HRCI PHR – Workplace Planning and Employment – Employment Legislation Part 2

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  • January 26, 2023
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11. Affirmative Action Planning and Equal Employment Opportunity (5)

Effective affirmative action plans contain a number of key development aspects that together outline exactly what is being done to promote affirmative action in a particular organization. Match each example of affirmative action planning to the related key aspect here is have the options compile details of each department job title and the number of males and females in ethnic groups within the organization.

List all job titles in each job group and the percentages of females and minorities for each group. Determine the number of minorities and women with the right skills that can be employed or promoted. Create objectives to increase an organization’s representation of minorities and women and here have the targets organizational Profile, workforce and Job Group Analyzes availability analyzes and placement goals and this is the answer for you to compare. An organizational profile is a numbers based snapshot of an organization’s staffing process that illustrates a pattern of potential barriers, critical opportunities within the organization.

Job and workforce Analyzes organizes jobs into groups list all job titles in each group. List the number of employees in each group and breaks down the total for each group into numbers and percentages of females and numbers and percentages of minorities. An availability analyzer determines for each job or for each job group the number of minorities or women with the right skills that are available externally, a reasonable recruiting area and internally for promotion, transfer or training into the job group. Placement goals are established when the actual number of women and minorities in certain job groups is lower than expected. Placement goals are met through the policies and programs established by the organization to promote affirmative action. Affirmative Action plan effectiveness is checked during implementation and review stages.

Match each example of affirmative action programs to the associated key aspect. Here are the options specify how the organization will overcome barriers to equal opportunity analyze organizational employment practices and process review reports on which employees are promoted, transferred, retained and trained and update management on program effectiveness and improvement suggestions and these are the targets action oriented programs identification of problem areas, internal audits and reporting systems. And this is the answer for you to compare. actionoriented programs are used to address any obstacles to achieving placement goals and include the description of the problem, how the organization plans to address the problem and who is responsible for achieving the desired outcomes. Identification of problem areas involves detailed analysis of employment practices and process by groups and areas in the organization to point out obstacles to the success of affirmative action. Internal audits are conducted to evaluate the success of an organization’s affirmative action plan. It includes a process for monitoring staff activity management, reviews of report results and scheduled internal reporting, and the mechanism for updating management on program effectiveness and for making suggestions for program improvement.

The best way to ensure reporting systems are complete and cover all bases is to establish a checklist for the systems procedures. This list should include maintenance of detailed promotion and transfer records, monitoring of record retention approaches and maintenance of reports detailing education and training activities and who participated in them. Successful affirmative action program planning includes a number of stages match each example of the affirmative action planning to the stage in the process. Some stages are not part of the planning process. Here are the options develop an organizational profile, workforce and job group analyzes availability, analyzes and placement goals execute action oriented programs and identify problem areas and use checklist and audits to monitor and improve affirmative action.

And these are the targets development stage, implementation stage, evaluation stage, audit stage and program stage. And this is the answer. The development stage of affirmative action planning assesses needs and opportunities, sets priorities and develops strategies for equal opportunities within an organization. Implementation stage focuses on putting into practice the activities designed in the affirmative action plan and analyzing employment practices and processes in all areas of the organization to help determine obstacles to affirmative action. Carrying out regular evaluations, including internal and external audits, helps to ensure the affirmative action plan is meeting stated objectives. Internal and external audits are parts of the evaluation stage in the affirmative action planning process. Action oriented programs are created during the development stage and carried out in the implementation stage of the affirmative action planning process. The implementation stage of affirmative action planning focuses on incorporating the plans into the organization. Which steps are done when implementing an affirmative action plan.

Here I have the options gathering details on equal opportunity problems, analyzing employment practices, evaluating program effectiveness, developing placement goals, listing salaries and wages for each job, and or compiling percentages of minorities for each job growth and this is the answer for you to compare. Option One this option is correct. Details of equal opportunity problems and how the organization plans to address these problems are part of the implementation stage of affirmative action planning. Option Two this option is correct. Analyzing employment practices in all areas of the organization to reveal equal opportunity barriers is part of implementing an affirmative action plan. This option is correct. The third one during the implementation stage of affirmative action plans, the internal audit and reporting systems help gouge the effectiveness of the program. Option Four this option is collect. Establishing goals to increase the actual number of women and minorities is done when those numbers are lower than expected.

