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Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Administrator Associate Certification Bundle

Managing Microsoft Teams

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Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Administrator Associate Bundle

Managing Microsoft Teams

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Managing Membership in a Team

1. Managing Users in a Team

I'd like to spend some time now talking about adding members to a team and the permissions that we have when it comes to dealing with members of a team. OK, so within the Teams app, you've already seen that when we go to create a team, it's going to ask us if we want to make somebody an owner or if they're just going to be a regular member. You can also edit existing teams from within the team's application here. So if I click the ellipse symbol here, I can say "manage the team. Okay? And then from there, I can see who my owners are. In the case of this IT team that I've got, I've got John Christopher here, who is an owner, and Jenny Smith, who is an owner. Okay. I can very quickly switch this over to members if I want and make somebody a member. Somebody who is an owner can actually add another owner. Another thing an owner can do, believe it or not, is take away the owner's ability for themselves if they so desire. So if I no longer want to be an owner, I can actually take myself out of the role. Okay? So when you create a team, the person who creates the team is automatically its owner, all right? And they can promote other people to be owners if they want, which is what I did when I created the IT team. I actually was the owner, and I made Jenny Smith the owner as well, okay? Everyone else will be treated as members from then on. The other thing that we can do is specify if you're an owner. You're also what's known as a moderator. I haven't really gotten into all the security settings and all that stuff yet, but as a moderator, I can police things, and if I'm an owner, I'm automatically set up to do that. Now, the other thing that an owner can do is make the team public, or make the team private if they want. The owner can invite people. If it is private, we can just invite people in. Or if somebody too, when it comes to the moderation ofthe team, if somebody wants to join an existing team, amoderator who is by default going to be your owner, they'regoing to get a message and the person can accept toallow that person to join the team if you want. So this is all sort of the capabilities we havewith dealing with somebody who is an owner of ateam versus just a standard member of a team. Another thing that can happen is that an existing member can request that somebody be added as a new member. So that's another capability when you get into starting to add members here if you want. All right? So I have that capability, and I'm going to get into all the guest stuff too. So one thing I want to clarify here: sometimes people wonder: what if I want to invite somebody who's not part of the organization? Well, that's where you start getting into guests. And we have a whole lesson. We'll get into all the guestrelated stuff a little bit later. Now again, all of this is being managed right here from within the Teams app. But don't forget that we can sort of go behind the scenes of all of this if we go over to portal.Microsoft.com, all right? We can also access the Teams Admin Center if necessary. So again, the Teams Admin Center is right over here, but if you don't see it on your screen when you try to go into it, just click the Show Alllip symbol and you should see Teams. So then, at that point, this brings us into the Teams admin centre, which we're going to be getting down and dirty with as we get deeper into this. But again, I can click on teams to manage teams. There are Teams policies, which I will discuss, but manage Teams. I can see my teams. Here's the It team: Again, I can click on that if I want. You can see that I've got tells you how manychannels and the team members and owners and all that. And I can edit that if I want to. So just click "edit" if I want. I can switch it from private to public, okay? I've got conversations. It tells you that team members can edit sent messages at the moment. If I want to turn that off, I can. Team members can delete messages at the moment. I can turn that off if I want. And then I've got some options here for channels as well. So as far as adding and managing my members and my owners, I can set some of the rights that these members are going to have from within the team's application just for that one team, right? So I have the option of adding new channels, adding new channels, and editing existing ones right now. Adding, editing and removing tabs, adding editingand removing connectors which I haven't gotteninto what all that is yet. And then adding editing apps,adding, editing and removing apps. I should say that's