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Microsoft Word MO-100 Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Microsoft MO-100 Microsoft Word (Word and Word 2019) exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Microsoft MO-100 Microsoft Word (Word and Word 2019) exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Microsoft Word MO-100 certification exam dumps & Microsoft Word MO-100 practice test questions in vce format.
for most purposes. Black text on a white background is the most suitable formatting option for professional documents. However, there may be occasions when you need to change the background by using colors, patterns, pictures, gradients, textures, or watermarks to enhance the look of your document. To add a background to a document, click the Design tab, and in the Page Background group we have options to add watermarks to the page, change the background color, and modify the page borders. Let's look at each one in turn. Watermarks can be text, graphics, shapes, or pictures that appear behind the text on every page of the document. For example, if your document were considered confidential, then you could add the word confidential as a watermark. The text in the body of the document will remain readable, but the watermark will appear on every page in the background. Watermarks serve as a reference point for a header and footer. When I click on the "Watermark" pull-down menu, you can see that there are a selection of template watermarks to choose from, or that you can create your own custom watermark. As I choose each template, you can see the effect on the document. Of course, watermarks will print with the document. If I want to remove the watermark, I can click on the Remove Watermark button. I can also add a custom watermark. When I select this option, I get the printed watermark dialog. Here I can choose between a text watermark or a picture watermark. I select Picture and now browse to the "Must-University" picture and select it as the watermark. You can see the effect. You don't have to have the picture washed out, although that is the default. So if I go back into custom watermark, I can opt to remove the wash-out effect by unchecking this box. The image is now much more pronounced on the page. The custom text watermark provides options to adjust the font size, color, and so on of the text that I type into this box. You should experiment with the options here, which are quite straightforward. Next, we look at the page colour options. These do not print with the document text. To add or apply a background color, click the Design tab and in the Page Background group, click Page Color. The pulldown menu provides a gallery of colours to choose from. As I hover over each one, you can see the effect on the document. Of course, you need to be very careful with the use of colour in these circumstances and not allow the colour to detract from the content of the document. The more-colored option allows you to be more precise in your choice of color, and should you need to do so, you can select the Custom tab on the colour dialogue to specify RGB numbers. Like so many companies, many will have precise colours for their company branding, and they'll usually be specified in terms of RGB or HEX numbers. Finally, we can add page borders to our documents. When I click on the Page Borders button, the Borders and Shading dialogue box is invoked. A page border appears on every page unless a section break is inserted and the page border removed from that section. As with watermarks and page colors, be careful about the colours you use or the size of the borders. To add or apply a page border, you first choose an item from the list in the setting area here, and you can then see how this border will appear in the document in the preview area. To alter this border, choose options from the middle panel, such as the colour or the width of the border. You can then click within the preview area to specify which of the borders you want to appear or not, as the case may be. So I can change the colour and width of the borderlines by clicking on these options. I can also select an art shape to use instead of the lines. The applied to pull-down menu allows me to be specific in terms of the areas of the document I want the borders to be applied to. The Options button allows me to set other options, such as the amount of space between the border and the text, whether the border is measured from the edge of the page or the text, and so on.
It's really important to get into the habit of organising how and where you're going to save the files you create. Of course, at the time of saving a file, you won't have any problem finding it and opening it. However, if you do not have a systematic approach to saving your files, you may find it difficult to find them later. File organisation includes how you name the file, where you save it, the specific file type, and whether you want to add or change the properties of the file to help find it later on. It's important to save your files as you work on them. Always save on an ongoing basis by clicking on File and then Save or on the QuickAccess toolbar by clicking the Save icon. The combination of control processes will also achieve the same result. There are a number of rules for naming your files, and they are as follows The file name may be a maximum of 255 characters, including the drive and folder path, and may not include the following characters: Although it's not mandatory, it makes a lot of sense to name files logically so that the name has a meaning relevant to the subject you're writing about. This will make identifying the contents much easier. the first time you save a new document. Regardless of which method you choose to activate the Save command, the Save As dialogue box will be displayed by default. The next time you want to save changes to the