IIBA CCBA – Tasks of Elicitation and Collaboration

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  • January 26, 2023
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1. Prepare for Elicitation

Alicitation and collaboration knowledge area describes the task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session, you will learn about tasks to prepare for alistation. Using this task, we can understand the scope of allocation activity, select appropriate allocation techniques, and plan for appropriate resources. The purpose provides a short description of the reasons to perform the task and the benefits from performing the task. The purpose of prepare for allstation is to understand the scope of allocation activity, select appropriate allocation technique, and plan for supporting materials and appropriate resources. Business owners should consider the stakeholders involved and prepare for allocation by defining the desired outcomes or results and determining which work products or businesses deliverables that will be produced. There are two inputs to this task. First inputs is the need in terms of scope and purpose of allocation, and second input is the stakeholder engagement approach, which describes the stakeholder communication and collaboration needs.

Elements describe the key concepts that are needed to understand how to perform the task. Please note that all elements are not mandatory as part of performing a task, and their usage might depend on the business owner’s approach. To perform this task, we must first understand the scope of allocation, as this will help us to respond if the allocation activities stray or wander away from the intended scope. In order to determine the type of information to be discovered and techniques to be used, we need to consider factors such as business domain, organization, culture, stakeholder locations, ETCA. We also need to select illustration techniques.

Choosing the right techniques and ensuring each technique is performed correctly is extremely important for the success of the allocation activity. The choice of techniques depends on available cost and time to conduct allocation, organizational culture and stakeholder needs. Availability and Locations To choose the right technique, we need to consider techniques that are commonly used in other similar initiatives and suitability to the current situation. We also need to plan or set up logistics prior to the elicitation activity. We need to create an agenda, identify participants and their roles, arrange for rooms, tools, communication channels, et cetera. We also need to secure supporting materials such as historical data, documentation on systems, business rules, organizational policies, regulations, contracts, et cetera. We also need to secure supporting material such as draft version of models and specifications. And finally, we need to prepare stakeholders by educating them on illustration techniques and on validity and relevance of the information.

Elicited stakeholders may not cooperate if they feel that this activity is not aligned to their objectives or if they don’t understand the purpose or are confused about the process. Hence, we need to ensure buying of all key stakeholders. We may request stakeholders to review supporting materials and provide agenda in advance to support them to come prepared for the allocation activity. Guidelines and tools list resources that are required to transform the input into an output a guideline, provide instructions or descriptions on why or how to undertake a task. A tool is something that is used to undertake a task. Guidelines and tools can include outputs of other tasks.

Business Analyst approach Provides general methodology and guides us on the business analyst work including timing, format and level of details of illustration results and hence business owners approach provides us direction on how to prepare for illustration business objectives and potential value from the initiatives. Provides us direction from the organizational perspective and hence they may be useful to plan and prepare for assistant events. Existing business information, if any, may also aid us in prepare for elicitation. There is only one output from this task and it is the Allistration activity plan, and it includes scope of allocation activity, selected allocation techniques, logistics and supporting materials to recap allocation and collaboration knowledge. Area describes the tasks performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session, we have learned about tasks to prepare for allocation. Using this task, we can understand the scope of allocation activity, select appropriate allocation techniques and plan for appropriate resources. In the next session, we’ll learn about tasks to conduct elicitation.

2. Conduct Elicitation

Elicitation and Collaboration knowledge area describes the tasks performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session, you will learn about tasks to conduct elicitation. Using this task, we can understand stakeholder needs and identify potential solutions. This may involve direct interaction with stakeholders, doing research or running experiments. The purpose of conduct elicitation is to draw out, explore and identify information relevant to the change. To conduct elicitation, we can use one or more elicitation technique. There are three common types of techniques collaborative elicitation involves eliciting information directly from stakeholders. Elicitation through research involves systematically discovering information from historical data to identify trends or past results.

