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Download Free 70-483 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-483 - MCSD Programming in C# |
Size: | 8 MB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, May 15, 2014 |
# of downloads: | 6352 |
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You can put the new questions, in the comments, to date 09/2019?
Valid in Sri Lanka. Passed today with 871.but have about 10-12 new questions
Is it still valid in Germany?
Can confirm this dump is still relevant in the UK today.
Is this dump valid in the UK?
This dump is still valid, I passed the exam two days ago.
Passed 8xx, valid
New questions:
You have 2 strings and you want to concatenate a string 3. Whats the fastest method to do it (one answer was converting both strings to Upper, prolly not correct)
You have a very long string and you want to check if your string var contains something inside the other string. Answer options were Equals, IndexOf, Substring and CompareTo
No return questions were an array of int {1,2,3,4,5}. A for is presented that sums the array to 1,3,6,10,15 i think. You need to check if the solution is correct. First one was yes, the other 2 no.
C# 7 case statement
Similar dictionary question, the finance and accounting one, but compares a keyvaluepair instead of fetching the key
Hotspot RSA question
Answer letters are shuffled on the real exam, make sure you dont confuse yourself with some which are almost equal (file, performance counters, ...)
The dump it is valid in Brazil.
90% de aproveitamento... Ainda é válido no Brasil.
can anyone please tell me the answers which are wrong and what is the correct??
Is the dump valid in Netherland?
Passed yesterday with ~30% new questions
Is this dump still valid? writing my exam soon
In France,
I am planning to take exam in April. Is this dump still valid?
passed with ~30% new questions
passed this month, ~80% from this dump
Dump is still valid. Just passed with 8XX. About 10 new questions on the exam. There are some incorrect answers on this dump, so be sure to learn the correct answers.
Is this dump still valid?
Yes, I passed exam in Jan 2018
Is the dump still valid?
how many question in real exam?
Is this dump still valid? (Hungary)
It still valid.
Passed at December, 21 with 914/1000. Ukraine.
q91 = D, just tested here...
Q111 = D?
72 B???
questions wrong answer:
Had around 15 new questions in the real exam
Is this Valid for Brasil?
Somebody can correct the wrong answers in this dump like maps05 says. At least are 20 wrong answers. BRANDY is still around?
Passed with the help of this exam (860ish) but it has a lot of wrong answers. Here are my notes:
48 - The given answer does not compile. There is no answer with two options. The correct would be option E
51 - Missing one answer. E and D
61 - D
62 - B. (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.assembly.reflectiononlyload(v=vs.110).aspx)
77 - C
82 - Wtf….
84 - A
92 - A seems more plausible. Cannot back up that though
93 - What makes more senec is C. With a (-)? At the beginning you're accepting negative values too. The interpretation I have is that you should ensure positive values and two decimal digits when you specify decimals.
98 - Wtf…
101 -C
105 - The code does not match the question since it compiles. The question makes sense if the order of the exceptions in Main() was switched. If that's the case, the answer is C.
112 - C
122 - D is most likely
123 - C and D. You wouldn't be able to call the method if the methods were private
140 - Question and answers don't match at all
150 - The third option cannot be "thrown ex" since it means that the stacktrace is lost. It must be the "throw" option
155 - B and D. The second one cannot be an Attribute.
156 - ReadToEndAsync (read several lines)
157 - "return true" missing in it should use the object.Equals since the own instance property can be null and therefore calling its Equals method will result in exception
158 - Answer incomplete: A, H, E, D
Had around 10 new questions in the exam
I passed this exam with much help from this vce file. the exam was 50 questions I got 92%. pass would be 35 correct. Microsoft keeps adding to the pool of possible questions. Also some of the answers are incorrect, some of the questions are incorrect. Please double check the answers. I found one wrong question in the real exam DragDrop 5. the transaction must be declared after the connection is open, thus none of the answers are appropriate so I just picked the one vce file said and I'm pretty sure I got that one wrong. I also reported that question to Microsoft although I suspect they will fix it when pigs fly.
Is this dump valid?
Please is this dump still valid? I am planning on taking the exam next week.
Still valid?
It still valid.
Passed at March, 24 with 907/1000. Russia.
It was 11 new questions.
Use only this dump, another has a lot of questions from another exam.
But there is a few wrong answers. Check the answers. Exam ## 4, 51, 61, 77, 92, 95, 112. DRAG DROP ## 8, 14, 15. HOT SPOT #14.
These dumps are still valid passed today with 781
I am planning to take exam. Is this dump still valid?
