ASQ CSSBB Certified Six Sigma Black Belt – Control

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  • January 25, 2023
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1. Lean Controls

In this video, let us discuss about control phase. Control phase overview and objectives. By the end of this phase, you’ll be able to define lean controls, explain statistical process control, describe six sigma control plans, lean controls, lean control session overview and objectives. By the end of this session you’ll be able to identify identify the control methods for five s explain canban illustrate POCA yoke mistake proofing control methods for Five S control methods for Five S the story of a Japanese team’s initial site visit to a prospective supplier. Before allowing the supplier to unveil their grand presentation, the Japanese visitors insisted on a tour of Gemba, the shop floor. After just a few minutes in the factory, the visitors knew that the plant was not committed to the highest level of manufacturing and terminated the visit. It is very easy to tell whether a plant is practicing a Five s program. In day to day operations, it’s possible to have some dirt around the plant.

But the visual signs of a Five s committed facility are obvious. Few critical points for control methods for Five S are management commitment will determine the control and selfdiscipline areas for an organization. A Five s program can be set up and operational within five to six months, but the effort to maintain world class conditions must be continuous. A well run Five s program will result in a factory that is in control. Canban canben tai Chi Ono of Toyota Motor Company was the originator of the canban method. This idea supposedly occurred to Ono on a visit to the United States when he visited a supermarket. In the supermarket, product is pulled from the shelf and the missing item is replenished. Leicher suggests that the story of Ono visiting an American supermarket to develop canban is fiction. Canban is the Japanese word for sign, and it is a method of material control in the factory. It is intended to provide product to the customer with the shortest possible lead times. Inventory and lead times are reduced through hijunka leveling of production. For example, if the plant production goal for day one is eight units of A and 16 units of B, and on day two it is 20 units of A and ten units of B, the usual method is to produce all of A followed by all of B.

This may be the most efficient use of time for the plant machinery, but since production will never go according to plan, the customer may change their mind on day two and order less of A. This causes a pile up of inventory and possibly increases cycle time. To reduce the WIP and cycle time, the goal is to be able to produce each part every day in some order, such as two A’s, one B, two A’s, one B, et cetera. The factory must be capable of producing such an arrangement. It requires control of the machinery and production schedule, plus coordination of the employees. If a can band system is used with cards indicating the need to resupply. The method of feeding an assembly line could be achieved using the following process parts are used on the assembly line and a withdrawal can ban is placed in a designated area. A worker takes the withdrawal can ban to the previous operation to get additional parts. The WIP can ban is removed from the parts pallet and put in a specified spot. The original withdrawal can ban goes back to the assembly line.

The WIP can ban card is a work instruction to the WIP operator to produce more parts. This may require a can ban card to pull material from an even earlier operation. The next operation will see that it has a can band card and will have permission to produce more parts. This sequence can continue further upstream. Poke Mistake Proofing pokeyoke Mistake Proofing shigeo Shingo is widely associated with a Japanese concept called pokeyoka, which means to mistake proof the process. Mr. Shingo recognized that human error does not necessarily create resulting defects. The success of pokeyoka is to provide some intervention device or procedure to catch the mistake before it is translated into nonconforming product. Shingo lists the following characteristics of Pokayoka devices they permit 100% inspection. They avoid sampling for monitoring and control.

They are inexpensive. Pokoyoke devices can be combined with other inspection systems to obtain near zero defect conditions. Errors can occur in many ways skipping an operation, positioning parts in the wrong direction, using wrong parts or materials failing to properly tighten a bolt. Pokeyouke Mistake Proofing there are numerous adaptive approaches. Gadgets or devices can stop machines from working if a part or operation sequence has been missed by an operator. A specialized tray or dish can be used prior to assembly to ensure that all parts are present. In this case, the dish acts as a visual checklist. Other service oriented checklists can be used to assist an attendant in case of interruption. Numerous mechanical screening devices can be utilized. Applications can be based on length, width, height and weight. Cash registers at many fast food outlets have descriptions or schematics of the product purchased.