Option Five this option is incorrect. A workforce analyzes during the development stage of affirmative action planning deals with salaries and wages and option six, this option is incorrect. Creating an organizational profile during the development stage of affirmative action planning includes the total number of males and females in various ethnic groups. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program, or OFCCP, has the power to conduct an affirmative action plan audit. Every year it has received a complaint about a certain organization regarding discriminatory practices.

Match the description of the potential types of activity that the OFCCP could undertake to audit the activity with a type of audit it represents. Here have the options it requires the organization to send all relevant documents on its affirmative action plan to the OFCCP to be analyzed. It asks for review of the organization’s hiring and recordkeeping practices. It conducts an onsite review of the goals of the organization’s affirmative action plans and the programs and the results for the last two years. It arranges for detailed review of all aspects of the organization’s affirmative action plans.

And here we have the targets offsite review, compliance check, focus review, and or compliance review. And this is shortly the answer for you to compare. An offsite review focuses on analyzing all relevant affirmative action plan documentation to ensure validity. A compliance check is a condensed review of hiring and record keeping practices. A focus review is an onsite review restricted to one or more aspects of the affirmative action plan program. A compliance review is the most comprehensive type of audit that doesn’t necessarily take place offsite.

12. Internal Workforce and Staffing Effectiveness Assessment (1)

Internal Workforce and Staffing Effectiveness Assessment HR planning has to consider the organizational strategy in order to anticipate employee skill and labor needs. Our next topic examines internal workforce and staffing effectiveness assessment. Here, you should develop a knowledge of internal workforce assessment techniques and methods to examine past and future staffing effectiveness. Pay close attention to the details involved in the various analyzed methods, as they tend to be particularly challenging. As part of the strategic workforce planning is an essential component of every HR professional’s job. The objective of workforce planning is to help ensure the best employees whatever best means at the particular time and in that particular role are hired when they are needed.

Identifying specific requirements and ensuring goals and objectives are supported is essential. So HR professionals need to understand one, where the organization is headed and based on that direction, two, what types of roles and responsibilities are needed. Also remember workforce planning is not a once and done activity it is an ongoing process. Staffing describes the HR function that identifies organizational human needs and then attempts to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals for those jobs. Staffing activities encompass internal, redeployment and external recruiting. Through staffing, the organization’s current and future needs for knowledge, skills, and abilities must be met, so staffing plans must support an organization’s strategy plan.

HR may be directly involved in the organization’s strategic planning process, or the HR function could be responsible only for forecasting an HR planning strategy. And some organizations develop separate strategic and HR plans, while others combine them into one document. The key in both processes is that they need to be aligned. HR planning has to consider the organizational strategy in order to anticipate employee skill and business needs. The key here is that both of these processes need to be aligned. HR planning has to consider the organizational strategy in order to anticipate employee skill and labor needs. This requires that HR professionals look at where the organization is now as well as where the organizations wants to be in the future.

Workforce planning is a process the organization uses to analyze its workforce and determine what steps it has to take to prepare for future needs. Workforce planning strategically aligns an organization’s human capital with its business direction. The workforce planning process involves forecasting future workforce needs, conducting a gap analysis between the current staff and the future staff, deciding how to close those gaps, and determining how best to meet the needs. Forecasting involves identifying expected future conditions based on information about the past and the present, and it’s a good planning method to use when considering HR supply and projecting future needs. The actions to be taken may be influenced by a number of internal factors, including age of the workforce, as well as external factors including skill availability.

13. Internal Workforce and Staffing Effectiveness Assessment (2)

The workforce analyzes process typically examines four key areas. First we have the supply analyzes, then the demand analysis. Then the gap analysis. And finally the solution analyzes. Now let’s look closely at the supply analysis. Here we are looking at where we are now and what do we have? Do we have the right employee mix to enable the organization to achieve short term and long term business goals? What knowledge, skills and attitudes do we need? Do we need to expand our workforce levels to meet business demand? And what internal moves can we take or development opportunities can we take advantage of or cross train to help meet our supply needs? Looking at the demand analysis here, the questions are where do we want to be and what do we need to get there? Are we retrenching or growing? How fast or how slow and in what areas? If the organization is moving in a new direction, does the current employee base have the needed knowledge, skills and attitudes to be successful? Does the organization need to redefine job descriptions to achieve long term success? And how many employees are needed in each job area?

