EX200 Red Hat Certified System Administrator RHCSA – Installing Red Hat or CentOS with minimal modifications to your current system.

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  • January 18, 2023
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1. Downloading, installing and configuring VirtualBox on Windows 8.

Welcome everybody to this tutorial. Today I am going to go ahead and show you how to actually install a virtualizer on your Windows Eight one machine. The procedure is pretty much the same for any other Windows machine as well. So this applies universally on pretty much all Windows systems out there. Anyway, this will be a bit weird because I am installing a virtualizer on a virtual machine because as you can see I have let me just minimize this I have Windows virtual machine running within Linux and in behind I have my Red Hat website opened there we will download Red Hat in the follow up tutorial. But for the time being I just want to show that this is a virtual machine and you can see it runs just fine. You have this gray menu bar in the upper part of your screen but I mean that’s easily fixable.

Switch to full screen. There we go. Switch. There we go. So it seems as though I really do have a Windows machine but in fact this is a virtual machine and for all intents and purposes this pretty much works. So if I go down I have these things here, I have my menu back up but I don’t need my menu for the time being. I just want to show you how you can do pretty much the same thing for Red Hat as I have done for Windows 8. 1.

Now, there are other methods of virtualization. There are other approaches to do this I will show three, if I’m not mistaken, or a couple, don’t hold my word to it where you will be able to do different things. For example, you will be able to virtualize your Red Hat machine within a Windows environment. You will be able to perform a dual boot of your Windows and Red Hat as well or any other Linux distro. And the third option you will be able to have your main machine to be a Linux based operating system, preferably Red Hat but it can be pretty much anything else and you will install a virtualizer on that particular machine from where you will have access to your Windows machine should you need it. Now, there are different approaches to this last part.

You can have a simple virtualizer like VirtualBox and pretty much run but I think that’s 50% at capacity. If you install a Zen virtualizer you have 95% native performance, which is fantastic, which means that you really can play games and use photoshop or do anything of a kind perform such tasks.

You can literally run a game, a video game, I don’t know, let’s say Call of Duty or something like that with 95% native performance on send virtual machine of Windows and it’s going to work just fine. Provide, of course that you have configured everything properly on your main Linux machine. Anyway, let’s take this first approach and before I do, let me just mention it briefly. Any one of these approaches that you take, you will be able to follow through the tutorial. So just take a look. I will show three for different cases. Anyone you choose to set up any of the three that you actually choose and set up, it will be fine. You will be able to follow through the entire tutorial without any problems of whatsoever. So you won’t be hindered. Whichever one you choose. I just set it for personal preferences, which are way people want it to be anyway. Let’s just jump into Windows now. I am here. I’m going to open up a default web browser which is basically Explorer here.

Since I’ve written in VirtualBox 32 bit, be careful to actually download a proper one. Although you can’t really make a mistake because if you search the web for VirtualBox 32 bit, you’re going to be thrown onto an Oracle website. It won’t be VirtualBox official website, but it will be like Oracle. It’s maintainer and creator and you can download it from there, no problem. So if you go to the Oracle website here, let me just show you. I’m going to do a web search and pretty much the second one that pops, that will be a place where you can go and download it. There we go. So once again, I found myself on that website. As you can see, you have VirtualBox for numerous operating systems down there. Most of them are Linux platforms, but different Linux platforms require different modifications in order for this virtualizer to be able to run. So you got here, it says Platform Windows, 32 bit, 64 bit, no problems. I just click on this and it’s going to start to download.

As you can see at the bottom of my screen, it says VirtualBox 43 26 something Win exit download complete. So I’m not going to be downloading it during this tutorial. But you just click on this, click on the selected part and your download will begin no matter which browser you are using. It took me about maybe four or five minutes to download it. I figured I wouldn’t do that during the tutorial itself. So let’s just go ahead and minimize this, please. Yes. No, the Explorer explorer is always wonderful. It really should install Firefox or something like that. But it’s a virtual machine so I don’t give it that much attention. Anyway, go ahead, visit your downloads folder. Let’s see, where is it? There we go. So VirtualBox 43, there we go. No, which is the latest version, the lower one. Also, make it your business to actually have always the latest versions of the software.

