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So let me start by showing you the data export. To access, just search for the word "export," and it will be under the data management. As you can see, I have two buttons here. the first button assembly. I cannot click on it. Why? Because that I did already exportmy records two days back. So now I cannot do it. I need to wait some time to export another time. But I can also schedule an export. So when I click on this button, I will have the option to choose which object or objects I want to export. And then I choose them and I click on "next I'll wait a while, then I'll get an email with a link in it, and there'll be a link on the data export page as well. This is the link that I can click on to download. And if I click on Download, I will get the data export file. I did that earlier on, and I got this file. This is a zip file. If I double click on it, I will get the object that I did export. what we did export. I exported one object only, the records of one object, which is the book object. What I should get in this file are all the records of the book object. Let me go to Salesforce and let me see what records this object has. It currently has three records. So I will go back to the zip file, which I unzipped, and I got this CSV file. If I double click on this file, I will have the records. Let me show it to you. So what I get on the first row are the different fields of this record. I have the ID, the owner ID, the field, the name, and so on. And then I have the records below this first row. As you can see, all objects recorded are here, including the cover, which is a URL linking to an image, and also the publisher. Notice here that the publisher is a lookup field, which means that I don't have the publisher name, I have the publisher ID. This object links to the publisher object.So that's why I don't have the publisher name. And the same thing goes for the author. If I go back to the author column or field, I can see that this field is linking to other ideas. So now let me do the same using the data loader. I did download and install the data loader. So how do I export? I'll open the data load, and we'll get this window. I click on export and then need to log into my Salesforce.org account. I will choose production because this is a developer environment. And I will click on "login," and then I will put my password next. Step one is to choose which object I want to export. So in this case, I will export the same object, which is the book object. And then I need to specify which folder I want to save the CSV file. And I will choose the same file, but in this case, I will name it. Step two is to select which fields I want to export. I will just select all the fees now, and I will not specify any filter. And then I click on "finish" and click on "yes." And now the export is done. It says, "Data order successfully exported three records." So let's go to the folder, and let's see the CSV file. I did put it in the import. I should have put it under Export. As you can see, I have the same file as the file that I got using the Data Export, which is this file. So if I make it clearer, you cansee that it's exactly the same file. So now let me go back to SalesForce. Let me go to the setup menu and let's do some importing. So what we'll do now is import some new records to our book object. The book object currently only has three records. I want to add more. So I will add some records using the DataImport Wizard and some others using the data loader. To do that, let's first create a CSV file. So this is the salesforce, import, and export. So, this is the import wizard and the export. And I will use the same file that I did export, which is this file. So what you can do here is use the same file and delete the fields that are automatic or are system fields. and then you can use the first row. You can keep the first row. And then, under this first row, you can add your own records. What I did was create a file. So let me go to this, and let me click on that one. So what I did, I did a file. In this file, I kept only the fields that are not automatic and that are not system fields. So comparing this file to that file, this file has an ID field, an owner ID field that is a deleted field, and a created date created by ID. I don't need this field to import anything into SalesForce. I got rid of all these fields, and then I did a new file. Then I finished three records and three new books. This is the first, this is the second, and this is the third. I filled in the type, the publishing date, the book cover, the book summary, the author, and the publisher notice here. In the author I put a name, andin the publisher I also put a name. I will show you now why I did this. So let me go to the setup menu and let me open the Data Import Wizard. So to launch the Data Import Wizard, I need to have my CSV file ready, and I need to click on this button. Now step one is to specify which object I am importing records for. So in this case, I either have these standard object options or I have the custom object option. So in this case, I would choose books. What I want to do is to add a new record. I want to import records. I need to specify which field is used to match. So that is the unique value. In this case, it will be the name field. Step two: This is the important thing for the record owner. If I don't specify any record owners, the record owner will be the login user who's doing the import. So in this case, I will not specify it. The owner will be myself. Step three is to specify the author lookup field. I will specify an ID or a name. So this is the point that I told you about. So in this case, in my CSV file, I did specify the name, not the ID, and the same thing for the publisher. Lastly, I need to add the CSV file to this window. I can drag and drop it, and then I click on Next. This is also an important step also.This is matching or mapping between the fields in my CLB file and the object fields. It happened that the matching was 100%. Why? because I already used a file that was produced by the data export and I kept the same field. I only got rid of the system, or automatic, fields. So as you can see here, this is the Salesforce object field, and this is the CSV field. If it's not mapped, you need to map it manually. So I click on next, and then I click on "Start Import." So, this is the import result. As you can see, three records were processed, and I just received an email. So let me go to the book object and let me see if these records were added or not. There you go. We had one, two, and three. And now we have four, five, and six. So these are the three books that I did add using the Data Import Wizard. And this is the CSV file that I did use. So this is the first book, Notes From a Small Island. And then we have this book and that book, which are here. If I click on any one of these, let's say on the first book, which is not from a small island, I should have these details. So let's go to the book summary before the New York Times. I will click on it. And as you can see here, these are the details from the CLB file. Now, the last step is to import using the data loader. I already made a file to be used in the data loader. So this is the file; this is the exact same file. I can use the same file, and I can only change the values of the field. So what I will do now