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Download Free 70-480 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
Size: | 3.73 MB |
Posted Date: | Sunday, November 25, 2012 |
# of downloads: | 2 |
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out of 69 ,25 dumps are wrong
You are modifying a blog site to improve search engine readability. You need to group relevant page content
together to maximize search engine readability. Which tag should you use?
A. <nav>
B. <section>
C. <span>
D. <div>
the following questions have incorrect answers:
1. about inheritance (Consultant from Employee and SedanCar from Car)
2. about throw new Error
3. about position of inner div.
You could fins correct answers at http://www.examcollection.com/microsoft/Microsoft.BrainDump.70-480.v2012-12-26.by.hkayne.69q.vce.file.html
Question about Consultant inherited from Employee.
Looks like it should be:
Consultant.prototype.constructor = Consultant
But in dump correct answer is:
Consultant.prototype.constructor = Consultant.create
Any idea, what is the correct answer?
2 of them score 980 and 820..still valid
The dump are excellant and valid, today i have cleared the exam with 900/1000
HI Guys ,
I am having exam on 26th Jan. Any tips or help will be appreciated.
My exam will be on day after tomorrow. wish me lucky
Passed yesterday with 880.
Microsoft.ActualTests.70-480.v2012-11-25.by.shibanus.69q.vce , this file contain only 5 question , so any 1 will give me the remaning Questions.
It is valid. got 980. Thanks
Still Valid in India.. Passed with 920!!!!!!!
3 of score 960, 860 and 820..still valid
Following include Jekyll's corrections.
Q19 A,B
document.getElementById("logo") .style.position = "relative";
document.getElementByld("logo").Style.top = "5px";
Q22 Correct anseers are C, D
Q27 B & C are the answers, since onconnect event is not existing on worker.
User Important
Author Important
Author Normal
User Normal
User Agent ..that is from highest to lowest
Q31 All options are incorrect
nearest correct answers are B or D???
#obj { text-shadow: <x-offset> <y-offset> <blur-radius> <color>; }
<x-offset> +n right -n left
<y-offset> +n bottom -n top
1 inch below means <y-ffset> is 1in or 72 pt
Hence actually answer must be
0px,1in,5px 0r 0px, 72pt, 5px
==> $("a img").each(function(){
==> $(this).parent().attr("target", "_blank")
Q 44 link, visited, hover, active.
Note: a:hover MUST come after a:link and a:visited in the CSS definition in order to be effective!!
Note: a:active MUST come after a:hover in the CSS definition in order to be effective!!
Q46: A Absolute
If you wish to practice all question using vce use Azad or Hicham's dump
In exam questions and options are randomized.
To be prepared for any new new questions and variations do not totally rely on dumps.
Hey Guys,
Can someone please tell me where Jekyll's corrections are.
My 70-480 paper is due tomorrow, I would really appreciate it if someone can respond to this post asap.
Thanks.. :)
Still valid 2 of them score 840 and 720
This is still valid. Passed the exam on 01/12. I would like to iterate that please read the questions and answers carefully. In my test the questions were slightly modified in their wordings. For example in one question it asked "which of the following is not used?" The choice are the same but instead of the given answer in the dump you have to go for the opposite.In lot of cases the order of the choices were different than in the dump. That shouldn't be an issue. But just be careful. Good luck.
I completed Hichams exam 69 updated questions in 11:06 minutes.
But, I will never take such risk in real exam.
In actual exam I would prefer to read each question and it's option carefully to check any variations if any and review all answers atleast three times if possible. That takes approximately 90 to 180 minutes.
Also I have seen in many actual exams that some times 10 to 50% questions are new. To be prepared for such situation and for practical purpose for your job it is necessary to first study all concepts properly from various sources like books, internet etc. Use dumps as supplement to understand nature of questions and answers. Otherwise even if you pass exam you will be a failure in real life. At job dumps will not help you at all.
Good Luck
passed 900 score
they were just saying to set the style sheet i have to just drag n drop
they didnt say tht they want the order of highest to lowest :P
so plzz guyz read the question while u r attempting
Dumps are Still Valid...
Got 940.......
on 9 Jan 2013
Passed with 840 :D
It was a good vce file..I successfully passed the exam with the help of this file. Got 920..hurray. I am from Kathmandu, Nepal. Its damn good. Also my friend passed the exam with 900.
3 dudes with 860. 920 and 940 .. stoll validn;)
Still valid, SPAIN, score 960
dump still valid, 920
Dump 100% valid till now in India.
Cleared the paper today with 920 marks.
Jekyll p__lllzzz help me in dis qstn. or any othr ppl who hv got 1000/1000..
Q.34 You need to apply the styles from highest priority to lowest priority. (correct order)
Q.31 text-shadow: 5px lin 0px; and text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; (which 1 is true.)
