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Download Free 70-410 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 8 MB |
Posted Date: | Friday, April 18, 2014 |
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I passed today same questions existed in this dump
Just passed 70-410 today using Annette. Very valid. Good stuff, Annette!
Just passed today in Toronto with 882 score, I only used Maya and Kathleen dumps pdf version. A lot of questions were reworded so make sure you understand the questions. do a google search, if you don't understand the question. I found kathleen answers are accurate, and found few wrong answers in Maya dump pdf.
Pass with Score 877 Still Valid With Microsoft.Actualtests.70-410.v2014-06-02.by.KATHLEEN.Updated.210q.vce , Study Two Dump
8XX in Russia
Passed today with 900.
Still valid today in Australia. Though I did get 10 questions I'd never seen before out of the 50 in the exam. Highly recommend doing multiple dumps and VALIDATING answers for yourself, don't just trust the VCE and aiotestking.
This VCE is highly accurate but there definitely are a couple of wrong answers in there.
is this still Valide
Is this dump still valid??
This is still valid. Passed with 700 today 04-01-2016
Does anyone have the right answers for this question
110, 168,194,195,222,283,
I have some question about this dump...can you mail me pietknaap@outlook.com
100% valid - 889 points 2-09-1015
I studied this battery and is the best. While studying well prepared to take you stay
is this dump valid? Thanks!!
This dump has excellent explanations
Which other 70-410 dumps use SECTIONS with explanations and have CORRECT answers?
If any one who passed recently with this dump then please let us know...please comment if any one who gave the exam on 410 in last week/or some days ago and passed the exam...please comment if you have any idea about exam
This file is still valid but there is alot of new question about 10 in the exam i took. Got 540. What
still valid, past last friday by studying ANETTE and KATHLEEN with 7xx
Here some people say that they studies kathalien,maya and so and so VCE files. I too studied kathalien and others vce files.Most of them wrong answers . I will bet if any one shows one wrong answer in Annette vce file. Thanks for the uploader and really appreciated.
Annete. Hats off to you for providing this VCE . All answers are correct. We need not to study anything.Just read annete VCE files to pass the exam.I passed today with score 925. All questions are from annete vce. Just study this VCE who ever wants to pass the exam.
Passed Today with 850 score still Valid
Thank god! passed with 8xx score,
Still valid. Studied ANNETTE + KATHLEEN with plenty of google search.
Only two new questions.
I passed yesterday using this dump, Kathleen’s and Montague with score 850. Thank you very much for the material.
Still Valid - 9xx Canada
Took exam yesterday (30.04.2015) and still extremely valid! Only saw one question not in this file. A few answers are wrong so double check if you feel the answer looks a bit odd.
I used Maya and Kathleen with this one!
Dump is valid in UK passed today but I also used "Microsoft.Actualtests.70-410.v2014-06-02.by.KATHLEEN.188q.vce".
The Kathleen one works better for the picture questions
passed today with 962/1000. almost all questions are from this dump. Still valid in PH
Passed with 850 yesterday! Also used Microsoft.Actualtests.70-410.vv2014-11-22.by.Montague.280q.vce
still valid, passed 70-410 this week. UK
Dump is still valid, passed today in the Netherlands with score 7xx.
100% valid ,all questions from this file,
test passed OK
all questions where in this test
is this dump is valid
Extremely Valid! I just took the test and scored in the high 800's. Almost all of the questions were exactly the same as the ones in this VCE. There were a few that were on the same concepts as these, but had different answers. Know the concepts, not just the answers to the questions.
I also used Montague.280q and KATHLEEN.188q.
This file has better explanations of the answers. Montague and Kathleen have hardly any explanations.
I also studied the CBT Nuggets videos and the Microsoft Exam-Ref book for this exam. They were completely useless in terms of preparing for this exam. :/
Do you have to study all 423 questions? As I saw someone say only study 188? But there is only one block of questions in this dump which is 423.
Hello Guys,
What Version of VCE player can i use to play VCE files by ROD and Kathleen.
