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Download Free 220-901 Exam Questions
Exam | 220-901 - CompTIA A+ (220-901) |
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Posted Date: | Tuesday, March 1, 2016 |
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Can anyone please provide me with the latest dump and VCE , i failed my exam yesterday.
Valido en sudamerica
Dump is not valid. Good for review but you will not pass with it.
Please i'm selling vouchers for A+ exams only if you are in South Africa
I took this Exam This Past Saturday this DUMB is completely Wrong the test had 100 Questions adter taking the practice exAM ON HERE and passing every single time. Out of 100 Questions I may have scene possibly one question other then that every question was completely different . I left feeling shell shocked. any advise.... I took it in Atlanta GA
Please can anyone help me, I need VCE
Is this dump valid? And can I somebody post the latest? Please?
Anyone know if this dump works?
I need someone to help me with materials or dump I can use to pass this exam in Canada
Just re-certified 220-901. This brain dump is for the most part invalid for the current test. Only 2-3 questions out of 82 were on the exam.
Pass today. Totally 83 questions. Passing score 675, I get 727
Dump NOT valid in Canada, may be 2-3 questions. A lot of questions about printers, Wi-Fi technology, cabling, two simulators
Hi Please guys I failed 220-901 and I want to re-write it again what must I do to pass it?
Mhlonishwa Majozi please help
Hi. I did my exam 1/30/18 I PASS. It's was really hard. 83 question, 1 simulator, study port numbers, smtp. pop3, ssh, ftp. printer troubl, dhcp troubl. Good luck.
The questions are still vaild. Dont panic! Learn the questions and understand what they are asking you in the questions and learn the answers and you will be ok. The first 3 questions in the exams are simple simulations where you move things around.
Can anyone please help with vce setup or link to downlaod ???
these dumps are 100% invalid failed twice last week in Canada
please don't use this dumps and whoever updates it please do it soon as possible
Wondering if examcollection sells gift cards or accepts US gift cards (e.g., Visa) for premium exam? My cousin is getting started in IT. Thought this would be a great gift.
can somebody tell me how the sim are?
How does someone fail A xD I mean really, it's A for crying out loud. It's probably one of the easiest exams there is when it comes to IT. It should be impossible to fail this even without these dumps you guys use xD Go study the dang book, everything you need to know is in it.
Please I need latest VCE simulator to open my file. Please help
Please can someone help me with VCE to study. Thanks and be Blessed.
Passed with the premium 865
i wrote 901 Aug29 the question has been changed..
Writting today will tell if this is valid.
@Lubengo R, please share the latest vce
only few questions came from this dump, not valid. Please read other study materials
Is this dump Valid?
@JAY P yes I do have latest vce
I Had exam today I fail, DO NOT Study this Dumps looking for different way.
Hi lubengo u by any chance have the latest vce?
There are four tests/dumps for 220-901: Safiye, Egor, Mira and hecsanz. Safiye and Egor versions are both from March 2016. Mira is September 2016 with only just one disliked rating. hecsanz is the latest dump from April 2017.
Which is the best test/dump? Why?
I took the 901 last week and passed, there was one sim where you match ports 21,23, 25 and one other one to their function, the other was setting up a soho office vs a family room with hardwear, and setting up a router for a library. The test had very few questions from any of the braindumps I looked at so be sure to study as well and read the questions carefully as they try to lead you the wrong way. Good luck!
I would like to have the exams please help thanks.
I am taking the 901 Exam in a couple of days. Do anyone know where I can get some good practice questions that will give me an advantage. I failed the exam once already.
Can anyone verify if the premium 223q dump is accurate in the US as of 6/2/17? I'm aware that the free ones aren't.
Hi this dump is 100% ,I pass today, simulator are from the last dump three of them
Took exam today. Did not pass. Whole new questions. 147q, 1199q not valid at all!!! Three sims are the same. Very tough exam. I suggest either watching videos, reading books, practice exams, etc. to pass 901 and 902.
Is premium 223q valid?
Hi, I would like to suggest you that dumps are not valid. only few mcq and lab simulator questions are same.
Hi guys
Is the premium paper valid in S.A?
Hi guys.
Where can I download a free simulator?
hi guys.i need help, which dump is valid for the exam?
I can't believe this. It's been more than two months and STILL no valid dump?
hi guys,how do you actually work on the sim questions? i cant access the configuring of the router? it says type the answer?
Hi Bhavesh, yes I have used this one and passed I would say just go through all of the VCE as some questions do differ but not by much, only go through all of these and you will pass for sure busy doing my N+ now and that's a bit more difficult
Hi guys.... I am writing a+ on the 18th of this month. can someone help me out with previous questions and some exam tips please. I really need to pass this crtificate
@Brock C
What new questions do you remember from the test?