Q.30 throw new Error ("msg",200) is correct or not ?......
I successfully cleared 70-480 by 840 marks. I think there are some questions which are wrong in it. I also used jekyll answers during the test. I dont know where the things went wrong. But nevertheless the thing that matter is that I passed the test.
One should check dumps submitted by other users.
Thanks every one and specially the one who submitted it. All the best.
@Unknown from Canada:
I'm yet to figure that out. But as I said, you will have to verify all the answers from the valid sources. That is the only way to aim for a full score. Don't depend on anyone for this.
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
var data = e.data;
switch (data.cmd) {
case 'start':
self.postMessage('WORKER STARTED: ' + data.msg);
case 'stop':
self.postMessage('WORKER STOPPED: ' + data.msg + '. (buttons will no longer work)');
self.close(); // Terminates the worker.
self.postMessage('Unknown command: ' + data.msg);
}, false);
The web worker thread can be stopped using the close() method, e.g.
self.onmessage = function(e) {
if (e.data == "STOP!") self.close();
so where did you lose your 60 marks?
Yup. Still valid in India. I passed the test today with 940/1000. All questions were from this dump. A sensible move for the future test takers, I suggest, would be to verify each answer from the dump. That will prepare you better.
Not really. The program will use a terminate call only when it encounters an error or is required to be 'abruptly' stopped. If not, and by 'by default', the close call is appropriate.
Q21 or 26?
The case 'stop' should be self.terminate not self.close. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_webworkers.asp
The correct order of precedence is, from most important to least important:
1.User Important
2.Author Important
3.Author Normal
4.User Normal
5.User Agent
Q.30 throw new Error (200, "msg")
Q.31 text-shadow: 5px lin 0px; and text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; (which 1 is true.)
All answers are technically incorrect.
If any one getting 1000/1000 can suggest what option they selected.
By Definition, answer must be 0px 1pt 5px or 0px 72px 5px
text-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur color
h-shadow Required.
The position of the horizontal shadow. Negative values are allowed
v-shadow Required. T
he position of the vertical shadow. Negative values are allowed
blur Optional.
The blur distance
color Optional.
The color of the shadow.
Well valid in brazil, 980/1000 but not sure where this 20 points went
Hey any1 can p__lzzz help me in dis qstn.
Q.34 You need to apply the styles from highest priority to lowest priority. (correct order)
Q.31 text-shadow: 5px lin 0px; and text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; (which 1 is true.)
Q.30 throw new Error ("msg",200) is correct or not ?......
valid in Morocco also, today i get 960/1000
100% valid In Pakistan. i scored 800
Can some one convert the dumps into pdf format and email them to me
Thanks in advance
valid in singapore
@grim_reaper from United Kingdom - Dec 28 2012, 5:41 PM
you did it in 15 minutes !
This dump won't be valid for long then will it?
Only an idiot would race through exam so quickly - Microsoft now 100% that U used dump - as even if you were 100% proficient/knowledgeable you still have to read the bloody questions! You're a bloody moron for red-flagging that exam was dumped
grim_reaper from United Kingdom - Dec 28 2012, 5:41 PM
This Dump is valid as of 28/12/12. Passed with score of 900.There are 40 questions in total plenty of time. i did it in 15 mins, just revise this dump, thats all you need.
Valid 100%
Valid till now.
I gave exam today and got 1000/1000
Follow Jekyll's correction.
Thanks for sharing
Bad News !!!!!!!
Its No more Now (S)
Thanks a lot to Aashish, Talha , Jeklly and all active members..Cleared exam on 28th with 900 Score !!
This Dump is valid as of 28/12/12. Passed with score of 900.There are 40 questions in total plenty of time. i did it in 15 mins, just revise this dump, thats all you need.
@priyanka: 40 questions
Again there is a wrong answer related to Sedan and Car class dump says answer is AB I believe the answer is BC. Pls correct me if I am wrong
In this dump there is another wrong answer according to me
The Employee class must be inherited thus the option which says
function Consultant() {
Consultant.prototype.constructor = Consultant;
is wrong because there is inheritance emplied, if you run this much code and try to call PayEmployee browser will generate an error proving that no inheritance has taken place
The correct option should be
function Consultant() {
Consultant.prototype = new Employee();
Consultant.prototype.constructor = Consultant;
I believe webworkers do not have a close method thus the correct answer should be terminate. most of the dumps show close as the answer but there is no such method as Close or close
About 1inch question
http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/MVA-Jump-Start/Developing-HTML5-Apps-Jump-Start-02b-CSS-Selectors-and-Style-Properties-Part-2 9 min
I'm not sure if he has mistaken or it is true that text-shadow has down as first parameter and right as second (maybe only in IE).
Still valid dump. Got 920 out of 1000 today thanks to You and Jekyll
Thnx Talha nd Ashish.
one more que.