This system, in addition to the use of barcodes at supermarkets, has eliminated data entry errors and saves time. Obviously, mistake proofing is a preventive technique. Mistake proofing can also be accomplished through control methods by preventing human errors or by using a warning mechanism to indicate an error. Some of the control methods to prevent human errors include designing a part so it cannot be used by mistake using tools and fixtures that will not load a mispositioned part. Having a work procedure controlled by an electric relay a signaling mechanism can alert a worker of possible sources of error. Several applications include having parts color coded having tool and fixture templates in place to only accept correct parts having mechanisms to detect the insertion of a wrong part. A buzzer or light will signal that an error has occurred. Requiring immediate action. Root cause analysis and corrective action are required before work resumes.

Other than eliminating the opportunity for errors, mistake proofing is relatively inexpensive to install and engages the operator in a contributing way. Work teams can often contribute by brainstorming potential ways to thwart error prone activities. A disadvantage is in many cases than technical or engineering assistance is required during technique development. Pokioke Mistake Proofing Design improvements to mistake proof products and processes include elimination of error prone components, amplification of human senses redundancy and design backup systems simplification by using fewer components consideration of functional and physical environmental factors providing failsafe cut off mechanisms enhancing product produceability and maintainability selecting components and circuits that are proven.

Pokoyoka Mistake Proofing everyday examples of pokyoke gas cap attached to a car gas pumps with automatic shutoff nozzles. 110 volts electric plugs and polarized sockets. Microwave automatically stops when the door is opened. Seatbelt buzzer to warn drivers and passengers. Elevator electric eye to prevent door from closing on people lawnmower safety shut off when bar is released. Car keys ground symmetrically to allow two way insertion. Product drawings on cash registers at fast food restaurants. Barcodes for product identification during distribution. Pokayoka Mistake Proofing pokeyoka techniques are especially effective when vigilance is required in manual operations of components can occur. Attributes not measurements are important. SPC is difficult to apply. Turnover and training costs are high. Special cause failures occur frequently. Summary Lean Controls in this session you learned about control methods for five s can ban pokoyoka or mistake proofing.

2. Statistical Process Control

In this video, let us discuss about statistical process control. Statistical Process Control Session Overview and Objectives By the end of this session, you’ll be able to describe data collection for SPC, illustrate different control charts explain control chart anatomy data Collection for SPC statistical Process Control SPC Objectives statistical process control, or SPC, is a technique for applying statistical analysis to measure, monitor and control processes. The major component of SPC is the use of control charting methods. The basic assumption made in SPC is that all processes are subject to variation. This variation may be classified as one of the two types chance cause variation and assignable cause variation. Benefits of statistical process control include the ability to monitor a stable process and determine if changes occur due to factors other than random variation. When assignable cause variation does occur, the statistical analysis facilitates identification of the source so that it can be eliminated. Statistical process control also provides the ability to determine process capability, monitor processes, and identify whether the process is operating as expected or whether the process has changed and corrective action is required. Control chart information can be used to determine the natural range of the process and to compare it with the specified tolerance range.

If the natural range is wider, then either the specification range should be expanded or improvements will be necessary to narrow the natural range. We can expect the following key information from schwart control charts which will become the basis for our action average level of the quality characteristic basic variability of the quality characteristic consistency of performance statistical Process Control SPC Objectives benefits from control charting are derived from both attribute and variable charts. Once the control chart shows that a process is in control and within specification limits, it is often possible to eliminate costs relating to inspection. Control charts may be used as a predictive tool to indicate when changes are required in order to prevent the production of out of tolerance material. As an example, in a machining operation tool, wear can cause gradual increases or decreases in a part’s dimension. Observation of a trend in the affected dimension allows the operator to replace the worn tool before defective parts are manufactured.