Premium VCE File Valid! I toked 875/900 today April 7
i think it differs from country to country? Any 1 in SA used Safiye vce file or the premium vce file?
new questions couple questions were the same. Need an updated file
hey guys is the premium dump valid?? im in S.A
hi guys,any one took the exam this week?jean paul did u use only this dump to pass?
Still Valid in South Africa, passed with 92%
Any body who can help me to provide dumps for 220-901 exam. I will be very thankful for your kind support. Thanks
I did yesterday, 95% valid at Brazil.
3 scenarios to simulate
1) Mount a HTPC for home and a CAD PC for office
2) Reconfigure a Router Wifi
3) Mount a Storage Server with HDDs IDE (PATA)
I had 867/900. Good luck!
Questions were completely new. But judging from other peoples responses, it may depend on which test version you get. It may still be possible to get a test version using the dumps on this site.
My recommendation is to do your best to get a thorough understanding of the concepts. The first exam is Hardware based, so it is very detail intensive.
A few sample questions I can remember are:
-Which keyboard shortcut will allow you to change monitor to dual display?
-You are using a MAC computer. You are unable to create of modify files on a drive. Which tool would you use to fix this problem?
-A customer is told they have to flush their dns cache. What tool will they use.
-Which video cable is a DB-25, that gives digital video signal? (I thought this one was weird, but then again I could be remembering it wrong)
-You have a SFF computer. You want to install a video card. What is the most important consideration?
Best of luck.
@Mr. A
Were the questions completely new? Or were they from older 220-801 dumps?
I took this recently. Maybe 2 questions from the dumps. I passes due to using a combination of other resources, which helped me get a thorough understanding.
Scenario Questions are simple, but their simulation software sucks.
WiFi Setup: SSID,Highest Encryption, Passphrase, Setup MAC filtering, Router Password.
Simulation (3 Part):
Part1: 3 Cables: Match Connectors to Cable pictures (RJ45, RJ11, BNC)
Part2: 3 Cables: Match tool to use for each cable (Crimper, Cable Crimper)
Part3: You are shown a PC, Router with VOIP port, Cable Modem, Cable Wall Jack: Use the appropriate cables to setup network.
Install the IDE hard-drives for the best performance using the least amount of hdds. (PC has 3 bays, you have 4 possible choices.)
- IDE 7200rpm
- IDE 5200rpm
Answer: You want to setup a RAID 0 using 2 IDE 7200rpm.
Hi guys
Whats the answer of this sim that has 3bays of ide,sata,pata with redundancy. Plz assist
Hi Guys
I am writing on the 17th March 2017, is it wise to use the 24-Feb-2017 uploaded dumps for studying?
I see the most voted are for Safiye, Augusto and Mira and they were last updated 24 Feb 2017.
How long does the dumps take to expire?
Is this valid in the United States??
please help me guys with this dumps file ...
220-901 Premium VCE File is 100% Valid , passed 892/900 , Good Luck :)
This files are totally valid on the Balkans area. I have just passed 901, 95% was covered here. Answer to store 95GB data or smthing in the dump is incorrect. Correct answer is BDXL, not BD-DL. Sims are the same as mentioned: SOHO wifi (look for all the tabs), HTPC and office pc build, storage build (2 HDDs, IDE, 7200rpm). Big thanks for the files guys!! Good luck for everybody!!
This dump in NOT valid United States. Just had the exam today. Not a single question valid from it.
Hi all,
Is this still valid in 2017??
Is this still valid? PH
Hi Good People
Is there any dump for A+ recertification? PLEASE HELP...
Thank you,
Dump has maybe 3 valid questions, and they are slightly reworded on the exam compared to dump. Dump is very good as study aid though if you know the concepts.
I got 3 sims: one where you setup a WiFi network, one where you connect cables to several PCs, and one where you (drag & drop) install HDD's into a PC. On that one you'll need to know the difference between an IDE and ATA drive visually and statistically.
HI Sboo The only sims I had was the ones. Amin is talking about.Please look at his Comment they are exactly that.
Is it still valid in S.A?? ANY USED THIS DUMP IN FEB 2017 N PASSED??
Anybody checked out the premium file?
Guys, don't rely on the dump alone. I took today and failed, there are less than 10 questions from this dump that was on the exam. Be prepared before wasting your money.
Has anyone tried the premium file? No one commented on that.
Thank you nana. But what's to be expected regarding stimulations?
This Dump is 60% percent Valid. I just Passed with 876.but with Good Basic IT skill you can pass good luck
It is now Feb 2017. Is this dump still valid?
It's now Feb. Is this dump valid in South Africa... I got an exam scheduled for next week
None of these dumps are valid! They are good practice questions. Someone with good help desk experience should be able to pass this test, but still review all the basics and troubleshooting steps.
