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Download Free 70-483 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-483 - MCSD Programming in C# |
Size: | 5.5 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, February 6, 2013 |
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In F6
you r mixed up "select" and ascending
Best regards,
Answer F18 cannot be answered as asked.
It is not possible to use
protected get
at the same time with
protected set
The only (single and unique) right answer is
replace line 03 with "protected string EmployeeType"
Best regards,
Hi again,
I guess F27 is also wrong.
IMHO the right answer should be :
if ( _catalog== null)
lock ( _lock);
if ( _catalog== null) _catalog= new catalog();
thy 4 ur vce :)
I guess ur aw to F39 is wrong.
U cant pass a coll before created ;-)
Best regards
Studying a lot moooore, I got 925.Thank you Matshj.
Why is the answer A and not C?
To select/check whether the orders have a date other than null, tt should be: "order.OrderDate.HasValue" and NOT: "order.OrderDate.Value != null"
Comparing with != null will give an InvalidOperationException.
I've seen this same question in 2 other exams, with every time the wrong answer, in my opinion.
Anyone else who came across this?
I dont know what sopheys test says, but the correct answer for Q27 is:
if (_catalog == null)
lock (_lock)
if (catalog == null) _catalog = new catalog();
If you haveing problem figuring out the answer for that question your self, you need to study alot moore! That´s basic C# programing skills..
PS, look first in the comments in the older tests. There are a lot of good commets and tips about the questions there.
Gentlemen, I have a question and I would you like to know if you guys can help.
Q27:I see ih this file one answer, and the sophye test with the opposite answer and sequence..Which sequence and answer is correct for this question??
questions are 100% valid! Yesterday I passed the exam with 850, nailed the db access and managing program flow part of the exam so the ones I got are correct in the this exam. The other questions must have some wrong answers.
Has anyone started on the 70-484 yet?
passed with 925, all questions from this dump (100% in "Managing program flow") thanks for the good work!
The NetDataContractSerializer differs from the DataContractSerializer in one important way: the NetDataContractSerializer includes CLR type information in the serialized XML, whereas the DataContractSerializer does not. Therefore, the NetDataContractSerializer can be used only if both the serializing and deserializing ends share the same CLR types.
As we are using a WCF implementation we should use DataContractSerializer
Extension methods are defined as static methods but are called by using instance method syntax. Their first parameter specifies which type the method operates on, and the parameter is preceded by the this modifier. Extension methods are only in scope when you explicitly import the namespace into your source code with a using directive.
Extension Methods must be defined with the "this" keyword!
Q14: according to the correct answer you are going to use " this String str", but "String str" works to.. Typo or are both answers correct??
Q57, I'v been readning about NetDataContractSerializer and DataContractSerializer and they seem to be closely related. Why use DataContractSerializer(answer D) and not NetDataContractSerializer (answer B) in this case?
Q8, Im quite new to JSON, but shouldn't the answer be:
B: Return ser.DeserializeObject(json);
In stead of C: Return ser.DeserializeObject(json);
Propably not in the next time, cause I'm not a full time developer. Mostly I'm developing backend services or support tools as part of my consulting activity. Currently I have too much knowledge gaps in the concepts of MVVM. So I'll need some time to dig in to that to proceed with my developer certification track.
Congrats :)
Is the 70-484 next?
Good work guys, passed today in Germany with 900!
All questions were from the dump. The category with the weakest result was "Application Security and Debugging". I don't know which questions are related to this category.
I wonder to..there is only one way to find out ;)
And if there are two right answers to that question? Because both with and without ascending are correct answers under the given conditions..
Yes you are absolutely right about Q6 i have looked it up too. I just have the tendency to fill in all the boxes. I wonder if the real exam lets you leave some boxes empty. I must say that there are many things that I haven´t seen before. They go sometimes very deep into detail with some questions.
This Q6 also have that condition. You dont need the Ascending, as I wrote in my earlyer comment (a comment to a comment that has been deleted) the linq query returns a Linq.OrderedEnumerable and they are already sorted. So Ascending isn't needed.
You could make a comparison with the questions of this dump:
Because Q17 (Q6 in your dump) question includes "The values must be sorted from the lowest value to the highest value"
Q6, loanQuery is a Linq.OrderedEnumerable. so you don't need ascending
This is a copy of the two prior 70-483 tests, I have corrected some of the suggested corrections that have been mentioned in the comments, I have also added a modified version of Q5(Q63) where there is a new condition that there are not any exceptions allowed.
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