all stuff to come. But this is just letting us set some of the permissions from within the team here in the Admin Center if I want, right? So I've got a little bit of control there that I can play around with, even as far as members and owners go. I can click on users here on the left, and I can take a look at all of my different users and all of that that is in my environment, right? Like Jenny Smith, for example. and click on Jenny Smith. It's going to pull up some information about Jenny Smith and show any kind of activity that Jenny Smith has had, based on the account information there. I haven't gotten into any of the voice and call stuff just yet, but this is a great way for me to quickly take a look at my users, see what my users are doing, and see what settings are associated with my users. Okay? But the overall management, sort of seeing the big picture of the teams you have in your organisation at the moment, is located right here. And again, if I wanted to add a new team and I wanted to specify somebody to be the owner, I could specify all that here and make it both public and private, okay? Just like from within the team's app, okay? But the other thing I want to clarify is just some of the rights that you get when you are an owner. If you're the owner of a team, you can create a team from an existing group. I should say that if you're the owner of an Office 365 group, you can create a team. You can leave teams, you can edit teams, deleteteams, you can add channels to teams, delete channels. You can add members, okay? You can add tabs and connectors; you can even add bots—all sorts of stuff. Basically, if you're the owner, you can pretty much do whatever you want with that team for the most part. Now, if you're just a member of a group, you cannot create a team from a group, okay? You can leave a team if you want; if you're just a member, you can do so. So if you don't want to be part of a team anymore, you can leave it, but you're not allowed to edit or delete a team or any of that. You can add a channel to a team if the permissions permit that. Again, we haven't looked at all the permissions yet, but we will get into all that. If you are allowed to create a channel, you can name the channel what you want and set a description. You can even delete your channel if you want. You can invite people to be part of that. You can request people be added to an existing team. You can add tabs, connectors, bots, and all that stuff as well in your team's application if you want. So for the most part, the big thing you can't do if you're just a member—if you're just a member of an Office365 group, okay, you can't create a team from that. But you can be part of a team, right? You can leave a team if you're already part of it, but you can't delete a team, create one, or any of that. Those are your main core permissions that you're going to get in regards to all that, okay? So as far as adding members and all that stuff goes, as you can see, it's pretty easy and straightforward when it comes to that within the Teams app. I can click a lip symbol. And then if I want to add a new channel, I can. I want to add a member. I can, right? So we've got the generalchannel that's there by default. If want to add people manage the channel, Ican, but I can add people going here, sayadd Oops, click the wrong thing there. If I click on "add a member," I can pull somebody in like Chris Jones here. Okay. At that point, Chris Jones has now been added to this team. If I want to make Chris Jones an owner, then again, I just have to manage the team and then go to member, drop that down, and click owner. That's how you're going to switch somebody back and forth. I have the option of making Chris Jones the owner or an owner. And if I want to switch Jenny Smith over to being a member, I can do that as well. Okay. So I have that capability. So you can see that it's really easy to kind of jump back and forth here on being able to manage from within the team's app, jumping over to the Admin Center, and managing things over there. It's a pretty intuitive way of handling everything. And I think the only thing that sometimes gets complicated is that Microsoft has just added so many ways to get things done. Sometimes it's hard for people to decide, "Well, which way am I going to go and manage these different options that I've got?" Am I going to do it through the Teams app? Am I going to do it through the Microsoft Portal? Am I going to go through the Admin Center for teams and do it that way? And really, my argument there is that you do what you feel most comfortable doing. If you manage the actual teams, you'll get the majority of the features right here from within teams. But if you are the global admin over everything, then there are going to be some things you're not going to be doing from within the team's app, right.You'll be using the Teams Admin Center, and that will be some of the things we'll be looking at here. Coming up.

