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Download Free 70-412 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-412 - Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services |
Size: | 8 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, May 21, 2014 |
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I'm writing tomorrow don't know which to go for but see most says rod think I will go with rod
i am planing to give the exam next friday is this dump valid
DO NOT take this exam if you plan on just using these dumps alone for your test preparation. I spent a good amount of time covering both this as well as the Rod 9-12 dump, only to walk out of the room with a 680 score. That is what? 2-3 questions from passing? I put effort into this, so needless to say, I'm pretty pissed. But I will fix the mistakes.
Interestingly enough, I scored above 80 on 4 of the 6 metrics as delineated by the post-test breakdown, but on two of the areas (Configure File & Storage Solutions, Implement Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery) I was below 45%, leading me to believe that the folks who gave these dumps are also weak on these areas, as I did not cover them in depth to see through the invalidity of their answers.
There were also many wrong answers in the other sections as well, but my live practice with the Server 2012 OS allowed me to see those and insert the right ones as I went along.
Bottom line: if you want correct feedback on how to improve BEFORE you take the exam, these dumps here won't help you. You are going to have to pay for real practice exams, as I plan to do. I don't like wasting my time or my dollars only to find out the information being used to practice with wasn't quite legitimate.
Good luck to you all.
Dear Guys, i want to give this Exam, but kindly confirm anyone is this dump is Valid in Pakistan????
Dump is valid! Passed with 788 in Austria.
pass today with 775 MCSA at last ....
just correct ROD and go for exam good luck ..
am going for exam for second time wht should i do i study rod and remark the wrong answer any help please my exam om 12.10 sunday.. thanx you
I pass with rod dump 750 score I tought I will pass with 900 but their is a lot of wrong answer but u can still pass if u know the dump good 2-3 new questions
Pass with ROD dump. Score 9xx. New question 2-3
Is this valid in Singapore?. Any comments Plz ASAP.
why i was using provided URL to download ROD Dump, but it contains only 12 questions? Any one here can please advise? Thanks
Planning to give exam tomm. Is this still valid? Kareem how many Q were different?
Still valid in Texas. I passed the 70-412 test with 850, on Sept. 17th, using only the ROD dump.
Not valid any more
Passed exam with 812 score (21-9-2014) still valid but there are four new questions
thanks ROSEMARY and rod
Dear All,
please help me because i am preparing to attend the examination very soon and it is very urgent.
Thanks .
Passed with 823 by ROD.
ROD's dump is 100% valid.
Passed today via ROD dump..7XX
can please premium file 200q Thanks thanx you my exam is soon help me ...
new update 4.sep
100% valid,770/1000,Passed with Rod...thanks to rod some questions answers shifted,also some wronge answers and some new!! thanks exam collection
The ROD is 100% Valid dump...I used it only and passed by score of 770...9-9-2014.
Allhamdullilah Passed with 823 Marks, Thanks.
I passed with ROSEMARY.186q
Passed with Rod 100% valid thanks to rod some questions answers shifted one or two new!! thanks exam collection!
can please premium file 200q Thanks thanx you my exam is soon help me ...
I got the premium file, IS it VALID??? Thanks to answer
I passed with ROD exam, Score 788 :D I'm MCSA
Thanks Rod Passed with 8XX today. Still Valid in South Africa
passed today with ROD file, i got 8xx. there was no new question i was suppose to get 100% but somewher sumhow i lost concetration. all the best mzansi. i mahlanga
The dump is pass? have anybody tell me?
Still valid. passed today(31) with score of 841. all questions were from this dump. two had little differences. thankx ROD..
Valid in Portugal, just finish today score 858 (Rod dump file only). Beawer in my test 4 questions with diferent answers read the exame questions and associet with Rods ansewrs.
In Rods VCE read all ansewrs explanations.
Two new questions not in Rods VCE.
Good luck to everyone!!!
Passed today with 7XXX Rod is stil valid, some new questions some different answers.
I'm now MCSA 2012, on to MCSE 2012
passed the exam today with 823, 61 questions all from Rod vce. the Rod vce is valid and good enough for you guys to pass the exam, good luck for you guys.
ROD dump is valid in the INDIA.All the question was in the dump, but 3 of them had different answers.