existing document, use any of the save methods to immediately save the document in the background. To save an existing document with a new name, you must click the file and then save it once again. The first time you save a document, the backstage view opens with the Save As tab selected. The first panel display is the available location for saving your document. The options that you see here will depend on your computer and the storage areas that you have access to. Now, click Save to save the document. How often you save the document depends on how much work you put into it. If you make a large number of changes, save the document frequently as you work to preserve your changes. If you see a message from Word prompting you to save a document, this means that Word has recognised something that has changed in the document since it was last saved. If you're not sure whether you should save the document, again, err on the side of caution and save it with a different name than the original. Let's look at the File Type pulldown menu. Ward saves the file as a Word document and adds a.docx extension to the file name by default. However, you can choose to save your file in alternative file formats. Saving a file in some other format can be useful if you want to share the information with someone who may not have Word installed on their computer, but has another application that uses file types that you can save to by selecting the alternative file format. You can see on the pull-down menu that there are many file formats to choose from when saving a file. Each will give the file a different file extension, such as Word, which has a.docx file extension, and plain text, which has a.txt file extension. This is text that can be read by any programme on any operating system. This file type does not include formatting of any kind, nor does it include images. Rich Text Format (or TF) is a text file that preserves font and paragraph formatting and can include embedded images. To save a Word document to a different file type, you just click the arrow to save as type and select the file type you want. Portable Document Format, or PDF, is a file format developed by Adobe that allows you to view documents with formatting and images in a web browser or in Adobe Reader. You need to be aware of the options that are presented to you when you select PDF as the alternative file type. First, we have standard versus minimum size. Of course, the latter should be used when you want to reduce the file size of the document in question. Then you have the option to automatically open the file once the save process is complete. In normal circumstances, the document will then be opened in Adobe Reader, a free piece of software that you can download from Adobe. You also have an options button here, which provides some useful choices for selection. However, the important ones here are the option to print the complete document, which is the default, or to choose to print a selection of the document, the current page, or a range of pages. You need to be fully aware of these choices for PDF as an alternative file format. You also need to know that there is another way to create PDF files, and that is to go to the Backstage view and select the export option. Here you can select the Create PDF XPS option, and when you do so, the default file type is PDF. All of the options here are exactly the same as those I just described to you. You don't need to worry about XPS, but it is a file type created by Microsoft as an alternative to PDF. If you select XPS, notice that the options are exactly the same as for PDF.
When you save a file, you provide a name, which you can use to open it at a later date. However, you can associate a variety of other properties with the document by using the DocumentProperties option in the Back view and the Properties pull-down menu here. Document properties are really useful because they provide information that can assist you in locating a file based on specific search criteria. How much information you enter depends on how much information you want to use to find documents later. It does take a little time, but it's really worthwhile when you're trying to locate a file that you may have created a long time ago and have forgotten what name you saved it under. To view the properties for the current document, I click on File to go into the Backstage view, and on the Info command, you can see that the Summary Document Properties are displayed in the Properties area. More information is available when I click the "Show All Properties" button. Here I can add more properties by clicking on the Properties pull-down menu and then on Advanced Properties. Using this window, you can add or customise properties for the document, such as who checked it, its subject, or its category. Each tab in this dialogue box displays different information for viewing or modifying. For instance, I can use a Summary tab to insert specific information for the file, such as the title, subject manager, and so on. I click on Backstage, and here you can see that on the Info page, the Properties area shows details of the files that have already been filled in, such as the size, the number of pages, and so on. I can add a title by clicking here. I'll write "Growth in my passenger numbers" and in the comments, I'll add "from 1985 to 2018." Now I click on Advanced Properties and select the Custom tab. I scroll down to Source, and in the Value box, I'll type Ryanair's website, then click on Add and then on the OK button. So in the Custom tab, you can select Predefined Categories and add specific values. It is critical to understand how to set these properties after adding properties to each document from an exam standpoint. It's a very useful question, and one that can be answered quickly if you know where to look for the properties and advanced properties sections.