is import two extra books, which are these two books. So what will happen now? I will open the data loader, and I will click this time on Import, or in this case, on Insert. So I want to insert records for the book object, and I will use this CSV File Data Loader Import into Salesforce. And this is the file. So, Data Loader tells me that the CSV file has two records. I will say okay. And this step is to map the fields in the CSV file into the fields of the book object. To do that, just click on Create or edit a map. And then you can click on "Auto Match" and notice the fields were automatically matched 100% because I did use the file that was produced by the data export next. And then this is the result. It will output the result in this folder, and you can click on Finish. And that's it. Now I have two successful inserts. Let me go to Salesforce and see if two books were inserted or not. Click on "Go." There you go. We had one, two, and three, and then we added four, five, and six using the Data Import Wizard. And then we should have seven and eight. So this is the seven, and this is the eight. In summary, in this lecture, you have learned about the tools that you can use to import and export data into SalesForce. Remember that we are now importing and exporting data, and not metadata. So this is the real data that goes into SalesForce. We can use the Data Import Wizard to import data. This is a browser-based light wizard, and we can also use the data loader to do the same. To export data, we can use the data export. This is also similar to the data import wizard. It is a browser-based tool, and we can also use the data loader to do the same. Remember that, by using the data loader, you need API permission. If you don't have this, you cannot use the data loader. And that's it, as usual. Thanks for watching.
A formula is a field type that is similar to an equation that is executed at page read time. Depending on the context of the formula, it can make use of various data and operations to perform the calculation. So, mainly, a formula is a field type that you can put on a page. This field type will use the data from different fields from the same page or from the parent page. A formula field is read-only; it cannot be edited. You can think of a formula field just like you can think of an Excel field. In an Excel field you can put a formula, and this formula will calculate values based on fields from the same Excel sheet or from a different Excel sheet. So this is the same thing. A formula field can return checkbox currency, date, date, time, number, percentage, and text. an example of a percent formula calculating the margin based on the cost and the selling price. The cost and the selling price are two different fields for the same object. So if I want to calculate itargument, I can use these two fields. A formula will calculate fields from within the same object, but it can also calculate fields that are present in parent objects. This is called a cross-object formula. A cross-object formula is all about getting the information of the parent object into the child object. Fetching child object information and parent records is not done by formula. You cannot do that. This is done by the roll-up summary field, and the relationship between these two should be very detailed. A formula field and an object can fetch data from their parent object. But a formula field and a parent object cannot fetch data from a child object record. As an example, consider a formula feed on the opportunity object that uses fields from the account object account as the parent of opportunity. So we can do that. Another example of cross-object formulas is this page's example. You can follow this example and apply it to your Salesforce.org instance. The next thing we'll talk about is our validation rules. Validation rules are used to enforce field requirements based on business logic before, say, so. This is before the creation or before the update of a record. Validation rules are used to create conditional requirements on fields to ensure clean and accurate data entry. Let's say that you have a field. This field will only accept a number between one and ten. So how can you do that? How can you enforce this requirement? You can enforce it through the validation rule. You can say that anything other than between one and ten should not be accepted, the user entering this value should receive an error message, and the record cannot be saved. Validation rules are not used to replace the required field option in field-level security or in page layout. It's only used to enforce the type of data you want to capture in some fields. Now, how can you implement the validation rules? Validation rules can be implemented using a formula. The formula can return either true or false. If this formula returns through, the error message is displayed and the record cannot be saved. The formula can reference more than one field at one time, and the error message should clearly indicate the error type. So in our example, you should mention that the data entered is not between one and 10. This message can be displayed on the field itself or it can be displayed at the top of the page. Very important. Note that validation rules are case-sensitive, and validation rules will impact API usage. So let's say you are entering data through the data loader, and the data will not be compliant with the validation rule. In this case, the data will not be entered. The same is true for web-to-lead and web-to-case submissions. This is why you need to make sure that you structure your validation rules so that they will not unintentionally interfere with these operations. And in some scenarios, you may need to disable these validation rules when importing or updating data and reinstate them afterwards. One important document to check is the example of validation rules in official Salesforce documents. I urge you to go check out this document. Until now, we have seen that the formula field can be used on an object page or in validation rules. But there are many other places where it can be used. It can be used in workflow rules, approval processes, approval steps, assignment rules, escalation rules, and autoresponder rules. There are some rules that you need to know about regarding formulas. First of all, formulas can reference standard, custom, or other formula fields as required. Second, they can reference the object itself or any field from the parent object. They cannot reference themselves. And finally, fields that are used in formulas cannot be deleted without an admin removing the formula first. There are also some formula elements that you need to be aware of. First of all, a formula field cannot contain more than 3900 characters. This includes spaces and line breaks. A formula field is calculated usinga sockwell on the back end. So when you write a formula, then you click on "Save" in the back end. By default, a so-called is generated. This socalled must not exceed 50 characters. and this also includes other reference formula fields. A cross-object formula can reference fields from objects that are up to ten relationships away. So let's say you want to reference a field and your parents object. You can do that. a grandparent, you can do that. That is possible up to ten relationships away. Let's go to Salesforce, and let's create a formula field and a validation rule.
