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Google Professional Cloud Developer Practice Test Questions, Exam Dumps
Google Professional Cloud Developer Professional Cloud Developer exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Google Professional Cloud Developer Professional Cloud Developer exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Google Professional Cloud Developer certification exam dumps & Google Professional Cloud Developer practice test questions in vce format.
Let's talk about compute options. As you might expect, we'll need to know some things about computing for this exam. The main areas of focus are, of course, compute engines, cloud functions, app engines, and Cuban network engines. We're going to be covering each of these services in details with some demos throughout the course as well as direct coverage of the objectives in the objectives section of the course here. Now, I just want to point out that, for the purposes of time, we're going to go ahead and just talk briefly about managed and unmanaged services. We just want you to be aware of the distinction because one of the things on the exam that you may encounter once or twice out of 50 questions is attempting to understand customer environments and whether the customer should have a no-ops environment, a low-ops environment, or a fully no-ops environment, or whether the operations are not managed by Google. So basically, when it comes to apps, we want to be aware that cloud functions require the customer to do as little as possible, basically loading their microservices; that's about it. And Compute Engine is where the customer would need to do what they need to configure their VMs—get the images set up, set up any kind of scripting, boot up scripts, you name it. It's fully handled by the customer, down to the virtual machine level. and that's the difference. whereas Kubernetes and App Engine are sort of in the middle, where you have flexibility in how you deploy your virtual machines or your containers in Kubernetes Engine. So the main thing to point out here is to try to keep in the back of your mind that cloud functions are more hands-off, whereas compute engines are more hands on.It's the difference between managing managed and unmanaged services. Okay? Now, in Compute Engine, we just want to be aware that when we go into the exam, we want to know, for example, whether we can use predefined templates or custom templates. There is a cloud marketplace that is essentially a templated solution where you can deploy templates from Google and third parties to help deploy services more efficiently and effectively. For example, we could deploy a lampstack vCPU on memory. We could adjust our templates, which is really nice, because, for example, we may deploy a template and not need all that memory. We could reduce it and save some costs. Networking is global. In Compute Engine, we'll be talking a lot more about networking, and then just from an OS perspective, we could deploy Linux or Windows as well. Now, the main point for the exam when it comes to determining what compute option we want to know is, first of all, is it managed, unmanaged, or somewhere in the middle? Generally, the exam questions that ask you to determine compute services will be focused on managing services such as AppEngine or the Kubernetes engine in general. However, again, you may want to use Compute Engine as well, depending on the scenario you're given. Now, we'll be covering the objectives for each of these services in much more detail. No, is the main point I want to make here for test tip purposes. Again, what compute option fits where and how it will solve the customer's challenges—that's really the main point. Let's move on to the compute engine.
Okay, well, let's talk about Compute Engine and why it is something you need to know for this exam. Now one of the areas that we want to know about are the protocols that are supported with Compute Engine. Now those three protocols would be TCP, UDP, and ICMP as well. That's really the main factor to know about the VM support protocols. Now we also have the capability to store data on the VMs in different forms, essentially, and in such a manner that that approach could be via standard disc and SSD, as well as a local SSD as well.And the goal to keep in mind is that if we do have a local SSD, for example, we can't just migrate that virtual machine because of the fact that we have a local SSD attached to that VM. So if we wanted to migrate, we'd need to, of course, detach that local SSD and then migrate the VM after that's done. A couple of other Compute Engine tidbits about networking that we should be aware of are, of course, those features that we should be aware of. We can have a default or custom network set up. We're going to have inbound and outbound firewalls. We can also, of course, load balance in most cases. And one of the things to keep in mind is that the subnets are global, and we have the ability to create a VPC, for example, and ensure that that VPC is able to communicate with all of the Google Cloud regions, for example. And we'll see that in one of the demos coming up. When it comes to resources, one of the things to keep in mind is that some resources are global resources, some are regional resources, and some are zonal resources. For example, global resources would be preconfigured images, disc snapshots, or networks. Now one of the things to keep in mind is that a diskimage is going to be global, assuming that you're not attaching any kind of local resources, for example, to it. Now regional resources would be, for example, external IP addresses for example.Zonal resources would be VM instances, for example, and