2. Using Powershell to add Team members

Okay, so you've seen how to manage your team members and who the owner is using the graphical UI, but what about doing it through PowerShell? So I'd like to demonstrate that for you. Let's pretend we're in this situation: we've got Chris Jones here from sales. Maybe Chris Jones is also part of marketing, and we want Chris Jones to be added to the marketing group. Or perhaps we're going to write a PowerShell script that's going to add a lot of people to a team. So it's important for us to understand how we would actually do that through PowerShell. So there is a PowerShell commandlet called Add Team User. And again, as I like to encourage you guys to look up the Knowledge Base articles on these commands because you can learn how to use them very easily, So here's an example of it. Here's the syntax for doing If you know the group ID, you can add it that way. But there's a nice little trick you can do too, where you can search for the team and add the user to the team very quickly using the piping symbol, which is what I want to show you how to do. But definitely check out the Knowledge Base article because it really does help you understand the syntax. So I'm going to open up PowerShell here, all right? And remember that you had to have installed the team module, and you need to make sure you have connected to Microsoft Teams. I've already done that, so I'm good to go. I'm connected, right? So I should be able to say "Get Team," and my teams should appear on the screen. And I'm going to add the Chris Jones user tothe marketing team, which again, you've seen that Chris Jonescurrently is not part of the marketing team. He's not a member; he's not an owner, so he's not part of the marketing team. So let's go ahead and do that. I'm going to start typing "get team." All right? Display name, and it's going to be Marketing Team. That's the name of the team in quotation marks. So then I'm going to pipe it. Now remember, piping is going to take the output from one command and associate it with the input of another command. So whatever object is collected or whatever information is collected from that first command, it's going to associate that with this next command line, okay? In PowerShell. So I'm going to do "add team user." All right? And the user. And we're going to do Chris Jones at examlabpractice.com, all right? And then Role is going to be a member. We want it to be owner. We can put the word owner in there, but if we just want to do a member, we're just going to put member in there. We're going to hit Enter and see if it goes through successfully. Okay, so we've officially done that. Let's just jump over to the team's account to see if it actually happened. Let's refresh. Actually, I can tell it's already happened because it's funny. Sometimes it'll refresh very quickly, sometimes not, but it looks like it happened very quickly. As you can see, Chris Jones is now officially a member. Right? And of course, I could write a PowerShell script to do this with a bunch of users. I could have it grab a bunch of users through my Azure ID, collect those into a variable, and then I could send that over to teams to create or add a bunch of users to a team if I wanted to as well. So that gives you the gist of it. Now, if I wanted to remove a team user, for example, if I wanted to take Chris Jones out of that, interestingly enough, I could just hit the up arrow. I can take away this role part, and then I can just change the verb. And at that point, I could just have Chris Jones removed from the room. Simply by changing the verb. and then altering it a little bit. And of course, if you wanted to look up the syntax for that too, remove Team User. You can pull up the Knowledge Base article, and you can get a feel for the syntax on that if you want as well. Okay. Of course, in the examples they're given here, they're kind of doing it the long way. They're making you specify the group ID. But if you pull my little trick where you just grab the team and then pipe it, then you don't have to worry about knowing the group ID, so you don't have to worry about this information here. That makes it a little bit easier. Okay? All right. So hopefully, that helps you understand how you could do that with the help of PowerShell.