This dump is Not valid. i Just took the exam, and only 1 or 2 questions were in the exam. I think Comptia has updated their Q&A for 2017. So, all of the 2016 version might not be valid anymore.
Find yourself other valid dumps somewhere. Wish you all get passed.
This dump is not valid. i took the test today and only one or two of them are vavid. there were 3 simulations about setting home wifi, building a pc to match office and home use and one more that i did not remember. the real exam was a a little more complex. So, again, this dump is not valid.
Passing exam
Not valid at all
Please read your books,these dumps are not valid. Just wrote the exam today and none of the questions from the dumps where there.
95% valid
3 sims - build media pc and cad system, setup adsl router, choose fastest ide raid hdd's from list ( mix of ide & sata drives) look carefully.
Valid in South Africa
Passed! with score mark 853
There where simulation questions though (home office vs HTPC PC build) & (IDE HDD into 3 bay slots with different speeds- had to choose Min amount of HDD with max speed for storage redundancy)
one other question that was not there: RAM that will still run with corrupted data- options: Non-parity, ECC, Buffered and dual.
Used all three dumps and Mike Meyers 901 Book.
Thanks to all who made these! Much appreciated!
Just got certified today. Almost 85% of the dump is the same, plus 1 simulation to partition and format a HDD.
Thank you.
Can some one tell me is this dump is good to pass 901 exam? is it still valid?
I passed my exam today with score of 792. most of questions were ALL from the 3 dumps. I had 3 simulations (build office and home PC, setup wireless for a library and setting up IDE for redundancy)
I passed my exam today with score of 833. 77 of 80 questions were ALL from the 3 dumps!!. 3 sims: build office and home PC, setup wireless and something about storage technologies.
can anyone tell me where i can find the simulation questions so i can practice on them
Hi all
I barely passed my test, don't depend on the dumps so have to have the knowledge to pass it. i suggest you to read book
good luck to all
Friend took the test with this dumb. He said that only 10-12 of the questions were on the test from this test. Do not use this alone or you will fail the exam if you do not have any technical experience. United States
guys i need to ask you a question all i need is to study this dump or i need something else???
the questions for A+ in exam sample are totally different from the exam A so what should i do??
hello guys i need your help,am studying the A+ 220-901 and i finished the test for EXAM A,and then exam b appeared and c what is the difference between them?? and sometimes it shows exam b and c
and sometimes it doesn't..thank you
hello guys i need your help,am studying the A+ 220-901 and i finished the test for EXAM A,and then exam b appeared and c what is the difference between them?? and sometimes it shows exam b and c
and sometimes it doesn't..thank you
@Motasim please can we talk more about the test dose these dumps valid safiye,egor and Mia
Best Regards
Passed the exam , 875 .
All the question from 220-901 Premium VCE File,I had three Sim :-
1- IDE HDD installation
2-SOHO Router Library
3-build custom PC (Home,Office)
Hi everyone, these dumps are valid ! Youre welcome ! :) :) :)
Hi, how do i open the dump without paying for the VCE program? any help pls
@ Motasim I used the one by safiye,egor and Mia the sim i had was to build two pc's one for office use and one for home entertainment
@Ayman,i used all three dumbs posted here and they made it so easy as the questions in the exam and on the dumps are the same
Nkateko please what dumps you use to prepare to exam 901
Nkateko what dump you used to prepare for 901 exam ????
Is this dump still valid ?
Nkateko , Appreciate if you tell me which exactly the dumps you studied and which simulation question you got in exam ?
Took my exam today and only studied the dumps the dumps yersterday and passed with 708.thanks guys the dumps really did magic and with a little bit of youtube vids
Took my test today. 768/900. Only 5 questions from the dump. You will not pass just using this dump. 3 sims.
sims: setup custom pcs for home office and home theatre
setup SOHO
can't remember the last one
I passed today 850/900 there are 3 Simulters
1- IDE HDD installation
2-Access Point installation (you should set SSID,Administration Password,Chose the correct Channel to avoid interference with other APs,and should be open)
3-build custom PC (Home,Office)
All the other question are available in premium VCE
Took test this morning and the sims are valid and I would say I had about 10 questions out of 76 on the dump. Passed with a 705
Yes Lisah i used this dump to prepare for my 220-901 exam and i passed it 825 score out of 900
I pass today. I study from this vce and the other 2.
Only 4 to 5 question from the 3 vce. I really sugest to reed the book. I almost fail even reading the book. 4 sims: IDE HDD drag and drop, ethernet cable(the one you find on google image), ports simulation too drag and drop. Good Luck!!
Any Simulation you guys get??
Mhlonishwa did you use this dump? i need to take this exam soon..please assist?
I took the exam, 3 or 4 questions came from this dump.
