The laptops normally do not have the same customization features like a full desktop does. But still, there are many options there which are available to one for understanding and increasing the abilities of the laptop. One should know about them hence they are useful if one is going to upgrade one's laptop. These are the options which are available to one for the upgrading of the laptop;
The laptops that one owns these days have some self-contained devices. There are many things which can be done if one wants to expand the abilities that thee mobile devices have. These are the some expansion options which are available to someone who is looking forward to perform that action;
Express card /34: This standard is newer than the PCMCIA standard. They have replaced the card Bus and the PC card. This is the amazing interface that provides some really amazing speed and there are some additional options too for the sizes. These options work well for some particular card interfaces. When one is working on some portable device the thing that is important there, is the size. So, one should try here to have the smallest possible size so that the portability can be maintained. The 34mm card is the one type of the card available in the express card. This card can be fit into the slot of the 54mm card slot, which is even bigger. So that's the advantage of having the 34mm card that it can fit into not only the slot that is of its own size, but can fit into some bigger ones as well. When people moved towards the express cards, then they got some speed options as well. These speeds options can vary as well. Like, the USB mode 2 is allowed for the speed which is more than the 480 MB per second, while the USB mode three would allow the speed of 5GB per second. If, one finds the PCI express mode, then it would be allowed to have the throughputs up to the 2.5 Gigabytes per second.
Express Card /54: these express cards contain the size of 54mm and hence they are bigger. But one should notice that the 34mm card can be inserted into the slot of 54mm but the 54mm cannot get into the slot of 34mm.
PCMCIA: These cards are the earliest ones. It stands for the Personal Computer memory card International Association. One can find many various kinds of these PCMCIA cards. There are the type 1, 2 and 3 cards which are available and they vary in their thickness. Some of the cards are so thin. While some of them are so large, that they need some really big space so that they can get fit into the laptops. After sometime, the PCMCIA standard was renamed to the PC card. So if one finds a device which is said to be supporting the PC cards interface, it means that they support the PCMCIA card interface since they both are the two names of one thing. There has been an update which had been made to the PC card. It is called now as the card Bus. The card bus slots actually allowed one to have much higher throughput. Also, it allows one to have the interface of the card bus in that specific slot. Also, it would be accepting the older PC cards formats as well. But, it didn't succeed working in the other direction. The old PC cards slotes were actually not available to accept new interface of card bus standards. If one tries and grabs a card bus, then tries to slide it in the PC card, then one would find that it would go to the certain amount and then it will not be going any further. The reason is, that on the end of the cards, one can find some keyed areas which are designated the types of the interface that is actually is. Is it is zoomed up, then one can actually find some differences and the laptop would only be accepting the card with some particular keying at the end. If some other card is inserted, laptop will not accept that. But, someone might find some old laptops which do accept the interface's old standards.
SODIMM: there is some other way too through which the functionality of the laptop can be boosted up. There is a slot that one would find in the many of the laptops which allow one to take off some small cover and then insert the additional memory card. Hence one can change the existing card as well that is present on the laptop. This memory contains the standard if the So-DIMM. This actually stands for the small outline dual In Line memory module. The size of the card is around 68 by 32 mm. Hence, it is pretty small and it can easily be used for the devices like the laptops which need some portable cards. One can find some other versions of those SO-DIMM cards as well. There can be many versions which can vary from the 20, 155l 72 and 100 pins. The standards related to the So DIMM have changed a lot during the past few tears so, one should first check whether they are getting the right type of memory in their laptop or not. There are many motherboards now which actually prefer using the So DIMM since they are too small and they are even smaller than the standard DIMMs which are used in the desktops.
Flash: The problem with the laptop is that their hard drives are smaller than the hard drive of a desktop. Also the memory capability that it has is much smaller than what one can find in the desktop. So, another way through which one can extend the memory and the performance of the laptop is, through the usage of a flash memory. This device is the USB memory and it can be used to store the data which is outside the hard drive and those storages which are available on the laptops. They do not just provide some additional place for the storage, but they also help one storing the data and then make it become movable. Many of the OS take advantage of this feature which is named as the ready Boost. All of these OS actually take advantage of the memory and then use it up for improving the speed of the OS. It becomes much easier and fast to write on the solid state memory rather than writing it up on some spinning hard disk. So, if one's laptop has got the Microsoft windows, than they would be using the spinning hard disk. Hence, one can also take a look at the ready boost to boost up the performance of the OS.