Next is the gap analysis and we are looking at what’s lacking, what knowledge, skills and attitudes currently exist and are needed in the future? Here we are looking at where are the KSA gaps in our current employee base? What competencies currently exist in organizations? And what competencies will be required for the future? Where are the gaps? What are the current labor cost? And finally, what are the projected future labor cost? And next is our solution analyzing what can we afford? How will we get what we need? How much money do we allocate to staffing for future knowledge, skills and attitudes? Should we build, buy, or borrow the talent? Will we look internally or externally to fill vacancies? What sources should we use? Can the gaps be filled by workers in the local area? Or will we have to seek applicants from around the nation? What level of applicants are we seeking to fill vacancies many questions. Is it best to hire people at a full performance level? Or should we seek entry level candidates and then attempt to train and develop them into what we need?

Are the needed knowledge, skills and attitudes specialized or require individuals with advanced knowledge and training where we need KSAs? Short term or long term, full term or part time? And finally, what are the cost versus the benefits of our recruiting strategies? So this is how we lose the workplace assessment process. The steps in the process are the following step one assess current needs. And step two forecast future needs arcade out in parallel. Then step three analyze the gap. And step four develop strategy to close gaps. Follow one by one. Then, under step one to plan, analyzes the parameters considers. In step one are staffing levels, workforce skills, workforce, demographic and employment trends. Under step two, demand analyzes the parameters identified in step two are workforce skills to meet projected needs, staffing patterns, and anticipating program and workload changes. In step three, gap Analysis three substeps we have here compares to plan analysis.

We demand analysis to determine future gaps or shortages and surprises or excesses in the number of tough and native skills, identify future changes in workforce demographics and identify areas in which management actions will be needed to reach workforce objectives. And step four solution analyzes the organizational aspects regarding which planning is done for recruiting success and employee development and retraining and work organization change.

14. Internal Workforce and Staffing Effectiveness Assessment (3)

Here we look at three approaches to supply analyzes, the trend and ratio projections, turnover analysis and the flow analysis. And I’m sure you’ll find each of them has their strong points as well as some drawbacks to their use. But each is a key component necessary to understand in order to be successful on the exam. Trend ratio analysis in this video uses statistics to determine where relationships exist between two variables. We use this analysis to look at past performance in order to predict the future. In one example, using six years of performance data provided, the engineer manager wants to project the demand for employees for years seven and eight.

And here’s how some things to look at as you see, in years one through six, the business factored used sales in millions has steadily increased. Our labor productivity, or annual sales per employee has increased from years one, two and three. But years four, five and six has remained steady and the HR demand or number of employees has fluctuated throughout the time. So to accomplish our goal, a simple trend analyzes can be used to plot the numbers of employees each year for the last six years and then simply project the trend out for two more years.

To predict the number of employees needed, you can use pen and paper to draw the graph looking at the ratio analysis, the HR manager could use could also use in this example the data provided to project the demand for employees using the ratio analysis. The labor productivity, which is sales divided by number of employees, has remained the same at, let’s say, $7,760 for the past four years. If management assumes that the labor productivity will stay at the same amount and sales are predicted to increase to 5 million in year seven, the calculation would be 5 million divided by $7,760, which gives us a need for 644 employees in year seven. This is just to use an imaginary example.

Based on this ratio, the HR manager would need to hire 74 new employees, which is 644, minus the 570 working in year six. However, let’s say that management believes that because of new efficiencies created by better training and equipment, labor productivity will increase to 8500 per employee in year seven. Here we will look at 5 million divided by 8500, which gives us a need for 588 employees. So HR needs now only to hire 18 new employees, the 588 projected, minus the 570 currently employed. This is quite a difference. So, trend Analysis this shows a graph and a table. This is how what we use in the graph, the number of employees in an organization in year six is plotted to continue with our example against the sales in millions of the organization.

