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Anypoint Platform

6. Create an API with Flow Designer

One thing that I wanted to show you is that what we already created is an API spec, not an actual API. So let's say we go back to Postman to hit the centre point to get the blanket us.Yes, we get some information. If we hit the other endpoint according to Ramble,I'm going to say three as the ID. Yes, I get the ID three and I get a planet. I get some moods. What do you think I would get if I changed the information here to two? If you think that I'm going to get another value based on two, then you're wrong. Because this is just the example that when we send aninformation to this spec from the mocking service, we are goingto get this kind of example as a result. And this is exactly what we use as the example in the Ramble. Now let's look at how we make it so that when we pass in the ID, we actually get the real result for the planet. To create an application using any Point Studio, you'll have to go to the Design Center. On the Design Center, you will have two options. When you click on the Create button, you want to create a new application or you want to create a specification. You've already written the specification. Let's create the application. Let's call it planning implementation. EPS and hit Create. So using the flow designer in the DesignCenter, you can actually create the full API with its implementation and put it on Exchange. You can follow this guide to select a trigger and an operation. But you can also go to the canvas to create your whole flow. So this is the flow. On the left, you can see all the flows. The new flow is the name of the flow that is open right now. There are data types. There are configurations that you can put into this API. Let me click on the trigger. A trigger is a place where the flow will be initiated. So what we want to do in this one is create an HTTP listener. It will ask: What is the path that is there? So for now, we are just going to keep it as the root path. And once you close it, it's going to save on its own. So whenever somebody hits the actual endpoint, what we're going to see is this flow being called. Now, just to confirm that it is being called, let me just put a logger component in and write a message. something like I received a message. This will ensure that each time this API is hit, we see this message in the log. That's it. We have already saved this. It is saying that it is creating this application. I'm going to copy this link and go here and paste it. Currently, it is in the process of creating this API. So we have to wait for that. That took some time to make it into a running state. But right now, if we use this URL and go on it, we should be able to see a blank 200 response. So from the logs, we should be able to see a logger message that says I received a message over here. Let's say I go here and just refresh this page again. I should see another logger message that the actual API is working. Now that we have verified the end-to-end working of this flow, let's make changes to it so that it reflects something similar to what we had in the API specs. So for that, I'll go in the HTTP listener, change the path to be "planets," then go into responses. If I scroll down and go into the body of the response, it opens an expression page. In this, I can put in "database," which we're going to take a look at in future lectures. But for now, I already have a copy of the message, which has all the planets and some database jargon on the top. So all we need to do is press okay and click outside. What this did was basically save that information. And now whenever we get a message in this HTTP listener, it's going to set it as a payload, which will go to the logger and return the same when you hit it. So I'm going to click on Run, starting the application. It's going to take some time. That's it. It's in a running state. If we come back to Postman, we had this base URL, which we used, and earlier we were getting a 200. If you press send on this, it's going to give you a four or four because that endpoint doesn't exist anymore. And now we need to configure it with the endpoint. We just created planets. It should give us JSON. So the next step is to see how we can add an ID to the Uri parameters and then send a response based on that ID. Let's create a new flow. Again, let's go to the canvas. In this, we are again going to configure the HTTP listener; this time we are going to give it planets and then the ID. This is the ID that will get passed and dynamically entered here. The next thing you need is the payload. We are going to add some databases to it. So I've already copied this snippet. I'm going to paste it over here. This snippet is a database. We want to provide the output as JSON, and we have all the planets that we are saving in this variable called planets. If we go to the very bottom, there is an error kind of underlined over here. So what we are going to say is, now that this array exists, how can we use the Uri parameters from the HTTP listener on here? For that, the first thing you want to see is, let's say if I want to return all the planets, how will I do that? I can just write in planets because this variable already exists. And now, if I want to send a specific planet, all I have to do is pass in the ID into this. Now, how do I pass in the ID? If you search on the right, you can actually search for URI patterns, and this will give you all the patterns that are there in the UI. So in this, we want to make sure we get the ID, and we want to make sure it is treated as a number. And that's it. That's all you have to do. When you press okay, press outside. It has saved it. Now I'm going to click on Run, starting the application. Okay, it is in a running state. I'm going to copy the link. It is the same link that currently exists. and now what you see is the planet API. If I click on Send, it's going to give me all the planets. Now, if I want to hit the second flow, the newly created flow, then I can pass in an ID over here and click Send. This time, it gave me a value for Earth. We've seen that it doesn't matter if you're passing two or three. It was still giving us the Earth as the planet. But in this case, we are using the implementation. So if we change it to, let's say, three, which is the fourth index in that area, it should give us mass.