When the manufacturing method is lot production followed by lot inspection. If inspection finds out of tolerance parts, very little can be done other than to scrap, rework or accept the defective parts using control charts. If the process changes, the process can be stopped and only the parts produced since the last check need to be inspected by monitoring the process during production. If problems do arise, the amount of defective material created is significantly less than when using batch production and subsequent inspection methods. An additional benefit of control charts is the ability to monitor continuous improvement efforts. When process changes are made which reduce variation, the control chart can be used to determine if the changes were effective. The benefits of statistical process control are not without costs. Costs associated with SPC include the selection of the variable or attribute to monitor, setting up the control charts and data collection system, training personnel and investigating and correcting the cause when data values fall outside control limits.

As early as the 1940s, many companies found that the benefits of statistical process control far outweigh the related costs. Statistical Process Control SPC Selection of Variables Given the benefits of control charting, one might be tempted to control chart every characteristic or process variable. The logic is if any characteristic changes, then the process can be stopped. This decision would also eliminate the need to determine if one characteristic is more important than another. The risk of charting many parameters is the operator will spend so much time and effort completing the charts that the actual process becomes secondary. When a change does occur, it will most likely be overlooked when more than a few charts are used for a process, the benefits may decrease as quickly as the costs increase. Some considerations for the selection of a control chart.

Variable include items that protect human safety items that protect the environment or community items that are running at a high defective rate. Key process variables that impact the product major sources of customer complaints items that show adherence to applicable standards items that are requested by key customers variables that have caused process difficulties variables that can be measured by the person charting items that can be counted by the person charting items that can contribute to high internal costs. Variables that help control the process. In an ideal case, one process variable is so critical that it is indicative of the process as a whole.

Key process input variables kpivs may be analyzed to determine the degree of their effect on a process. Key process output variables kpovs are ideal for determining process capability and for process monitoring using control charts. Design of experiments and analysis of variance may be used to identify the variables which are most significant to process control. Pareto analysis can be used to identify key internal and external losses. Statistical Process Control SPC Rational subgrouping A control chart provides a statistical test to determine if the variation from sample to sample is consistent with the average variation within the sample. The key idea in the Schwartz control chart is the division of observations into what are called rational subgroups. The success of charting depends a great deal on the selection of these subgroups. Generally, subgroups are selected in a way that makes each subgroup as homogeneous as possible and that gives the maximum opportunity for variation from one subgroup to another. However, this selection depends upon a knowledge of the components of the total process variation. Statistical Process Control SPC Rational subgrouping in Production control charting, it is very important to maintain the order of production.

A charted process which shows out of control conditions and resulting opportunities for correction may be mixed to create new XR charts which demonstrate remarkable control. By mixing the chance causes are substituted for the original assignable causes as a basis for the difference among subgroups. Where order of production is used as a basis for subgrouping, two fundamentally different approaches are possible. The first subgroup consists of product produced as nearly as possible at one time. This method follows the rule for selection of rational subgroups by permitting a minimum chance for variation within a subgroup and a maximum chance for variation from subgroup to subgroup. Another subgroup option consists of product intended to be representative of all the production over a given time. Product may accumulate at the point of production with a random sample chosen from all the product made since the last sample. If subgrouping is by the first method and a change in the process average takes place after one subgroup is taken and is corrected before the next subgroup, the change will not be reflected in the control chart.

For this reason, the second method is sometimes preferred when one of the purposes of the control chart is to influence decisions on acceptance of product. The choice of subgroup size should be influenced in part by the desirability of permitting a minimum chance for variation within a subgroup. In most cases, more useful information will be obtained from, say, five subgroups of five, rather than from one subgroup of 25. In large subgroups, such as 25, there is likely to be too much opportunity for a process change within the subgroup. Control Chart Anatomy Statistical Process control SPC Control chart anatomy points to keep in mind while selecting control charts variables data for continuous data, we can measure the average and the variation. Thus, x bar and R range or XBAR and S standard deviation can be used. Attribute data determine what we are measuring defects or defectives in case we are capturing defective data, then determine if we are sampling for subgroup of equal sample size or not. In case if we are capturing data for defects, then determine if the opportunity for the defects are the same for each subgroup or not. Based on the above, select the appropriate chart.