I really need help..
Please help
still valid scored 8xx " Netherlands " remember all 188 questions and you succeeded without problems
passed today 793. Still valid.
Let's go
buddika how was the exam???? easy or hard???
Dump still valid. Passed today
Still valid, i passed today 793 - Brazil
Keep calm and go through this dump..I did not go through any other..got a 8**..KENYA.
Hii.. passed the xam got 8** ... valid in india..dumpss 100%worth ..
Hiii.. just now finished the exam.. dump 100%valid.. got passed 8** .. all the best frnds...
Passed the exam today with 8xx. Thanks annette!
Dumps still valid,passed today with 8xx.
Is this dump valid for actual exam? Please advnce tnx !
This Dump is 100% valid in Pakistan... i pass yesterday with 868.... not even a single question out of it...
this is the dump. very valid if you want to pass this is the dump scored 8xx
The dump is valid passed 775, in USA.
Great!!! Passed 85x
thanks for everything
Great!!! more than 8xx
have passed thanks for everything.
Alhamdlelah, got 850 today in VUE
this file is valid - just 1 question with different answers than the dump
but all question are from this dumb
Dears, can anyone verify if this dump is valid for pearson vue OR prometric ?
is this dump for PEARSON VUE ?OR PROMETRIC ?
dump still valid with 775
100 % valid!! passed with 879... use this dump and you will do fine....
100% valid. Passed today, Scored 775
Valid in US. Passed w/868. Don't know if it helps but I sandbagged the pre-exam experience survey...maybe got an easier version. Thanks Kathleen/Annette
Passed using this dump. Two questions were changed and 6 I did not recognize or could not remember. I wish I did not also use KATHLEEN, the questions are the same, but few answers are different which confused me a lot. Anyway to all the doubters, you can pass using this dump.
100% valid. Passed today, Scored 775, studied KATHLEEN.188q & ANNETTE.423q only. Best of Luck!
Passed today with 850! Only ran into 3 questions that I did not recognize.
Passed only used this exam. No more, no less. 820!
Jason - you are getting stream errors because of cracks. Use vce simulator and it will be ok.
Do not study from this dump, to many questions and some are wrong. I failed it last time I used this dump. I recommend the premium dump(286q), bought it yesterday 50$ and all questions are valid. Passed today with 8xx.
Why am I getting stream read error for Annette exam. It is only doing it for Annette exam and not Kathleen or any others.
I just signed up. Do I have to pay extra to get a vce program
Pass my exam 775 . 6/11/2014
Failed on this exam today scoring 681. Studied this exam together with Kathleen's 188q. Lots of questions are NEARLY the same. Received at least 6 questions regarding AD cmdlets.
Passed today with 868....studied this n kathleen. Only 1 new question. Best of Luck to All. Off to 70-411.
Passed today with 868...Ques were from this as well as Kathleen(total 40 ques)..Just One new ques about "deleting printer1 from cont1" something like that...dnt remember exact words...But Annette n Kathleen still Valid guys..All the Best..!!!
Passed with a score of 850/1000 in India..
Studied this dump and KATHLEEN (188 Q)
This dump has lot of wrong answers.
In kathleen dump check the following 13 Q (Question numbers are 14,35,62,90,97,105,132,127,145, 147,171,179,187). I think these are correct answers
Good luck everybody
I took the examination on October 12, 2014 encountered 40 questions, scored 8XX.
Questions are NOT all from this dump. You have to study also other dumps (like the dumps of Rod, Snowden and most specially Kathleen)
in order for you to familiarize some questions which are not found on other dumps.
Good luck and God Bless.
Hola, cuantas preguntas te realizan en 20-410 y con cuantos puntos apruebas.
Still valid but some answers are wrong so make sure you studdy it all and have a basic understanding of the work. CBTnuggets and this work wonders !!! Good luck
well enough & still valid in pakistan.. passed yesterday with this this Annette & Deloris
Does anyone know if its still valid in south africa?
Thanks exam collection. I passed the examination on 23rd sept.. Still valid in india. 4 new qus.
