Avaya Certification Exams
Exam | Title | Files |
Exam 3312 |
Title Avaya Aura Contact Center Administration |
Files 1 |
Exam 37820X |
Title Avaya Midsize Solution Design |
Files 1 |
Exam 46150T |
Title Avaya Solutions for Midsized Customers Online Test (APSS) |
Files 1 |
Exam 6210 |
Title Avaya Aura Contact Center Implementation Exam |
Files 1 |
Exam 6211 |
Title Avaya Aura Contact Center Multimedia Implementation Exam |
Files 1 |
Exam 71200X |
Title Avaya Aura Core Components Integration |
Files 3 |
Exam 71201X |
Title Avaya Aura Core Components Implement Certified Exam |
Files 1 |
Exam 71301X |
Title Avaya Aura Communications Applications Implement Certified |
Files 1 |
Exam 71801X |
Title Avaya Messaging Support Certified |
Files 1 |
Exam 72200X |
Title Avaya Aura Core Components Support Exam |
Files 3 |
Exam 72201X |
Title Avaya Aura Core Components Support Certified Exam |
Files 1 |
Exam 72301X |
Title Avaya Aura Communication Applications Support Certified |
Files 1 |
Exam 7392X |
Title Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Implementation Exam |
Files 2 |
Exam 7492X |
Title Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Support |
Files 1 |
Exam 75940X |
Title Avaya Converged Platform Integration |
Files 2 |
Exam 76940X |
Title Avaya Converged Platform Support |
Files 2 |
Exam 77200X |
Title Avaya IP Office Platform Basic Integration and Configuration |
Files 2 |
Exam 78200X |
Title Avaya IP Office Platform Configuration and Maintenance Exam |
Files 2 |
Exam 78201X |
Title Avaya IP Office Platform Support Certified |
Files 1 |
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About Avaya Certification Exam Dumps & Avaya Certification Practice Test Questions
Pass your Avaya certification exams fast by using the vce files which include latest & updated Avaya exam dumps & practice test questions and answers. The complete ExamCollection prep package covers Avaya certification practice test questions and answers, exam dumps, study guide, video training courses all availabe in vce format to help you pass at the first attempt.
Avaya gives the best solutions and innovation to the customer experience and working process. Being a well-known company that offers networking products and unified communications, Avaya also provides all the interested IT specialists with the certification program that will help them utilize all of this. With a wide range of options included in this program, you can learn and verify your knowledge of how to develop design solutions and sell them wisely to meet the criteria and needs of a customer.
Avaya Certification Program
The company offers a variety of options that you can follow to verify your skills in selling, designing, implementing, and maintaining the Avaya solutions and products that exceed the customer expectations. All in all, there are the following tracks that you can opt for:
1. Sales & Design
This is available for the Avaya business partners and associates only. It offers the certifications at several levels, such as Specialist, Senior Specialist, and Proficient. In total, there are 4 paths for these levels that are the following:
The first two are built on the Avaya solutions, while other options allow the recognition of the comprehension and knowledge of an individual topic or a specific release. It is also important to notice that all the exams associated with these certifications are taken online, besides the tests that are from the ACDS path. They are available as the proctored exams.
2. Services
The following category focuses on the Avaya Solution & Product Portfolio and is based on the high-stake testing. There are only two paths, such as:
All the exams are available as the proctored delivery options. Please also note that all the certificates on this track are divided into the Engagement Solutions and Product certifications.
3. Services Technical Associate
ASTA is developed for the Avaya associates, customers, as well as partners who want to verify their skills in implementation as well as support services of the Avaya solutions and products. It is an ideal option to gain the needed skills and knowledge to successfully implement and support various functions required while managing the Avaya solutions, products, and apps. All in all, there are 12 certifications that you can obtain and they are the following:
The company offers the online delivery options for the tests that are required for passing in this track.
4. Solutions Administrator & Developer
As for this track, it is available for the Avaya partners as well as customers. You can choose to go for the Administrator or Developer paths. Thus, you are able to obtain the certification that you want to get the necessary skills required to manage Avaya solutions and apps. The ASAC: Avaya Solutions Administrator track includes the following options:
The ASDC: Avaya Solutions Developer path comes with the following certificates:
Preparation Options
To help the potential candidates learn all the needed skills, the company offers to explore the catalog with the available courses that they can take for any of the exams from the program. You can even join the Avaya Learning Partner program to prepare for any of the tests with the help of the Avaya partners and instructors. Some of the training courses are available with practice questions to let you evaluate your skills. All of them last for several hours in total.
You can also find some additional resources such as books. For example, there is the official guide that is called Avaya Extension to Cellular and Off-PBX Station (OPS): Installation and Administration Guide. You can use it to learn the details of the installation, administration, maintenance, and troubleshooting tasks that are necessary to install and set up Avaya Extension to Cellular/OPS. The vendor also offers the platform, which is known as Avaya Cloud Office, where you can watch various tutorial videos for certain courses related to Cloud Office. For example, you can find some options for the administrations or training videos for the users.
Career Opportunities
After you learn everything you need for the path you have chosen, you can be sure that a lot of opportunities will be waiting for you, including new job possibilities and a higher income. Thus, you will be able to land one of the following positions:
As for your future salary, you can expect about $111,000-$125,000 per annum, depending on your job role.
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When will Avaya exam 3311 "Avaya Contact Recording and Avaya Quality Monitoring R15 Implementation and Maintenance" be available?
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