Statistical Process control SPC control Chart Anatomy control chart selection is based on the data type. If the data is variable data with the subgroup size as one, we can use IMR individuals moving Range chart. If the data is variable data with subgroup size more than one but less than eight, we can use X bar, R mean and range chart. If the data is variable data with subgroup size more than eight, we can use X bars, mean and standard deviation chart. If the data is attribute data, we capture defectives and subgroup size is the same, we use NP chart. If the data is attribute data, we capture defectives and subgroup size is varying, we use P chart. If the data is attributed, we capture defects and subgroup size is the same we use C chart. If the data is attributed, we capture defects and subgroup size is the varying we use U Chart Different Control Charts Statistical Process Control SPC Control Chart Analysis A process is said to be out of control if one or more data points fall outside the control limits. Seven consecutive data points increasing or decreasing. Eight consecutive data points are on one side of average 14 consecutive data points alternating up and down.

Statistical Process Control SPC Control Chart Analysis A process is said to be out of control if two data points out of three consecutive data points are on the same side of the average in zone A or beyond. Four data points out of five consecutive data points are on the same side of the average in zone B or beyond. 15 consecutive data points are within zone C above and below the average. Statistical Process Control SPC Central Line and Control Limit Calculations control charts are used to determine whether or not a process is stable or has predictable performance. Upper and lower control limits are set by the project manager and appropriate stakeholders. For repetitive processes, the control limits are generally plus three sigma. The process is considered out of control when a data point exceeds a control limit or if seven consecutive points are above or below the mean. Charts serve three different purposes control the CTP Critical to Process characteristic.

This is called SPC monitor CTQ. CTC critical to cost or CTD critical to deliver. This is called SPM. Statistical Process Monitoring serve as diagnostic tools for any CT characteristics. As you can see in the diagram, the center line is the process average. The upper control limit and lower control limit are average plus three sigma and average minus three sigma. The zone between the control limits represent random variation. The two zones below and above show non random variation. There must be at least 20 initial points to calculate control limits. Summary statistical process control. In this session, you learned about data collection for SPC. Different control charts, control chart anatomy.

3. Six Sigma Control Plans

In this video we will learn about Six Sigma control plans. Six Sigma Control Plans session Overview and Objectives By the end of this session, you’ll be able to define costbenefit analysis. Identify the elements of control plan. Analyze the elements of response plan costbenefit Analysis six Sigma Control Plan Cost Benefit Analysis project Financial Benefits harry states that Six Sigma is about making money it is about profitability, although improved quality and efficiency are immediate byproducts the financial benefit of Six Sigma. Projects are the measurements that create a link between philosophy and action. Financial benefits and associated risks are the factors used to evaluate, prioritize, select and track all Six Sigma projects. This section describes the common financial measures, methods for risk analysis and the features of quality cost systems used for this purpose. Costbenefit Analysis Project costbenefit analysis is a comparison to determine if a project will be or was worthwhile. The analysis is normally performed prior to implementation of project plans and is based on time weighted estimates of costs and predicted value of benefits. The costbenefit analysis is used as a management tool to determine if approval should be given for the project. Go ahead.

The actual data is analyzed from an accounting perspective after the project is completed to quantify the financial impact of the project. Six sigma control plan. Cost Benefit Analysis the sequence for performing a cost benefit analysis is identify the project benefits. Express the benefits in dollar amounts, timing and duration. Identify the project cost factors, including materials, labor and resources. Estimate the cost factors in terms of dollar amounts and expenditure period. Calculate the net project gain or loss. Decide if the project should be implemented prior to starting or if the project was beneficial after completion. If the project is not beneficial using this analysis, but it is management’s desire to implement the project, what changes in benefits and costs are possible to improve the cost benefit calculation? Elements of Control Plan six Sigma Control Plan Elements of Control Plan A control plan is a document describing the critical to quality characteristics, the critical X’s or YS of the part or process. Through this system of monitoring and control, customer requirements will be met and the product or process variation will be reduced. However, the control plan should not be a replacement for detailed operator instructions in the form of work instructions or standard operating procedures. Each part or process must have a control plan.