That can save you so much trouble. I mean, I can’t even begin to explain it. So it’s an exit file. Just start up the wizard, no big deal. And okay, so the wizard has been started. It says Oracle vmbox. Ford, 326 setup, welcome, et cetera. Just click Next, that’s no big deal there. So you have some sort of a custom pretty much like any other installation. If you want to play around with it, feel free but I’m not, I’m just going to use a default install here. So create register. Okay, no problem. Next, install networking feed. Yeah. Okay. So if you’re performing a download of some sort while you are installing VirtualBox make sure that you can continue them or that you at least don’t care for them primarily because your network interfaces are going to be reset.

So just type in yes, click yes Install and okay, you need a permission there. Excel. So the installation process is in route. This is not going to take that long of a time and in that period of time I’ll see if I can actually minimize Windows Explorer can I? Yes, I can through a very inefficient method but well, anyway, the installation procedure is going on and even though I am running this on a virtual machine there is no difference. No, I don’t want you to start it. There is no difference. You will be doing exactly the same steps on your physical Windows machine. If you are a Windows user straight away I will of course demonstrate how to perform this process on Linux as well. So don’t worry about it. If you have already installed a Linux version or using a Linux machine I will show you how to do it. So basically just go ahead and click on Oracle VirtualBox should run anytime and excellent.

This is your Oracle VirtualBox interface. From this point on there pretty much are no differences between virtual machines between Linux and Windows. Pretty much the procedures are the same. There isn’t anything special that you’re going to do here that you’re not going to do there. Basically, just download an ISO file from the net and then install it. I will perform the installation procedure in the next tutorial and explain a few features to which you should really pay attention here. Actually, I might just mention a few of them. So let me just go ahead and do this because I already have a few virtual machines installed here. So what I’ve noticed over a course of time is that people get confused with certain things. So look, I have Windows 8. 1. It says running. I select it, I right click it, I say Settings starting up. There we go. So there are a few things here which you should be aware. For example, on Network you need to say that it’s a bridged adapter. So remember select Bridged adapter and then under the name you select the name of the interface of the network interface that your physical machine is using. I cannot tell you which interface that is because I don’t know machines use different interfaces from one machine to the other but I can definitely show you where you can find out. I’m just going to go back to my machine, open up your okay, I’m not going to be able to show you here but hold on. Come on, please no. Yes.

Thank you search control Panel open it up. So network and Internet adapters. I need Adapters Network and Internet Sharing Center. Okay, there we go. So this here, these are your adapters. And you just take a look at these adapters here. If you’re using a Windows physical machine, you take a look at these adapters here, and then you just open up your network manager and you see network three connected ethernet, network three. So this is the this is the adapter that you are using. And this is what you will select in your virtual box when you perform an installation on your main machine. This is how you would perform the checkup procedure in Windows to see which network adapter you are using in order to select it in VirtualBox right here. So there we go.

I know it might seem a bit confusing because I’m jumping from one system to another now, but don’t worry about it. I have simply performed this to show you where you can find a virtual box. Virtualizer on Windows, where you can download it for free. And from that point on, it gets really simple. You just install the system there, install an operating system there, download it first, and that is it. No difference. I’ll be showing some of the things in Linux, how to do it. I’ll be showing pretty much the same things in windows, but you will see the differences are pretty much trivial. In any case, I would like to be doing all farewell till next time. Next time we will download Red Hat and perform an actual installation on a virtual box. So that will be one of the approaches that we’re going to take to virtualize the environment of Red Hat. And then we will after that, I’ll show you how to perform a dual boot between Windows eight One and Linux.

2. Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 1.

