create a new, say, vendor, let's say I'll create a right.and I will call it a I create aI will provide some information, for example, a group in the system, and I will click on the Save button. I wanted to bring in your attention even though Icreated my vendor through the vendor page within Accounts Payablestill behind the scene, always one party record gets createdanytime you create whether vendor or customer or any othertype of parties within the system. And as you see, there is a hyperlink on the name. If I click on the demo vendor, it takes me to the party record, which exists in the global address book. So let's just take this one as an example. If I close this one, I just wanted to show you what the relationship between everything is.Now, if I return to my global address book in the organisation administration and filter out based on the demo vendor that we selected together, you can see that the party record has already been created.
Hello and welcome to this session. Let's have an overview of what topics we're going to cover within the security implementation FNL module. So the first thing we're going to learn are some security terms and concepts that exist within FNO by looking at a security architecture overview in finance and operations. And then we'll learn about these terms, such as authentication authorization, auditing roles, duties, privileges, permissions, and so on, okay? Then we'll learn about another concept that's called segregation of duties and how it's been implemented within FNO. And then we will see how we can leverage the aggregation of duties feature within the within the And last but not least, we're going to look at some security reports such as user roles, assignment rules, user assignment, and so on. Are you excited to learn about these topics? Then let's get started.
Hello and welcome to this session. In this session, we'll have an overview of the security architecture of finance and operations. When you understand the security architecture, you can more easily customise security to fit the requirements of your business. In this diagram, we'll see a high-level overview of the security architecture. As you see, the first box shows us the authentication. By default, only authenticated users who have user rights can establish a connection to Ethno Products. Microsoft Azure Active Directory is a primary identity provider, and to access the system, users must be provisioned into a Finance and Operations instance and should have a valid Azure Active Directory account in an authorised tenant. In the second level of security, we see authorization. As a result, authorization controls access to finance and operational applications. Security permissions are used to control access to individual elements of the programme like menus, menu items, action and command buttons, reports, service operations, Web URLs, menu items, web controls, and fields. In the Finance and Operations Client, individual security permissions are combined into privileges, and privileges are combined into duties. The administrator grants security roles access to the programme by assigning duties and privileges to those roles. Contact space; security controls; access to secure objects When a privilege is associated with an entry point, such as a menu item or a service operation, a level of access such as read or delete is specified. The authorization software system detects the access at runtime. So the third box shows us data security. Right. Authorization is used to grant access to elements of the program. By contrast, data security is used to deny access to tables, fields, and rows in the database. We can use the Extendable Data Security Framework to supplement role-based security by restricting access to table records based on security policies. A security permission as part of a user role increases the access a user has to data, while a security policy decreases access to data. Additionally, the Table Permissions Framework helps protect some data. Data security for specific tables is enforced by an application object server. The last but not least is called "auditing." Auditing of user sign-in and sign-out is enabled, which means that the system logs when a user signs in or out of the application. A sign-out is logged even if the user's session expires or ends. A system administrator or security administrator can access the audit logs by going to the userlog page on System Administration inquiries. User Logging Now, let's recap what we've learned. In general, finance and operations use a role-based security architecture. Role-based security is aligned with the structure of the business. It means that users are assigned to security roles based on their responsibilities in the organisation and their participation in business processes. Individual users do not have enroll-based security access. This is important to know only for security roles. Users are assigned to roles, and then the administrator grants access to the duties that users in that role have performed, not to the programme elements that users must use. So what are the duties? correspond to parts of a business process. The administrator assigns duties to security duties? coA duty can be assigned to more than one role, and in finance and operations apps, duties contain privileges. For example, the "maintained bank transactions duty" contains functions that generate deposit slips and cancel payment privileges. Both duties and privileges can be assigned to security rules. However, it is recommended that you use duties to grant access to finance and operations apps. Now, what is a privilege? Okay, a privilege specifies the level of access that is required to perform a job, solve a problem, or complete an assignment. Okay? It also contains permissions for individual application objects such as user interface elements and tables. Okay? For example, the cancel payments privilege contains permission to the menu items, fields, and tables that are required to cancel payments. By default, privileges are provided for all features in the Finance and Operations apps. The administrator can modify the permissions that are associated with the privilege or create new privileges. About permissions as we discussed earlier, it represents the access to individual objects such as menuitems, tables, form services, or reports. So, it is important to know that each function in the Finance and Operations apps, such as Form or Service, is accessed through an entry point. For example, menu items, web content items, and service operations are referred to collectively as entry points. And of course, through setting up the right permissions, you can always modify the access level for those entry points.
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