Based on this data, the projected demand for employees in the 7th and eight years are also plotted. The table shows five columns. You can again use pen and paper and try to replicate what I am describing including year, annual sales, labor productivity, number of employees, and increase or decrease in employee demand for years one to six. Two rows for years seven and eight are blank. This is something that we need to complete.

The first column shows the years one to eight and are covered in the analyzes. The second column shows that the annual sales increase from years one to six steadily. The third column shows that the labor productivity increases steadily. The fourth column shows that the number of employees increases steadily except in year three, and the last column shows that the number of employees increases steadily except in year three, when it decreases by ten later. The figure shows only a modified version of the table in which the project demand of employees in year seven in two different scenarios are shown. This is how your work would progress.

15. Internal Workforce and Staffing Effectiveness Assessment (4)

Now let’s look at turnover, which is a metric normally expressed using an annualized formula which tracks the number of separations or terminations and the number of employees per month. So let’s use an example. Say I own the world’s greatest hot dog company. Over the past twelve months have had somewhere between 200 to 275 employees each month and between zero and 25 employee separations each month. First, we will add all of the monthly employee totals for a yearly total of 2715 employees. Next, we will divide 2715 by twelve to give us a monthly average of 225 employees. The third step is to add all the separations for a total of 69 during the year. And the final step is to divide the total number of separations 69 by the average number of employees 225.

This gives us a turnover ratio of 30. 5. Now, as a business owner, I think HR needs to look at why we have a 30. 5 turnover ratio. In this video, we are looking at a flow analysis to examine employees flowing in, up, down, across and out of the organization and project future movement. HR must separate employees by levels, occupational groupings and the organizational units. And we are going to look at three different methods which HR can use in projecting internal turnover. The first is to analyze the career development plans for employees on an aggregate basis by job function, division or other organizational classification, using the targeted positions for employees and their ratings of readiness for the positions. For example, immediately, one year, two years managers can project the availability of talent for those positions. Next, we will obtain estimates from each division of transfers and promotions into, out of and within the divisions.

These estimates may be aggregated and may reflect subjective probability of movement based on historical data. And finally, we will project future movement through statistical analyzes. Here, models of employee flows project the numbers of employees who will remain in an organization classification based on post transition rates or probabilities. However, be cautioned past transition rates and probabilities may have limited value in predicting future trends. Like everything else, these are affected by change. So this is how flow analyzes looks. A flow chart and calculation of inflow and outflow of staff can be used, let’s say transfer of five staff members, five promotions, 15 new hires and ten recalls resulting on inflow of 34 staff members. Promotions of five members, 13 resignations, zero demotions, four retirements, three terminations and 15 layoffs result in the outflow of 40 staff members. Here we are looking at the demand analysis where two different forecasting models are used judgmental and Statistical judgmental. Forecasts use data from the past and present to forecast future conditions. These forecasts are often used in unstable environments. Statistical forecasts are used in more stable environments. It is a numbers based and generally forced into two categories progression analyzes and simulations. Remember, demand analysis considers the model organization of the future and its human capital needs. Once the supply model is developed, data is compared to the demand analysis projections and gaps are identified, including number of employees and the gaps that they may have in their skills. Demand analysis should not project the most probable future. Other future scenarios should be considered as the potential impact on gaps may be considered different. You.

16. Internal Workforce and Staffing Effectiveness Assessment (5)

Now, let’s stop here for a moment and review this topic. There are a number of techniques used by HR professionals to help map the type of resources an organization will need to meet business needs now as well as in the future. Which techniques will help HR professionals ensure that the right knowledge, skills, and abilities can be drawn on when needed to meet key organizational objectives? Here are the options supply analyzes, demand analysis, gap analysis, economic analysis, and organizational analysis. And this is the answer for you to compare. Option One this option is correct. The technique of assessing current need by conducting a supply analysis helps HR professionals understand the movement of staff within a company.