Scored 8XX ONLY studying ROD's dump..
Passed with 823 by ROD, Thanks.
Passed with 825by ROD, Thanks.
!!!!!! Now i^m MCSA
Lou, the answer sequence is the same as the dump? lol.
Passed7*** algunas preguntas incorrectas pero buena guia de estudio
Passed with 825 by ROD and lillian .Thanks ROD im now MCSA certified,
Passed with 825 by ROD and lillian .Thanks ROD im now MCSA certified,
Passed with 8xx by ROD, Thanks.
ROD dump is still valid in the US. Every question was in the dump, but 2 of them had different answers.
Scored an 858 ONLY studying ROD's dump!
Many thanks ROD!!!
Took the exams out of order due to no good 411 dump, so now I'm studying for the 411 then I'll be MCSA!
Hi Friends,
I am from INDIA, unable to download the file from drop box. can any one please post the file at media fire ?
Pass yesterday 2014/8/22 with 770 scores in Taiwan. ROD still valid ,There were 2~3 new questions
I got MCSA and MCSE certified
Thank you very much ROD.
passed with rod dump only. 7xx some answers in different orders and reworded but its valid. enough to pass
I'm from India, Bangalore. Finished this exam today with 720 using by ROD dump.
All questions from ROD dump except 4 to 6 were new.
Identity and Access Q5. answer was given in dump D. ACTIVE DIRECTORY SITES AND SERVICES, But there is no option in exam to select ADS&S.
And 2 or 3 questions were changed with same concept..
Any way now I'm hold MCSA sever 2012 Cert.
ROD still valid but there are some wrong answers. I had 7XX, studied ROD only and I knew all 196 questions by heart
passed 7XX , ROD still valid
be careful lot of question has wrong answers
Dear Cleopatra
Did you answered the same as in ROD or you forgot any answer .
Maybe I am stupid but anyone can tell me what is ROD or who is ROD?
He is mentioned in another dumps also?
Sharing my inputs again. I passed the exam from yesterday. There were 5 new questions and I got 823.
Thank you ROD!
why i was using provided URL to download ROD Dump, but it contains only 14 questions? Any one here can please advise? Thanks.
Passed with Rod still valid in SA....100% pass guarantee...Thanks ROD im now MCSA certified,
now going for MCSE
Thank you guys for sharing, I really appreciate it. Starting studying tomorrow
Passed with Rod's dump 752 / 2-3 new questions / 10 questions with different answers and maybe some wrong answers in dump !
Suzi u can used below link 100% valid
For those looking for ROD dump....
Would anybody mind helping me find the ROD dump? I do not see it on here and would really appreciate the help!!
Thank You, Suzi
Dear All, First thanks fir All, i Pass with 735 i stdy ROD and lilian but there is problem i donot no with me or with all i kept and try study the dump and answerd sam Rod dump but i have only 735 whhhhhy ,the dump is very valid but check all answer . Thanks for all agine finally i am MCSA
Passed with Rod's dump 841
Passed today 6-8-2014 770 using ROD
Passed today 8/5/14 using only Rod's dump. Every question was from this dump but I am assuming that a few answers are wrong. Pass with 770 so Dump is good enough to pass. Good Luck all.
Passed today with 770 score. studied ROD dump only. good enough to pass. some questions and some ansers have been changed
Are the link's to ROD's dump posted by Eugene and Kidfisto on June 25 still valid or has there been an update to it? Thanks
Dump worked only 1 new question not on Rod dump
Passed on 2/8 using only RODS, couple of new question, options reshuffled
I've just cleared the exam in London, used only ROD's Dump!
Dinesh from INDIA. Passed today with 770 score. studied ROD dump only. good enough to pass. some questions and some ansers have been changed
Hey y'all is ROD still valid in SA???? please advice soon
pASSED Today with 9xx ,ONLY With ROD Dump !!!!!! Now i^m MCSA
Passed today with ROD's one.
passed score 788 in Thailand. 2-3 new questions.
Could someone please post the link for ROD or Premium? THANKS!!!!!!!!!!
Can any1 help im writing on 5/08/14 and I can't open this dumps, it give me socket error#10061 connection refused
Passed today with 876 score. All questions came from ROD dump, only one new question drag&drop about configuring iscsi.