A group of common parts using a common process can be covered by a single control plan. Types of control plans for the Automotive Sector ISO TS 169 49 2002 and the Advanced Product Quality Planning APQP 2000 identify three control plan phases prototype Prelaunch Production A prototype control plan is used in the early development stages when the part or process is being defined or configured. This control plan will list the controls for the necessary dimensional measurements, types of materials and required performance tests. A prelaunch control plan is used after the prototype phase is completed and before full production is approved, it lists the controls for the necessary dimensional measurements, types of materials, and performance tests.

This plan will have more frequent inspections, more in process and final checkpoints, some statistical data collection and analysis, and more audits. This stage will be discontinued once the prelaunch part or process has been validated and approved for production. A production control plan is used for the full production of a part. It contains all of the line items for a full control plan, part or product characteristics, process controls tests, measurement, system analysis and reaction plans. A more detailed list of input factors is provided later in this session. Six Sigma control plan. Elements of control plan. The control phase is the Forgotten C in DMAIC. The project control phase is necessary in order to sustain the project gains. The control plan must be a living document for it to remain an effective mechanism to monitor and control the process. A responsible person must be placed in charge of the control plan. This ensures successful monitoring and updating. A black belt may or may not be a suitable person for the role as he or she may be replaced or transferred to a different position. A better selection would be the process owner. The current process owner can be listed on the control plan, but in reality it is a functional role that is to be passed on to the next individual in that same organizational position. If the control plan is not maintained, the benefits of the project could slowly be lost. This frequent changing of process owners, combined with large numbers of process projects can easily result in neglected or lost control plans.

Some considerations in the closing phase of the project include identify the process owner involve the team in the control plan create new or updated work instructions and procedures notify and train the affected personnel ensure that the control plan training is effective place the control plan in the proper quality system document attain agreement between the team members and process owner. Six Sigma Control Plan Elements of Control Plan a number of inputs or sources contribute to understanding, manufacturing and controlling the part or process. Many of the following are included process flow diagrams system FMEAs, Demeans and Pfmeas cause and effect analysis special customer characteristics historical data lessons learned team process knowledge design reviews quality function deployment designed experiments Statistical applications Multivarry studies Regression analysis customer requirements may dictate the exact form of the control plan.

Often there is some flexibility in the construction of the forms. Six Sigma control Plan elements of Control Plan control Plan provide a title for the control Plan. The control plan will often be placed into another document such as an operating instruction or Six Sigma database. If necessary, indicate if this is a prototype prelaunch or production plan. Control number. Provide a reference number. This number may be supplied by the responsible department team members. If a cross functional team is involved. Provide the members names. Contact Person this could be the black belt in charge of the project. However, the name and function of the process owner are more important.

Page Provide page numbers if the control plan exceeds one page. The examples shown in this description are brief. Control plans may run up to 20 pages. Original Date Indicate the original date of issue of the control plan. Revision Date Provide the latest revision date of the control plan. Part Process List the part number or the process flow being charted. Six Sigma control Plan elements of Control Plan key Input Variable x note the key input variable when appropriate. On any line item, only the X or Y variable is filled out, not both.

This is to clearly indicate which item is being monitored and controlled. Key Output Variable Why note the key output variable when appropriate. Special Characteristic Note indicate if a special characteristic is to be monitored and controlled. Specifications for Manufacturing Applications The engineering specifications for the part should be monitored and controlled. For other applications, one would provide upper and lower specification limits as well as the target value. Measurement Gauge Technique The gauge or measurement technique should be described.

The gauge, tool fixture or test device used for data collection must be in conformance with the needed measurement system analysis requirements. When necessary, this would include linearity stability, accuracy, reproducibility, repeatability, and uncertainty analysis. This can be more difficult when attribute data is of concern. The Aiaag MSA manual is a good guide. Six Sigma control plan. Elements of control plan gauge capability provide the current capability of the measurement system. The Aiagmsa manual lists under 10% error as acceptable. Ten to 30% error may be acceptable depending on the cost and the situation. Over 30% error is not acceptable. Measurement devices may need uncertainty determinations. Sample size. Provide the sample frequency. List how often the inspection or monitoring of the part or process is required. Initial CPR this provides an indication of process capability. Person responsible for measurement Indicate who will make and record the measurement control method. Note how this X or Y variable will be controlled. Examples include control charts, checklists, visual inspections, automated measurements, etc.

