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Download Free ITILFND Exam Questions
Exam | ITILFND - ITIL Foundation |
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Posted Date: | Monday, July 27, 2015 |
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Would someone kindly report back if this dump is valid and helpful?
Hi Friends, how can i get the latest Dump
hi friends, which dump is valid in sri lanka,
please if any one have valid dump share
many thanks
Sorry forgot to say I tool the PeopleCert exam in UK
Passed today 35/40 with premium, I didn't recognise a couple of questions but it could just be due to the pool size.
How please do i need to upgrade my VCE software engine. Before i will be able to view other exam question. The demo version of the VCE is not opening the dumps well.
Passed today using the premium dump. I took the test via PeopleCert. Some of the questions was worded differently, however the answer were the same. I also watched the 3 hour youtube video to help with studying
very nice
Who has the latest VCE.
Passed it today, first time. It is worth to study these. They give you idea around the questions, but not all of them are the same as exam.
Questions are not identical, you need to understand the questions instead of remembering the answers. You cannot rely on on dumps only, this test requires intelligence as per other user's comment, Lot of new and re-wording questions and answers, if you understood from the study material, you should be fine.
I plan to do this exam in Kenya. is it still valid.
Passed with 77% yesterday. You cannot rely on this dump. (Only 5 Questions from this dump) I honestly passed because I've studied enough.
Can anyone please help with me vce setup or link to downlaod ???
hi, @Avi - LK , thanks for the respond. I plan to take exam at exin(pearson vue) but haven't figured out what is the exam code)) Are you 100% sure that premium (293questions) dump is valid?
Thank you.
All 3 codes on exin ITIL exams and I couldn't figure out which should I have to register. Any how, Premium dump is still valid.
hi, @Avi - LK , what is the difference between those exams?
Exam questions are valid. However about 30%-40% of the question were tricky and new ones. I would recommend to test the dumps by ehab which contains 300 questions as they contain all questions however there were questions that were new about 30-40%. If you have good ITSM and industry experience you can pass the exam. Plus some question that came from the dumps were tricky as they had modified the question. Very few were direct questions are posted in the dumps
what's the exam code (ex0-001/ex0-101/ex0-117 or any other) you have been passed please?
Premium dump is still valid, 3 or 4 new easy questions
dump still valid?
Please share with me the latest dumps
Premium dump still valid as I passed few days ago. About 5 - 7 questions not included in the dump. Good luck.
I just took the ITILv3 foundation exam a while ago online.I passed.Reviewing this dump would help,if I'm I remember it correctly there's around 10 to 15 questions from this dump.I studied and read ITILv3 pdf I had twice.Familiarize yourself with the processes for each strategy,the 5 strategies in ITIL,functions, 7 step process and understand the objective of each process and some definitions indicated in ITIL.The exam is process of elimination.You only need to get 26 points out of 40 to pass.Good luck for those who will take this exam,just be positive.
Still valid or not . I need to enter the exam this week plz
Hello ITIL Friend
Is still valid?
Please let me know so I can proceed for the exam.
Is this dump still valid?
@Issa: I took the EXIN exam, however they are the same exact exam from what I read.
is this dump valid????
@ John
which exam(EXIN or AXELOS ITIL version) did you take and you found that 85% still valid
Passed today in the UK with 75%.
The free dump is a great testing tool to gauge your learning. I passed using QA's ITIL foundation study guide.
I got 80% on a practice test last night, topped up with more revision in the morning from the study guide and passed with 75%. To be honest I was 50/50 on 5 questions due to wording and looking at my score I must have got them all wrong. Oh well a pass is a pass!
Premium file is 85% valid. Excellent study guide.
Could any one tell me if dump still valid or not ?
Any updates on whether the premium file is still valid?
Guys you are saying 293Q where do u get it and can you please tell who is the Author like by lary 180
Thank you Mike!
Does anyone know if AXELOS and EXIN ITIL is the same exam? Thank you
not enough to pass the exam is 40 q and from this dump 30 only and 10 new if you did not study you will fall because 30 q mean 60% and it is mean fallen in the exam the passing score 65% so study guys better I apply with this premium dump 293 and failed because i did not study.....
Mike, did you take the EXIN or AXELOS ITIL version?
About 10 question new, very good dump (Premium) for preparing your exams. But of course you have to study otherwise you will FAIL!!!
We checked the file, it isn't encrypted.
We recommend write the letter to the support of your VCE player and describe your problem.
VCE keeps telling me it can't open the file as it's encrypted. Any ideas?
Can anyone confirm if this dump 293 Questions & Answers is still valid??? I have to take this exam this week.
auronvce: You mention about this dump, you mean the Premium?