Elicitation through experiments involves identifying information that is unknown using observational studies, proof of concepts and prototypes. Stakeholders may collaborate by participating and interacting in the elicitation activity or by researching, studying and providing feedback on models and specifications. There is only one input to this task and it is the allocation activity plan from the previous task. While conducting alistration, we need to guide all the station activity to ensure that the allocation activities are focused to produce or bring out or extract the intended information at the desired level of detail. We need to consider elicitation goals and agenda scope and about stakeholders who are participating as well as using the elicited information. We need to keep the elicitation activities on track as per scope of the change initiative and achieve its goals.

For example, stakeholders might discuss things that are out of scope and as business analysts, we need to determine the next steps that is, either to allow such discussion or be assertive and bring back the illustration activity on track. Guiding illustration activity also involves determining when there is sufficient elicitation in order to stop the activity. Allocation is frequently conducted iteratively and take place in series of sessions in parallel or in sequence according to the scope of the allocation activity. While conducting alistation, we may also need to capture allocation outcomes or record elicited information. Capturing the allocation outcomes helps to ensure that the information produced during alistation activities is recorded for later reference and use guidelines and tools. List resources that are required to transform the input into an output. Business analyst approach identifies business analyst outputs that are needed and hence provide directions on how to conduct a list station. Existing business analysis information, if any, would help to identify questions to be asked during Aliciation.

Stakeholder engagement approach also provide guidance on how to communicate and collaborate with stakeholders during Aliciation, supporting materials can be used to prepare stakeholders before conducting agitation. There is only one output from this task and it is the unconfirmed illustration results and it contains information captured in a format that is specific to the allocation activity to recap elicitation and Collaboration Knowledge Area describes the task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session, we have learned about tasks to conduct solicitation using this task, we can understand stakeholder needs and identify potential solutions. This may involve direct interaction with stakeholders, doing research or running experiments. In the next session, we’ll learn about tasks to confirm Aliciation results.

3. Confirm Elicitation Results

Alicitation and collaboration knowledge area describes the tasks performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session, you will learn about tasks to confirm allocation results. Using this task, we can check the information gathered during an allocation session for accuracy and consistency with other information. The purpose of confirmed alistation result is to check the information gathered during alistation session for accuracy and consistency with other information. Using unconfirmed allocation results for further businessmen’s work may not result in meeting stakeholders ‘expectations.

Hence, we need to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the inputs are correctly captured and that they agree with the results. In this review, elicited information is confirmed to identify problems, discover errors, omissions conflicts, ambiguities and resolve discrepancies. There is only one input to this task and it is unconfirmed allocation results from the previous task. To perform this task, we must compare allocation results against source information. Stakeholders and documents are the primary source of information. Hence we need to collaborate or have follow-up meetings with stakeholders to identify problems and make appropriate corrections to the allocation results.

We may also compare allocation results against other illustration results which were collected through multiple illustration activities. We need to identify variation in results. Comparisons may also be made with the historical data to confirm more recent allocation results. We need to identify omissions, inconsistencies and conflicts in allocation results and resolve them in collaboration with stakeholders, especially domain subject matter experts. Domain SMEs can also confirm that the right business information has been elicited. Inconsistencies in the allocation results are often uncovered while developing models and specifications.

Models provide simplified representation of reality that is useful for analysis. Hence, model may be developed during an illustration activity to improve collaboration guidelines and tools list resources that are required to transform the input into an output. Elicitation activity plan can help us to identify other source of information to compare and confirm illustration results. Existing business analyst information, if any, may also help us to identify additional questions to be asked and confirmed allistation Results there is only one output from this task and it is the confirmed allocation results which is the integrated output that the business analysts and other stakeholders agree. It correctly reflects captured information and confirms that it is relevant and useful for further work to recap elicitation and collaboration. Knowledge area describes the task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session, we have learnt about tasks to confirm the allocation results. Using this task, we can check the information gathered during an illustration session for accuracy and consistency with other information. In the next session, we will learn about tasks to communicate business analysis information. You.