Hi Please ! Are these questions are still valid?
Hi Guys...exam 220-901 is not that difficult as some people says, i wrote it and i passed it with 825 score.
Hi. Guys...I just passed my 220-901 exam today and the questions were not bad because i scored 825
A good tool to test knowledge, but as of September 2016, this vce only has 20% of actual 901 material.
-Suggestions... brush up on Mac products (at least 5 questions Mac related), know your connectors(ie, RJ45,RJ11,Rg59, fiber connectors single and Mixed mode and what purpose they're best suited for), study display types (led, oled, and know the terms such as what inversion is inre a display).
I mainly used this dump plus good old OJT Pluralsight. Didn't pass as strong as hoped, low 700's, but passed.
-Don't solely depend on this dump to get you by.
Is this still valid? Thanks!
does anyone here know if this is still up to date.
Cn someone help me with the Sims.
Hey all, took this test today 8/6 and passed (800/900). Approx only 20% of questions from vces that were dated for 3/01 or 4/01 were utilized.
Hi all,
I passed with 742, don't depend on the dumps.50% of questions were there. But you have to have the knowledge to pass it.i had 3 simulations, good luck all
Hello guys! Today I passed 220-901 exam with 817 score. Only 50 percent of this dump were in real exam. So I advise to read Comptia a+ book.
can someone of the people that have done the exam to let me know which right dupms must be used for the 220-901?
many many thanks.
Pass, dump did not have all questions. Mostly around 70% but should be good enough to pass with both dumps and using study material from crucial exams. Be careful exam has 2 sims, setting wiring for a cable router for use on a lan with voip and setting up 2 computers hardware components for a family and work system. I also recall a drag and drops, for network ports. This exam is poorly written and the terminology, language and procedure is not of real pratice in some questions. I also saw that in some of the dump questions. For the newbies new to this take your time. For the experience like me this should be done within a week max of study time. Next is 902 then finish up my VCP.
@ Chris did u use any dumps?
Passed today with just a 750/900, but a pass is a pass. If not for my general computer knowledge already I do not feel I would have passed. Moving onto the 902 A test, and hope I have better luck with those dumps.
@ELRODDIE the copy of vce your using is demo ,you need to buy license for it
PASSED!! My score mark is 808. Both the 220-901 dumps do help. There were 3 simulators. Once should be able to pass from the dumps.
Can someone please help me?
I only see 5 questions from this dump on the VCEExamSimulator. Is this correct or Do I need to subscribe in order to see all questions? How many total questions do you all see ?and do you pay a subscription fee? Thanks in advanced for your help!
Is there a way one can get these braindumps in pdf?
please tell a valid dump that I can get for 220-901 exam!
appreciate your help
I passed 901 exam today with a score of 825. The exam was easier than I thought. Do study both the dumps thoroughly provided here 80% questions were from them. But had 3 simulation questions on Home theater PC,CAD/CAM and setting up wireless router. those 3 were difficult.
Is this dump is valid?
found 15% of questions on exam
Is this dump valid in south africa?
There was a decent amount of these questions in my exam today. Using this along with proper revision will be sufficient to pass. I scored 842/900.
@webster - what all materials did u study? is this dump valid and what all simulation questions did u get?
I wrote my exam today and passed. Score 808 and used this dump. works 100%
Took the test today and passed, I saw maybe 5-10 questions out of 80 from the premium dump. You will not pass if you rely only on the dump. There were about 4-5 simulations as well which will test your ability to mix and match port/peripherals.
Anyone can update us, is this damps still valid? why here is no update for 901?
Is this dump valid. Please help me. Need topass 901 ASAP. From wer can i get free study guide?
does the premium have sims and is it still valid pls help I wanna write this
which vce does the premium dump use coz am thinking of buying @winston
you have to create new pc with 3 hard drives with primary concern of redundancy and secondary is 4TB of fast data access ,write speed is not issue. you may use hard drive more then once or not at all
1=PATA 1TB 1000 rpm
2=PATA 2TB 1000 RPM
3=PATA 1TB 7200 RPM
4=SATA 3 1.5 TB 15000 RPM
5=SATA 3 2 TB 1000 RPM
6= SATA 3 1.5 TB 7200 RPM
Can someone please confirm if this dump is still valid?
Wiston please share the dumps I want to write my exam
I am unable to open this file on my vce simulator. file is corrupted. for all a+ 901 & 902
@winston share that file
Are these valid dumps ?
I am very confuse, can someone please tell me 901 exam have "Simulation Labs?" like 801exam because each dump of 901 just have multiple choices, please someone tell me, huge Thanks in advance.
Passed the exam using premium files 184Q,100% valid....
A player doesn't have any file on its repository, A opens all the files.
Is it the new dump for this Quartly?
Is it the new dump for this Quartly?
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