Thank you once again
Passed today 831 valid 100% Ukraine, some answers are wrong
Passed exam in Mumbai with score 775. its still valid, keep goin....
yesterday i passed exam in Mumbai with score 775. its still valid.
US - Passed 70-410 today using Annette score: 8XX
passed today with 875..studied CBT and snowden
passed today with score of 875. Studied CBT Nuggets Snowden and Annette
This dump is still valid. Passed today with almost 900.
please , can any engineering upload this dump
Salam to all
i ma going to take the exam next week kindly let me know is it valid in pakistan.
Passed today in Morocco with 800; Dump valid 100%.
I studied only from this one.
this dump still valid in Nigeria. I did my exam 11/09/2014
i have got 812 from this dump and KATHLEEN 188q
there is alittle bit wrong and contradicting answers but dont panic its more enough to pass.
All d very best.
I passed the exam on 09/09/2014 with 875 marks. Still valid in Israel.
I followed this dump and KATHLEEN.188q. Have a few wrong answers. But still valid.
valid in Toronto as of Sept 10.
Passed the exam in the China with 800+ points, still valid!! 3 new questions
Passed this exam yesterday 09-09-2014 with 875, still valid and good, Also get exam ANNETTE.423q. Good Luck.
this dumb is 100% valid but some answers are wrong
Passed 70-410 at sep 6th with 8XX points, some question is new, but most of question is form this dump
@RaverSoul. Can you provide me with a working link to the fixed dumps for 70-410. I would greatly appreciate it.
thank you.
passed this exam 3-rd Sept with this dump 775 points. Some questions had answer changed and some are not in dump. Anyway... good JOB!
Passed the exam in the Netherlands with 800 points, still valid!!
Passed this exam yesterday with 8xx, still valid and good.
Still Valid dump passed yesterday 8xx in South Africa.
this dump is 100% valid, wrote the exam on friday 29 august and got 8**, thanks for the dumps,big up
This is still valid in Australia and got it passed on 1st Sep with scores of 912. Only 2 questions had been found new. I would say by using this along with KATHLEEN.188q.vce will surely be enough...
this dump still valid in uae
i have got 900 from this dump and KATHLEEN 188q
there is alittle bit wrong answers but dont panic its more enough to pass
good luck to all :)
Still Valid passed 8xx in eurpoe. Though you need to learn both Anneeth and Kathleen. If you have to choose one, than choose Anneeth. If answers conflict in both of these, I think answers of Anneth are true. Thanks examcollection, Anneth and Kathleen. going for 70-411
This is valid 100%. Passed with 700 today 08-29-2014
This dump is 100% valid. Passed today with 850. All the questions were from this dump only, no need to study/refer any other study material.
This exam is 100% valid. Passed totdat with 8xx. Studied this exam + Kathleen 188q (over and over and over and....). There are some different answers beween Annette 423q and Kathleen 188q so be aware. Some question are also wrong. But that isn't à big deal. All the examquestions came out of the testexams.. Got one new and another with changed ip . Also studied manual and CBt nuggets. Thank you. Keep up the good work and good luck.
Valid. Passed today with 8XX.
However, I suggest you study both KATHLEEN.188q and ANNETTE.423q just to be on the safe side.
Just got 1 new question.
sure ?
Passed today Australia 8xx
I used this dump with KATHLEEN.188q, passed today 8xx, has new 1 question about drag drop IP and Subnet address.
@Lola : i hope another belgium guy can say the same soon ! :-)
got many new questions?
Hello Guys,
Just passed the exam 800/1000 - used dumps:
Katheleen 188 q
Annette 423 q
Questions on the exam exactly the same as on both dumps - some differences on the correct answers on both dumps, but I think ANNETTE is more correct.
Only one new question for Hyper-V and one IP question (version 4) with changed IP addresses.
Thanks a lot for the dumps.
passed today 825, valid in australia
Passed today with 837/1000. Practiced this test to death and did CBT Nugget training.
