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Download Free HP0-Y30 Exam Questions
Exam | HP0-Y30 - Implementing HP Networking Technologies |
Size: | 1.2 MB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, July 7, 2011 |
# of downloads: | 2 |
Free Download: | This file is outdated. Browse other HP0-Y30 VCE Files |
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Any new updates? I used these dumps before and I failed by a single point! there are lots of new questions. I took it last Feb 2013
Hello DON-Q,
Thr r some Questions in R.Deal book, below each chapter and at last few pages. Are those d same Q's which appears in exam? plz help.
Can someone please help me find a valid dump for this exam ???? or can anyone please upload a new one with all updated questions
not valid dump score today 68% from passing score 71%
pls help with dump update.
Hello Admin..Can u plz update the questions? Heard that so many new questions are thr in d exam..Hope you will upload new questions.
Many doubled questions in this file. So it's much less questions that 137.
Exam changed, few questions exist from this dump . From Tunisia
Passei na prova com 81%, porém bastante mudou bastantes as questões
know if there is a new test with new questions introduced me to study 08/02
Took and pass (81%) this exam on the 22nd. I would agree that the exam question pool has changed..maybe 30-40% of the questions are still valid from this dump. However the exam itself is not difficult or easy.
I used the Richard Deal book for study material can find on amazon & HP website.
Need only to know A & E series for this exam no V.
No routing questions. But know inter-vlan routing.
Know PCM/PCM+ how to configure/install and what it does.
Know tagging / untagging for both series well!!!
Know different interface/view for each series. Lots of ? on this.
Learn different models for both series and their usage
Know how to save/restart/clear pw/read log
Know link aggre well!!! LACP & IRF
The R. Deal book has everything that is needed to pass.
Any new dumps for this exam? Taking next 2 weeks
No new dump at the moment.
@hall, is the dump for the new exam questions available here?
There are new questions I believe. Answers are up to 95% correct.
r@mik, have you had new questions or answers are wrong?
not valid dump score today 68% from passing score 71%
pls help with dump update.
Failed last week. Just few question from this dump. Many many new question. This exam is need to be updated.
No valid this Dump
Took exam last week & passed but about 50% valid in the UK, many new questions.
HP have updated the exam. Very few questions come from this dump. Know your cli commands for both A and E series.
Faild. have new Question 40 % I read exam HP.ActualTest.HP0-Y30.v2011-05-01.137q. Question not update.
Dump is Stll Valid in South africa, passed today 100% new Question MIMO
I wouldn´t trust in this file. Q133 "match each 802.11.." When you click to show answer, it appears defintion of 802.11a y 802.11n standard, exchange.
does any one has the study guide for this certification? Tks !
Dump is still valid cleard my exam by 97 percent .
Dump is valid my score is 97%. I exam today.
all question and answer still valid.cheers
dumps are still valid. Passed yesterday with 96% marks.
This Dump is valid.But only the below question has missing.
Very good resource, missing one question only.
Q - Which Wireless Protocol uses Mimo?
A- 11n
Cheer uploader
Valid South Africa
Very good resource, missing one question only.
Q - Which Wireless Protocol uses Mimo?
A- 11n
Dump is valid score 998/1000 1 new question "what is wireless mimo 802.1 standard"
answer: 802.1n
Still valid, I get 94% today
I just Pass today. 99% i miss the MIMO question. T_T
Have cleared the exam today. Thanks Andy for you replies.
1. 30W.
2. Manager level.
Guys going to give the exam on wed.. just a few calrifications on a few quesns..
1. POE+ output. guide says 25W and dumps 30W
2. "end"command as per guide takes you to manager level dumos says config level
Pls help.. shud I stick to the guide answers or that of the dumps.
Still valid, pased with 100%
Also, was 2 new question. Read the manual, be smart!
Dump is valid my score 99%
Still valid!
Took and passed the exam with 99%. A few question not in the VCE but if you read the HP student guides, you'll get it.
dump is still valid like material0 said.
got 99% today!
yep..i confirm passed with 99%
guys the dump is still valid
Dump is still valid. I've just passed the exam with 96%..I had 5 or 6 questions that were not in this
In which version of 802,11 appears MIMO ( multiple In - Multiple Out ) .
Btw.Be careful with the drag&drop question about 802.11abgn .answer is wrong..and on another correct answer is Static LACP,( and not "Not protocol" )
Good luck all!
i will pass my exam soon
some can tell me if this dump still valid ?
i know that y31 and y32 has changed there is the same for y30?
hello guys , do you have any sudy guides please ??
This dump is still valid. I passed with 97% score but I met 1 wireless question out of dump. But it was easy.
this dump is valid, passed exam 97%. only 2 question is not in the dump. thanks
its valid.. 97% valid. thanks ....
It's Valid, i pass 100% in Qatar. But careful with 3 questions, Thanksssss for dump
Dump is valid %100
1 mistake in dump only , did not get any new questions
Vue now makes profile cam pic and signature
you also can not navigate back and forth between questions or mark questions for review , once you finish every 5 or 6 choices you can not go back again
Dump is valid, 96% pass
dump is valid. 95% pass
dump is valid pass 98% saudi arabia
dump is valid pass
Dumbs is 100% valid.
Passed 95%. I was great! Thank You!
it's Great 100% pass 110% score!this is a great dump!!!!!!!you failed HP-Boy because you're not studying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wohohoho
This dump sucks.i miss 1 question because of incorrect answer for the wireless standard drop down.i failed to get 100% score
@ universalhope . This dump is still valid. review this dumps and it will give you a 98% score.
We have lots of teammates who used this dump and passed it.
Where can I find training materials for this exam. I want to take this exam. Please some one advice me and provide me links where I can get video tutorials etc etc.
Valid! 98%
dump is valid my score is 97%
dump is valid my score is 998/1000.
reel exam 69 question, there are 137 questions in this dump.
69 questions in this dump, everything allright, still valid, my score pass and 940/1000 :)
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