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Well, welcome to Level One, Session Three. And this session is all about saving. So I'm going to open my first workbook now, so I can save it. Now, saving it will override the previous version, so I'm just going to close the one that I was working on and open up a new version. But instead of just overriding the previous version by going to File Save, I can save it in a different location using File Save Out. So this will allow me to save it in a different location, a different place, a different name, or a different file type. So as soon as you see Save, as we have the current folder shown on the top right, we also have my current folders, the ones that I have previously worked on, and files shown there. These are all the files and folders that are included in my Excel One folder. So you can change the name up here, in the top right. It's currently called my first workbook. Now, what I like to do when I'm saving, especially when I'm saving bigger spreadsheets, is to put the date in here. So let's say the date was June 1, 2021. So you could say June 1, 2021, but it looks a bit ungainly because it just doesn't work for me. It's all in words. So what I could also say is six, one, and 2018. So we've got the month, then the day, then the year, the American format. I don't do it this way either, but I'm British, so maybe I do it this way. Day, month, year, one, six, 2018 And I don't do it that way. What I prefer to do is save it using dates in the Japanese format. It's not the British or the American format, but the Japanese. Yeah, so you could put 2021, but I just generally put the two digits here. So 21, then the month or six, and finally the date or one. And the reason I like to save it in this format is that if you then have all of the files in alphabetical order, they will also be in date order, because we have the greatest year, then the month, and then the day. That's the way the Japanese system does it, and it's exactly the same order as in the alphabet. And that's great—it goes from the biggest to the smallest year, month, and day. And if you sort in alphabetical order, it will be sorted in date order, but grouping all of the MyFirstWord books together—all of the files of a similar name, anyway—that's back to buying. That's how I like to do it. So if you're happy with the file name, then click on Save. Now, if you want to save it somewhere else, or if you just prefer the convenience of the dialogue box, which, to be honest, I do, click on the browse button or more options, and you'll get the same dialogue box. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to create a new folder. So I've got to click "New Folder" at the top. It might be different in your version, depending on what version of Windows you've got. I'm going to call this level-one session free. I'm going to go into the Level One Session Free folder. And before I save, I'm going to click on the save type to have a look at the file types that we can save, just as we've previously had a look at the file types we can load as opened files. Now let's look at how we can save. So the default Excel workbook.xlsx is the standard. The second, Emma's Excel macroenabled workbook dot XLS, So XLS means Excel; M means macros. You only need that if you're going to be using macros, and we'll have a look at macros later on. So for most times, you should be saving as xlsx, except I don't. I save as This third one generally uses an Excel binary workbook (XLSB) for binary. As far as I can tell, there's not that much difference in terms of the reliability of opening these workbooks, but there is a difference in terms of the space, the hard drive space, that it occupies. XLSB files occupy a lot less file space. It compresses the file, which actually makes it harder for programmes in the next cell to read. But I don't want programmes in the next cell to read them. So I generally stick to XLSB. And XLSB also allows me to save them as macros as well. So it's my standard. We have an Excel 97-2003 workbook, so don't use that unless you are creating a file that's going to be shared with somebody who's still using Excel. 20:03; 20:02; 20:19; 97:07 But how many times are you going to do that? Now XL 2003 is over a decade and a half old, so it's very rare. Generally, you'll be saving for the top three. And the reason why I'm bringing this up is because it may just happen occasionally, or you might be asked to save it into a free Excel 2000 workbook, but it's very rare. So save it to an Excel workbook or save it to a binary workbook. So I'm just going to save it as my first workbook and click Save, and then I'm going to put the date. So the date 21 or six or what for the 1 June 2021. So click Save, and there we have our new file name. Now there is another very usable filetype, and that is saving to PDF. And you can see that at the very bottom of the list. Now, PDFs were introduced ages ago by Adobe (we're talking in the 1990s), and there was a very expensive program, still called Adobe Acrobat, that allows you to create PDFs. However, in Excel 2007, there was an add-in that you could get for free that allowed you to save spreadsheets and Word documents as PDFs. And in Excel 2010, it came in as standard. So now in this Excel 2019 version, it's still there. So, if I say this as a PDF and click save, you'll notice that the phrase "open file after publishing" is checked. Let's see what happens. So click save, and it saves it and opens it up in whatever native reader you've got for PDF. So it could be Microsoft Edge; it could be Adobe Acrobat Reader; it could be almost anything. But here you can see my spreadsheet, which is badly formatted, but we'll have a look at the formatting in future sessions. saved as a PDF. Now, there are advantages to this. It's in a format that is fixed, so I can't go in easily anyway and make changes. Well, you can open it up using Word, but it's more like a presentation tool. But bear in mind, when you save a file as a PDF, it does not save it as a spreadsheet. So we saw earlier that you can'topen up natively PDF doesn't work. So if you're going to save a spreadsheet as a PDF, make sure you save it as a spreadsheet as well. Now, there are two other major file types that I want to just talk about. The first is the tab-delimited file. So here we see text tab delimited.So that saves it as a notebook application, or maybe a comma-delimited one, which saves it separated with commas instead of tabs. It's fairly specialized, so it's just useful to know that they exist if you need to save it into a form that you can open up in Notepad. But the vast majority of the time, you'll be saving a workbook, a macro-enabled workbook, or an abination workbook. These are the major file types. So you can create PDF if youwant to send it to somebody else. But it's a presentation tool. They can't change the values. It's largely read-only, so most of the time, just stick to the top three.