then any types of discs that might be attached. When it comes to images and disks, one thing to remember in Compute Engine is that you have a variety of resources at your disposal. Of course, we can use third-party images, our own images, or whatever else we want. You can also use VirtualBox or an important image from AWS. Now, in general, we should be aware that the image format we'll want to use is, of course, VMDK or any other format that is supported. When it comes to disc options, we should note that Compute Engine only has a single root persistent disk. Of course, when that virtual machine is deployed, it needs to have a persistent disc to load the operating system and ensure it's bootable after you reboot it, etc. So of course, that would be expected. Now the persistent disk, though, can scale up to 64 terabytes. That's a highlight we may want to keep in mind for other areas around disc options and the compute engine. One thing to keep in mind is that if we want to have high IOPS and low latency, we may want to use a local SSD. One thing to keep in mind is that this will, of course, incur additional costs. Now, this is the Compute Engine. If we're using, for example, App Engine, then we want to use Memcache. That would probably be a better option when we're migrating VMs. Of course, we want to consider that there are two ways to move virtual machines: manually and automatically. Now one of the things to keep in mind is that with persistent discs, we would basically have them attached to only the VM you're going to move. You can't move multiple VMs at the same time with the same dispatch to several different VMs. So just be aware of that as well. Now, with snapshots, they're generally not going to be available for the local SSD, so we need to reconsider, of course, our strategy for local SSD drives. We don't want to use a local SSD drive for persistent data. It's really meant to load data and runa query against and get out pretty muchthat's the purpose of a local SSD. As far as my understanding goes, snapshots will eventually be supported, but at the time of writing that's not exactly true. Snapshots can be restored to a new persistent disk. Of course, you don't want to use the snapshots for database migrations as well. Also note one thing to keep in mind: you really can't share these among projects. However, we could take a snapshot. Just be aware of that as well. When it comes to virtual machine access, one of the commands that we're going to want to know for the exam is, of course, how to use SSH, how to log into the virtual machine, how to basically use SSHand It's very simple: "Cloud," Compute SSH," and then the instance name "Demo" coming up on that, of course, along with RDP and remote desktop as well. The Port for that is 33 89.Just be aware of those high-availability features. Now one of the things about Compute Engine is thatit was designed for availability as well as scalability performanceand it has a feature called Auto Restart. Now, why would you want to know about this as a data engineer and cloud developer is primarily because if you're designing availability into your applications, this may be a feature that you want to consider as part of Compute Engine that will allow you to ensure that the performance and availability consistency of your data is actually available. So with auto-restart, we want to ensure that, for example, if there's a termination event for the VM, we don't want to just slow it down. We need to make sure that the data is actually destaged appropriately. We want to make sure that that VM is shutdown in a proper process, and also, as part of the auto-start process or auto restart, we want to have termination scripts as part of that. Creating Virtual Machines Now when we create virtual machines, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. We want to be aware of the zones where we deploy our VMs. For example, in the compute engine demo, you'll see all the different settings to go through. But one thing that we have to pay attention to is making sure that if we have any kind of services or applications that require some support from a specific processor, we're deploying GPUs or something of that nature, for example. As well, we need to make sure that we deploy the VMs in the proper region and zone because different regions and zones do support different processor types. So just be aware of that as well. When we create an instance in the zone, your instance will use the default processor that's supported in that zone. So, for example, if we don't specify processor type, it will use whatever the default processor is in that zone. Now, when it comes to creating an instance in the US central one, the default processor, at least at the time of writing, is called Sandy Bridge. Another area that we want to keep in mind is to be aware of what's called a managed instance group. For example, if we want to create a group of virtual machines, and these groups of virtual machines are probably going to have load balancing, and we want to ensure that the application scales up and down appropriately, a managed instance group is really meant for this. Basically, we want to create a template called an instance template and then create whatever number of virtual machines we need as part of that instance group. very simple from that perspective. now a managed instance group. Now on the exam, they generally like to test your knowledge on instance groups, and generally, you want to be aware of the reasons to use an instance group. First is auto scaling, second is load balancing, and third would be updates to be able to push out rolling updates, for example. Now two types of managed instancegroups there's Zonal and a