Many people have now moved from the desktops to the more portable device, which is the laptop. There are many of the changes which have happened since the size of the devices is different now. As the laptops too, are getting more and more smaller, now the society is also becoming mobile. So, it makes some perfect sense that why one should keep some things in the mind while planning to do some transition from a desktop to the laptop. There are some of the devices which now have been replaced;
Keyboard: on the desktop, one can have some big space where one can type but the same thing doesn't happen for the laptop. Since the size of the laptop is small, so the keyboard size that it has is small as well. Also, the numeric keypad isn't available in the laptops. So, if someone is used to work with the numeric pad, then he would have to give that up since that facility isn't available in the laptop.
Hard Drive (2.5 vs. 3.5): The laptop operates in some really small environment. So, it is pretty clear that the storage that it has is pretty small as well. The desktops can have some really big options for the storage like they can go up to the TB. But when it comes to the laptop, the most of the hard drive storage that one would find is 500 GB. Hence there is the read different in the memory size that is available in desktops and the laptops.
Memory: In the laptops, the memory sued is the So-DIMM one since it has some small size and gets fit into the laptops. There are some various other versions as well which are there for the memory. They are the DDR, DDR2 and the DDR3. One can find that there are many various sections in the memory. So, one can get these keys fit into one of the proper memory slots on the computer. Also, there are many various formats and the pins. So if one wants to buy the memory for the laptop, they should first ensure that they are getting the right memory which is compatible with the laptop.
Optical Drive: Now the laptops are becoming smaller and smaller. So, it is obvious for one to see that there is some optical device which has been built into it. The optical devices can be very different in the sizes. They entirely depend on the sizes of the laptops on which the work is being done. There is one thing, that the netbooks which are very small in the size, they do not have the optic drivers like the CD ROM or the DVD ROM. But, they have many USB ports to which the eternal hard drives can get installed or the external CD ROM and the DVD ROM can get attached.
Wireless Card: One should know that not all of the computers some with some wireless cards already insight them. One would have to upgrade that laptop's wireless card the wireless card can be installed easily like the installation of other expansion slots.
Mini-PCIe: The Mini PCI express is the small PCI card that in inside the laptop. It takes some less space since the size of this card is less. It can contain the wireless card as well. But it takes less space than the factor. The laptops which are coming with more new versions can have even lesser space.
Screen: The laptop screens which are available these days, are already LCD ones. Also, now the laptops are coming with some wider screens as well. The screen size varies as the laptop sizes vary as well. One can also find some really fine LEDs with the laptops.
DC Jack: DC jack is basically a component which is used in many of the electronics. It can accept the power from the steady power supply and can further provide it to the laptop. The DC jack of the laptop is smaller than the one sued in desktop.
Battery: the laptop is the portable device so it's obvious that one cannot always keep it plugged in with the power source. There has to be some power source which can get connected to it and the laptop can be used on the battery. Some of the batteries that were used on our batteries were the Nickel cadmium batteries. Now these batteries are not used anymore and we have the Lithium Ion batteries. These batteries are available in the cells. The number of cells determines that how long the batteries would work. For example, The 6 cell battery is the standard battery that one can find in the laptop. They can stay charged for 3 hours. The next one is the 9 cells battery which can work for 4 hours and then the 12 cells battery, which have some really long run charging and mostly people prefer it.
Touchpad: laptops mostly contain the touch pad. The idea behind is that the laptop is portable and there shouldn't be any external device attached to it. Hence, there mouse shouldn't be attached as well. So, there is the touchpad which works like the mouse.
Plastics: The Plastic that one can find in the laptop really durable. The laptop can fall down so the plastic is made durable to make sure that the laptop stays protected and the things which exist in it do not get damaged easily.
Speakers: Laptops have the built in speakers and those speakers are at the right and the left side of the laptop. One can easily find them on the laptop. The speaker quality varies in some laptops and normally, they are the same.
System Board: The laptops have some standard sizes motherboards and they don't have plenty of room on them. Also, replacing a motherboard can be hard and one would have to take help of manufacturer for that.
CPU: The laptop's CPU is far different than the CPU in the desktop. The desktop's CPU doesn't have to be so small but laptop's CPU has to be small since it has to move around a lot. Ice the laptop runs on the batteries mostly, so it doesn't want it CPU to run all the battery too soon and specially, when the CPU is idle.
So, it is important to one that he knows about what are the differences among the hardware that is used in the laptop and in the commuter. The reason is, that if someone doesn't understand then he might end up buying some wrong hardware and the up gradation of the laptop would not be successful.
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