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Download Free LX0-104 Exam Questions
Exam | LX0-104 - CompTIA Linux+ Powered by LPI 2 |
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Posted Date: | Tuesday, July 28, 2015 |
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PLease, do you have the latest official Comptia Linux + Cert guide
05/15/18- Still valid in California. Got an 800/800 and studied all four regular files. The new hwclock question is in Lester's 3/7/18 exam.
Is this dump still valid?
Still valid
I passed my exam today with a 590 - I did NOT use this dump as much as I should as most of the questions on my exam were from this dump. Luckily a lot of the questions were in both dumps but this is the better one. I always suggest using more than one dump so you get the most bases covered.
is this still valid?
Passed today with 780/800, but there were 20 new questions not in this VCE. Some were related to networking subnet masks, there was a new one about the default route not working correctly, and a bunch of others. All I can say is know your material!
Passed both LX0-103 and LX0-104 exam 2 weeks ago. LX0-103 scored 760/800 and LX0-104 scored 780/800. I got only 2 fill in the blanks in the LX0-103 exam, but had 10-15 fill in the blanks in LX0-104.
valid today - the only questions not from the dump came from Moe's reply below
7- (Multiple Choice) What does #! means in the script file:
--> specify the interpreter that will execute the script
and this fill in blank:
What word is missin from the following SQL statement:
insert into tablename _____ (909, 'text'):
answer is: values
Still valid, I pass yesterday with a 650.
Still Valid in UK Passed two days ago, I used Premium VCE Files for both LX0-103 and LX0-104.
Dump is still valid, tested yesterday, most questions and answers are Word for Word and in the exact order, but as has been stated previously don't just memorize these questions and answers, learn the material. It keeps the certificates more valid in the industry.
Is this still valid??
Hi all, I had the exam today and passed with 740/800, I have studied the official guide and watched Linux Academy Videos (plus their study guide was really good as a revision), The file is kinda valid, But I remember below new questions, Hope someone can update the file with their options as well:
1- (Multiple Choice) what is the command used to disable over-write file?
--> set -o noclobber (That was in LX0-103 and wasn't mentioned anywhere in LX0-104 material)
2- (Write Command) What is the command used to add key to running ssh-agent:
--> ssh-add
3- (Write Command) word in /etc/hosts.allow to allow connection from all the remote machines
--> ALL (the question was general, didn't ask about the syntax, not sure of that as well)
4- (Multiple Choice) correct syntax to select name, phone in table contacts in mysql:
--> SELECT name, address FROM contacts; (Make sure no ( ) are used when selecting the fields.
5- (Multiple Choice) correct command to show the PID of the last process already ran:
--> echo $? (Not sure about that, as $! can do same thing)
6- (Multiple choice) A question regarding UID and GID number space:
--> a couple of wrong choices where they mention that UID and GID are related, the correct answer will be that UID and GID have their own number space but there might the same for a user
7- (Multiple Choice) What does #! means in the script file:
--> specify the interpreter that will execute the script
8- (Multiple Choice) How to set the local time to UTC
--> ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime (Be careful as there's another option which is date --time=utc which is wrong, correct as well date --utc only)
Don't depend only on this file, Know your material and practice alooot :-)
Good Luck everyone
Dump is still Valid. But I like to stress that it helps a lot to know the material.Study. Cramming dump answers without understanding the concepts diminishes he value of a certification. All the best guys
is the dump still valid?
passed with a 780 dump is 70% valid in the US TX
Dump is 70% valid. More than enough to pass.
@desdious how did it goes
How did the exam go Desidious?
Good luck @Desidious, let us know how it goes!
@Desidious good luck man waiting your feed back
Good luck mate! Looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm taking this shit tomorrow. I'll be back to tell y'all if its legit or not. Wish me luck.
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