My Reccomendations:
Keep an eye out for some of the tricky powershell commands.
Make sure you understand the basics of IPv6
Make sure you understand Hyper-V and Storage.
Revise Revise Revise!
Pass - POLAND - 725 :)
This dump is valid, passed today with 950/1000
Waoooooooo thanks !!! passed today 900/1000
Can anyone please confirm if this is still a valid dump here in the philippines?
Hi...is it valid in india?
I'm thankful for this dumb it's amazing and still valed, I passed 800/1000 at 30/7/2014
Passed in Austria on July 31rst 2014.
At least 80% of ANNETTE questions the same like in exam.
Dump still valid, passed on Friday and obtained 837.Thanks Anette
Still valid today in Canada. 7-31-14
I took the exam today.. 95 % of it is valid but the I.P questions were changed. I passed and its on to 70-411
I have passed on 25/07/2014 .. the dump is valid
@Jamam can You schare the 4 New question .. what is it about?
The dump is valid, I passed with 7xx from south Africa.
Thanks Annette
Any one from India gave the test? which dump is valid? can you please help
Passed Yesterday 925. TNX foryour help !!!
Alhamdulillah , Today i passed exam with 812 , thanks to al-kareem premium dump , still valid( INDIA) enough to pass the exam, around 4 new questions. some wrong answers in premium file too . All the best guys
still valid? Valid in Netherlands?
Theres a new vce file for July 21.. Does anyone have a link ?
hello guys,
anybody could provide the file or a link for Abdul-Karem Al-Namouly dump please ?
Passed today with 900.All question on this exam: http://www.mediafire.com/download/r9p1me9rpiqlz9u/70-410+ahmed.vce
Can any confirm which dump is vaild to pass the exam 70-410 is ANNETTE.423q or DONNA.384q or ROD.143q please confirm anyone!!!!!!!!!!!
@Desai there is a file name kathleen its the same as the premium u can download it
Can someone share this dump: Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly
188 Q dump.
I was not able to find that on the website.
Kind Regards,
Can someone share this dump: Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly
188 Q dump.
I was not able to find that on the website.
Kind Regards,
Valid in the Netherlands. I only studied the first 250 questions and passed with 750/1000
Study the whole thing and you will pass for sure!
Valid in the Netherlands.. I only studied 250 questions and passed with 750P
i want make the exam 410,this is valid for 410 and 411,thanks
Where can I find Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly 188 Q dump? Can you help me please.
Passed 410 in the Netherlands today using only Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly
188 Q dump. Only 2 new questions.Very good dump. Thank you
passed 410 a couple of days ago using only Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly
188 Q dump. very good dump. thank you
I just pass Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly 411 premium dump on Today. 820 scores !!
Dear Vijayraj,
Did you use 188Q dump Please confirm ASAP.
hi, suren
thank you very much for your link. I really appreciate this and could you give me a hand for 411 and 412 files as well.Please, if you don't mind. Could you please send me the file or links to this email mzo.minzaw@gmail.com
Is this dump, Still valid in Sri Lanka? Plan to do the exam on 11of July 2014.
Passed in NZ today with 8XX. Couple of new ques. Thanks Annette.
The dump is VALID. Passed yesterday in Sarajevo with score 950. All the questions are from this dump.
i've just smashed the exam in London using only the premium file through the link posted below. I had 8XX
Thanks very much EXAMCOLLECTION TEAM...Passed today with score 850.All questions are exactly as in the dump from below link http://www.mediafire.com/download/r9p1me9rpiqlz9u/70-410+ahmed.vce
Valid in Switzerland. Thanks to Annette
Passed today , i study Rod 140q , Annette (first 140q), and Premium file. Premium and annette got me to pass , From Rod only had about 5q , Annette and Premium 40q , 11 new and tricky questions about Powershell and IP6.
Exam 56 Questions 2Hours.
Study book and above and you will pass.
Link for Premium,
Thanks Annette and rod and Supply of the Premium file.
Good Luck
Passed my exam today using this dump. There were some new questions but still got more than 800.