Now attack 413!
Your network contains 20 iSCSI storage appliances that will provide storage for 50 Hyper-V hosts running Windows Server 2012 R2....
Why "Install the iSNS Server service feature and create a Discovery Domain." is correct and not "Start the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service and configure the iSCSI Initiator Properties." ?
iSNS Server is kind of DHCP for iSCSI, so we need it only for simplicity.
From the other hand we need to start Initiator first to configure iSCSI.
Passed today with study ROD , thanks
I have my exam tomorrow and studying ROD's one. still Rod's one valid?
I'm studying ROD's one. Did u get any new questions rather than ROD's one?
Failed 627 only using ROD. All questions from this dump but some answers are wrong. wololo
is valid pass today, one new question, thanks
thanks for allah
thanks for ROD
pass 841 - 25/7/2014
Passed with 717 today in japan and only studied RODs dump. I guess there were few wrong answers after all.
63 questions and 3 to 5 of them had similiar wording as the dump but different selection of answers. Need to watch out for that.
Again , thank you ROD for the great dump!!!
passed today july 24th in New Orleans using Rod's dump only. I had his Dump Fully memorized, and my score was 717 so there are some wrong answers. no new questions for me ROD had them all - a pass is a pass
I passed with a 788 studying only ROD. A couple new questions, and there are a couple wrong in it, but it's good enough to pass.
ROD is the same of IRENE 196... 3 new questions... this dump is still valid
Thanks ROD !! i'm MCSA now... 8XX !!!
Thanks ROD I am now MCSA cert. Passed today with 770 scores.Used only ROD's dump which is good to go. God bless you ROD!
I have ROD dump.
Please contact me
can someone pls help me with ROD dump,am ryting my exam next week plsss guys
I just came back from the test center and ROD's file is still valid. Only had one new question.
However a lot of the answers in his dump are incorrect as I only scored 735 and I'm sure I picked the exact same answers.
So make sure you get all of them!
Passed today 7XX studying this dump.. 64 total questions with 2 new not on this dump..thanks Rod and everyone who commented...
guys where do i get the latest rod dump ?!!!
Can somebody indicate which is ROD Dump ?
Pass on Today. Use Rod dump only.
Got 823 scores.
It's still valid. God bless you.
Passes today I used this dump & ROD dump.
Thanks to Rod / Benkyou / Justin for the corrections to dumps for Rosemary/Rod update.
Scored 8xx
Definitely wrong answers and getting around 700 is nothing great, but a pass for those of you who are grateful and most likely did not study very much outside this dump. Spent a lot of time reviewing dump questions as final exam prep and still questions I got wrong that were correct here, so there are still a lot of wrong answers in this dump, some with elaborate explanations stating the answer is correct, so be careful
I went through Rod's dump and verified any questions that were questioned here or seemed odd. Used InfiniteSkills and CBT vids after going through this exam, which really helped understand concepts. Highly recommend and easy to find if your resourceful. Plus Technet articles will help get you through and real lab environment is important.
Here is a list of my questions that you might want to check in Rod's dump:
Q24 - GPO customize should be set to not configured for local server setup, confirmed on TechNet and in lab
Q70 - IPv6 cant configure Failover
Q131 - I think it should be Duplicate certificate template as part of the answer and from forums/technet
Q136 - seems wrong as the process for adding new site link (I will let you decide)
Q139 - Definitely wrong (detailed explanation that question is correct when incorrect) refer to this link for VM migration between Clusters:
Q145 - seems wrong (let you decide)
Q150 - seems wrong (second option should be computer that is a DC) but you can research this one in full
*If anyone knows why Q167 - File Sever needs upgrading (server2008R2) for sharing (needs to be DC?) I didn't understand that question, appreciate if someone can explain that one.
Be aware that questions are reworded and obviously order has changed for answers or different answer choices.
Cheers and good luck!
Passed today just studying this one. 770. thanks ROD
I have studied Rod's dump also and he has good explanations on most of his answers.
I passed with a score of 847.
Got 2 new questions and a few reworded.
Thanks ROD!!!!! I am now MCSA Cert.