Welcome all to this tutorial. Today I’m going to show you how to and where to download Red Hat and how can you install it on VirtualBox. Now, even though I know I’ve said that this is going to be done in Windows eight one and here I have indeed showed you how to actually install VirtualBox in Windows eight one. Now I mainly want to show you how to use VirtualBox and how to, to actually install an operating system here in your virtualized environment. It does not matter if you are using Mac, Linux, BSD, Windows and pretty much whatever else is out there that is supported by VirtualBox or that supports VirtualBox. The interface is the same. There are minor trivial differences which basically do not matter at all. I can’t imagine why they would.

So I’m just going to use a virtual box and my physical machine which is fedora, but the interface is exactly the same. I could obviously do it here in a virtual machine but to install a virtual machine within a virtual machine yeah, I basically could do it but it would completely eat up my Ram. If you just take a look at this. Where is it? Over here. This is the this is the current load of my system. So it’s a bit ridiculous, right? So the four cores of the processor look at the load. I mean, there’s a like 3941-4845, something like that and look at the Ram usage. I have around eight gigs of Ram. Out of those eight gigs I’m using six. So many things running on my computer at the moment. So I’m just going to use a virtual box which is here on my Linux system.

The giant spinning around the screen now but the procedure is exactly the same. I mean, just take a look at this one. It says Oracle VM virtual Box Manager. And now take a look at this one in Windows. They are exactly the same. Maybe there are some design differences at the corners and a bit of difference in terms of colors, but that’s about it. There’s pretty much no difference in terms of functionality or what you do here anyway. I have Red Hat here running. Okay, we’re not going to need that power off the machine and I’m going to delete this one, delete all files just so that I can repeat the installation procedure for you. I did go through it once, I have went through sent off once and everything like that. I like to go through them before I actually begin the tutorial just because sometimes you encounter problems, flaws and if I do encounter them, I like to report them during the tutorials and show people how to resolve them in advance just in case they encounter them anyway, I’ll just move that out of the way. So you just open up your browser on whatever operating system you are using and if you’re using Windows, it doesn’t matter.

Just open up your browser as I have opened it. Now go ahead and type in to your search engine. I don’t know. Like, red hat amazing. Red Hat red Hat the world’s open source leader. This is their website and here you would log in. So you do need to create an account in order to do this. Create an account on Red Hat is absolutely free and once you actually create an account there, head over to this link but you can navigate on the page without problems. But I’m just going to give you a link as the worst case scenario I guess. Let me just zoom it in.

So it’s here basically in the download section. It’s not that hard to find. There are a lot of Linux distros out there. There are a lot of different versions of Red Hat depending for what purpose are you downloading. And Red Hat, even though it is open source, it is not free. That something is open source does not necessarily have to mean that it’s free of charge. Although Red Hat itself is an operating system, they don’t actually charge for that. Rather instead they charge for the support. So if you want to access the repositories for which you can download software and updates and so on and so forth, you will need to pay a yearly fee. Now the good news is that the yearly fee is like $50 for regular users for companies or something like that.

It can go up to three k or something of a kind but hey, you are a regular user so it’s only $50 and if you don’t want to pay for those even if you don’t want to pay $50 or something like that for a for the support or something of a kind, it’s fine. There is something called Sentos on my other page. Well just here just type into your search engine sent us I’m using Firefox here but it doesn’t really matter. Whichever operating system, whichever browser sent us, go and visit their page. Just going to close this phone because I have another one opened and there you go. Send us is pretty much a copy of Red Hat. Red Hat does not have a problem with that. Just a heads up info or something of a kind. Red Hat does not have a problem with Sentos. In fact, they cooperate on a lot of things. Here’s why Centaus doesn’t actually charge for anything. It’s completely free, it’s open source. You can download it for free without any sort of registration required and it gives their users a chance to see what Red Hat can be really like. Furthermore, one of the fundamental differences between Stentos and Red Hat is the support. Pretty much everything else is more or less the same. So you can download it and you should be able to follow through the tutorial without any bigger difficulties of whatsoever as things will be pretty much safe.