Reaction Plan Describe what will happen if the variable goes out of control. How should the responsible person respond to the situation? Control plan construction is often led by the black belt in charge of the Six Sigma project. The team is usually cross functional with individuals from different areas, including the process owner. The team will ensure the control plan contains the critical variables, the X’s and the YS of the product or process. The control plan must show compliance and control before project closure. A successful control plan will remain a living document to ensure that the benefits of the project will be fully realized. Elements of a Response Plan Elements of Response Plan an effective control system is characterized by formal documents.

These documents provide directions to the employees on how to accomplish a task, who is responsible for performing the task, or how the company systems work. There are various names for these documents, including manuals including the quality manual procedures standard operating procedures work instructions records many companies organize the documentation into a hierarchy. The manual is the highest level document in the system. Procedures are at the second level and describe the responsibilities of various personnel and the administrative system used to accomplish the tasks. The manual details what is to be done, and procedures describe who will do it. Elements of Response Plan The third level is the work instructions that describe how to do the tasks. The work instructions detail the specific steps to accomplish the goals defined in the manual and the procedures. Some organizations include the standard operating procedures SOPs at this level, and some include them as part of the procedures level. Records include the data collected on the products and processes.

The basic content of any good procedure or instruction should include purpose of the document basis of the document scope of the document elements of Response Plan documentation is necessary for the continued success of a company. Formal procedures or instructions have the following benefits and characteristics procedures or instructions are a means for management to describe in writing and in a readily accessible manner, their required modes of operation. Procedures or instructions are not static. They must be continuously adjusted in a controlled manner to meet changing times and conditions. Procedures or instructions are a reasonably simple vehicle for defining and standardizing proven methods. Operational procedures define how policy requirements are to be implemented in terms explicit enough to be easily understood.

Procedures or instructions are a means of establishing continuity of operations when personnel changes occur and as training for new employees. Procedures or instructions prevent undesirable changes. Procedures or instructions provide a written standard to which operations may be audited. A good documentation system can add value to a company. Company documents must be meaningful and developed with specific detail so the operations can be improved. Documented procedures allow the improvement of processes, both administrative and technical, by first establishing a baseline. A baseline is established by defining the steps of the process. This definition of the process steps can then be used for subsequent improvements. Elements of Response Plan following are the general guidelines for documentation keep the documentation simple keep the documentation clear and inviting include options and instructions for emergencies keep the documentation brief keep the documentation handy have a process for updates and revisions documentation must be written to the level that is understood by the users. It should also reflect the current processes and methods. After completion of a process improvement, the documentation should correspond to the new methods and the users should be trained on the new documentation. It may also be necessary to revise the procedures used to detect and eliminate potential problems.

The corrective action procedure itself should be revised when needed. Elements of Response Plan effective project or process improvement activities should ultimately lead to the advancement of company operations. However, this is not automatic. Continuous improvement takes the concentrated and continuing efforts of everyone. In addition to changes resulting from improvements, there should be a balanced mix of measurements to monitor overall process performance. Examples include performance results, quality results, changes in customer requirements financial Results benchmarking Results process capability Measurements audit Results SWOT Analysis the above results are often reported in management reports in almost all situations.

Graphs and charts are preferable to texts and columns of numbers. The organization should have an oversight or executive committee to respond to both problems and opportunities. Many of the approaches discussed earlier in gap, root cause and risk analysis in sessions eight and nine are effective tools for the ongoing evaluation of the improvement process. Summary Six Sigma control plans. In this session, you learned about cost benefit analysis, the elements of control plan. The elements of response plan. Summary Six Sigma control plans. In this phase, you’ve learned about simple linear regression. Multiple linear regression.

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