4. Communicate Business Analysis Information

Elicitation and collaboration knowledge area describes a task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session you will learn about tasks to communicate business analysis information. Using this task we can provide stakeholders with the information they need and at the time they need it. The information is presented in a useful form using the right terminology and concepts to ensure shared understanding. The purpose of communicate business analysis information is to ensure stakeholders have shared understanding of business analysis information. Using this, we can communicate appropriate information in form of packages to stakeholders at the right time and in right formats.

Communication of business and as information is bidirectionalal and iterative, we need to engage stakeholders to ensure that they understand the information and gain agreement. There are two inputs to this task. First, input is any kind of business analysis information and second, input is stakeholder engagement approach and it provides stakeholder lists, roles and responsibilities and their communication needs. To perform this task, we may start by determining objectives and format of communication. Business analysis information package is prepared for communicating requirements and designed to stakeholders for formal reviews and approval and also as inputs to solution design. The primary goal of developing a business analysis information package is to convey information clearly and in usable format for continuing these change activities.

While presenting requirements, we need to understand the audience, their communication needs, their preferred style of communication, etc. The information package can be in the form of formal documentation, which is usually based on a template and may include text, matrices or diagrams and it is useful to keep long term record. The information package can also be in form of informal documentation. Informal documentation may also include text, diagram or Matrixis, but are not used to keep long term record. Presentations deliver a high level overview that can be appropriate for understanding goals of a change, functions of a solution or information to support decision making.

We need to identify best way to combine and present the materials to convey a cohesive and effective message. Packages can be stored in different online or offline repositories, including documents or tools. We need to communicate business analysis package to provide stakeholders with the appropriate level of detail about the change. Stakeholders need to review the package, ask questions and raise any concerns. This can be achieved by using common communication platforms. Group collaboration can be used to communicate the package to a group of relevant stakeholders at the same time and discuss about the information and related issues.

Individual collaboration can be used to communicate the package to a single stakeholder at a time to gain individual understanding of the information. This is useful when group collaboration is not feasible or productive. Email or other nonverbal methods may be used to communicate the package when the information does not need any verbal explanation. Guidelines and tools list resources that are required to transform the input into an output business analyst approach describe type of information that needs to be communicated, level of details and formality, required frequency of communication, etc. And hence business Analyst approach provides us direction on how to communicate business Analyst information. Information management approach helps us to determine how business analysis information will be packaged and communicated to stakeholders.

There is only one output from this task and it is the communicated business analysis information and it is only achieved when the target stakeholders have reached an understanding of its content and implications to recap, elicitation and collaboration. Knowledge Area describes the task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results.

In this session we have learned about tasks to communicate Business Analyst information. Using this task we can provide stakeholders with the information they need and at the time they need it, the information is presented in a useful form using the right terminology and concepts to ensure shared and understanding. In the next session we’ll learn about tasks to manage stakeholder, collaboration.

5. Manage Stakeholder Collaboration

The Elicitation collaboration knowledge area describes the task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session, you will learn about tasks to manage stakeholder collaboration. Using this task, we can work with stakeholders to engage them in overall business analysis process and ensure strong, positive and trust based relationship with stakeholders. The purpose of managed stakeholder collaboration is to encourage stakeholders to work towards a common goal. This is probably the most important task that is needed to ensure success of business analysis work. As a business analyst, we need to collaborate with various stakeholders for the business analysis work.

Stakeholders can influence and have authority over the approval of business analysis work and are also an important source of needs, constraints and assumptions. Hence, we need to identify stakeholders, confirm their roles and communicate with them on an ongoing basis to ensure that right stakeholders participate at the right time and in the appropriate roles. The more significant the impact of the change or its visibility within the organization, the more attention should be given to managing stakeholder collaboration. Poor relationship with stakeholders can have many harmful effects on business analysis work, such as lack of quality information, strong negative reactions, resistance to change, lack of support and participation, et cetera. While strong, positive and trust based relationships with stakeholders can ensure success of business analysis work, there are two inputs to this task.