So what we will do is go to the object under review object.As you can see, if I click on "New," we have three fields that are three different rating fields. What we will do is add a formula field that will reference these three fields and that will calculate the average rating. So let's do that. To do that, let's go to the object field page and create a new field. So this will be a formula field and the return type will be a number. This number will have two decimal places. Now, this is the Formula Field page. As you can see, we have two tabs. I urge you to always use the Advanced tab. This is the place where you type the formula, and then you can see on the right side that we have many functions that you need to be aware of. We have four types of functions. Let's start with the math function. We can calculate the ceiling, the distance, exponential, log, maximum, more ground, and square root. We also have text functions, so if I want to include an image with a formula, I can do that using this function. I can also use other text functions, like trim, if I want to trim a text. We also have date and date time, like the date value and the month of the date. And what you can do whenever you click on a function is see a description of the function. If I click on this function, which is called now, now will return a date and time representing the current moment. So if I click on this, and then if I click on Insert, and then if I click on Save, So this formula will now return to my date-time value because I chose this function from the right side. So our formula will do what it says—calculate the average rating. So it will use three fees from the same object. To retrieve fields, I need to click on this button. So the fees that I want to calculate are the three rating fields. So first I need to add this, and then that, and finally this. So let's go ahead and add the first field insert. So this is the first field. Now, what I should do with this field is add this field to the next field. So I will go to this button here, which will insert operators. So I will insert any kind of operator that I want. In this case, I will insert the add operator and then add the second field; I will add an operator, and finally I will add the third field. So now I have three fields added. What I should do now is divide these three fields by three. So I can use right and left parentheses, or I can always use the insert operator, and then I can insert the open and close parentheses, and then I can also divide by three. So what I have now is the body of the formula, which will calculate the sum of the three fields, and then it will divide this number by three. So to check the syntax, I need to click on this button. So the syntax is fine. There are no errors. Now I can click on "next." As with any other field, I will establish the permissions, and finally I will add this field to the page layout. Now let me go to the page layout, and let me place the field under the three rating fields, and then click on save. Now let us create a review for one of the books. I can do that from the review object or from the book object. That's from the book object. Let me give a review of this book. So save five and five and five. So this is the average rating. Let me change this. Let me put here—let's say one and then one—and let me click on save. So now we have 2.33. Let me go back, and I will give this book five stars. Now what happens if I edit? And if I put here, let's say, eight or seven savings, it will take it. But I want my rating fields to only be between one and five. How can I do that? I can do that using the validation rules. Let me show you this. So I will go back to the object page, and I will go to the validation rule section, and I will click on you. So the name of the validation rule will be "rating between one and five." So let's call this rating one because we have three different ratings. And I will enter the formula in this area. Remember that I need to enter the error condition. So in this case, everything under one and everything above five So I will create a formula that will represent these values. So in this case, the field in question will be the first rating field, which is the research rating. And this field should not be less than one. So I will make less than one. And also, this field should not be more than five. So let me insert this field again, and let's make it more than five. So this is the error condition for this field. Now I need to make sure that both of these are met. So what I can do is add the or operator. So now this is the error condition. Let me check the syntax. Everything is fine. And now, let me insert the error message, which will be, and then I can choose where to keep this error; I will do it on the first rating field itself, and save. Now let me go back to the review object, and let me open the review record that we just did. And I will try to edit the research rating, and I will put it at six. Then I will click on save. I will get the error message, and I cannot save. Let me get it back to five, then click on save. So this is deeply rooted in the validation rules. Let me go back to the slides. So in this chapter you have learned about the formula fields and validation rules; what other places can I use the formula fields? And what are the general rules of the formula fields? And we talked about the limits that you should not exceed. And finally, we created a formula field in our book cloud app. And we have also created a validation rule. And finally, as always, thanks for watching me.