Now maybe you'll be given a file with a dot-XLS suffix, an extension. So these are Excel 97 to 2003 workbooks. So I'm saving this workbook as a dot XLS file. Now I'm going to close all of my files, and I'm now going to open up that XLS file. So, there it is. Now, you can see that right at the top it says compatibility mode. So what does this mean? Well, this is a file that is compatible with Excel all the way back to 197. And it's quite hard, actually, to make Excel compatible. Once we got to Excel 2007, there were a lot of new features and, well, how do you extend the file format? So what Microsoft did was completely redo the file format into these XLSX and XLSB files that we had a look at in the last video. And older versions needed a patch to enable them to open up any files that were saved in 2007 or later. But it didn't always work. There were some major changes in Excel 2007, and the most major change was the additional number of columns and rows. So in Excel 2003 and below, the maximum number of columns you had was 256 going across, and the maximum number of rows was 65,536. So if I go to the bottom and I just press CTRL and down to get all the way down to the bottom, you can see that the maximum number of roles we've got is 65,536, Now, in later versions of Excel, from Excel 2007 onwards, you can go down to over a million rows and a huge number going right—something like 16 384 columns. In other words, because of these and many other changes, Excel will not allow me to add additional roles to this particular spreadsheet, which is opened in compatibility mode, beyond the limit of 65 536. And that's good if you have to say that this is a file that goes back to somebody using Excel 2003 or before. But maybe that's not what you want. Maybe you actually want it to be in a later format. Well, first of all, let's see what happens to your heart happens.When we click file, we have the words "compatibility mode," which refers to some new features that are disabled to prevent problems when working with previous versions of Office. Converting this file will enable these features. So that's what I want. I want to work on the latest version. So I'll click on convert, and it's going to save it as a different file. So I'll just put the word "converted." Afterwards, click Save. Now, your original file is still unchanged, so if you wanted to go back to the original file, you can do so. Bear in mind that in other versions of Excel, it might say, I'm going to delete the original file here. It hasn't. So it now says, "Do you want me to close and reopen the word book now?" So if I do that, notice at the moment we still have compatibility mode; click yes, and it opens up the new file without the word "compatibility mode." And you can now see that there are rows in addition to 65 536.It goes down all the way to 1,048,000. Now, we've got over a decade and a half since Excel 2003 was released, and over a decade since Excel 2007 was released.So compatibility mode is becoming less and less of an issue. But you might still find other programmes that export to Excel, and most likely they'll export using the old Excel format. So if you've got one of those programs, you'll notice that you have a restriction on what you can do. So if you want to change your XSL workbook into the more modern version, then just open it up, go to File, and press on the compatibility mode.