What should I say. Well, ROD I don't know who you are but thanks a lot. His dumb is still valid. I can't agree with the previous posts and doubt that there are mistakes in it. 3 or 4 new questions or maybe I didn't recognise them due to being nervous. Passed with 7xx. Cheers brah
Passed today with score 752. All questions came from ROD's dump, not a single new question! But beware, there are a lot of wrong answers in ROD's dump (hence I only scored 752 points).
The version 1.0.2
If anyone has a prem file of 412 to share pls email n3tworkguru@gmail.com.
Thanks alot
guys please help me, where do i get ROD dumps? i heard ppl recommadin em. please help i am planning to write in two weeks tym. thank ya
Thanks ROD, passed today in Canada 752. There are two new questions.
Thanks to ROD. Passed with 770 today. 100% valid, But some answers are wrong.
Passed on Jul 01,2014 with Score 8xx
Valid Exam 100%
Thank ROD. Passed with 788 and my fried Passed 8xx score.
Passed to 27 June
"ROD's dump is 100% valid, passed with 9XX with all questions from his dump. Two fixes:
- Q150 the correct answer is Distributed Cache Mode.
- Q65 the correct answer is B. Create a scope on Server 2."
Am I on crack, I checked the questions you mentioned above and I don't see in Rod's or Rosemary (have random questions off) I found one of the questions and referenced in this forum about scope. Where is question Q150 about Distributed Cache Mode or which dump are you referencing?
Thank ROD. the same of IRENE 196q. Passed today with 8xx score. 5 new questions. Dumps is still valid.
Thank ROD. Passed today with 8xx score. 2 new questions. Dumps is still valid.
Passed, ROD Only, 3 New questions.
Passed with Rod's dump 7XX
today not valid. i score 685.maybe some wrong answers in dupm
Passed with 86x points, studied ROD and Lillian.
Thanks Rod. Passed today with 805.
I Studied Rod's dump only
today failed 685 . answers are not accurate.look out.
Passed yesterday with 790(Rod dump only).
The answers are 70/80% of Rods dump.
Only good thing to know is that the sequence of the answers is changed.
ROD's dump is 100% valid, passed with 9XX with all questions from his dump. Two fixes:
- Q150 the correct answer is Distributed Cache Mode.
- Q65 the correct answer is B. Create a scope on Server 2.
Hi Riswan, you are wrong! There is no 315 q&a, but 196 q&a. You can proof it to us if there is 315Q&A.
Thanks to ROD now I have my MCSA Windows Server 2012 :)
I study only ROD for 70-412 and bring to me 788. There is 2 new questions, 2 questions with different answers and maybe some wrong answers in dupm !
I wish luck to all ....
Thanks ROD for the dump, reliable, passed today 25 Jun with Score of 752
Comon guys if you are so lazy to read whole 2 pages of comments...that is why you cannot find RODs dump.
I only reviewed Rod dumps and passed yesterday with 8xx score.
Thanks Rod.
You can get them at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wrp0a4sncqdcujt/Microsoft.Certkey.70-412.v2014-05-29.by.ROD.vce
Passed 8xx today only studying ROD. Thanks!
i passed today 8xx only
Rod thanks ROD
See the link below for ROD dump:
Passed with 8xx using ROD exclusively. Still valid! Thank you very much Rod!
Premium or ROD's ??? Anyone , which one is good for passing , my test is in 10 days.....
Can anyone help, everyone is talking about Rod's dump but i cant seem to find it?
Where is it located?
Can someone pls assist on how to get ROD's Dump
in ROD we trust indeed, use ROD's vce only guys then you will pass.. still valid in RSA
Which dump is the ROD dump? Is it this dump from Rosemary or a different one? I don't see any dump with ROD in the description.
I PASS with 823 ROD .VCE
Big Thanx ROD... : )+2 new
on 20/06
Passed today with 823 using just ROD's dump.
Studied ROD only, passed with 8xx, thanks ROD!
Passed 8xx using Rod only. Thanks Rod :-)
passed today 788 with this dump only ..but i would double check ...
Passed on 19 June 2014 with 8xx all questions from ROD , Dump is valid Thanks Rod
Passed Today 823 , just studied ROD only , 2 new questions
thank you soooooo much ROD :)
Passed Today 770 , just studied ROD only , 2 new questions
thank you soooooo much ROD....