regional. Now Google's best practises revolve around regional instance groups. in other words, regionally managed instance groups. We want to pay attention to that because we'll likely see it again on the exam, especially in a case study or design type of question and then in unmanaged instance groups. Now generally, the only reason we want to use an unmanaged instance group is because we have images that are different, but we haven't totally completed our migration or upgrade, and we want to be able to essentially load balance. We won't be able to auto scale or push out updates, of course, but it will give us that ability to load balance. Now. What about migrating VMs to GCP? A couple of things to keep in mind when we migrate from one cloud provider, for example, to GCP: we could import a virtual disk, and the formats that are supported would be VMDK. Velostrata is on the Agent List and is available in VHD and Raw formats at the time of writing. It's a cloud migration service, basically, and Velostrata is free to use as well. It's meant to migrate to GCP from another cloud service. Cloud Endure is a little different; it's agent-based, and it's meant to go from on-prem to the cloud or cloud-to-cloud migrations. Now, generally, on the exam, we're going to need to be aware of how to migrate virtual machines and the options available. These are really the things you want to know. Again, three approaches we could import ourvirtual discs the formats are listed therewe could use Velostrata or Cloud Endure. Now, the main challenge on the exam is to try to determine whether the service we should use is Velstrata or Claude and her. Try to remember which one is Agents List, which one is Agentbased, and which one is intended for OnPrem. So cloud endure is for on-premises. VELOCIRATOR is really meant for cloud-based migrations that are ageless. Again, you'll likely see a question around migration, and lo and behold, it will probably be pretty similar to what you see here, and there are some review questions as well for compute options Again, we know that GCP has four main compute options. Be aware that we want to generally pay attention to knowing when we want to specify a compute engine. We require a managed service for App Engine. If we want a skill in the background, then probably AppEngine would be great to use. We want to consider App Engine as more of a development platform. It's a platform as a service, but it has a lot of bells and whistles that can accommodate developers, whereas Compute Engine is more manual. If you want to set up integration with Cloud Data Store, for example, it's more manual than it is with a compute engine or an app engine. So just keep in mind that these are just a few things you should be aware of before taking the test. With QBA, we want to make sure we know how to integrate into a CI pipeline, and then if we see anything on microservices or serverless, we probably need to consider Cloud Functions or App Engine. We'll have to read into the question of whether CloudFunctions or App Engine is a better choice, but chances are if we're just executing small bits of code, CloudFunctions is fine, too. Is it Java? JavaScript: We need to know, for example, what the services are based on that will help us determine if we should use cloud functions or not. limited support with cloud functions. Also too, we have Foreground andbackground services and cloud functions. The app engine will scale significantly better. Again, a lot of things can go into the exam and deciding what service we need to choose. So let's go ahead and move on to the next subject.
Let's deploy a Compute Engine instance. Now it's extremely simple to deploy a ComputeEngine instance, and there are several ways to get to Compute Engine. But let's go over here to the left and select Compute Engine. Now you can see that I have one instance deployed. It gives me an internal IP and an external IP. The internal IP is of course used to go on the internal network, which is the Google Cloud Network, and that goes between regions and zones. Now. The external IP is, of course, for leaving Google Cloud. or entering Google Cloud. That's what we would use to egress and ingest Google Cloud. And then we have the ability to SSH in. We could use Gcloud. We could also use another client as well. So we have several options to access our virtual machine. But with that said, what we want to do in this exercise is create a VM. You can see that it picks up the name automatically. And if we want, we can go over here and change this and call this the cloud development environment; let's say VM One. And over here, what I really like about Google Cloud is that they're extremely transparent about the price, and they also tell you, for example, about the sustained use discount. In other words, we could deploy this and use it for a week, and here's our price. And then if we use it for longer than a sustained discount, which is basically a 30% discount on a monthly basis, So basically, if we look at it from that perspective, it's going to be based on the number of days in the month. if it's 28, if it's February, let's say, or if it's 31 for another month or 30. In any case, if you use it for nine to ten days, that's usually the cutoff for the sustained use discount. Remember that this is based on actual hours, not days. So if we only use a VM for 6 hours a day, then that doesn't present that discount either. It has to be sustained as the way to look at it. Now, what I also like, as well, is that you can see that it tells me my configuration and the hourly estimate. But if I go over here, this could be very dynamic. So, if I were to guess, a significantly different price would be likely in Asia. If I select