Anypoint Studio Basics

1. Anypoint Studio Basics

Okay, so I've downloaded the Anypoint Studio and extracted it in my Ctools folder. Before you open Any Point Studio for the first time, you should go check the environment variables. Make sure two things are set. So over here, you go into the system properties, and you click on Environment variables. The two things that you want to make sure of are that Java home is set in the system variables. And then if you go into the path variable, you should have this link for Java. But in this case, you want to make sure the bin folder is what is referenced. Okay here. Okay, again, this should complete your process of making sure Any Point Studio does not have issues. So you go into tools. This is where I extracted any Point Studio files. And if I open up Any Point Studio, it does take awhile because this is the first time I'm opening it up. Any Point Studio is then based on a clip. You want to make sure JavaJT is installed for this version. So the dialogue has come up. Now what I want to do is create a proper workspace. Let me call it "view projects." So all the projects will be created in this folder. And I'm going to choose this as the default. Click on "Launch." Here it would be checking if I have the correct Java reference variables. two things, which I showed you earlier. Start the process of setting it up, setting all the metadata and plugin information, and it would open up Any Point Studio. Let me fast forward it to when everything works. So everything is loaded up. You see windows. Security alert. I'm just going to click on Allow Access. Okay, done. Maximize this and create a new project. creating a new project. I'm going to create the same basic planet implementation API. See how it looks when using any point. Studio. Okay, so the tile has appeared. Let me refer to this as a mule. So we're not allowed any spaces. I'm just going to call this planet "Implementation." I'm going to click on Finish. So it's going to do a bunch of things to set it up. probably going to wait some time. So that took a really long time. But now you have everything ready. So let's get started. So the first thing which you want todo is again, go to the mule palette. In the favorite, you will see an HTTP listener. What you want to do is drag that here. If you click on this on the bottom, you will see some computations. You want to come into these basic settings, and you want to look at HTTP listener configuration. So if you click plus or edit it, you want to just make sure the port is 80. You can choose whatever you want. but you want to make sure the port is available and the host should be 40. Okay, then the path has to be planets because that's an endpoint that you want to have, and then you want to drag the set payload into the flow. So it will go to the HCP list, as we saw in the flow designer, and it's going to set the payload here. What I want to do is instead of putting in planets, which I can do, I'm just going to write a good message. So this should be returned whenever somebody calls this planet's API; they will see that. So what I'm going to do is just right-click on the flow, and I'm going to click on Run Project. So what is it going to do? Since it's Maven-based, it will install all the dependencies. It's not present. And then using the embedded view, it's going to run the API. Let's just wait. Finally it deployed everything and the way we canfigure it out that it was successful, the statuswould deploy because it was the first time. It did take a long while to get everything set up. But subsequent starts, or Easter, shouldn't take that much longer. Now, since everything is set up, let's go to the post office. I already have this URL set up because Mule is running OT on 48. And then if you put in planets as theURL, you should see the information that we sawthat we put in the field a good message. Now if we go and change that message, I'm clicking on payload, and let's say I put in a very good page and I press CTRL S to save it. What you do see is that it is trying to do a hard deploy, and basically if it sees that I don't have to restart the whole application, I can reuse the same application redeployed. When I sent a request, it actually gave me an error because it wasn't able to complete the change. So in this case, we will have to stop and then start the application again. So let me do that, and I'll come back. Okay, great. Now let's come back to the point. The studio is preparing to launch the payload. You saw that we already put in a default message, but you want to change it to all the planets. So if you click on this button, which has a show-graphic view, this will give you a better sense of what was similar to what we saw in the floor designer. Here you will enter data into your database; click Save. This actually has this view actually has everythingwhich you want from input to output. And in the later slides, you will see how we can dynamically change these values, play around with them, and see them being reflected. So if I go, I can see there's an error message. If I go in here and save this, the application has started, and in this case, for the set period, I have set in all the planets. So let's go to Postman and check if it's working this time. and it is. We are getting a list of planets. What you can take a look at is your own. You can make sure that if you put in planetsTwo or Three we can get the same result. Let's see if you can figure it out on your own.