How many questions r there in 70-480 exam?
@Siuu: see all comments below. I'll see that question 46 was already discussed and the correct answer is "A".
Hey I have a doubt regarding question 19 and 46 regarding absolute and relative.. can anyone verify and let me know the answer
@priyanka : scroll down to jekyll comments. U will find the corrections.
PRIYANKA! its all valid dumps...only 69 question and 15 is same question.. and more further detail . sincereboy90@yahoo.com.
Guys, wats the correct answer for Q 27. "You need to establish two-way communications between the web worker process and the page .. "
100% valid dumps..920/1000
@Khalid Kamal : where to find that correction?
@Ankush Jain : Which dumps to follow? I have exam on 28th Dec.Please help.
Passed. 100% Valid in India. Thanks Everyone.
100% valid if you follow along with jekyll's corrections.
This pool has some wrong questions but in exam required only 40-questions for passed this Exam.
Therefore, Every person easily passed with Min #s thats way this valid dump and I attempted that dump and cleared my exam today.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOT 1000/1000 today!! :)
100% valid if you follow along with jekyll's corrections.
Valid Dumps. I got 1000 today
Follow Jekyll Answers
Q12 - B,C
Q30 and Q56 - trow new Error(200,"Invalid")
Q38 - capitalize (new answer instead lowercase)
Q46 - A
<p id="outer" style="position:relative">
NEW TEXT ! ! !
<p id="inner"></p>
Q62 - A,D,E
Q64 - B,C
Thanks All. I got 920 today with correction version. Still have error in some question.
Valid Dumps Just passed with 880 Marks..
@Junky. It is step=0, I tested this.
Valid dump, just PASSED with 880!
Valid dump, just PASSED with 920!
Passed today with 900. 2 of the questions were completey incorrect .. one of them was the range question. step=____ but they had no 5 or any small number for it other than 0 or default.
@Muhammad Mubashir: I am planning to give next week. is this dump 100% valid when u gave the exam?
850 out of 1000.
Valid in Sweden got 960/1000 few questions need to fix. @Jekyll is right.
@Ras these five are correct
Q12 B,C
Q30 Throw error 200 invalid
Q46 Absolute
Q62 A,D,E
Q64 B,C
940/1000, passed, perfectly valid in UK
960 last week. Only 1 question not in dump, but was a variation of what was.
@Ashhar. Ans is A. when outter is relative then inner must be absolute. You can consult w3shool. I myself tested it.
Exact 4 question's answere were wrong in my exam. All the questions were from these dumps. One of my friend got 840 giving exam next to me. He got 2 new questions which, he is sure, he answered wrong.
@me, Q31. Appearing same as in dumps but, Options given are different.one is 100pt 0pt 5pt which is not here. I selected D but I guess it is wrong. My friend also choose this.
Q34. Order is not mentioned in exam. I started from lower to higher which I guess is wrong (user agent..). But It must be from higher to lower (user imp..).
My friend also started from lower to higher.
Q27. I selected BC. But i guess it is wrong. It may be CD.
Q10. STEP is also asked. Which must be 0.
Passed today with 980/1000 in Canada. All 40 questions on the actual exam were from this dump. I chose the dump's answers with Jekyll's corrections. Perhaps a couple of answers are not correct but if you prepare with the dump and incorporate Jekyll's corrections, you'll pass for sure. Thanks guys!
Valid in spain, 1000/1000
jeykll comments are correct.
Passed with 860 today in Pakistan
I have passed with 860 marks
@ta22kid Thanks :)
@John yeah clever suggestion thanks :)
Test is valid 100%. All questions came from this dump. I got 910/1000 score with all revisions. Do not want to get 1000/1000 that would be red flag. However that means that some questions are wrong, but enough is correct to pass !!!
Thank you
ashar - I believe the answer for that particular question is D but according to Jekyll the qustion is actually different at exam time. so it may be absolute positioning (A) in the exam. It will depend on what question you see in the exam.
Please help !
What is the correct answer of question 46.
In dumps it is D (and I also thought it is D) but jekyll said answer is A.
@ras scroll down and see jeykll comments
@uzair go to https://mcp.microsoft.com/ , ab se tumhara microsoft ka account ban jaey ga (agar pehle se nahi bana hua hai to) apni wahi hotmail wali ID use ker sakte ho jo exam dete waqt use ki thi.
Can any one please tell me the correct answer of the following question:
@Raja chohan. which 5 are wrong?
I got 960/1000,these all dumps are correct except 5 dumps.
Anybody can tell me which version of software you are using because when I open it with 1.9.9 is saying its created with old version?
Can Anybody tell now how can i see my online certificate ?
i've logged in prometric.com but there is no certificate softcopy.
Scored 1000/1000 Today . thanks Jekyll For corrections :)
Got 920 marks, still valid in PAKISTAN.