A supply analysis includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Option Two this option is correct. The technique of assessing the future needs of an organization by doing demand analysis helps predict the human capital requirement needed to address future organizational objectives. Option Three this option is correct. The technique of comparing the supply and demand analysis to determine key gaps of or shortcomings helps identify deficiencies in staffing as well as potential surpluses. Option Four this option is incorrect. Researching the economy is a solution approach for finding the right candidate, but this is not a key technique for assessing the internal workforce. Option Five this option is incorrect. Organizational analyzes is a process where an organization’s ability to increase its efficiency is assessed. It is not an internal workforce assessment technique. A key aspect of any HR professional’s role is assessing an organization’s workforce to help ensure the workforce is meeting organizational requirements. Match each assessment technique to the example of its use.

No other examples will have a match. Here we have the options qualitative supply analyzes, judgmental demand analysis, and Gap analysis. Comparing Supply and Demand and this is the target. A manager is asked if all employees in her department are qualified to fulfill their current job descriptions. Senior Management notifies HR that more employees with It skills are needed throughout the company. HR predicts the demand in the increase of employees with It skills across the company. Marketing research results indicate a shortage of online customers and business discovers that a rival company will produce two of the same product lines.

And this is the answer for you to compare. A qualitative supply analysis provides a snapshot of the current situation in order to determine if the right set of skills are currently inhouse judgmental. Demand analysis is a topdown approach that uses senior management predictions of the human resources needed for the whole organization. A gap analysis to compare the supply of resources to the demand allows HR to predict gaps that are or will be unmet. Marketing research results are an example of a market analyzes, which is not a workplace assessment technique. Analyzing the products of our competitors to identify external threats is part of a spot analyzes, but not a workplace assessment technique.

17. Workforce Planning Techniques and Metrics (1)

Workforce planning techniques and metrics. In topic for workforce planning techniques and metrics, we will look at recruiting objectives and selection criteria as well as sources and methods of recruitment. We’ll then go on to discuss some advantages and disadvantages of those recruiting methods. Recruiting is the process of identifying potential employees and making it attractive for them to apply for the position. The goal is to have an ever refreshing pool of qualified candidates.

While attracting a large quantity of applicants may be desirable, the quality of the candidates is the most critical factor to determine who is qualified. We’ll begin with the Job Analyzes, which then leads to an accurate job description. The Job Analyzes is vital because it validates the methods used to make employment decisions. In addition, the Job Analyzes, job description and job specifications help us quickly eliminate candidates without the minimum knowledge, skills and attitude and focus our efforts on those candidates that had the most to offer our organizations.

As we mentioned earlier, starting point for any recruiting effort is a strong analysis of the job, which has been transformed into clear job description points. This analysis should be based on key organizational objectives and the resulting description has to be as clear as possible. Taking a structured approach will help ensure the right knowledge, skills and attributes or abilities are available to the company in the future. Once an organization understands who they are trying to recruit, the next step is to select appropriate sources to identify prospective candidates.

The organization can choose to either look internally or externally or both. We will look at sources and methods of recruiting. First, we have the internal site which is job posting, job bidding and job referrals. Then we look at external site which is contracting former employees, former applicants in a unionized environment. You may contact the union hall, turning to the Internet and also traditional methods which we will discuss in a moment.

18. Workforce Planning Techniques and Metrics (2)

Now let’s look a little deeper into the internal side. First, job posting, which provides a brief description of the job and allows your employees a chance to respond to announcements of positions. There is no cost to this in most cases, and it allows your employees to see what positions are available and give them an idea of what may be coming available. Next is job bidding. This allows the employee to indicate an interest in a position before it becomes available. We will replace qualified individuals into a system where, when this position does become available, we can look to them to fill in a new position. Skill banks and skill tracking systems are another area that we can look at. Our computerized talent or skill inventories will furnish a list of qualified people at the push of a button.

And finally, employee referrals. This is where current employees supply prospective employees from among their family and friends or fulfilling job openings. Employee referrals can be especially effective because most people would hang around with or associate with people like them. So you better employees may refer again, better employees to you. However, I will caution you that the like me syndrome can also kick in and you may have a difficult time meeting your affirmative action plan goals if you rely heavily on employee referrals. Now, let’s look at the external side of recruiting. And here we have former employees. Generally, we will only look at employees who left on good terms, but we would look at employees who are likely to fill a position within our organization.