2. APIKit and MySQL

Okay, let's look at how you can generate your routes using the API Kit so that you don't have to create these flows again and again. So the first thing you want to do is go to the resources folder and paste the Ramble, which we had created in the API spec designer. So here, it has planets and then the planet's ID. You want to right click on this SAML file. Go into new and generate rows from the rest API over here. When you click that running scaffolder, which generates all the routes, it's going to use those examples and put them inside like a transform message. But we may not want to be using any of that. We already have flows, which have the business logic to manipulate the payload depending on how it's coming through. Let's just report the generation so it looks like the roots have been generated. We call the planet API DOT XML. You will see that a listener has been configured. If you click on this, you will see a configuration which has been created for us. Let's click on Edit, and in this case, it is listening to both 80 80 watt.That is fine. We can actually change this to the same http listener configuration, which is listen to, and then the path will have an API and then a star. So all the URLs from now on will be referenced via API. The cool thing that you'll see here is that it has some error propagation methods for error continuation methods. And the two main clothes that we really care about have been created here. And in this case so for this, thetransform message, since it is a basic JSON,we don't really want to change this. But in this case, we will undoubtedly want to change what we received in this transform message. Because this is the one in which we specify the ID and then we use another transform message to send the value. In this case, because it is using the examples, that's why you will see that the static value has been entered here. So let's just go ahead and delete these two. Come back to the plant implementation API and let's see if we can copy this. Currently, we can't. So what I'm going to do is try to capture the value of this using the graphical method to copy it. Go to the planet API. So I copied this value from the planet implementation API that we had and went inside the planets API and did a new connector for payload and pasted this value. Now I need to restart the application. Now that the application is running again, let's go to Postman. And we are hitting the API endpoint with planets. This was working earlier, but when we put in three, it wasn't all the planets. Now it is working the way it should be.This part is totally optional. This part requires you to have my sequel installed on your machine and also have the database as well as the table planets with some data, which you already saw as a JSON. Now it's embedded into a table inside the MySQL part of this course. I will give you the SQL file if you want to install it, but again, it's totally optional. So in this case, what you want to do is, earlier in the API for planets, we had a default value in it, but now we want to extract this table information, actually the planet's information, from the database itself. So we are going to use my sequel database. Here you will see a database plan, and you can use the select command. If you don't see a database here, you can click on Add Modules, and then you can use the drag feature from the feature to the planet. Now let's go to the database, and I'm going to drag and drop the select command. I'm going to click on the select command; it doesn't have connector configuration, so I'm going to give it a new one in the very beginning; you see nothing here. It's basically how you would configure a database. So what I would do is click on this connection, which has "data source reference connection" written into it. You can choose any of these databases, but I'm going to use a MySQL connection. Once you choose that, they will ask you for the required libraries. Generally, what I would do is, let's say, remove this and try to show you what it would look like. So this is what the default behaviour is. It will say "Please add the required driver." So you will have three options. I generally choose the first one and add recommended libraries. So basically, it's going to get me this chart file for me.Now it has a tick mark here for the connection. You will have to see what the connectivity to MySQL is. It could be running on AWS; it could be running on your machine. For me. The port is three C six. The user is root. I don't have a password for that. database is new. So instead of clicking okay, firstlet's click on Test connection. So here it will make a connectivity callto the database and we'll tell you forsure if the connectivity is complete. So I clicked on Test connection, and it popped up a message that the connection was successful. Again, this is very important when you are doing input and output for metadata. When you say okay, since this configuration already has the database as a view in the query, I don't need to specify the database name. I can directly write the table name. After that, you want to make sure your query is correct. So I'm going to try to select planets. As you can see, it's trying to resolve the metadata. So querying the database, getting some information—so the input actually doesn't matter, but the output does— So as you saw in the JSON, there were onlyfour fields, but an ID has been created here andit's just because it was able to query the database. Now, since the output of a select connector is Java, you would need a transform connected after this. And what it would do is you wouldneed to convert this into a JSON. Now, as an example, it is trying to run. So that's exactly what we would need. We have, using the transform message, converted a Java object or objects into JSON. The application has been deployed. Let's go to the post office to check. We have changed this URL, so I'm going to click on Send. The response for this should include an extraID, which will tell us that this is actually coming from the database.