In this lecture we will mainly talk about the rollupsummary field, its use case, where it can be used, and on what types of objects it can be used. And finally, I will show you a demo of the rollup summary field and the live environment. This is a type of field that is only available on the master object in a master detail relationship. It is used to summarise the value of a particular field and charge object records. What it can do with this value is count. So it can count the number of records. It has the ability to do some, dominion, and maximum. To make it clear, let me give you an example. Let's say that you have two objects. Object one is the movie object, and Object two is the review object. The movie is the parent of the review, and the relationship between these two objects is a master detail. Now, let's say on the review object there is a field called rating. This field has a numeric value. What we can do on the movie object is make a roll-up summary field. This field will be linked to the rating field on the review object. What it can do first is count how many records there are. This is the end of the count. Second, it can do summation. It can do a summation of the feed that we have selected on the child object. In this case, the rating So it can sum the rating, it can do the minimum rating, which is the minimum rating in the reviews, and it can do the maximum. One important thing to shed light on is that this type of field is calculated when you write the children, as opposed to when you read. Now, another example involving standard objects Object one is the account object, and Object two is the opportunity object. Opportunity is the child of account. So, from within my account I can create a roll-up summary field. This field will link to the opportunity object. Wait, the relationship between these two is a lookup relationship. How can we create a rollupsummary field on the account object? This is right. This is why I picked this example. Well, the relationship is really a lookup relationship, but Salesforce treats this relationship as a master detail. So now, where can we create roll up summary fields? We can create roll-up summary fields on any custom object that is on the master detail side of a master detail relationship. It cannot be with any standard object that is on the master side of a master detail relationship with a custom object. Any opportunities using the value of an opportunity, products related to the opportunity, or accounts using the values of related opportunities This is just what we saw a while ago. any campaigns using campaign member status or the values of campaign member custom fields. Finally, when creating the master detail field, you can use filters to only pull values from specific records. Let's get an example from an account opportunity rollup Summary Field Example: We can state that please only pull data from closed opportunities and one. So in this case, the rollup summary field on the account object will only read about the opportunities that are closed and won. Now let's go to Salesforce, and let me show you the roll-up summary field. So this is Salesforce. We have these five objects within the Books Cloud application. What we'll do in the book object is create two roll-up summary fields. The only option that we can use is the review object. Why? because a book is the parent of a review, and the relationship between these two is a master detail. So how we can do that? Let's go to the Book object, and let's go to the object page. And then let's create a new field. We will choose a roll-up summary. The first field will be the number of reviews. This field will be called Total Review Rating. This feed will be linked to the review, and this feed will calculate the sum of the average rating notice.Here I can specify a filter, which I will not do in this case. What I can do, because this field is not important, is make it invisible to each of the profiles. Why had I made it visible? Well, because I don't care aboutthe sum of the ratings. I only care about the number of ratings and the average. And to calculate the average, I will add another formula field that will use this hidden field as well as the first roll of the Summary field. We'll see it later. I will also not add this field to the page layout; save So now if I go to the book object and if I open this book, I can see that it has only one review. Now what I will do is add another field, which is a formula field. And this field will use the tool rollup summary feed that I have just made. It will be a number field and it will have twodecimal places and it will be called Average Reviews Rating. It will use the roll-up summary field that we just made, and we just made it hidden. And I will use this operator to divide the total review rating by the number of reviews, and then I will click on "next." I will add this field because I need to see the average rating, and I will click on "Save." Let me go to the page layout to arrange the fields. So I have the number of reviews; I will put it here, and I will put the average there, and then let me click on Save. Now if I go to the book object and I open this book, I can see that the average is still 5.3 because I have one average and I have three ratings. Five, five, and six. This rating is six because the validation rule was made after I assigned it. So let me edit this review and make it, say two and two and two, and then save it. See what will happen. Now the average will be two, and here too it should be two. So now let me add another review. So let me make this five, and five, and five, and save. So the average number will be five. So going back to the book, I can see that the average is now 3.5, which is five plus two equals seven divided by two equals 3.5. So I have two reviews r one, r one is twoand I also have r two, r two is five. So five plus two equals seven, and seven divided by two equals 3.5. and the number of reviews is two. I don't need to know the sum of the review rating; I just need to know the number and average. So that's it. We have added two roll-up summary fields on this object, and we have also added a formula field. Now let me go back to the slides and finally add a summary. In this lecture, you have learned about the rollup summary fields and the use cases of these fields. And one important thing to remember is that these fields are only available on the master object in a master detail relationship, and they can do account minimum, maximum, and addition. As always, thanks for watching.
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