Passed yesterday. Valid to practice. 65-70% were in the test. DON'T GO TO THE EXAM ONLY WITH THIS OR YOU WILL FAIL!
Can someone please confirm if this is still valid dump.
Guys, Appreciate if anyone can help me to check it the dumps are still valid?
Can I use this dump for EXIN ITIL Foundation exam? anyone from examcollection please confirm
Can I use this dump for EXIN ITIL Foundation exam?
85% pass yesterday from the premium version 293Q ... all the question are from the them but it looks there are some wrong answers in dom.
I passed today 90% , i bought premium 293q , only 4 questions are new , I passed in 10 minutes only , best wishes all
@Bryan this one is AXELOS _ ITILFND 2011
Is this Premium 268 dump valid 100%???
And that dump is for Axelos or Exin ITIL exam???
Which exam we need to book?
Please share your experience and advise.
give me the scope, i'm writting in 2weeks time and ivent started studying yet, was busy with the dumps...
@southwind thx
I passed with premium
help me please to anwser this MCQ
Which one of the following is an objective of service catalogue management?
Negotiating and agreeing service level agreement
Negotiating and agreeing operational level agreements
Ensuring that the service catalogue is made available to those approved to access it
Only ensuring that adequate technical resources are available
The dump is not valid only 2 or 3 questions where on the dump, I got 26/40 a pass is a pass. The exam is tricky so I would suggest that you study hard.
is this valid?
Can someone please confirm that the premium vce file is valid?
I can't even open the free one, it says it was created with a newer version regardless of player I try?? Anyone any ideas?
Today i was make exam. dump 180 q just help in 50% max. you need to understand the question it self not the answer only. i.e. may the answer will question for question it self.
Just passed my ITIL today. The latest dump by larry (180questions) not perfectly dependable. The questions are technical. study to understand or you fail. Premium files meant be needed too.
need the latest dump taking the test in 3 weeks
I passed the exam Today. The dump helps but around 10-15 questions weren´t in this DUMP, what means almost 50% of the questions are new. This VCE helps but you have to understand the ITIL system to pass.
I passed with the premium dump, Thank you so much.
Is the same ITIL Fundation to ITIL v3??
Could anyone explain me?
Is the premium dump valid? Anyone confirm please
is this dump valid or not and with percentage please.
today passed exam
@ nos
Did you use the premium Dump?
this dump is not valide, only 5 questions come in
Hi All,
Don't you know if the premium package is a valid package for the actual exam (France).
Thank you all ;)
Hi All. Is this dump Still Valid....!!!
Dear Leo,
These are the exam codes for same exam of ITIL-Foundation.
These are used by Exin, Prometric & Pearson.
EX0-117, EX0-001, ITIL-F
What is the exam code when taking the exam from Pearson Vue
premium or free which dumps is valid
is it valid till now in Egypt?
Hello all,
Passed today; FYI passing score is changed to 65% (26 questions); and majority of questions are new or derivative.
please, someone knows which are the valid dumps? there are many confused comments.
What's the difference with the Exin EX0-001 Tests?
I Didnt pass yesterday. after examination checked again the 3 dumps in ExamCollection and only 4 questions on the exam. need a valid and new dump
Maybe 7-10 questions were legit from the dump. Other questions were derivative. Still a good guide, but not completely accurate,. Based on my experience and some of the more recent comments, they must have changed the test recently.
Regardless, I passed with 75%. I was hoping to crush it, but alas, passing is still the only thing that matters.
Only 3 questions on 40 during my exam was the same.
Is this still a valid exam?
Didnt pass, half of the questions are not in this dump, need another new dump
I passed today. most questions from this dump.Good luck!!
if you book the exam through pearson vue, what exam code?
Passed today. This dump is 100% valid. And yes(Nicolas)you can register through Pearson Vue.
Hello All,
Where can take the exam please? Is it through pearsonvue?
pass 100 Marks in myanmar with preminum 238 questions.
Passed today with 100%. (UK)
Both dumps are valid. I used these along with Vizual Coaching videos and passed the exam within 15 minutes.
Dont need to spend too much time on this cert if you know what you are doing.
Cleared using premium dumps. All questions were correct. Got 100%
hi friends, where can we download th latest VCE? thanks
Passed on 21st with 88%. Around 20 questions were from these dumps... need to understand few general concepts. Service Lifeycle, all stages, all processes and functions running under these stages... reviewing glossary is best way...