If you do encounter into some problems, please do let me know. I will be more than happy to jump in and help you out. Now there are a few things that you should pay attention here. When downloading Sentos make sure that you know whether your system is a 32 bit or a 64 bit operating system. If it’s 64 bit it won’t matter. You will be able to run 32 bit images and 64 bit images without any problems. However, if it is a 32 bit system then you will not be able to run 64 bit images. And I have made a bit of a spin here with words but I think you get the meaning. Make sure that you know whether it’s 32 bit or 64 bit anyway, so you have a DVDI so everything is so minimalized. So you can certainly choose one of these three. But what I would recommend if you’re going to download Sentos just to go, if this is not for you, alternative downloads might be. So just go ahead and click here. This will give you a choice. So you have sent us seven and the version of the seven and you have it only for 64 bit systems if I’m not mistaken. And down below you have sent off six. If you’re using a 32 bit system just go ahead and download this one where it says I three, eight, six.

Just in case you are using a 32 bit system please keep in mind a lot of people make this mistake and then they can’t install it in the virtual box. They get a lot of errors, they can’t figure out what is wrong but eventually they do. And it’s not a major obstacle I would say, but it certainly does cause a loss of time. Just a bit of attention and you can save yourself a lot of trouble. And I won’t be showing the installation for CentOS but it’s almost exactly the same, if not exactly the same. Red Hat, Sentos and Fedora they’re pretty much the same. So no problems there.

Fedora is just an open source free distro maintained by Red Hat that is for desktop users. It’s very nice. That is the one that I like to use as my desktop machine. Well, not my desktop machine, I run it on my laptop and it has served me extremely well. Anyway, we are now on Red Hat’s website. I have logged into my account, I have logged into my account so for that and I am here at the downloads page download a product. So it says red Hat Enterprise, Linux desktop. That is the one that you will need and it says 7. 1 latest excellent 64 bit architecture. Prior to this you are going to have a downloads page and stuff of a kind. Browse the site, see what suits you.

But this is the one that I have chosen to download. If you want another version of it just go to the download section on the site as soon as you log in, as soon as you create the actual account, which is fairly simple to do you will be given an option to actually go to the download section and there you can pretty much choose whatever you want. I have chosen to download Red Hat Enterprise Linux for desktops. I know it says that it’s perhaps not the best for servers or something like that but believe me you can install packages, you can configure it and it can run as a fantastic server and besides it has pretty much all the functionalities as the other ones do. However, you do need to bother with installation of extra packages, configuration and addition of stuff, as opposed to some other variations where you don’t need to do this.

And for example, Red Hat Server or something of a kind. It would support file sizes up to a petabyte or something of a kind, which is humongous. You’re definitely not going to need that realistically. Ever. I mean, unless you work in a large company or something of a kind and then they have these products but the management, the commands, the set up, everything is pretty much the same. There’s very little difference. So go ahead and select Red Hat 7. 1 Binary DVD download. You don’t need the supplementary DVD just go ahead and download the binary DVD the middle one click on the download ad it’s going to download for you. It’s 3. 57gb so it might take a while for you to download it. I’m not going to download it now but I have downloaded it previously you can see it here. I have actually downloaded twice because the first download was incorrect.

Didn’t really work out. So I just downloaded it again, which was really a painful experience as it is a rather large file and I don’t have a really fast Internet connect that fast of an Internet connection here. It’s like five megabits. So that was kind of painful, but okay. Anyway, feel free to pause the tutorial here and then continue on when the download is done, because you’re going to need this file in order to proceed. Anyway, let’s just go ahead and start up our virtual box so that we may actually begin the installation process. Anyway, as I have said. Okay, so where is it? As I have said, I’m only showing you the application here and the usage of this application is exactly the same across all supported platforms pretty much so on Windows, Linux, Mac, whatever the setup is pretty much the same. There is nothing fundamentally different that you need to do in order to perform the setup there. The installation process is different on different platforms but the application itself, the software, it’s pretty much the same. It displays the same sort of information.