Here we can look at retirees, or employees who left voluntarily for education or other positions, or people who were let go through downsizing but still have a great deal to offer the organization. We can also turn to previous applicants. These are people who previously applied for the position but were not selected. They may not have had the qualifications for the position we are feeling at the time, but they may be very well qualified for what we’re looking for now in a union environment, labor unions such as building trades, construction and printing have supplies of workers we can turn to when we need to. Next is trade and professional associations. Often they have placement services or job creating houses or resume banks that we can search for appropriate candidates.

Some businesses rely on walkins. These are people who will walk into the organization quite literally and ask to apply for a job. Using the Internet is also popular method today. We use technology for getting to wide audiences, including looking for electronic resumes and list jobs and in specific job banks. Another very popular method is social media. This offers a variety of online internet technology platforms and communities that people use to communicate and share information and resources. There are some very, very specific sites where we can look to post jobs and search for qualified candidates. We also have a number of other external possibilities, including third party sources, media advertising, educational recruiting including campus recruiting, call to work programs, minority recruiting and some nontraditional labor force.

19. Workforce Planning Techniques and Metrics (3)

Now, ultimately, the appropriateness of any approach whether it’s internal, external or a combination, depends on what your company needs, your company’s culture, and the philosophy of your company. Both sources have their advantages and their disadvantages, and many experts advocate a balance between the two. Now, let’s look at some advantages. First, recruiting internally. It rewards good work of current employees. It is cost effective. It can improve morale. And you can assess known past performance on the employees. And it can result in the ability for people to move up through the organization.

Some disadvantages it can produce organizational inbreeding candidates may have a limited perspective if they haven’t worked outside of your organization ever or in a long time. It can place a heavy burden on training and development, and it may cause some political inflight amongst your employees. Recruiting externally has its advantages. It can bring in new ideas and talent into the organization. It helps the organization get the needed competencies. It can provide cross industry insights if employees are coming from your competitors. It may reduce trading costs because you’re hiring experienced employees. And it can help organizations meet equal employment opportunity and affirmative action goals. Some disadvantages you may hire the wrong person. It could increase your recruitment cost. It may cause moral problems for the internal candidates who were not chosen, and it could require longer orientation or adjustment times.

20. Workforce Planning Techniques and Metrics (4)

Now let’s look at short term and long term considerations. Short term considerations in our recruiting process are average time required to recruit applicants. We then also need to look at the selection and acceptance rates of those applicants, the cost per applicant hired, the quantity of applicants, and most importantly, the quality of the applicants. And then we also need to take into consideration any equal employment opportunity implications.

Now remember, it is important to have the right number or a large number of applicants for positions to give you an opportunity to choose the correct applicant. However, more important is the quality of the applicants that you are getting. So quality is definitively better than quantity here. And then our long term considerations the performance of the hires are we bringing in a lot of people and they are performing well? Or are we bringing in people who are poor performance? Also related to that is our turnover. Are we bringing in people to the organization and having them live in a relatively quick period of time absenteeism per hire?

Are people being hired and then constantly absent for whatever reason? And what are our training costs? Should we be looking at bringing in more qualified candidates or are our training costs in line and we are able to train the folks that we need on the skills and abilities here? We are going to look at evaluation, recruiters and our recruitment process.

When looking at our recruiters, we want to know what are the number of applications processed from the recruiter, how many hires had that recruiter produced? What are the applicant reactions when we are interviewing them? Are they well prepared or are they completely shocked by the process? And then what is the eventual success on the job by those recommended by that recruiter? Evaluating recruitment Sources we want to look at the total cost and the cost per hire, the number of applicants generated on, and our yield ratios, performance of higher on the job and any timelapse data that we have is also important.

21. Workforce Planning Techniques and Metrics (5)

Now let’s try some questions. Planning techniques help ensure HR professionals develop an effective workforce. Which activities are examples of workforce planning techniques? Here we have the options aligning organizational objectives with job specifications. Encouraging employees to apply for positions before they open to the public. Investigating trade and professional units for talent. Creating a website to promote the organization. Creating a raw profile for key employees and or authenticating resumes and he has the answer to compare. Option One this option is correct.

