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Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam dumps vce, practice test questions, study guide & video training course to study and pass quickly and easily. Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. You need avanset vce exam simulator in order to study the Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer certification exam dumps & Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer practice test questions in vce format.

Google Cloud Platform Interfaces

2. Cloud Console

Cloud Console. This is the interface that you can use to interface with Google Cloud Platform in the UI format. And here I am. I just logged into Google Cloud Platform with my trial account. And if you come here—this is your home page—you'll get the complete summary of what is available and what is not available. You can see the project information—what is the project?—and all of that. We are going to see it anyway, but you'll get the project information and you'll get the resource information. So currently I have three versions of the app engine. One cloud storage packet, one BigQuery data set. If you configured it at all, you will have the traces. There are also kickstarter guides and getting started guides. You can use API Explorer. You can go ahead and run around the APIs. You can test those APIs. You can deploy prebuilt solutions, like Cloud Launcher. You can do monitoring; you can take a quick VM; you can do a quick start. You can actually just go ahead and launch the VM or cloud function. So this is the getting started, or quick start, guide. Here is the API response that is available—whatever APIs we have requested. And here are some dashboards that are available. Currently, my app engine is not running, so you do not have any request responses. The status, if you go here,it says all services are normal. You can actually switch to the dashboard, and you can see if there are any disruptions. You might think there are some problems here, between the 20th and the 23rd, 22nd to the 23rd. However, this is your entire dashboard; you can access and manage billing from Google Console. You can do other reporting and if there areany news out of Google Cloud Platform and documentation,so this will point to the documentation. If you go here or if you click here, you can go to any service that you want. As an example, you can go to, say, computeengine resources, and you can launch a VM here, right? Or you can go to billing, where you can manage billing, set up alerts, and do all of that configuration. You can do that from here. And we are going into details on all these in subsequent sections. But using the Google Cloud Platform console, you can launch and decommission all those services. It is very user-friendly, and you can access it through the UI. So this is the Google Cloud Console. So here are some of the features. It's a Web admin. UI. You can do resource management outof UI, DevOps on the go. So it's got a mobile app, but we're going to see that in a separate chapter. You can do secure administration out of the console, and you can get the data inside. We saw your error reporting the latency; you can get it out of Google Cloud Console. And here are some of the lists that are there in the Google documentation as well, which you can go ogle Cloud ConsIt is for Google Console. I don't think there are so many questions about Google Cloud Console. This is for your information. Thank you.

3. Cloud SDK

Cloud SDK. Cloud SDK is actually, again, a CLI command-line utility. and this does get installed onto your laptop. So you can imagine a shell in your laptop. We are going to install the Cloud SDK in the next section because it is required as part of this particular quote structure or the certification. So Cloud SDK is typically the utility that you install on your laptop and use to do a variety of tasks. Let me go back to the documentation itself and show you where my console is. Yes, Cloud SDK. Okay, so if you use the cloud and this does get installed, as I said, you can do a Windows or Linux installation, but once you install it, you will have all the capabilities of your cloud shell on your own laptop. Okay, so the high-level tool G cloud is built inside the Cloud SDK's GS utility for cloud storage. You can use it from the SDK, so you do not need to install anything else. BigQuery has the tool Kubectl for Kubernetes clusters, and it does get integrated with your PowerShell command. so you do not need to install any other environment. It does come with the client libraries, cloud client libraries, or API libraries, which you can directly use, or you can optionally install some other component for which you need it. But this has ready-made tools, and you do not need to manage anything outside it. We are going to get into a demo of this, how you install it, and how you can initiate a particular project or you can create a default environment with authentication. And next, a section for the client. That's it, guys. For this particular lecture, if you have any questions, let me know; otherwise, you can move to the next lecture.

4. Cloud SDK Installations

Cloud SDK. Cloud SDK is actually, again, a CLI command-line utility. and this does get installed onto your laptop. So you can imagine a shell in your laptop. We are going to install the Cloud SDK in the next section because it is required as part of this particular quote structure or the certification. So Cloud SDK is typically the utility that you install on your laptop and use to do a variety of tasks. Let me go back to the documentation itself and show you where my console is. Yes, Cloud SDK. Okay, so if you use the cloud and this does get installed, as I said, you can do a Windows or Linux installation, but once you install it, you will have all the capabilities of your cloud shell on your own laptop. Okay, so the high-level tool G cloud is built inside the Cloud SDK's GS utility for cloud storage. You can use it from the SDK, so you do not need to install anything else. BigQuery has the tool Kubectl for Kubernetes clusters, and it does get integrated with your PowerShell command. so you do not need to install any other environment. It does come with the client libraries, cloud client libraries, or API libraries, which you can directly use, or you can optionally install some other component for which you need it. But this has ready-made tools, and you do not need to manage anything outside it. We are going to get into a demo of this, how you install it, and how you can initiate a particular project or you can create a default environment with authentication. And next, a section for the client. That's it, guys. For this particular lecture, if you have any questions, let me know; otherwise, you can move to the next lecture.