The process is exactly the same. So no worries there. Okay, so let’s go and actually create our Red Hat machine. I’m going to go ahead and just minimize this, shall we? And I don’t really need this. I like to keep this part open so I know what is going on in the background. Well, maybe not in the background, but I know the load in my system. I know that there are utilities that you can put on the side that can be really useful. But for the time being, I’m just going to leave it as it is so I can monitor the usage. You can see this is ridiculous. It gets up to 90% in all four cores. That’s joy anyway, even though it’s an I Seven processor. Anyway, let’s just go ahead and click on new select the name of our virtual machine.

What shall it be? Let’s call it Red Hat. You see, it says type Linux, okay? So it recognized that by default and it also said that the version Red Hat 64 bit make sure that you select the proper version for yourself either 32 bit or 64 bit, depending on what you have downloaded and depending on what your system supports so please be aware of that, don’t make that mistake. Anyway, it’s 64 bit for me so go ahead and click on Next. I would recommend giving it around I’m going to give it around 1. 2 gigs of Ram, okay? So I know that on the net the information exists and this is really true that Linux systems can run on 56 megabytes of Ram so 56 megabytes of Ram is actually doable on a Linux system you can actually run it, which is hilarious I know, right? 56 megabytes, but that’s not really recommended thing. Depending on what you’re going to do, that is the amount of ram that you’re going to require.

But if you have ramped spare, I would recommend giving it 1. 2 for smooth operations. However, you can also give it 750 megabytes and you can even go down to, I think, 250 megabytes. But you shouldn’t really go lower than 750 if you don’t absolutely need to, primarily because you might experience some lag. Let’s put it so it’s going to work. It’s going to work, that’s for sure, it’s going to function but you might experience some lag during your operations but anyway, assign either 1. 2 gigs or whatever else you can spare that is below 1. 2 gigs for this purpose. However, as I said, I will show three separate methods of how you can do this, how you can actually run Red Hat parallel to your Windows machine. You can choose either three of them, see what works out for you if you see one. And if you perform that set up. And if you like it, you can just take a look at the other two so you can see what else is possible. But you don’t necessarily need to do all three of them anyway.

So it’s 1. 2. Let’s see if we can aim it a little bit better. 1. 23. Okay, so let’s go next, create a virtual hard drive now create VDI hard drive file type okay, next dynamically allocated next. And now we need to provide storage. Okay, this is getting a little bit annoying so I’m going to move it out of the way. There we go. Here I have my temperature gadget. I like to keep an eye on that as well. Primarily because you’ve seen the load on my CPU and all of that. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on these things. Anyway, let’s just assign it around. I’m going to give it 32GB of space on my hard drive and that’s going to be well, acceptable. But you can assign it whatever you can spare. Okay, so maybe I can give it 128GB but that’s not really going to make a difference. I’m just doing it to show you basically what you can do. I have a lot of space here I can use a lot. Anyway, go ahead and click on Create. But if you don’t have assign whatever you can spare, 32 gigs would be very nice. Anyway, now you need to go ahead and click right click Settings System. Oh, sorry. Not system storage. You have controller IDE.

And down below it says empty. Go ahead and click on Empty. In the upper right corner you have choose virtual CD DVD disk or a physical drive. So you can actually insert a CD, a pre burn CD into your machine and then use that one. But why bother when you have an ISO image ready standing by. So just click on choose a virtual CD drive and it doesn’t matter on what system you are. Again you will be prompted with a file manager here file browser and then you will be able to navigate to the folder where you have downloaded your red hat from your red hat linux distribution from the website. So here I have downloaded mine here it’s DVD one open it’s selected there I click OK. And then from here I’m going to actually perform the installation. But I’m running a little bit short on time so I’m going to call the tutorial here and show you the install and continue showing you the installation process in part two.

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