Still valid, passed today, but about 10 new questions
This dump is still valid. Passed today.
Still valid, passed with 7XX
Thanks for the hard work. :)
passed today, germany. still valid, but 50% a new question!!!!!!!!!!
How do we open this without a subscription?
Please provide the new questions if possible, or some guidance what to study. thx
Mostly valid in Hungary. 7-8 new questions. Passed with 962
Still valid in Poland, few new questions about delegates and one about short if statment, there is few incorrect answers in dump.
Can someone please supply a link for the VCE Simulator?
Still valid in USA, passed today!
But couple of new questions too.
Still valid, passed with 831.
Still valid, Passed with 925.
Is the dump still valid in USA?
Kindly post the latest dump.
Thanks in advance.
Is still valid in France?
Is this dump still valid in France?
Is this dump still valid in USA?
not valid failed today some new question
Failed with 680
Some topics to study:
Custom exception constructor is inheriting from the base Exception class.
Unmanaged code garbage collection.
Measure how much memory app uses when stars.
Compiler /define keyword .
Remove items from List, what happens to the index.
Lambda expression new keyword syntax. Groups method in the foreach loop.
Passed today in Spain. Still valid, but at least 7 new drag questions
Anyone with the latest dump?Also is this one stil valid in SA?
Still valid, Passed with 88x.
Valid in India, Passed with 7XX . thanks a lot Brandy.
Still valid, Passed with 79x.
India: This dump is valid here . Passed with 8XX . thanks alot Brandy .There are some wrong answers bt this dump is very good for preparation .
28 Juli 2016. Passed 775.
Thanks Bibib! I Love you.
Thank to Brandy so Much!
Still valid 90%, score 887 and passed the exam !!
4 Agustus 2016. Jakarta, Indonesia. Universitas Multimedia Indonesia. still valid ! thanks Brandy! Score = 943
I wanted to take up the test in july in India. please suggest me the dump guys. whether do i need to go through with this dump or i have to wait for the new one. please reply.
Passed today, scored 906. Thank all for sharing and comments.
Still valid in italy, around 3 new questions.
Any comments from India?.. Is the dumps valid there ?..
Still valid in Germany. Around 5 new question
Passed today 2-3 new questions
Is the dump updated one?..
i can't get into avanset page,when i try to get into avanset page its showing that "this site can't be reached" plz can any one knows how to get into it..??
India: I am planning to write exam on July last week , is the dump will be the same that time . any one appeared recently ?..Please reply .Is the BASIC dump provide much questions and examples?. Which is better Basic or PRO?..
In France,
This dump is still valid,
passed today with 10 news question
Is this dump still valid in India?.. Is their any similar questions?. Can I prepare using this dump . ?
Still Valid. 8 new questions. Be careful to the wrong answers related to some questions in this dump.
India: I wrote on Friday the 17th. This dump is not valid in the anymore. Almost all questions were new. But it's good for learning.
Is this dump still valid in india ?....
This dump is still valid in india. Passed with 850. Only six new questions.
Is this Valid for USA..?
Hi guys.I want to write this exam to complete my MCSA journey instead of writing 70-463. I have some experience writing c
Can anyone please tell me what questions are wrong in this file?
Is it still valid in south africa?
Some of the answers are wrong, and i passed with 812/1000, still valid but with wrong answers, be careful, it's better to buy the complete guide.
I pass yesterday 21/4/2016 with 850.. but there are 20% new questions.Chile.
Still valid in europe
is this dump still valid in morroco ??
Valid in USA. 7 new questions out of 51. Passed with 778. Good luck!!!
90% of Questions is valid, I passed today with 841 in Germany
Is this dumb still valid in Germany?
Dump is valid in India! Passed with 770! only only 3 - 5 questions outside dumps! All the best!
Is this Valid in India(Chennai), Please response soon to take the exam. Thanks
Please tell me if this dump is still valid
Please anyone tell me if these dumps are still valid.
Is this dump still valid in South Africa... Thanks
can any one Answer me if It still working in morroco ?
Valid in India. Passed today with score 823. All the best!!!
Dum valid in Belgium (11/03/2016) just +- 5 new question
I find it incredible that this dump is premium. Will have to see about that when I take the test. There are so many wrong answers in it. I will correct them and upload later when I am done with the test. But I like the dump, there is plenty good too.
