ISACA COBIT 5 – Team Management (BOK III) Part 5

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  • January 27, 2023
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13. Team Training – Need Assessment (BOK III.D.1)

Hey, welcome back. In this section related to team management, we talked about team formation, we talked about coaching, how to develop your team, and we talked about team facilitation. Now let’s, let’s look at team training. If there is any need to provide training, what all you need to know about that and whether you need to provide training or not, that’s another question. So in this section, which is related to team training, we will be looking at three aspects planning for the training, delivering the training and evaluating the training. So let’s start with planning of the training. So when you want to plan for the training, you need to do need assessment. In need assessment, there are a number of steps. First thing, you need to identify what are the rules of people in your team and then list down what are the skills required for that role. And then once you know what is the skill required.

And then you can look at what is the skill available with your team member, identify the gap and do the gap analysis. So that’s what you’ll be doing to identify what is required from the team member and what sort of skill they have and identify the gap. So once you know the gap, then it is very easy for you to understand that how to fill that gap, providing adequate, suitable training. So once you have identified the gap, you know what training you need to provide, then you need to create training objective, what is going to be the objective of that training which you are planning to provide. And then you need to prepare a training plan, who will be included in the training, when, et cetera, et cetera. And then you need to develop your training material. So these are the aspects related to training planning. The key thing here is ad identifying the gap, the skill gap. That is the key part of need assessment.

14. Team Training – Delivery (BOK III.D.2)

So earlier in this topic of team training, we talked about gap analysis, the planning related to training, and then we talked about delivering the training. Now comes the third step, which is evaluation of training. So whenever you are giving some training, you need to evaluate that whether the desired results were achieved or not. So talking of evaluation, the first thing you need to do is you need to plan that how you are going to evaluate this training. So evaluation could be as simple as taking feedback from people taking training. Many times you would have seen a form being given to each participant at the end of the training to fill in how much satisfied they were, whether the contents were relevant, whether the teacher was good. And even in this course also this online course, also there will be evaluation where you will be asked to evaluate whether the contents were relevant to you.

You understood that, whether these were simple and easy to understand. That’s one way of evaluating training and there’s another way of evaluating training, which is pretraining and posttraining testing. So what could I have done is given you a test of 50 questions at the beginning of this course and the same quiz at the end of the course, just to see what all you learned. That’s one simple way of evaluating. Another way of evaluating could be your actual performance. Suppose you are training welders on how to reduce welding defects. So looking at the weld defect rate prior to the training and after the training will help you in understanding whether the training was effective or not. So whatever way of evaluation you want, you need to plan that first and then you need to execute that. And this could be a feedback or this could be a test of pretraining or posttraining testing. So this completes our discussion on team training.

15. Team Training – Evaluation (BOK III.D.3)

So on the topic of team training, the first thing was to identify the gap which you have done earlier now. So now it comes to delivering the training, what way you can deliver training? There are a number of ways the training could be delivered here we have listed some of those on this slide, starting with lectures. So you can have a classroom lectures where the presenter presents the topic and your listeners or your learners listen to that. Then you can have a discussion. Discussion is another form of training or learning. You can have a case study, the actual case study, what happened and how that was resolved, that could help in learning people. Simulation is another option. You will be aware of flight simulators where the flight training is given using simulators. And there could be another business simulators also where you have various business cases. So you ask participants to take action and based on that the simulator presents the cases. You can have demonstration if something could be demonstrated to the learners that this is how an item needs to be done. If you need to fill a form, you can demonstrate to the learner this is how the form is being filled, this is what you put here and that’s what you put there. That way you can demonstrate that you can have business games similar to as I talked in simulators. You can have a role play, you can have on the job training.

This is another good thing which you can have in case of adult learners on the job training. Coaching is another option. Another option could be online training similar to what you are doing right now, taking an online training to learn a new subject. And another option could be self study where people or the learner can do study of its own. So there are a number of options available for delivering a training. It all depends on the type of people you have to handle the subject which you have and other circumstances. So based on that, you can decide what sort of training is going to work for your case. So we talked about number of options in delivering a training.

Training could be delivered by number of ways. Now let’s look at something related to adult learning. How does adult learning differs from a kid learning? So when you were a kid, you went to school, you had a fixed syllabus, teacher came, delivered the topic and then there was an exam. That was the sort of thing which was something in your early life. But things change when you are teaching adults. Situations are different. So what is the difference? Let’s go through some of those that will help you in providing right type of training to your adult team members.

So the first thing here is adults want to learn. So it’s not something which is forced onto them. They learn, they want to learn because they know the benefit of that and adult learn what is relevant and applicable to them. So if adult is not dealing with the history and geography and this person is working on a machine, this person knows that what is relevant to his job and his interest so this person will learn what is relevant to him or her. And adults have life experiences so over the time, over the period they have done a lot of learning so it’s not something which they are learning from scratch. So once you teach something, be ready that you will be challenged. Because this person to whom you are training has a life experience. He has gone through a number of things. And then adults look for guidance and not instructions or hand holding or spoon-feeding.

You just need to guide them. And adults need to be shown respect because they are even though they are learning something from you, but they might be master in something else. So they have their own field, they have their own specialization. So treat them with respect when you are teaching an adult. And adults have time limitation, because earlier, when you were a kid, you were just focusing on learning. But now this adult has a family to feed, kids to take care of, a job to do. So there are a number of priorities this adult has, so be aware that there is time limitation. So your training for adults need to be precise, need to be relevant to this person and need to be a sort of a guidance rather than giving instructions. So that’s how adult learning differs from a kid learning. So when we talked of adult learning there is a specific name for that which is endragogi.

So that is the theory and practice of educating adults. So you might want to do some research on that, go through Google and see what does this presents you. And when we talk of adult learning, let’s understand three learning styles of individual. Everyone learns different. Some people want to see the thing happening, some people want to read the book and understand something, some people want to do actually with the hand. So there are three main types of learning which is visual. So visual is something which you can look at, which you can see, view and watch. So that’s one style of learning for someone to learn by watching, learn by seeing something. Another style of learning is auditory learning. Auditory learning is something related to listening and hearing.

Some people learn better by hearing. So for example in this particular course you will have something which is visual which you can see when I will be demonstrating you to do some calculation that will be visual and then auditory is something which you are doing right now, listening to something. For some people it makes sense to listen rather than reading a book. That’s easy for them. And then the third style of learning is kinestatic and kinestatic is actually doing by moving something, by doing something. So in this course also, I will be asking you to do something. I will be asking you to fill a form, do a calculation, take quizzes where you’ll be actually doing something to find the result of that. So these are the three main types of learning styles in adult.

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