Passed with 8XX using Rod only. Couple of new questions on the exam. Great dump
Unlike yourself. You are a very big Dick! LOL
Sorry, I don't understand when you say ROD. Please help me to find it.
Passed with ROD dump with 752 ! 4 or 5 new questions. Thanks ROD for correctiing the initial Dump, There is still some bad answers.
I Pass Score 752 By ROD Thank's
Passed Today 770 , just studied ROD only , 2 new questions
thank you ROD
@Fred: "I didn't even know I was a muppet all my life. That explains so much."
Such as that very small penis, Frederic?
Thanks, ROD, I passed it on 17/6/2014 with 805 marks. All questions from Rod but need to check the answer again if you have time. If you have no time to check the answer again, you can take the exam with The Rod Dump. It is enough to pass your exam.Be Happy and Healthy.
Passed Today 8xx , just studied ROD only , 2 new questions
thank you ROD
@SteveVai: What a revelation! What great words of wisdom. I see the light! Thank you, thank you, oh great and mighty one. I didn't even know I was a muppet all my life. That explains so much.
@shameer - Good spot! I think you might be right
pass to day with 8xx score all the Q from rod's dump, just 2 new Q . tks rod...
Dear All
I have been going through ROD Dumps i found this question "CORRECTED (Previously B) Your network contains an Active Directory domain named contoso.com. The domain contains a server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2012 R2 and has the DHCP Server server role installed. Server1 has an IPv6 scope named Scope1.
You implement an additional DHCP server named Server2 that runs Windows Server 2012 R2.
You need to provide high availability for Scope1. The solution must minimize administrative effort.
What should you do?
A. Install and configure Network Load Balancing (NLB) on Server1 and Server2.
B. Create a scope on Server2.
C. Configure DHCP failover on Server1.
D. Install and configure Failover Clustering on Server1 and Server2.
Correct Answer: C
Section: (none)
But I think answer is B
"DHCP failover is not supported for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) scopes. Network adapters using IPv6 typically determine their own IPv6 address using stateless IP auto-configuration. In this mode, the DHCP server delivers only the DHCP option configuration, and the server does not maintain any lease state information. A high availability deployment for stateless DHCPv6 is possible by simply setting up two servers with identical option configuration. Even in a stateful DHCPv6 deployment, the scopes do not run under high address utilization, which makes split scope a viable solution for high availability."
any one can Confirm please
In Rod we trust. Passed 8xx using Rod only (no other VCEs at all). 2 new questions.
@Fred, don't be a muppet all your life. Learn to read everything and think laterally. If the answer is not in front of you, yet other seem to have that answer, ask yourself why.
@MatthewbyProxy - You are wrong. Check the exhibit again. The zone is ALREADY AD-Integrated.
Hello everyone! I took the exam yesterday, June 12th here in Malaysia and got 788 using Rod dumps and also please check Wendy dumps for comparison of answers. Got 1 new question though it's similar in the dumps but the choices of answer were different.
@SteveVai- Please excuse me. My opposable thumb was blocking the url LOCATION of the dump. I was looking in the wrong location. I thought the dump was on this site. How dumb of me.
@Ahmed - did you read all the feed back below? Self explanatory I think, seems like a reliable dump
ROD's Dump is valid. 3 new questions. Passed with 7xx. 2 questions answers are replaced with other options.
Passed 8XX, used ROD and Wendy. My advice? combine wendy with ROD and all the questions will be familiar to you, else you will think they are new questions.
There two new questions. 5 questions from wendy which were not in the ROD dump.
Note: the answer to Question 61 of ROD dump is wrong. It should be BD not CD. "store the zone in active directory"!
The new questions were easy if you know your stuff.