5. Cloud Shell

Google Cloud Shell is the shell available from Google Console. And this is another interface, and it's a CLI; it's a command-line interface. Let me go back and show you from where you can launch on the shell. This is my console. You can just click this particular button to activate a shell. So it's getting provisioned. So now Shell has launched all those utilities that are required to interact with Google, like G Cloud Command. So you have the G Cloud Command. You have BigQuery and BigQuery 2. You can run gsutil. And this is for a cloud storage bucket. So you have everything installed in your console, and this is a very good way to get it started. If you do not want to install the Cloud SDK, this is the first thing to do. If you want to interact or try your Google Cloud Platform commands, you can actually go ahead and open this in a new window in full-screen mode. You see that in full screen. Or you can actually customise this terminal. You want to have different colors, right? or fonts or something like that. You can add additional sessions. The good part of this one is that if you install or run your local application here as a sandbox, you can actually see the web preview from here, right? If you click here, and I don't have anything running right now, but I can click on this, you will get the response from here. I do not have anything currently running, but you will see this when we have an app engine demo. So that's the Google Cloud Shell. Some of the features it's admin machineyou can think of, you can't actuallyuse it for your own application deployment. You'll have full power or access from anywhere that is secure, fully authenticated, pre-installed, and up to date.So all the libraries which are there which you areusing, including G Cloud Command, everything is up to date. It is developer-ready, and it has got a 5 GB persistent disc in it. so you can store your local file. And you can already see that there are some of my folders and directories that are lying there for my demos. It's a web browser access. Using the web browser, you can run commands, so you do not need to install anything. It comes with five GB of persistent storage. It is secure unless and until you log in; you will not be able to access it. And you will have all the developer tools that are required to deploy any applications onto the Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Shell. So if you look at what it provides, you will have a shell interpreter, bash sh, and Linux utilities to install libraries if you want to have them. Cloud SDKs. So Gcloud App engine SDK and it's a sandbox,GSU, Util, text editors, you have a max VMnano build package, gradle and all those. These are already available out of the shell, and you can just go ahead and use them. And this is what you can think of as a command-line interface just to get started, right? You can go ahead and do one thing here. If you return, you can perform the Explorer file explorer. And this is you can thinkof Windows Explorer like field. So all your directories will be listed. You can even create your own files here or modify the files here, right? And you can go and save the files. So again, if you don't want to play or don't know how to use the VM Ornano, you can actually use this browser as well. But I do not prefer this as much because I just like Linux command-line utilities to edit the files. That's it for cloud shell, guys. If you have any questions on cloud shell, let me know. Otherwise, you can move to the next lecture. Thanks.

6. Cloud API

Cloud APIs. This is all you can think of. It is a rest endpoint that you can use while programming. It's a Rest API, which you can use it.Let me go to the console and show you how you can explore different APIs. Let me go back if I go to the cloud console as a homepage; you can go here, explore, and enable APIs. And here you will see what APIs were executed during your duration. On this one, you can actually change that duration or download those transactions. But let me go ahead and show you an example. I went inside the compute engine APIs. In here you will get the information howmany usage for your Compute engine APIs. But you can go and try it in API Explorer. So, here is a sandbox. You can try different APIs. I can go here and let me tryone compute engine instance create so instance list. Let me try this one. So what it needs is the project ID and the zone. Let me go here and get my project ID. This is my project ID and zone, to which zone I am referring. I just need to put it in any zone. I'll just give us one as a zone. So it will ask me permissions whichuser, what it says unknown zone. Let me go here and see if I have any virtual machines running there. So it says us one B and just copy paste. So here you go. The outcome the instance name. However, it is compute instance one. It's a name, and it will give all the details of IP addresses and all the information. So I have this IP address. So API Explorer is really a good tool to explore these APIs. And you can query it and get the information out, and you can see the sample outcome. This is what you'll get in your programming interface. And this is the API request into which you are putting it. That's the Cloud API, guys. If you have any questions on the Cloud API, let me know. It's a programming interface. That's what you need to remember. If you want to try it, you can use APA Explorer. That is another reminder. And if there are any doubts, they will revolve around this one. If you want to try, say, resting end points, what is the option you want to use? Right. And Apex Florida is one of the options that you'll get, so you need to select it. That's it for the interfaces. Guys, we are going to get into Cloud SDK installation in the next section anyway. But if you have any questions on the theory part, let me know. Otherwise, you can move to the next section. Thanks.

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