3. Publish to Exchange and Deploy to CloudHub

It looks like our API implementation is complete. I have actually removed any database connections or connectors from the API. Wanting to keep it simple, I added a payload here instead. What I want to do is if I click on the project, right click, and go to any point platform, I should be able to see "Publish to Exchange." Deploy to the cloud. Up configure credentials. If some of these things are greyed out to you, that means you need to configure the credentials. Let me just click and show you how it looks like my username is already here. But you will have to click on Add and thisspace will show you the sign in to any point. Since I already have it here, I'm just going to cancel it. Click platform. Let's say I click on "publish" to exchange. It's asking me some information about it, so it's creating a new API. Look like asking me a project type. I'm going to use it as an example because this is a full implementation. It's not a template. And it's going to deploy it in the business code because I have just one and it cannot be canceled. Yes. So now it will be running, even packaging everything together. And after packaging, it would only be testing. Okay, so the project has been published and you see a link over here. So I'm going to click on it here. You can see something similar that has been published on API Exchange. If I go to the asset list, you should be able to see two now. Because this one was created using the Flow designer. And this was made; it's an example, which means it's a working implementation that can be used at any time. Studio. Let's go back to the studio press. Okay, here. What I want to do now is click on Deploy to Cloud Hub. Cloud Hub. You will learn about Cloud Hub in general in other parts of the course. But basically, this is a multi-tenancy framework in which you can deploy new applications. You don't have to worry about AWS or anything like that. So it does everything for you. It looks like a background process has been started. Okay, so a new prompt has come in which is somethingsimilar to how it would look like for a browser. It's asking me in which environment I would want to do it. Let me choose a design. It looks like, by default, it gives you two design options and a sandbox. I clicked on "Design" like it was doing something earlier. When we created a flow designer, you saw that there were API instances, and in that you saw that there were only more instances running. But in this case, we are able to deploy to the cloud. So let me just maximise it. It says you don't have permission to apply. Please select an existing application to redeploy. Can I change it to a sandbox? Because I have a free account, I'm not sure if Cloudhouse would work for me. Let's try this. If not, you can think of it as a theory lesson that this is how you would deploy to your Cloud Hub environment. Or it could also be your on premise.So it looks like it is allowing me to deploy this application. So I clicked on "deploy application," and this UI has changed to the status "deployed to cloud application." So let's just wait for it to be complete. So it looks like VAP has been deployed. I'm going to click on "Open in Browser." So this is the first time you're looking at the Runtime Manager, which has the cloud instance, and you can see that has been deployed. It's a dashboard. There is some application data; there are queues scheduled; there is CPU and memory utilization. After deploying the API, I went to the Runtime Manager to see how it looks like.And we have a new happy order over here, which I'm going to click. There is no listener for the endpoint. Planets are meaningless if I go in and say API says API doesn't exist. I put in a value of nothing. Three nothing doesn't seem to work. Let's see what the issues are. It turns out that the HTTP listener needs to have the port value of 8081. This is the default port that's opened up. So if you open up a port of, let's say, 8080, which I like, you will have to configure the VPC. So we don't want to get that thing. So we just need to have the quote as "80—81." Press save over here, and I'm going to right-click on the Project One platform to deploy to Clouder, and I'm going to choose this same API, and I'm going to replace the existing API. As I said earlier on Cloud Hub, port 80/81 is the default one for HTTP, and ADT 2 is the default for HTTPS. So if you want to make sure your applications are working the way they should, configure your HTTP listeners accordingly. Now we can see the application has started. Now if you go here and hit that same end point, we should be able to see a JSON here that has the information for the birth, and that's exactly what you want.

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  • Mexico
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