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Download Free 70-480 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
Size: | 4.61 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, December 5, 2012 |
# of downloads: | 2 |
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Q16 - D
Q30 - incorrect
Q31 - there is no correct answer!
I am planning to do 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 certification and let me know whether I need to study only this dump.
All praise to Almighty, thanks for dump. Just passed with 978/1000. Only answer option order changed.
valid in India.
i have passed with 940 on 11/1/2013
@Mr. DK
I had already booked my exam before Decemeber 25 using old code.
Anyway, thanks for your information.
It helped my friend to get free exam booked today.
Is there any promotional code available for exam 70-483?
@Deepak I have found another promotion code which has worked for me. I dont know how but it's working. Try this and let me know if it works for you: HTMLMPN
@Mr. DK
Microsoft is offering a voucher code (available through 3/31/2013 while supplies last) to take the Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 exam (70-480) for free.
It looks like before December end the maximum limit has been reached.
I tried the promotion code to do this exam for free but prometric gives me an error saying that the limit has been reached for this exam. Anyone else facing this issue? Is the promotion now over?
@Deepak. I already told there is no option in the real exam like
text-shadow: 5px 1in 0px;
Still valid in RSA. Passed with 840. All Questions from this dump.
correct anser is text-shadow: 5px 1in 0px;
#obj {
text-shadow: <x-offset> <y-offset> <blur-radius> <color>;
x-offset +n right -n left
y-offset +n bottom/down -n top/up
@csnovice. I also tried at w3school. But I could not understand the question requirement (i:e radius of 5px)
I think ras is right, look at the def. of text shadow (http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_text-shadow.asp)
text-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur color;
The 'Q' is "add a drop shadow that is 1 inch below the text" and I have tried it in the W3School editor and it works.
All comments are welcome.
I got 1000 from ExamTerminator vce file, Thanks Guys!
I passed today, scored 940/1000
Exam A - Q30:
correct answer is : Throw new Error(200,'Invalid').
Exam A, Q2.
Answer is D. But I think last line is extra i:e return emailPattern.test(userinput).
What experts say???
Exam A, Question 22. Ans must be CD.
@Nick.thanks for the advice bro.I am preparing for it and most probably will take in Jan..hope all goes well :)
Today I got 940/1000. Very nice
Dump is 100% valid I pass with 1000 Score
@Snooplion Horizonal in not BELOW. when is said below then it means Y-axis. I tried TEXT-SHADOW property myself.
Passed with 960. Some answers are wrong in this dump. I got 2 wrong answers.
passed today got 800/1000.
Questions in dump are 100% valid
Just finished it succesfully !
Make sure 2 do your research not Every answer given is correct
Passed today with score 920. All questions are still valid. Nothing came out of the dump.
forgot 2 add the explaination of 72pt
ras from Pakistan you are wrong!
72pt is equal to 1inch if you want to have a shadow below the text you should, as stated by yourself, use the horizontal axis with 72pt. leave the vertical at 0 and give it a blur with 5px so the correct answers is 72pt 0 5px
@alex text-shadow has parameters x-horizontal, y-Vertical, blur, color.
so "shadow 1 inch below the text with 5px blur" may be 0px 72px 5px
I Cleared The Exam I got 780/1000
Drag 7 Drop Questions are Wrong
For Example in this Dump , Dump Shows 4 Drag & Drop Results
But in Real Exam There are Only Two Options is available. So Prepare Carefully for the Exam. Don't 100% Rely on this Dump
In 40Q There are 4 New Questions and Remaining Q from this Dump
Thanks For the Upload
This dumb is perfect, I got 980/1000
@Mr. DK, the dump by Shibanus is the most helpful. FYI, I think Microsoft changes some questions based on localization. Some questions, such as the text-shadow, slider, etc did not come. I assume either these questions had no correct answer or these were removed from the exam based on my location. Another question about the Search engine optimization neither had <nav> or <article> as the option. I had to choose <section>.
@sam: The answer which I have given in the dump is correct and verified.
@Nick which dump has been most helpful to you in passing?
I passed the exam today with 920/1000. I got one question wrong in each section. But I have no idea which they are. All questions are in the exam and nothing new.
- I had the slider/range question too. I don't know the correct answer of "step" attribute, but the best guest is "step=0". I just tried "step=0" and it works fine in Chrome.
- For the order of CSS question, they have altered the question description and the question is obviously from lowest (User Agent) to hightest (User Important).
- You are right, the question says "shadow 1 inch below the text with 5px blur". However, none of the opinions is correct. The best guest is "text-shadow 72pt 0em 5px" because of the third parameter.
Passed today with 920/1000. All questions are in dumps on this site, nothing new.
Some observations though:
- the question with the range/slider control: it has a "step" attribute which is not mentioned in dumps; I didn't find a valid answer for the "step" value
- the question with the 5 styles to put in order: they want the order in which styles are applied, which is from the lowest priority (user agent) to highest (user important)
- the question with the text-shadow: there is no answer containing "1in"; there is an answer with "1pt", which is not the same thing; I answered something with 72pt but I'm not sure, no answer seems correct
@Mr. DK, yes I have done this exam in Fiji using the promo code and passed.
@ prabhu : for the pseudo anchor order, is it link,visited,hover and active??? I think it is link hover active visited .as they have asked the questio based on user activity..Correct me if Im wrong.
Passed just now at UAE, 880 marks, thanks for this dump.
Used Free code, i did as per dump, somewhere mistakes may from me, or dump, thanks a lot . . .
This is valid according to my test today, there is one question about AJAX call, the real test first line is: var customer = this; instead of var that = this;
the question which lists three requirement of HTML5, answer is SVG.
@Nick U from Fiji? I wish to take this exam using the free promo code. Have you done it and passed? Please let me know.
@SuperMe, Microsoft does review its exam contents often, but chances are that the questions may not be reviewed so early after its release in October. Maybe in the new year, there would be some changes.
Hi , this is realy so cool thanks a lot .. i will pass the exam 28 dec im afraid it will change :p can they change it ?
@menumorut Yes you are right. The answer is D - Customer.prototype.GetComission = function ..
Are you sure the answer to Q16 is correct ?
It says: A - Customer.apply.GetComission() = function ..
I would say: D - Customer.prototype.GetComission = function ..
These questions are perfects. Scored 960/1000. Thank you.
Q31 incorrect, correct answer B
Q30 incorrect, correct answer
thow new error (200, 'Invalid');
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