Reviewing a document on the screen may not give you a fully accurate picture of how the document will actually print out on the printer. To ensure that the document will print the way you want it to, you need to check in what is termed "Print Preview Mode." Different printers may give you different results. Margin settings will be different on different types of printers. By previewing the document with the current printer selected, you can check whether you need to make any changes before printing. To activate the print command, go to the backstage and select Print. This invokes an immediate view of the document. In Print Preview Mode, you also have access to all the facilities required to change the print settings for the document. In this view, the document appears as it will be printed. All headers, footers, multiple columns, and pagenumbers appear in their appropriate locations. You can also make changes to the margins, paper size, or orientation directly from this view. The zoom slider at the lower right hand of the screen allows you to zoom in or out of the Preview document, or you can use the plus and minus signs to zoom in 10% increments. The print options available in this view are The Print button sends the document to the printer using the options that have been set. The Copies button specifies the number of copies to be printed. You can type in a number or click on the pointers to increase or decrease the number. The printer indicates which printer is active. To change settings for the printer, you click on the Printer Properties. The options that will appear here will vary depending on the active printer that has been selected. The Printer Pages pulldown menu allows you to specify what you want. Printers such as the entire document, the current page only, a specific section of whether you want to print document properties, other even pages, and so on are available. The Pages option allows you to specify the page range you want to print. To print only specific pages, you enter the page numbers separated by commas. For example, one, four, seven will printonly pages one, four and seven. You can also print sections of pages. For example, three commas plus one would print pages three to seven, inclusive, and then print pages one to three, inclusive. The Print Onesided pulldown menu provides options to print on both sides of the paper and specify whether to flip pages on the long edge or on the short edge. When printing on both sides of the page, the collated options determine how multiple copies of the same document will be printed. For example, do you want to print all copies of page one followed by all copies of page two? Or do you want to print the first copy of the entire document and then print the next copy of the entire document? And so on. For each copy requested, the Portrait Orientation pulldown allows you to select landscape orientation. As an alternative, the A-4 pulldown menu provides the ability to select the paper size most appropriate to your document. This may be a different default depending on your part of the world. However, the default setting is usually for or letter size. The Margins pulldown menu allows you to select from a range of preset margins or to create a customised margin, should that be required. This pull-down menu allows you to specify the number of pages to print per sheet. The Scale to Paper Size option specifies how many pages of the document would print on a sheet of paper. This does not affect the document, only how it prints. This is very useful for printing a draught of the layout of the document on the minimum number of pages. The Page Setup option invokes the Page Setup dialogue box There are many options here, which we've already seen in this lecture. However, one of the ones to take note of in particular is the facility to specify that different headers and photos are to be printed on odd and even pages, and on the first page.
These days, information sharing is an essential part of our working lives. Word provides different ways in which you can share your documents with others in order to get their input. Some of these are dependent on you having a Microsoft OneDrive account. Of course, most of us will have sent a document as an email attachment, and you can attach Word files in both Word and PDF formats. If you wanted us to review your document and provide comments or revisions to it, then it would be a better idea to provide shared access to the document. This involves saving a file to a location where others can access it and inviting them to edit it. Normally, this would be to a OneDrive location. Let's look at the options in practice, I'll open a Word file, go to the backstage, and select the Share command. Now I have a number of additional options to choose from. I select the email option, and now you can see that I can send the file as an attachment. When I select this option, my email service is invoked, and you can see the document has been attached as a Word file. Now I can send it to whomever I wish to by entering their email addresses. I cancel this option and return to the Share options in the backstage. The email selection also allows me to send the file as a PDF, as an XPS file, or as a fax copy. PDF is a very popular option, and when I select it once again, my email servers invoke, and you can see that a PDF version of the file has been attached. Once again, I can add email addresses to send the file to other people. However, the best way to share your files with others for review is to use a OneDrive account from Microsoft. This screen shows the files in my own OneDrive account, and I select one of the test documents to illustrate how sharing from OneDrive operates. Incidentally, I have to confess that even though I have a free OneDrive account through my university, my personal preference is to use Dropbox, which I find to be easier to use and has never let me down so far. However, for the purpose of the MO 100 exam, you need to be aware of the OneDrive options. In particular, I'll right-click on this document and select the Share option to open the link dialogue box. Dialogue is now invoked. So now, instead of sending a copy of your document to a group of email users, waiting for your comments or revisions, and then merging all revisions back into your original document, you can send an invitation to other editors. Anyone who received an invitation can access your document and, if you give them permission, make changes to it. Documents that are shared in this manner are available to multiple users at the same time. Changes are automatically saved, and you can see the current state of the document at any moment. This process is covered in detail in Section 6 of the course, covering comments and tracking. You can specify the people you want to view the document by selecting this arrow. What appears here will depend on your particular circumstances, and you may have the option to select an entire organization, as I can do. But in general you'll want to add people's email addresses, and so I'll select the specific people option. I can also specify, using this checkbox, whether I want to select the people to be able to edit the document or not. When I apply these options, I can now enter the addresses of the people I want to share the file with. To illustrate it, I'll add BowtieLearning@gmail.com, and if I wish to, I can continue to add more people. I also have the option to add a message to the email sent with the link if I wish to do so. The Copy Link button copies a link to the clipboard, which you can then paste into whatever distribution application you prefer. Take, for example, email, Microsoft Teams, or Dropbox. The Outlook option will launch my email client again in order to insert a Shareable link into the email. Now if I click the Send button, the invitation will be sent to both time learners, and he'll receive an email message that contains a sharing link. The recipients can then click the link in the email message to access the document at the shared location. You can see that in my OneDrive account, any file that has been shared has an indicator on the right-hand side of the file description indicating that it has been shared. When I click on it, I go into the Manage Access dialog, where I can see who I shared the file with. And by selecting the Grant Access symbol, I have the option to share with additional people. So those are the most common means of sharing documents electronically. In the next section, we're going to review how to inspect documents for issues and how to correct them.
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