Now, there's one more bit about saving that I want to talk to you about. Saving doesn't actually have to be on your hard drive. There could be other places. One of them is OneDrive. OneDrive is one of those Web-based cloud file storage systems. This one happens to be owned by Microsoft. If I were to click on "Save as OneDrive," then I could store my documents in here. and sometimes that's been a bit of a lifesaver. I do like to have copies of really important files on the Web using cloud-based file storage. Not personally sensitive files, though, because it means that if, for instance, my computer gets stolen, then I have a copy of these very important files on the cloud. It's a backup. Now, this isn't the only Web-based thing you can do. You can also add a place. And depending on what is installed on your computer, you can add Office 365 SharePoint. You can add. ICloud Drive integration You can add DropBox integration. And you have these options when certain programmes such as Dropbox have already been installed on your computer. Now, there is another option, and that is to go to File Share. And you can see it's inviting me here, Excel. It's inviting me to upload a copy of my workbook to OneDrive to share it. and there may be other options, depending on what you've got installed on your computer. So this is how you can save documents to a remote Web-based location. You can go file, save as, or go file and share.
Hello and welcome to Level One, Session Four. And we have one of these types of sessions on every single level. And these are all about formulas. Now, formulas are at the heart of what distinguishes Excel from PowerPoint and Word. But what are formulas? Formulas are calculations. And as you'll see later on, they can be based on other cells. So for instance, we might have a cell here that is based on a figure here. So how do we enter a formula? What is it that makes a formula unique to a text or date or number? Well, I indicated this a few years ago. To enter a formula, you need to start with oneof two things, the equal sign or the plus sign. Now they're both the same. I recommend using the equal sign. The reason for this is that this is the sign that is native to Microsoft Excel and is the one that most people use. There was another spreadsheet programme way back when called Lotus One, Two, and Three. And we started doing formulas with the plus sign. And it's really an old system. I don't recommend you do this. I recommend sticking to convention, starting with the equal sign that most people recognize. So we've got the start of a formula. What can we do next? Well, let's start with some really simple formulas. And I can't think of anything more easy than one plus one. So equals one plus one. Okay, nothing's happened. Now I've got to press Enter on the return key. Notice what happens. You get the answer just like a calculator. But unlike a calculator, look what happens when I go back to this cell. We get the result on the sheet too. But in the formula bar up above, we have the formula "equals one plus one." So let's choose another formula that equals two: multiply by three. My keyboard's multiply sign is shift and eight. Notice it's not two x three. So we have to use times two times three, and two times three is six. We also have a division equal to twelve divided by four, so you can see this is a slash going from the bottom left to the top right four.and subtraction equals four minus nine. So these are examples of addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction. But there's more. Suppose you wanted to do squares and square roots and that sort of thing. Well, suppose you want to do a square, say eight squared; that is eight multiplied by itself. If you did this in high school, you might remember putting a very small two at the top. So eight with a tiny two. Well, I can't see a very small two on my keyboard, so instead it equals eight. And I use a carry, so that is shift and six. And you can see this little symbol that looks like a small up arrow and then a two. So it's like saying, "Put the next thing right at the top." So equals eight to the power of two. So eight times eight is 64 and similarlyeight to the power of three is 512. That's eight times eight times eight and a half to the power of a half.I'm going to write this as naught five now. You might need to write it as "naught comma five" depending on where you are in the world. I'll come to that later. Equals eight more to the powerof naught point or comma five. So this is the equivalent of a square root. So the square root of 8282 That's all there is to the basic operators. Now, suppose we wanted to modify an existing formula. Well, you can go into the formula bar, so click on a cell, click inside the formula bar at the top, and we change this from equals twelve divided by four to equals twelve divided by six. and that's fine. Just press enter at the end or return, and you're done. Now, what happens if you wanted to put in some text starting with the equals of the plus sign? And incidentally, you could also use the minus sign. So minus five minus seven, for instance, is minus twelve. But if you wanted to put in some text starting with the equals plus or minus sign, the quickest way is not actually to start with an equal plus or minus sign. Sounds a bit obvious, but you're saying, "Actually, I do want to start with that symbol." Well, instead, start with an apostrophe. If you type it right at the beginning of a cell, it is nonprinting; it gets hidden. So it's still there in the formula bar. But now I can type I've typed anapostrophe so equals this is my answer. So you can see the apostrophe gets hidden—it's still there in the formula bar, but it's not there in the result. Now, these are formulas. This is your introduction. It gets a lot more complicated, but this is how we're starting off.
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