Hong Kong, you can see that it went from 25 to 24, and if I go back to US East One, it goes back down to 24. So I already have transparency that thezones and regions, the pricing could vary. Now, if I look at the machine configuration, I could select a standard or a micro. If I select a micro, guess what? My price goes down very significantly as well. On the other hand, if I want to double my vCPUs, the price goes up significantly. So this is actually extremely useful for you to get the estimated cost per VM when we deploy it. And then there are other features and functions. For example, I'm going to go through a lot of these throughout the course. But the main point is, I want to get you to deploy one of these. If we go over here and select a CPU platform by default, the CPU platform will use whatever the default processor is in that region and zone. Skylake broadwell or haswell, and then if you go over here and select different regions and zones, these will most likely differ. Some regions and zones have four, some have two—it depends on, of course, when you're viewing them. They change fairly routinely, I guess, from what I've seen, especially on the newer, basically, "regions" and "zones." So, for example, the older the regions and zones, such as Northern Virginia and Iowa versus Finland, the greater the platform difference. And then if we go down here, we could set up our service accounts as well. We could enable the firewall. So for example, if I'm deploying a virtual machine and it's going to have WordPress, then we probably want to have some kind of web access because, again, it's a WordPress site; it's a website. Now I come over here a lot and configure everything from our startup script to metadata availability. Now again, like I said, I'm going to go through a lot of these during the course. Not every feature and function is covered in the developer exam; it's pretty limited in what they test you on. When I go through an OS login, I'll walk you through how we would configure, for example, the metadata. To accomplish that, when we go and set up our instance group, we'll talk more about that as well. Availability; load balancing; But to simply deploy this, it's actually relatively simple. Now, one of the things I did want to point out is that, for example, here it tells you that once we create it, that's when the billing starts. Now another thing that I really like is that I could go here to the command line and copy this and run it in Cloud Shell. So, if you don't know how to configure VM and haven't done it via the command line, you can see that it will take some time to figure out. But if you do want to do that, you go here to run it in Cloud Shell, and you copy and paste this in a text file as well and practise as well that way. And then you see a paste job in there. And then again, if you want to pace thatin a notepad and just try out the differentzones and see how it works, feel free. But basically, as you can see, there is a Gcloud betacompute project that equals my current project, which is this one. Now remember, "Cloud Architect" is a name, not the project ID or number. That's different. And then it tells you more about any of the config settings that I had. And I would go enter, and you can see that it will go ahead and deploy that and get that provision set up. And it's already up and running. And when we go back to the Compute Engine dashboard, you can see that it is running as well. That's the VM we ran. And if we go take a look at the dashboard here for that instance, it's fairly straightforward. It tells us all the information that we want. And again, we haven't set up, monitored, or logged anything at this point throughout the course. So we'll be going through Compute Engine and the other compute services in more detail. This is again meant as a short demo for the introductory part of the course. Well, let's move on. You.
Let's talk about instance groups. Now, we already know what an instance group is and perhaps why to use it. The main reasons to use a managed instance group are as follows: We want to use it for auto scaling, load balancing, and perhaps rolling updates. We generally want to be aware that there are three types of managed groups. There's an unmanaged instance group, a managed instance group that's a zone, and a managed instance group that's regional. Now, the default—or the recommended best practice—is to use a regional instance group. The reason is as follows: it is because if we do need to have availability for that instance group, if there's a zone issue, then we wouldn't have it if we used Zonal. So again, it's just the best practise from a logistical standpoint or an overhead or cost perspective. There isn't really any reason not to use a regional instance group in most cases. So again, it's there as an option. Now, unmanaged instance groups are going to contain dissimilar instances and will not auto-scale or perform rolling updates. And again, you're not going to be able to roll out different instances at the same time. You have to manually create them. The main reason to use an unmanaged instance group is because you may be migrating or managing an older application that you want to load balance that application.Maybe you have had dissimilar instances. Perhaps one region has a different virtual machine configuration from another, or another region has a different one. I would take a look at this link here before you take the exam to get familiar with it. And as far as test tips go, the main thing we want to know is how to understand the use case for an instance group, know the types of instance groups, and also know the difference between managed and unmanaged. very simple subject. Let's move on.