3. Configuring Dynamic Membership

I'd like to spend some time now talking about dealing with dynamic membership. So we learned that we can create these Office 365 groups. These Office 365 groups can connect to various cloud-based services, which can all be linked together with the help of teams. We can have teams in SharePoint and Planner, and our calendar, Outlook, and all that stuff can be linked together using this Office 365 team. But here's the thing. When our company hires new employees or whatever, and we want them to be part of a specific team, do we want to have to statically add these users to the group so that they just get access to the team? Well, by default, yeah. Your groups are going to default to what is called an assigned group. And if you create a group through the Microsoft 365 portal, OK, it's going to be what is known as an "assigned group." An assigned group is a static group. You have to manually add people to the group. But what if I've got a team? Like, I've got this HR team, for example, and right now you know it's a team because it's got the team symbol, right? And it's also an Office 365 group. HR-EightyLabPractice.com is the email address for it. It's an assigned group. So it's static. That basically means you have to add people or move people out of it for them to not be part of that group. But I want it to be dynamic. And if you look at users, let me go over to active users, and you've got some specific users, like let's do Ryan Sanderson here, and we click on Ryan Sanderson. Okay, so Ryan Sanderson might be part of the HR department. You may want him to be part of HR based on his attributes and stuff for that user.The problem is that just because you say he's a member of HR or whatever, that doesn't really do anything. I can say he's HR, right? And I can hit save, and that's great. But wouldn't it be great if when that user is created, he just automatically gets added to that group and then gets access to the team and the HR team and channels and all that? Wouldn't that be great? Well, guess what? You can do that, right? But you have to make the group a dynamic group. All these attributes that you see here could be used to create dynamic rules for a group that will automatically add them to the group if you specify this information and there's a match. Okay? So in my case, I want to do departments, all right? I can have a match, right? Maybe I can do job titles too. Maybe Ryan Sanderson is going to be the HR manager, right? So if I wanted to, I could have a manager's group. And if the job title has the word manager anywhere in it, they get added to the manager's group. So I could do that by utilising this dynamic group. So I'm just going to save the information. The bad news is you can't do it through the Microsoft 365 Portal, right? You've got to do it through the Azure Portal. So let's go over to Portal.Azure.com, okay? And again, we can create a new group. Let's go to the menu bar here. Go to the Azure Active Directory. We can create a new group and make it dynamic right away by using this tool, right? I can go here. I can say, "Okay, dynamic group." But here's the other thing I can do. Go back, go to groups. I can find the HR group. Currently, it's an assigned group, right? Click on the group, go to Properties, and I can switch it to a dynamic user group so I can convert it. Then I can edit the dynamic query rule, right? If I want, I can go to Properties and then specify a department. And, by the way, if you want to do the job title thing I mentioned, there's job title. So, department, specify your operator, operators, where you get into things like like is equal to or not equal to, and so on. Click equals, I'm going to say equaland I'm going to say HR. So I'm just going to click this whitespace area, and that is the query. Again, one of the things Microsoft used to say was that you had to know the syntax to use all this, and it does help you to know the syntax if you're going to do this through PowerShell. But now they've got this nice little form that we can add, and by the way, we can add other expressions if we want, right? Like I can go here and I can say, "Okay, well, job title," and we'll say it's equal to "HR Manager" or something, and we can do that and we can switch this to "HR Manager" if we want to, right? So you can do both and all of that. So either one is going to work. that's going to automatically have this person added to the group. So every time you modify a user, you create a new user. Anything like that is going to run these dynamic membership rules, and if they're supposed to be part of the group, they're going to automatically get added to the group. So I'm going to go ahead and hit Save, OK? And I've now officially got my group, and at that point, I can look at group membership. Keep in mind that it can take a while before this takes effect. And that's the thing that frustrates people. They want to see instant results. They want to be able to see who's a member of the group, and I should be able to just go right here and immediately see who's in it. Right, but you can see that these users were added manually, and Ryan Sanderson hasn't appeared yet, which is because it will take some time, but give it some time, and you should be able to come back in here and that user account will be added. Okay? All right. The beauty of this whole thing is now within teams at that point. So I've got, I can create my HR team, and I don't have that on my teams. But if you're dealing with somebody in HR who's part of the HR team, then Ryan Sanderson is just going to automatically be part of that team. When he opens up Team, he's going to see that HRTeam is available, and he can start chatting and all that. And the other thing is, let's say that Ryan Sanderson turns out to be not very good at HR, okay? He's not great at human resources, and he gets moved over to the marketing department because maybe he's really good at marketing, but he's not great at being an HR person. Okay, go figure. You can go in and edit his user attribute for department, switch it over to marketing, and if you had a marketing dynamic group, he's going to automatically be part of that instead. And at that point he'd belinked into the marketing team. So this is great. It makes this dynamic control of people who are members of certain teams possible. It makes it very easy, and it makes things very dynamic. OK, but hopefully that gives you a good idea of how we can graphically control this dynamic membership.