Thanks Rod,
ROD's is valid. Passed today with 770
Hello guys anybody tried ROD's dump, i need your feedback because i'll be taking exam next week. thanks
Jeez, people, read the comments here. Rod posted a Dropbox link
ROD dump is down, check the below comments
the rod dump is in one of the comment from this dump just scroll down and you will see the rod wrote a comment and inside he put a link to his dump i downloaded yesterday and it work
copy link & download
Here you go guys: Tis ROD .vce
Where is ROD dump?
it here. it valid https://www.dropbox.com/s/wrp0a4sncqdcujt/Microsoft.Certkey.70-412.v2014-05-29.by.ROD.vce
grate web site,just pass my exame with 8xx,same like ROD .vce
And it is VALID !!! pass today with 8xx, 2 new questions
Where is the Rod Dump? Are you guys for real? It's a couple of scrolls down on this very page. How are you doing these exams if barely able to read? Do you have opposable thumbs?
I don't see a ROD dump. Where is the ROD dump?
Hello Guys. Where is ROD's dump. I can not see the dump on the list. Can someone help please!
Valid passed 788 , studied ROD only , 3 new questions
thank you ROD
Memorized all questions of ROD's edit, randomizing the answers and question order.
Taking exam on Thursday. Plan to report what questions and any differences, and outcome.
Passed 752 studied from this dump and ROD
Is this the updated version that ROD made ?
Has anyone used ROD's correct file ? Feedback please.
ROD's is valid. Passed today with 823. Thanks rod only 3 new questions.
passed today 823 study ROD only... 2 new q
Hi everyone, just to report back, I just passed the exam with 845. Got a few new questions (about 5).
@Drew, UK
Q65: Can't comment, as I don't have the exam anymore.
q93: I don't think so. You need to set it locally on the FS. That means that it should not be done via GPO. If you wanted to do it via GPO, you would be right.
q160: In the VCE file it can only be set once indeed. However, the question (as well as in the exam) you can use each answer multiple times, once or not at all.
q19: You might be correct. Didn't pay attention to the security tab, but I thought the picture said AD integrated. Either way, if it is integrated, DNS admins. If it isn't, you are correct and you need to make it one.
Thank you, Rod! Passed yesterday with an 841, using both Rod's updates and the Premium. I took the 70-413 & 70-414 earlier, so I am now an MCSE! Some Premium answers were actually wrong; and I believe that mastering the Rod update, will get you at least in the neighborhood of 750 to 800.
anyone pass exam with rod dump ?????? please feedback
passed today 841 study ROD only but 3 new q
rod vce is vaild???????
Has anyone used ROD's correct file and sat the exam ? Feedback please.
Thanks Rod, as well as Justin for the follow-up!
Kindly confirm back when someone passed the exam.
Thanks @Rod. If anyone uses Rods VCE for their exam please share results. Im writing on Monday morning so ill let you know how it goes.
Thanks ROD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys, this dump is not reliable. Your reselt depends on the pool of questions on the exam. In the first 50 questions from this dump I have found 6 errors. @ROD has already fix them.
Here is explanations:
q5 NOT BD, CORRECT - BC: enforcing in child domain (Always provide claims)=> requires domain functional level 2012+ http://prntscr.com/3p3gkf
q6 NOT B, CORRECT - C: Run Repadmin.exe /PRP http://prntscr.com/3p4dkf
q11 NOT B, CORRECT - D: Join to domain http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772192.aspx
q12 NOT A, CORRECT B: Federation Service Name http://prntscr.com/3p4cjy
q15 NOT C, CORRECT D: "Active Directory Sites and Services", dssite.msc или adsiedit.msc http://prntscr.com/3p3q1d - Regarding Windows Server 2008; http://prntscr.com/3p3r2a - Windows Server 2012R2
q19 D: Security tab is missing - it means that zone is not stored in Active Directory
q24 A: Answer was changed in real exam - Need to clear DNS cache
q27 NOT C, CORRECT B: Diskshadow > delete shadows http://prntscr.com/3p3dpm
q36 D: First of all, you need to configure target host in order to allow incoming replication traffic
http://prntscr.com/3p4609 http://www.savilltech.com/videos/HyperVReplica/HyperVReplica.wmv
q43 D: Any changes must be made when the VHD is created (and the VHD must be created through PowerShell). Changes to the cache cannot be made later. http://prntscr.com/3p42kl
Thanks a lot ROD appreciate it
Is the ROD vce correct.(186q).
Thanks Rod! If anyone uses this dump in the next couple of weeks, please report back!
Thanks @ROD :)
Thank you so much
@ROD, could you please upload the dump that you corrected. Thank you!!
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