Let's talk about virtual machine instance groups. Now an instance group we're going to deploy so thatwe could provision the same virtual machine over and over. It's already configured. For example, let's say I want to deploy optimizeinstances and I want to deploy 100 of them. I can go ahead and select that template and basically make it a lot easier instead of manually deploying these. Now you can see I have two VM instances here. If I go to instance groups, you can see I don't have an instance group. But before I create an instance group, I need to, of course, have an instance template. Now there is one template here, but what I like to do is just walk you through how to create a template and then deploy an instance group. Now, one of the things we want to pay attention to is that the templates don't cost any money to create because they're not actually deploying anything at the time of creating the template. What I recommend generally to customers is to determine, typically, whatever number of virtual machine configurations they think they will need in their environment and create a template based on that requirement. So for example, if it's memory optimised or if it's just a typical virtual machine instance for WordPress, it's really up to you to deploy it in a simplified manner. Again, your job as a developer may not be to manage Google's Cloud Platform for your company. It might be more focused mainly on deploying applications, developing them, and integrating them into Google Cloud. What we want to do here is create an instance template. Now, what's really nice about this is that it gives you a monthly estimate and tells you the cost for the location. Now these templates we can go aheadand deploy anywhere in a specific locationand the locations are listed here. For example, in the United States, I could deploy the same template in Charleston, Oregon, or Northern Virginia. What I want to do is I'm going to call thisCloud Developer template and I have that name already used. So what I want to do is call it number two, and then I'm going to go over here and I want to select, let's say, micro instances in this case. And the cost is $4 per month. Let's say I'm just deploying a bunch of blogs. Chances are the blogs don't need tohave really high input and output. They don't need a lot of memory and vCPU cycles. They're fairly static. Let's say you're doing affiliate marketing or whatever. And with that said, I go ahead and select that and go over here and validate my persistent disc if I want. Now when I change the OS image, I go ahead and change that to SCENT, OS, Debian, whatever is available, Red Hat, you name it. Application images. This is for SQL at the time of writing; they do update on a regular basis. I believe Oracle will be coming over sometime, and once that's available, you can then deploy that. But at the time of writing, it's not available. And then if we want to bring over our custom images, we could also set up our own custom image and deploy that as an instance group as well. So I'm going to go ahead and just leave that the same. I just want to show that to you. And what I want to do now is go over to management and just validate a few things. You can see that I have auto-restart set to off for preemptability. So let's say I want to deploy these as preemptible VMs. Now, if I deploy these as preemptible VMs, they are going to be basically available for 24 hours at the most and then be turned off. I'll talk more about preemptible during the course. So I think that's good enough. Let's go and create that template, and you can see that it is doing some work. We'll go back to that when that's done. So we completed it. Now what I want to do is go to instance groups. So now I need to create an instance group. This is where I'm going to basically create a group of VMs. Let's say for a specific use case: could be for deploying an application that might be a mobile app, it might be for WordPress, it might be for Ingenic, or whatever that use case is. So we want to consider what we're deploying the instance group for. Let's say the clouddev developer just leaves it at that when I call this. And I'll call this one WP. Let's just say it's WordPress. I'll just leave it as WP. And then too, for example, if you are deploying, say, a website or different versions of WordPress, then maybe you want to consider having different instance groups for the different course use cases. For example, maybe a customer goes out and decides that they want to have higher performance. You, of course, would want to do what? Create a separate template and then an instance group to accommodate Or if you're developing a mobile application, same thing—you need to identify the instances in that group. Now we want to create these instance groups for a variety of reasons, including load balancing, auto scaling updates, and so on. Now, what we want to do here is select the location. Now we could choose to do multiple zones or a single zone. Again, it's all about the use case. Do you need to have additional availability, or do you not? Then I go over here, and this is where I would select the region and zone. And then I would go over here. I'm going to leave it at a single zone for now. And then you can see that I have two templates here. I'm going to select the one I just created. Now I'm going to want to have auto-scaling on. Assume this is an application with users all over the world, and I want to ensure it is load balanced and can scale up to meet whatever requirements I set. I could set the policy based on the CPU utilization, the load balancing utilization, and also on Stackdriver metrics and additional metrics. So when the CPU utilisation gets over 60% for that sustained point in time, it will then do what? It will add additional instances. So, for example, I'm going to deploy the template with a minimum of one instance and a maximum of ten instances. Now the cooldown period is going to allow me to shut down VMs that are not being utilised and that are not needed in the instance groups to save resources and, of course, cost. And that is the time frame we give it. If you think that 60 seconds is not enough,increase it or decrease it, whatever the situation is. With auto-healing, we probably want to create a health check. If these are production instances, then, of course, if we're just using them for development to play around, then we may not need to do that. It's up to you to decide. And then we go over here to create, and we'll go back to that in a second when it's done. And now that instance group is finished, you can see it's deployed, it's in the central zone, and there's only one instance. And then you could see, for example, here that a template was used and the auto scaling rule was set to 60% utilisation of the CPU for 60%.I go over here, and you can see that this is the expected configuration. This is the instance group and that one instance. Now I could also go over here to the rolling update. For example, let's say I had ten different instances. I could set up what's called a rolling update. I'm going to cover some of these features and functions a little bit later. And then I could also do a restart and replace, and I could delete the group as well. This tells me the details of the template tell me I have one instance deployed, and again, monitoring hasn't been really set up or there's no activity as well. So we're not going to see a whole lot there. So, that is how you would deploy an instance group. Let's go ahead and move on.
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