A job analyzes should be based on key organizational objectives and the resulting description should be as clear as possible. Taking a structured approach to ensure those candidates with the right knowledge, skills, and attributes are attracted to openings is an example of workforce planning. Option Two this option is correct. Sourcing talent internally by creating job bids is a key workforce planning technique that can save an organization time and money. Option Three this option is correct. Looking to associations such as trade and professional unions can be a valuable external sourcing technique for finding talent. Option Four this option is correct. Using online media to establish your organization as a great place to work with an external sourcing workforce planning technique that you can use to advertise to potential employees. Option Five this option is incorrect. Creating role profiles only for key employees is not a workforce planning technique. Not one that helps you align job descriptions with organizational objectives. Option six. This is incorrect.

Advice doing background checks on potential applicants should be done after workforce planning techniques have helped select those qualified for the job. Gouging. The effectiveness of an organization’s recruitment and sourcing efforts is critical to determine optimum use of resources. Identifying examples that are ways to go to workforce recruitment and sourcing efforts. An HR manager determines the male to female ratio of qualified applicants. Data reveals that 20% of new hires leave the company one year after being hired.

The director of HR calculates the total amount of applications processed by each of her employees in the last quarter. A headhunter generates a 50% higher yield ratio. A manager estimates two department staff members will be promoted next year and this is the answer for you to compare. Option One this option is correct. Asking if the organization is meeting equal opportunity goals and practices is an example of a short-term recruitment metric. Option Two this option is correct. Determining the turnover of hires is an example of a longterm recruitment metric.

Option Three this option is correct. Assessing recruiter costs such as how many applications can be processed is an example of a short term recruitment metric. Option Four this option is correct. Knowing the yield ratio that a source generates is an example of a sourcing metric. Yield ratio is the ratio of qualified applicants to one unqualified applicants. Option Five this option is incorrect. Determining the number of individuals being transferred or promoted an example of supply analysis and not a recruiting or sourcing measurement.

22. Workforce Planning and Employment- Employment Legislation

Congratulations. You just finished the Workforce Planning and Employment Employment Legislation course. This is course number six of 20 of the Human Resources Certification Program. The materials presented in this course relate to the area of workforce planning and employment. Here we examined employment legislation and regulations and how you, as the HR professionals, are expected to ensure compliance. The four key knowledge areas that we discussed are employment legislation and compliance, affirmative Action planning and equal employment opportunity, internal Workforce planning and Staffing Effectiveness and Workforce Planning Techniques and metrics. Before I begin, I wanted to stress two very important points. First, the PHR exam will only cover US. Federal laws and regulation. No state laws were discussed and no other countries were covered. And then we had some discussion about how to take the actual exams. The first topic was Employment legislation and compliance. Employers must make efforts to increase the presence of women, minorities, covered veterans, and disabled individuals in the workplace.

In the second topic, Affirmative Action Planning and Equal Employment Opportunity, we examined the development, implementation, and evaluation of an Affirmative Action plan according to the requirements. When we concluded this topic, we were able to recognize these key aspects. HR planning has to consider the organizational strategy in order to anticipate employee skill and labor needs. The next topic in this course examined internal workforce and staffing effectiveness assessments.

Here you develop the knowledge of internal workforce assessment techniques and methods to examine past and future staffing effectiveness. You were advised to pay close attention to the details involved in the various analyzed methods, as they tend to be particularly challenging as part of the exam. While attracting a large quantity of applicants may be desirable, the quality of the candidates is the most critical factor. In topic four workforce Planning Techniques and Metrics. We looked at recruiting objectives and selection criteria, as well as sources and methods of recruitment. We then discussed some advantages and disadvantages of those recruiting methods. That’s it. Thank you for watching and see you in the next course.

* The most recent comment are at the top

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The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the certifications that validate the expertise of security professionals must adapt to address new challenges and technologies. CompTIA’s CASP+ (CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner) certification has long been a hallmark of advanced knowledge in cybersecurity, distinguishing those who are capable of designing, implementing, and managing enterprise-level security… Read More »

Azure DevOps Engineer Expert Certification: What’s Changed in the New AZ-400 Exam Blueprint?

The cloud landscape is evolving at a breakneck pace, and with it, the certifications that validate an IT professional’s skills. One such certification is the Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert, which is validated through the AZ-400 exam. This exam has undergone significant changes to reflect the latest trends, tools, and methodologies in the DevOps world.… Read More »