4. Access Reviews for Team Members

Let's talk now about the concepts of doing what's known as "access review" for our team members, right? So what are they exactly? Access reviews in Azure Active Directory We've already learned that we can create user accounts, assign them privileges, and assign them to groups. And once they're part of those groups, like an Office365 group, they can get access to Teams, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint, and their email through Exchange, Online, Outlook, and all that good stuff, right? So they're getting access to all these resources. And now for the question and the thing. Do they still need access? Right. One of the big things we have with teams, for example, is that you might have a project that everybody's working on, right? Maybe a group of people are working on a certain project. And in a lot of companies, you'll have projects going on, and team members for that project may come and go. They may be switching to different projects. And the problem with that is that you may be giving them access to the team, to the group, and to the project for a period of time. But then what if they get moved over to a different project? They are no longer required to be a part of that team or project. And you run into a lot of issues because sometimes you end up with users who are part of a bunch of different teams and are able to access maybe sensitive information that they shouldn't have access to because they are no longer a part of that team. And unless you're manually moving people around, that's a problem. Now, the great thing is we have dynamic membership, which is good. But what Microsoft is trying to give us the ability to do with access reviews is to govern the ability of somebody to still be part of a group or team and make decisions. We can have moderators who do all that. And it's great to have owners. Now owners can do that. Owners can moderate team membership. But the great thing about access reviews is that they are a system within Azure Ad that will go through and see who is a member of, say, a certain group and whether they still need to be a member of that group. And if they do, then great! They can stay a member of the group. You can have a decision-maker who makes that decision. Or if somebody is not supposed to be part of a group anymore, the system can actually remove them from the group. Now, of course, the best way to kind of wrap your brain around this is just to look at it. So why don't we jump right in here and take a look? Okay, that's the portal we're on: Portal Azure.com. We're going to go to the menu option. Here's the menu button here.We're going to go to Azure Active Directory, and then you're going to look for Identity Governance. That will be the central location for managing Access Reviews. So I'm going to go ahead and click on Identity Governance. All right. Now, right out of the gates here with Identity Governance, if this is the first time you've ever been here, it may not be onboarded. So you have to onboard this identity governance so you can do access reviews, okay? So right now, if I go to Access Reviews, it's not going to let me do anything. I was able to select Onboard. So I'm then going to go ahead and click onboard, and at that point it'll take a moment, but it's going to go ahead and turn that on. So now that I've got this turned on, I can go back over here to the menu bar and click on Azure Active Directory. Let's go back to identity governance, all right? and from there I can click on Access Reviews. So currently, I don't have any access reviews. Obviously, I just turned it on. So I'm going to go ahead and click New Access Review. Okay. And then at that point, I can fill out this template that's going to let me create an Access Review. Okay. So you can give it a name. You can specify a start date if you want. All right. You can have a frequency. So maybe I just want it to happen once. Maybe I want it to be weekly or monthly. Quarterly, semi-annually, annually—all that. Okay, so let's say I wanted to do it monthly. Alright? Monthly is going to set the duration in days. And you can move this up or down by default. It's going to default to 14 days. Okay. All right. So at that point, I want to increase this. As you can see, it'll let you go for a maximum of 27 days, right.So you can adjust that however you want if you want to do it monthly. And then you can have an end date if you want. So I can say "never end." Let's just do it once a month. We can make it the default or set a number of occurrences. Okay. So we can set that to what we want. I'm going to set mine to never. Although if we did want to do it a number of times in a number of currencies, we could have an end date. We could be okay. From there, it's going to let me choose which users to review, if they're members of a group or assigned to an application. So we're going to go with members of a group because we're sort of focusing on the Office 365 groups here. Okay. And then at that point, do I want the scope to lookat the guest users only or everyone that's in the group? I'm going to say everyone that's in the group. OK. Because I'm not just looking at guests at the moment. I want to look at everybody. So I'm going to go to, now that I've done that, selected the scope, I'm going to click on the group, select a group, and we can specify which group that we want to do this with. Okay? So