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Download Free HP0-Y50 Exam Questions
Exam | HP0-Y50 - Architecting HP FlexNetwork Solutions |
Size: | 6.95 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, November 19, 2014 |
# of downloads: | 216 |
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Hello guys,Are dumps valid now?
Hi, are dumps valid now?
Hello guys, the premium version of this dump is valid. I checked all the answers and passed the exam with 83%.
Just passed with 82%
failed.. 52%
There are new questions
faild 55%
Anybody has taken the exam HP2-Z34?
this is the second exam for this certificate.
can be useful . corrected answers
Plz help me HP ATP HP0-Y50 dump correction
Can someone help with a link to the Study Guide?
I passed today with 80% and I used the Study Guide to correct the answers!
I passed today with 80%.
Anyone can share the correct dumps? Dumps r incorrect.
Hi ehab boshra!
I dont have a study guide! Can you share your correct answers? Thx!!!
passed with 80 percent bought 133 premium and corrected all q from study guide
Can anyone please tell us if the dump is still valid
Is it valid? Anyone pass recently?
Passed today with 75 marks.
Any one have the rigth answers ?
Hi This dump is not valid i failed all the answers are wrong my score was 43% all the answers arewrong any one can help with the right answers ?
anyone pass this exam?
Is this still valid dump?
New Questions:
A network architect has scheduled an outage to install a new networking solution. What should
ideally be the device state before the outage?
Devices should be racked and labeled and have their configurations loaded on them.
Devices should be racked, labeled, powered up, and operating at their factory default settings.
Devices should be racked, labeled, powered down, and operating at their factory default
Devices should be loaded with their configurations, but they do not need to be racked yet.
What is a benefit of the HP Dynamic Virtual Private Network (DVPN) technology?
It secures branch environments by isolating each user endpoint in its own VLAN while allowing
the endpoints to be in the same subnet.
It simplifies the establishment of secure connections over the Internet between multiple
branches and the company headquarters.
It simplifies the establishment of secure connections between legacy wireless clients and a
centralized wireless controller.
It secures remote access for employees who are using their own personal devices using
transparent, dynamically deployed agents.
A network architect is explaining the differences between deploying two switches in an HP
Intelligent Resiliency Framework (IRF) virtual switch and deploying two switches that implement
standard Virtual Routing Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). Which statement correctly describes an
advantage of IRF?
IRF failover occurs in 1 to 2 seconds, whereas VRPF failover occurs in about 5 seconds
Multiple IRF members can actively rout traffic for the same subnet and use the same IP
address and routing control plane
The IRF virtual switch runs a separate routing process on each member, which enhances the
redundancy and reliability of the overall solution
An IRF virtual switch presents the same MAC address in normal operation and in a failover
situation, but a VRRP backup router that takes over as master presents a new MAC address
Dear Saqib & vasmk4
This is not gentle to take my advice and passed the exams and not telling thanks online but also ask people to contacts you while you got the help from me
really disappointed
Passed the exam with 70%!
Passed exam yesterday. failed 1 time in second tempt passed.
I passed the exam... filed 1 time but after that changed all answers and passed. if any one need suggestion ping me on
Yea does anybody have a corrected answersheet? I really need it.
Does anybody have a valid answer sheet? The questions are in there, but they are mostly wrong.
@ Mohamed can you provide your feedback on
it isnĀ“t valid, 45% wrong
Dumps are not valid at all... most of the ans are wrong...
Anyone faced exam recently? Are premium dump questions still valid? Pls help
Dear Mohamed Hossam provide me yr helpful advise also i have exam soon
@ Mohamed Hossam let me know also. i have exam soon
@ Mohamed Saudi Arabia, sorry for late response but you can contact me by mail ( and i will explain more how to pass the exam
@Mohamed Hossam with angus dump or what ? please reply
I passed the exam today with 75%
Questions are valid but the answers were wrong.I already had 2 attempts and failed( 52% and 55%).
I take exam for 2nd time and i failed by 57 % all question are same dump but answers are wrong please help us
Mohamed does the premium dump contain new questions that are not mentioned in the other available dumps?
hi all,
if anyone have valid dump pls share, or you can PM me.
hi skefda can u share your answer in exam.
pls help
i have take 2 times for this exam and still failed
@Hutchinson47 i failed by 47% all questions were from premium dump but answers were wrong please update these dumps because answers are wrong
mohamed, was valid? thanks for reply
urgent please tell me premium dump for HP0-Y50 is valid or not i will take exam tomorrow please tell me quickly
Skefda, do you have the ebook?
Wrote the exam today and passed with 87%. Some questions from this but a lot of new ones. Rather study for this exam using the study guides and use this exam as a reference for what to expect.
So you have to pay for something that is 50% correct? Give me a break
failed 53%
please help for the valid dump
will take the exam :(
That's right. The exam has a lot of new question. This dumps doesn't work, so if anyone have the new dump, please upload it. THANKS A LOT
could any one post a new valid dump ?
failed today using this one and the others with almost similar questions. had 62%
New questions are in the exam
are you fail for wrong answer or new questions?
fail 48%
@ Mr T in Korea,
Do you have passed with this dumps? How many your score ?
Pass thank you
If someone has the HP0-Y51 exam? please contact us where we can find, or upload to the HP0-Y51, thanks
No one has an Up-to-date VCE for this exam ?
@Sam (& also @Sven) - FYI, Jumper has several usernames. He uses the ID: Kesmyt when he needs freely shared VCE's from others (like for Juniper) and I guess the Jumper one is for when he wants to profit off VCE's he updates and resells. He probably has more. PM me if you want his IP@ and ID details.
Sven - yep, comments are moderated. Jumper's posts were deleted. Examcollection is meant to share files for free, guys like Jumper are not welcome here.
Is anyone from Avanset... I mean Examcollection checking these comments? This guy Jumper tried to sell me a VCE for $100 for this exam. I thought this was a sharing site?
Let's first wait for someone to provide us with Y50 right exam
Somebody who have the HP0-Y51 Exam?
Why this VCE is not working with me ?
Who could Upload a new one please ?
Please, It this dump valid?
Is that dump valid or not, please help?
Looking for Y51 too :-)
Anybody have HP0-y51 dump ?
This is dump valid?
Do any one have passed with this dumps, or please help with the correct dumps
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