@Luís Rudge, don't look at the item no, check the question no after that (in brackets). Those are the question numbers referred to.
Passed today in spain 920/1000. Dump Valid with corrections from Jekill.
Valid with comments from Jekyll from Russian Federation.
Scored 1000/1000.
Very easy exam.
@Seeker, yes, answer is absolute. As you mentioned, its absolute with "relative to the parent element", in which it is contained (nested). If it was referring to another element (which is not its parent), then the answer would have been relative.
@cgill for the Q46 the answer is A. It is for sure. I tested it by my self. If you use "absolute" in relatively positioned element. This absolute will be position will position according to the parent element position. That is why it "A" is correct.
Q31: Should not be (B) ?
Took an exam today, scored 920/1000, still valid in Australia.
for the pseudo anchor order, is it link,visited,hover and active??? I think it is link hover active visited .as they have asked the questio based on user activity..Correct me if Im wrong. Thanks @Nick : You are rite!!
Q46 : Why it is A . I think it is D is correct. Can someone Help?
@sam, its <article>.
You are modifying a blog site to improve search engine readability. You need to group relevant page content
together to maximize search engine readability. Which tag should you use?
A. <nav>
B. <article>
C. <span>
D. <div>
is it NAV OR ARTICLE..@jekyll.whats did you select
Still Valid with Jekyll from Russian Federation commments.
Passed today 900/1000 using this dump. Although some of the questions answers are in different order. This dump and the comments above helped.
Default, you are correct if not using IE. For IE, here is the syntax:
throw new Error(200,"Message");
catch (e)
For most others, here is the syntax:
throw new Error("Message","FileName", 200);
catch (e)
Q30 and Q56 it's correct
new Error([String message][, String fileName][, Number lineNumber])
Creates an error object.
Q12, Q64 B, C
Q62 A,D,E
You cannot send references to DOM objects to a worker thread
This dump is pure gold. Totally valid. 900/1000 today.
how do i reschedule without paying the $25?
Just FYI: with the promo code HTMLJMP you can take this exam for FREE, offer valid until 31.03.2013
@Jekyll did you get the question Q 31 in Exam A? Answer B or D.
Valid..Got 880... 39 Questions were from dumps... 1 New
Jekyll, request if you could also state the question as well as its answers. Questions are randomized, so I am not sure which question you refer to.
Scored 1000/1000
Q12 - B,C
Q30 and Q56 - trow new Error(200,"Invalid")
Q38 - capitalize (new answer instead lowercase)
Q46 - A
<p id="outer" style="position:relative">
NEW TEXT ! ! !
<p id="inner"></p>
Q62 - A,D,E
Q64 - B,C
Q12 - BC
Q30 - throw new Error(200, "Invalid"). (IE only)
Q56 - same as Q30
Q62 - ADE
Q64 - BC
Spain- still valid 880 just 5 questions failed, i doub in 2 so this dump its valid :)
This dumps will be valid.. i m attempting tomorrow.. and hope i'll got max marks
I think there are some wrong answers in this dump, specially in the javascript inheritance.
In the Q12 the dump says that the B and D are correct, but I think that the correct ones are the B and C.
The Q62 is clearly wrong, according to the answers, the Web Worker can have access to the DOM which is not correct. The correct ones I think, are ADE.
The Q64 says that the correct are A and B, but I think that the correct ones are B and C.
Can please anyone confirm my doubts.
ExamTerminator's dump is better.got 960/1000.and I also left my comment on some wrong answers.
The interactive questions do not show option details and most of them show the answers as "None" any reason why ?
This Dump still valid.
920/1000 today here in Brazil.
First question has problem with regular expression.
I tested it on this page:
and put:
validate ok: 123456789
but 12-456789 is not validated. Why?
scored 940/1000
Scored 900/1000
Still valid! Just passed this exam this morning with 880/1000 score.
Valid, 860
This dump is valid in Pakistan .. and i got 820/1000. feel free to learn it.
Valid on Brazil /
900/1000 my score!
Valid in Japan 860/1000 But 2 new question and some wrong answers Thanks
Mazher Ul Haq because you are using demo version if visual cert exame try to get full version
I can view only 5 questions from question a why?
I checked this dump. Lot of answers are different from the CarnX dump. Some of the questions which are wrong in CarnX dump are corrected here. However, some questions are wrong also.
I will check this dump today and post my findings.
How many questions did you correct in this dump?
Yes, this dump is valid. Pass with 900/1000. The answers are different cause in the other dumps, there are many wrong answers, that are correct in this one.
A lot of questions are with wrong answers in the Test4Prep dump.
Good luck
@Nick: Follow this dump and you will pass.
Now I am confused. Most of your answers are different from all other dumps. Whom to trust? Did you take the exam? What was your score? Did you use this dump? Please answer these questions on order to gauge the validity of this dump.
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