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Download Free 70-483 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-483 - MCSD Programming in C# |
Size: | 5.6 MB |
Posted Date: | Monday, May 13, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 1 |
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Dump not valid
Not valid dump. for about 40 questions not from this dump at 71 questions.
but I passed with 865. you have to watch the ms edu video if you want to pass.
Sep 07 2013 in Korea.
No site www.dotnetsql.com.br está com vários simulados em Portugues Online e gratuitos para quem quer tirar a certificação microsoft em provas de Windows Server, Exchange, Sql Server, Dot.net.
Vale muito a pena conferir, pois os simulados são 100% gratuitos e ainda mostram a evolução das suas provas para que você acompanhe como está a aderência do seu aprendizado.
Achei bem interessante, fácil e sem burocracia!
Douglas Andrade
Still valid, I passed(August 2, 2013) with 950 / 1000
Its Valid.1000.02 October.
Still valid!! 950.-
Still valid, passed yesterday with 925. But the dump by Somebody is quite better.
Are this questions still valid?
Pretty good for preparation. Got my paper cleared on 25th July with 950 score!
Hi all. What is the best book or training resource available for this exam
Passed today with more than 900, still valid !
valid dump. I passed with 925/1000.
Dump is valid. Passed today with 950. I would prefer the original dump by "somebody".
Still Valid, I passed today in Egypt with a score of 925
I would prefer the original dump by "somebody",I scored 1000
I just saw that Q44 is proper in SomBody's original dump. Please do not use this dump. The format of the original is a lot better, too.
Litterbugkid fixed some, but also introduced an error in Q9, where "namespace" was correct in the answer.
Changed answer for qu57- D to A. Not sure about this one, but the change seems valid. Please compare the different outputs to see for yourself:
With XmlSerializer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Location xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
With DataContractSerializer:
<App.Location xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Console
Also Q44 doesn't make any sense. :(
Passed the exam . Dumps are valid.
Passed today. Valid dump. Order of answers is different & couple of question are slightly different from dump
Just passed today with an 850 dump is still valid! A few questions were a little different from the dump. For example the question that asks you to select and place into the GetResponse() method is not laid out the same on the exam. Really be mindful of the order and memorize all the code before you take the exam.
Also the question in the dump where you select and place into the GetData() method shows url.Text.Text = await streamReader.ReadLineAsync() as the correct answer but the question on the actual exam already has await in the code and is asking for what goes before that. For example: urlText.Text = ______ await streamReader.ReadLineAsync() Not sure what would go there or if that was a mistake on the exam.
Hope this helps!
I passed yesterday. I got 925 points. Dump is valid
Dump is stil valid, but some question was modify but it was not a big problem. 950
I passed today with 775 oever 1000. I only got one answer wrong from this dumb, so BECAREFUL!!
Passed got 825 yesterday, dump is valid. Thanks guys.
Dear Luca,
Can list down the questions with wrong answers.
38 out of 40 questions are the same
please look up the answer as some answers are just wrong
Is there a newer dump or is this the latest, I am doing my exam on Tuesday, would be interesting to hear from someone who recently did this test that could give a rough estimate as to how many of these Qs in these dumps actually appeared during the test. I will post my experience on Tuesday anyway. :)
Just scheduled my exam will be taking the exam in the next week, been going through all the dumps, and the course material, is this dump still valid??, not sure what to expect..
wrote the exam and passed. most of the questions from this dump was on the exam only few new questions but they are almost related to the questions on the dumb. Valid Thanks guys.
question9 has an error. it must be the datacontract attribute 'namespace' over the class to get the correct xlmns for the class name.
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://www.contoso/2012/06")]
class Name
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
<Name xmlns="http://www.contoso/2012/06">
"litterbugkid" what are you doing, you took a perfect vce file by ("Somebody") and defaced it, you didn't add questions, you didn't correct wrong ones, you've changed correct answer to incorrect whats your game???????
passed on Jun 7 with 850
On question 5 , Exam A => Question for checking is return only orders that have orerDate value different than null and later than specific year, there is no correct answers. Because you can not check DateTime? ord; ord.value != null. Property ord.value can not be accessed if the property ord is null. You should check with either ord != null or ord.HasValue. So mention if you met this question on exam answer should be something like that => where order.OrderDate.hasValue && order.OrderDate.Value.Year >= year .
Valid in India. Got 900+ on 31st May. All questions are the same but some answers marked are wrong. Anyhow thanks for the stuff.
passed on May 17 , scored 900 , dump is %100 valid, thanks all
Passed today in Russia. Some question are wrong.
q57 should be D:
public sealed class DataContractSerializer : XmlObjectSerializer
public class XmlSerializer
question says second parameter is an XmlObjectSerializer object.
Serializes and deserializes an instance of a type into an XML stream or document using a supplied data contract.
Dump is valid. Passed 950 today. Some answers are wrong.
Dumps is valid .But Few Questions are having wrong answer.I scored 900.
still valid passed 1000
Passed today:925
Still Valid
Passed today: 950
But what does this mean 'passed', did you get questions from this dump, or almost all questions, or just similar questions?
Passed today (975). Still valid.
Did you use these tests to see whether your knowledge was enough and studied more otherwise?
Valid dumps.got 850 yesterday!
Sorry for my last comment, it was for another exam. This dump should still be valid.
Not valid today (20.05). Only 5 questions are the same.
Changed answer for qu5 - From C to A
Changed answer for qu9 (please advise if incorrect but I believe it's correct) - DataContract namespace to name
Correct typos qu10
Changed answer from qu18 - A + F to only E
Changed answer for qu39:
Create a CounterCreationDataCollection collection
Add the CounterCreationData
Call the Create() method of the PerformanceCounterCategory
Changed answer for qu57 (please advise if incorrect but I believe it's correct) - D to A
5 questions wrong. i think the correct answer. HasValue
Passed today in germany, still valid
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