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Download Free HP0-Y23 Exam Questions
Exam | HP0-Y23 - Deploying HP ProCurve Products |
Size: | 282.92 KB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, August 5, 2010 |
# of downloads: | 2 |
Free Download: | This file is outdated. Browse other HP0-Y23 VCE Files |
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What is the probleme with this exam ?
Why a lot of people fail it ?
Someone has succeeded ?
Please help me :d:d:d:d
Taken the test on Feb. 07.. it was a mess just 1 question of the vce file.. if someone got the new q&a please build the new file!
please send to me aswell!!
Steve! Or anyone else who's got the y30 questions. It would be great if you could email me them, thnx in advance! =)
please send to me aswell!!
Hi, yeh please send to me aswell Steve, we need to put together a working HP0-Y23 dump. thanks
steve , please sand Q to me and i well ans it
Dear all,
hp0-y23 is older exam of AIS network 2010. now its changed to AIS2011 and the code is HP0-y30. please find and send me the dumps or vce for HP0-Y23.. i have to pass this exam asap..
hi all,
i took the exam december 2010, i have the 60 question. but i don't have the answer, if you want just pm me.
we need valid dump. Does anyone enter to the exam at this week ? Which dump is available and who can help us ..
Can you please send me the latest dump to validate,
my email is
Can you please send me the latest dump to validate,
my email is
Can you please send me the latest dump to validate,
my email is
my mail is
hey angelus, i send it to ur e-mail. please check the questions and work to old dumps. please write me which dump is available when u take the exam. good luck
marlon88! I would be greatly appreciated if you can send that to my email too:
I have the test next wednesday..
lutz, I sent e-mail. u can check.
you can use
Lutz, if you need, i can send you some different dumps about Y23. So you can choose the right questions for validation. Please write your e-mail adress.
Hi marlon88
i´m working on it
Lutz, do you remember the questions ? can you help us to find q&a ?
thanks for advice Lutz. bad news for me ..
12.01.2011 - trying in germany. Only 38% (only 3 -4 questions were the same, all other different. many questions about tagging. no chance now
No válido en España, se agradecería actualización
i need your feedback
Hi guys,
Still not valid ?
It's not valid, Denmark. Have failed the actual exam 3 time this month. O my god please update..
Does any one know when there will come an update??
Not valid in France, i'm waiting for a update..;
Not valid at malaysia. I failed my exam
17 december, not valid in france.. New exam..
Not valid. I fail today this exam. Update please !!!
This is not valid anymore. Please update. thanks.
This is not valid, only had 3 questions from this exam.
when I download I see 5 exam. Every one please help me
I passed the exam this morning.
The only question that is no marked in VCE file is the #35: the correct answer is B (OSPF).
The other answers are all correct
some new questions
freinds its 100% valid in isr ..
Valid 100% oct-2010 en colombia
Hi guys the HP0-Y23 on examcollection ver2010-08-05 by Nevil 65q still valid.I passed 2day with 96%.
hi there I will take this exam tomorrow, any one who passed this exam can advice me
Amr Marey
Hi all, The dump is valid!!!! THERE IS TWO EXAM !!!! I have failed the exam the 27/07/2010, the second dump is more difficult.. And i have pass the exam today 15/09/2010, the dump is valid at 95%..
So you need chance to have this dump!
Hi all,
This dump is valid for France.
Good luck,
I was only nervous before taking the exam because lots of people are saying that this dump isn't valid. But I studied the simulations and the flash presentation that HP provides so I still had a good chance at the test.
Man I was getting nervous!?? Why?
Awesome! This dump is 98% valid in central USA.. Man I was getting nervous!
Could you share HP0-Y20 Exam
hi guys and girls,
This dump is still valid or not?
Is this still? Please help!!! Need to take it next week
My first test on 13 July 2010 and got 73 points. Only five questions had come through this test. I work to HP Web education and old HP0-Y20 Exam.
On 20 August 2010 I entered the exam again. aynı sınav merkezini ve aynı bilgisayarı kullandım. :) There are 65 questions in real exam and all questions same in this dump. I guess there are two different exams.
Hi HASHiM, i will take an examination of Hp0-Y23, can you help me, Please???
Hi Hashim , when you entered the exam ? And which Exam Center you entered in. Can you help me .
Interesting !! Exam is valid!! When I first entered the exam questions had been different. But this is my second test was the right questions. I got 92% (Turkey)
This dump is valid in spain, 98%
Guys i passed on 100%
All the questions was exactly the same as in dump
Don't know is it valid in France, but in Russia it is.
Korea is the same as well, it isn't valid. plz let me know which dump is good.
Valid? Its not valide for me ( France). There is two exam?
Thank you! It is valid 100%
I am a CCNA-level network administrators. I went before the exam and got 73 points. 80 points needed to pass the exam. Brand-specific questions and often very difficult to pass exams. I study to old HP0-Y20 and HP0-207 exams. I'll try again in next week. I share my experiences.
Please advice us!!!!!
Hi, someone passed the test, with this exam???
please can you advice for us the latest update exam for HP the code for exam is
HP0-Y23 if some one is took the exam in this month
please help guys each help other that is right thing for go ahead
Not Valid in france. Please i want this exam.
the are the same as old one.
i want know this exam is valid or not because i want write today can u advice me
after 2 hour i will write please advice me some one
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