Passed today with 4 friends, I got 75 %, too many new questions in 5 exams than this dump
Not an easy test. you cannot rely on on dumps. this test requires intelligence. u may have the same question in the test as it is in dumps but with a different question statement and also different answer statements. this requires understanding ... and the test is only 60 mins . 40 questions. 1.5 min each question which eventually increases the difficulty level. and there are alot of new questions which u cannot find in dumps. so BEWARE. . .
this dump is stil valid, not all question are in the dump. But with some thinking and reading you will pass.
i have exam after 2 days , please advise is this dump still valid ?
@Chris - same thing here
please anyone anser me if the premium exam or Sam exam is valid for AXELOS itil V3 foundation exam,very urgent
please anyone anser me if the premium exam or Sam exam is valid for AXELOS itil V3 foundation exam,very urgent
Anyone please advise if this exam is valid or we muct buy the premium?
I have to pass the exam itil foundation v 3 EX0-001 Axelos in person vue, please say me if exam by SAM 424q or premium exam with 238 is valid to pass
I have to pass the exam itil foundation v 3 EX0-001 Axelos in person vue, please say me if exam by SAM 424q or premium exam with 238 is valid to pass , please help me
I have to take the exam itil foundation V3 EX0-001 with AXELOS in person vue , please say me if the exam SAM is valid or premium exam with 238 questions are valid, please help me
I am confuse, which exam code is correct for ITIL Foundadtion. Any difference? Which exam code is latest.
EX0-001 ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
EX0-117 ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
ITIL ITIL Foundation v.3
ITIL-F ITIL Foundation (syllabus 2011)
passed this week with 75% the exam using only this as a reference. Some new questions were added in the exam i think.
Passed this exam easily today in the US using the Premium dump.
Pls, update anyone sit for this exam during these days, still valid?
I didn't pass my (EXIN) exam yesterday. many new questions.
I had only seven or eight questions from this dump so don't believe this dump and I took the exam online
This dump still valid, just passed my exam 95% an hour ago.
most of the questions are from this dump.
for those who are not sure about the exam code, just go to Pearson vue and find for the Exin - ITIL Foundation, Thanks.
Do you recommend to take the exam ? I will pass using these dumps or its better to wait for new dumps ?
Just passed today 75%, there are lots of new questions i had at least 10 new questions.
Dears, Am planning to take the exam tomorrow are the dumps still valid please help !!
Passed today from Singapore with score 70%. this dump is valid for 60% only. a lot of new question.
Hi, Dump is 100% valid.Scored 97% for this exam.
Passed the exam with the premium dump.
Used Premium Dumps. Got 100% on 22 Feb 2016. Get premium dumps all answers are correct.
passed the exam from premium dump.
Still Valid .. Pass the Exam with score 75% (20 Feb 2016) after study this exam ONLY .. without study any videos or books .I had to pass the exam within 2 days . so i take the risk of study the this exam and Got the certified.
Contact me : elgabass@outlook.com
Hi gus Im from South Africa, want to book the exam, how much is it from South Africa? Thanks
Still valid. Passed today s south africa
Ahmed vesion180Q 100%
What can I use to open this file? Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Valid-I passed yesterday. Thanks EC and uploader (Y).
dump is valid, i passed on 72 Jan with 100% score in Egypt , booked with pearson VUE
100% Vaild , i have passed today 27-1-2016 with 100% score just in 7 minutes :) , good luck
Hi Guys
1st thanks for the dumps you are great
Passed today 25 Jan with 97% used Premium dumps 100% Valid
2nd I see that everybody is asking what exam to book this was also bugging me that no one gave any advice I booked trough PearsonVue EXIN ITIL Foundation Hope that clears up a bit for you!
Good luck to you all and have a nice day
Examination Date
6 Jan 2016 05:00 PM
No. Of Questions That Are Correct
Just passed. 100 % score. Thanks to Lamia.
This dumps is valid but not complete.
Premium file is 100% valid.
I use both to prepare and off course self study.
I passed with 880 with premium vce/
this 238q premier is valid,I passed yesterday.
can some one please send me this dumps
Guys , Please tell us where did you get the exam when you pass it. Thaks
Passed today in UAE the dump is still valid but there were 5 to 6 new questions in the exam.
Can someone please advise where to book the exam?
Hi, Can someone please confirm if this VCE is for EXIN exam or BCS exam?
Hi everyone
Could anyone please tell me the exam fee of ITIL foundation exam.
and is it possible to take exam from home? if yes what are the websites who provide online proctor exams.
How much is the exam fee for this exam?
and could anyone guide me for taking this exam from home if there is any website please mention it here.
I downloaded this dump and i only got 180 questions, is that correct?
I passed with 880 with the premium dump. IF you have any questions please ask me. I am more than happy to help. lamia.hajjar.1990@gmail.com
I have passed ITIL Yesterday ,28/12/2015 .
This Dump still valid , 99% of questions in this free Demp .you can find a PDF for this dump on web .