Passed today with this dump (score : 800).. go through each and every question then only you can pass
which version of visual certexam suit will support to this dump and where i can download?
This is valid in turkey.i pass it tody...
Thank you ANNETTE
Hi Vovi,
Please share also 411 and 412 premium file
I downloaded already 410 VCE I will update you once I pass the exam 3rd week of july 2014
Passed with 837....thanks Annette!
I got 850. Valid
got 850!!! thank so much
valid for Colombia, thanks!!
I wrote yesterday using just this one i got 8XX/1000 its VALID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To pass the exam is sufficient to study the vce premium?
Please I need to know where I can find 410 Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namoul dump
This dump has some wrong answers and not fully valid. 10-12 new questions recently. 2/3 series of ques have same answer sets (a,b,c,d,e,f).
Q194 is not correct, who can tell the correct answer?
This dump is valid but i have just got 838. It maybe have some wrong answers. Thanks much Annette
From NL
Pass still valid Thank you.:))))
Passed today in Israel and scored 8XX
Thanks annette!
Gaby gvily is the king!!
Dear Usman,
You only use 188Q dump to clear this exam.
Please confirm at 03014477817 thanks.
I'm going to write on wednesday the 25th of june,is this dumb still valid for me to study
Dear Janta,
You only use Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly 188q file.
To clear the exam please comments or sms on 03014477817
Adeel Imtiaz
guys i have passed my exam this dump is valid i got 825
Hey guys... Please anybody to give the link for Abdul-Kareem's dump. Please help, where can we download it from?
Valid in Pakistan, passed today with 8xx
Is first 140q of annette good enough + Rod 140 ? Thanks in advance
passed today with 8xx,all questions were from the Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly 188q file.Thankx for the file man and goodluck to everyone who is about to write!!
Passed yesterday with 812 scores. thanks you ANNETEE.
Has anyone used the Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly 411 premium dump and has passed?
I'm gonna write tomorrow this exam..I prepared this dump..let see how much score I'll get tomorrow. I'm from India. And I'll update tomorrow.
passed in ireland today 800+... great dump...thank you very much
Hello guys please could someone verify the answers to this question,im writing on thursday and i need to make sure that im on the correct path....Your network contains an active director domain named contoso.com. an organizational unit(ou) nanmed ou1 contains the computer accounts for laptops and desktop computers. a group policy object named(gpo) named gp1 is linked to ou1. you need to ensure that the configuration settings in gp1 are applied only to a user named user1. what should you do?
A. Modify the security settings of OU1.
B. Modify the GPO status of GP1
C.Modify the security settings of GP1
D.Confugure the WMI filter
Passed today with 800 even in Kyrgyzstan. Only used the Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly 188q file that was linked in the comments below. Some changed/ new questions on the exam but after only going through the .VCE twice and testing still got an 800. Good luck all.
To God almighty alone be the glory for heping me passed today. Scored 925 used only Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly 188q premium file. All questions from the dump except one question. @Abdul-Kareem A. Al-Namouly, a very big thanks to you for your great work and sharing. Dump still valid in Nigeria.
still valid but dont memorize the answers only also memorize the questions, good luck
I Passed today this exam with 862 marks..in Bangalore (India) and 54 questions were from this dump out of 55. Its better understand the questions.
Great JOB, I learned only this dump and passed more than 800. Thx
ohh... yaaa Just passed with a Score of 8XX
passed with 812,
thank you Annette
I used the premium vce all questions were on the test. There were 54 questions on the test. I pretty much just used the dump to pass and I barely passed must of been quite a few wrong answers on the premium vce.
Passed today with 812,
Thank you annette
Pass to day with 8xx. Thanks Annette !
Passed with 875! Still valid, all questions from this file.
Passed with 875! Still valid, all questions from this file. Thanks!
850/1000. passed today. everything from premium file. One question with numbers changed.
800+/1000. All questions from the premium dump file.
some questions numbers changed and options (one two Qs)
ex network id and subnet question.
passed yesterday with 812 in israel
great dump
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