for example, if I wanted to do this with the Marketing Office 365 group, I could specify that if I wanted to do this with payroll or maybe research, when we do this with research, maybe that's a certain project that's being worked on with research, and we'll click select on that. All right? At that point, the reviewers are there, so the question is, "Who are your reviewers?" You're going to have a group owner. These are going to be the people who review membership in the group. Do we want to do this for specific users that we want to do this for? We could select a specific user, or we could select the members. Now, if you do members, this will allow someone to do a self-review. So this way the user is going to get a message, and at that point the user can say, "Well, I don't really need to be part of the research group anymore because I'm not involved in research." So this sort of is a self way of making a decision. All right. allows a reviewer—sorry, a member—to review themselves. Now in my case, I'm going to go with the group owners. We're going to let the owners make the decision. Okay? So at that point you can also do what's called a "linked program." Now by default, there's only one program, and that's the default program. So you can't select any other program. but not getting into the topic right now because it's kind of outside the scope of what we're looking at. But you can define other programmes that can be involved in this. But right now we're just going with the default, which is what we have with our Azure AD subscription. From there, upon completion, I can say "auto apply results to a resource. All right? So, regardless of the outcome, I'm going to say enable. Now, if you say "disable," basically you've got to manually take action. If you say "enable," it's going to auto-apply an action. But what exactly is it going to do? It says if the reviewers don't respond, then don't do anything and make no change. Or I can say, remove access." So if a reviewer, such as the owner, doesn't respond to determine whether to make a decision on the membership, then it would remove access. That's a little extreme. I could say I approve access. So for viewers, don't respond; approve the access. Okay. So from there, you're dealing with somebody having actually signed off on it. Or you can say "take recommendations." Now if you choose that, this is going to essentially make it so that Microsoft is going to make a recommendation. And then based on that recommendation, it will take action, whatever the action may be, which may be to just remove somebody out of the group or whatever. Okay. All right. So from there, I'm going to have approved access. So auto-apply results to the resource. Okay. I've got that set to enable notice that it tells you here that users whose access was denied will be removed from the resource after the review process. If I'm enabling this, I'm auto-applying that. Right? And so from there, I'm going to say approve access for that. If the viewer doesn't respond, approve access. And then I'm going to drop this down. And from there, I've got a few extra little advanced settings. Under the advanced settings area here, I can say "Show recommendations," so it's going to show me the recommendations. It tells you that based on the user's access, this is going to be shown to your reviewers. You can say require reasons on approval. So that will require a reviewerto basically give you a reason. So in this case, a user, if they're going to stayin the group, but they're going to get removed out ofthe group, that's got to basically specify a reason for that. Okay. and then mail notifications. So this is going to have an email that's going tobe associated with it's going to shoot an email over andthe person will make a decision based on email. They basically have a link they can click to do this for this notification. and this will allow somebody to make a decision based on that. And then you have reminders. So this is going to send out little email reminders that the review is in the process right now. All right. And then, at that point, you'll notice that one of the things illustrated here is that it tells you that with Azure advertising, it'll send out a reminder email essentially showing that it's in progress and that it'll go to your reviewers. And it tells you right here that they have not completed their review. So this is a reminder that's saying, "Hey, you haven't completed your review yet." Down here, I've got additional content for reviewers in the email that notices a preview, at least at the time that this video is being recorded. And essentially, what that means is that this is a new feature that could change. But, in general, if you wanted to add some additional information, I could say it is a high priority for you to be reviewed as soon as possible if you are a part of research. You could put a small message in there if you wanted to. Right? Okay. So I could specify that if I want. And then of course, there you have it. The only thing I didn't do is Ididn't actually give a name to this. That's kind of important. You can't actually finish this if you don't have a name for it. So I'll come up here and I'll give this a name; we'll call it Research Group Access Review. All right, we'll come down here, we'll click Start, and we've now officially got our access review created.

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