First input is the stakeholder engagement approach and it provides stakeholder list roles and responsibility and their collaboration needs. Second input is the business analyst performance assessment and it provides effectiveness of business analysis tasks. To perform this task, we may start by gaining agreement from stakeholders on time and resource commitments as early in the initiative as possible. The specific details of the commitments may be communicated formally or informally, but there should be explicit understanding of the expectations and desired outcomes of the commitment. We need to also discuss and negotiate the terms and conditions of the commitments underlying competencies, such as negotiation and conflict resolution and communication skills are important for an effective stakeholder management.

We need to monitor stakeholder engagement to ensure that right subject matter experts and other stakeholders participate effectively and confirm elicitation results in a timely manner. We also need to ensure that their attitudes and interest improve and agreements and commitments are maintained. We need to monitor risk specific to quality of information, stakeholders priority for business analysis work, and timely approvals. We need to collaborate with stakeholders and encourage free flow of information, ideas and innovations. Stakeholders need to feel that they are heard, their opinions matter and their contribution are recognized.

We need to promote a shared effort to resolve problems and achieve desired results. Guidelines and tools list resources that are required to transform the input into an output. Business analyst approach describes the nature and level of collaboration required from each stakeholder group and hence provides us direction on how to manage stakeholder collaboration. Business objectives future state description and recommended actions can help us demonstrate value and motivate and focus diverse stakeholders on a common goal. Risk analysis results can help us address Stakeholder related risk to ensure Stakeholder collaboration.

There is only one output from this task and it is the Stakeholder engagement in form of willingness from stakeholders to engage in business analyst activities and interact with business analysts when necessary to recap, elicitation and collaboration. Knowledge area describe the task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results. In this session we have learned about tasks to manage Stakeholder collaboration. Using this task, we and work with stakeholders to engage them in an overall business analysis process and ensure strong, positive and trust based relationship with stakeholders. In the next session, we will learn about involvement of stakeholders in performing various tasks of allocation and collaboration. Knowledge Area.

6. Involvement of stakeholders

Apart from the Business Analyst IIb Baboch Guide describes genrique list of stakeholders who are likely to participate in performing various tasks or who will be affected by it. In this session, we’ll learn about involvement of stakeholders in performing various tasks of allocation and collaboration knowledge area. By the end of this session, you should be able to remember involvement of stakeholders in performing various tasks of allistation and collaboration knowledge area. This slide maps stakeholders who are involved in performing various tasks of allstation and collaboration knowledge area. Let’s understand their involvement. Please note that domain subject matter expert or domain SME is involved in performing all tasks of this knowledge area and is a key stakeholder.

Domain SMEs are people with substantial knowledge, experience or expertise about the business and as information being elicited or about the chain or the solution. Domain SME may provide supporting materials during preparation and required business analyst information during elicitation. Domain SME in particular can help to identify omissions, inconsistencies and conflicts and can also confirm elicitation results. Domain SME, customer enduser, implementation SME and any other relevant stakeholder can participate in illustration and also receive business analysis information. Project manager ensures that all needed resources and people are available during the elicitation. Sponsor has authority to approve alistation event and also ensures that required stakeholders participate in Alicia. Please note that all type of stakeholders may get involved in the last three tasks. Please also note that operational support regulator and supplier are not involved in performing any task of this knowledge area. Please pause and study the involvement of various stakeholders in performing various tasks of Alistair and collaboration knowledge area to recap allocation and collaboration knowledge area, describe the task performed to obtain information and communicate with stakeholders to confirm the results.

Alistitian and collaboration knowledge area includes following business analysis tasks. Using Prepare for allocation task, we can understand the scope of allocation activity, select appropriate allocation techniques, and plan for appropriate resources. Using conduct allocation tasks, we can understand stakeholder needs and identify potential solutions. This may involve direct interaction with stakeholders, doing research or running experiments.

Using Confirm all the Station results task, we can check the information gathered during an analystion session for accuracy and consistency with other information. Using Communicate business analysis information task, we can provide stakeholders with the information they need and at the time they need it, the information is present in a useful form using the right terminology and concepts to ensure shared understanding. Using managed stakeholder collaboration tasks, we can work with stakeholders to engage them in overall business analysis process and ensure strong, positive and trust based relationships with stakeholders.

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