My test was in Exin online ( I had the test in my home in ) , passed 85% .
Dump is still valid. Passed with 92%.
if any one need help, please ask me. I am happy to help you for free @ barelystranger@gmail.com
can anyone send the pdf file pls.. i really need it, im taking the exam next two weeks.. juan_delacruz@gmx.com
Is this for Pearson ITIL-F or Prometric EX0-117?
Any who send me the emam pdf to my email please !
Premium dump valid 100%
Passed on 21 dec ... 97% .. this dump still valid
Hi Folks,
Please let me know this dumps still valid or not? I am planning to the exam on next Tuesday.
I passed with 880. IF you have any questions please ask me. I am happy to help. lamia.hajjar.1990@gmail.com
Damp still valid, passed today 85%
Could some one send me the latest pdf dump please? Mohamed.aabdi@outlook.com
Please send me the latest dumps
HELLO! No one is answering the question... WHAT EXAM or TESTING COMPANY DID YOU TAKE THIS WITH?!?!?! PersonVue? PeopleCert? Exin? Anyone?
Hi could someone please send me the pdf of the dump.Thanks. email - jimmybenson79@gmail.com
Can anyone confirm if this is a valid dump for Exin EX0-001?
kindly send send me a pdf format: denniskisuge@yahoo.com.
--- what is the exam code??
kindly send the PDF;
Please let me know if this dump is still valid..
I passed today with 98%. All the questions were from the premium dump. Ask me anything you like about the exam: adam.m.hajjar@gmail.com
if someone have the pdf of this dump, please upload to any cloud and share the link. Thanks!
my email id
nasrinmitoo@gmail.com. please send me the pdf version.
what is the difference between ITIL-f,ex0-117,ex0-101.which one I should register for.could you please send me the pdf format of this dump.
Do you have the latest ITIL Service Strategy files available??
Hi! Could someone send me PDF format of this dump? kiec.anna@gmail.com
Thanks a lot!
i passed the exam today 95%
Can someone send me a pdf of this dump to: mosco4uk@yahoo.com
Hi can i receive a pdf file ?
Can someone please share the PDF dump at jlainbox@gmail.com. Thanks
Can someone send me a pdf to indicolt45@yahoo.com
I passed today with 880 after I studied for a 3 days from the premium pdf dump. All the questions in the exam were from this dump.
Please send me the PDF format, i would really appreciate the help
Can somebody pass me this exam in PDF format. My email id is ravirayat@hotmail.com. I tried so many website but no good result.
it will be great help if some will send me the latest dump in pdf or excel format.
please can anyone kindly help me with a vaild dumps for ITIL V4 am writing it this weekend. please. greatheir@gmail.com
Hey guys this is the same exam of exsin, that exist here in site,
Anyone use both for study? I see this have same questions that, exsin section has.
If anyone who made the exam, share with us.
Hello All please send this dump PDF to me: martinsefiri@yahoo.com
Can one of you generous members send me the PDF as well to floydmoore@hotmail.com.
I also need a good Samaritan to send me this file in PDF. Help me to help you.
Can anyone send me this dump in PDF format?
I will be very grateful for that.
My email id is gk.kundum2013@gmail.com
please can any one send to me the exam on pdf to elhamy_elsheikh@hotmail.com
Hi Guys,
is there a good Samaritan to send me this file in PDF. Guy's I know you can do it.
Please send it to me in PDF file on rolmakx@yahoo.com
Thank you very much Guy's
Hi Genuine People
Is anyone kindly send me this file in PDF
PLEASE on softwares3@outlook.com
I look forward your feedback
can any one send pdf copy to my email id please --- tiessie@live.nl
pdf guys please. makumbebrian@gmail.com
Hi guys,
Please send the dump to guetsluv@gmail.com
Am taking the exam tomorrow.
Can you please send me PDF of this dump? and is this still valid ? sohail_ramzan@yahoo.com
Hi Guys,
Please please send the dump in PDF to dat.phuquoc2016@gmail.com , I need to pass it!
Thank you !!
Please i am writing the exams this weekend.
Kindly send me the PDF format of the dumps to eteng.socrates@gmail.com.
Guys, can you send latest dumb to me at email fierlamour@hotmail.com?
please send to me the dump to it_waled@yahoo.com
All question came from this dumps (238 Questions & Answers) expect one or two. Good luck!
Hi Guys,
Please please send the dump in PDF to iali_tech@yahoo.ca , I need to pass it by weekend to get a job !!
Thank you !!
I passed recently with 900 using the Premium dump.
All the questions were from the Premium dump (238 Questions). If you have any questions contact me vitalijanera@gmail.com . I am happy to help.
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