Hotspot Question 12:
* An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constants. The variable must be equal to one of the values that have been predefined for it. UNLESS YOU USE A BITWISE OPERATOR! Example:
User Ben = new User();
Ben.UserGroup = Group.Administrators | Group.Managers;
if ((Ben.UserGroup & Group.Administrators) != 0) {
Console.WriteLine("Ben is a member of Administrators");
if ((Ben.UserGroup & Group.Managers) != 0) {
Console.WriteLine("Ben is a member of Managers");
if ((Ben.UserGroup & Group.Users) != 0) {
Console.WriteLine("Ben is a member of Users");
This will display:
Ben is a member of Administrators
Ben is a member of Managers
*If the user belongs to only the Supervisors group, the following code will return a value of true: user.UserGroup < Group.Administrators
NO. But if lt; is < which < is the html sign for, then YES, the state will then be true. SO, the answer here depends if lt; is intended or a bug output for 'less then' <
Ben.UserGroup = Group.Supervisors;
Console.WriteLine(Ben.UserGroup < Group.Administrators);
This outputs:
still valid in the netherlands. like 80% - 90% of the questions were the same
Valid dump in Morocco, some new answers but I think it's enough to pass the test if well prepared
Is the dump valid in India ?
Passed in January in Romania.
Good dump for practice, but some answers are wrong. Aprox 60%-70% of the question in the exam were the ones from these dumps, but be carefull with the answers
Good Luck
Is this dump valid in Bosnia and Herzegovina ?
Passed today. USA
This is a good dump however- some answers are wrong and some answers appear slightly differently. understand why certain answers are correct. Example, datacontractjsonserializer will be used in questions that are asking about json, whereas datacontractserializer will be used for xml questions. Also Take the 30-60 question vces on this site(2 or 3 of the most recent 30-60 question exams). I passed with a pretty decent margin and knew about 80% of the answers from these vces. Good luck
Is the dump valid in India ? Planning to take the exam in Jan'2016 .
Can anybody send me the pdf file to my email?
jawwadkhan71@yahoo.com as soon as possible
Passed today with 7xx in Pakistan. Only few dumps valid. But good for practice. Some answers are not valid in the dumps.
Can anybody send me the pdf file to my email?
Thanks a lot !
Please mail recent 70-483 dump files in PDF format to amrutha.panchadi@gmail.com. Thank you in advance.
Passed yesterday in Tunisia with score 9XX, about 5-8 new questions, and some are a little changed (new choices included). But BE AWARE this dump contains a lot of wrong answers at least 25-30 answer are wrong.
Definitely not valid...there are 50% new questions..not easy ones either...exam took in Europe.
Please anyone with the pdf version? kindly email it to me. obokodo@gmail.com
Is these Dumps Valid in Pakistan?
it's valid, there was 2-3 new questions
Is this dump valid in Croatia? I am taking the test this month.
Is this dump still valid in Italy?
Q15 states A as correct. Correct is D
I have 2 questions:
- Is this dump valid for Spain?
- ¿how many questions have the real test?
84th question's rigth answer is A, not D.
Good set. But there are some mistakes. For example Q122 says it's option A but that one will give an IOExecption. TransformBlock outputbuffer parameter has to be the same as the inputbuffer. Option D is the correct one.
Valid in UK as of 7th Nov 2015 but do read the questions thoroughly. Appreciate if someone can post about 484 as they are not updated on examcollection
Is this dump valid for New Zealand?
I am planning to give this exam in next 2 weeks.
Will this dump help me to crack the same?
Please reply ASAP
Hi, i can not open this file in .vce player: it says this is created in newer verson. Any has created PDF, if so , please email me : drniro@yahoo.com, thanks in Advance.
I passed the exam with score 906. The dump is still valid
I took exam on 20-Oct-2015, cleared with score of 756
Around 10-12 questions were outside of dumps.
In dumps there are many questions which are similar but not exactly same and answer to such similar questions will be different. So prepare dumps very thoroughly.
Here are some similar questions -
27 - 43, 14-48, 9-37, 63-113, 73-122
Anyone with the latest dumb? Please assist.
This dump is around 50% valid in South Africa. I wrote the exam twice and never pass. Please upload new questions
This dump is around 70% valid in India, Passed today. There were around 15-20 new questions. Refer the comments especially Krish comments for correct answers.
this may no longer be the most update study material. maybe 20- 30 percent of exam taken 23 september represented here.
dump may no longer be the most current. lot of new questions not represented. did not pass in india
I didn't pass yesterday 22/09/2015 ...30% of the question are new and my score was 644. Most of the new question coming multiple choice question. Best of luck!
Valid Dump in Brazil, passed the exam with score 1000. :D
Still valid in South Africa.
Passed the exam with score 793
Valid in Russia.
Passed today with 943/1000.
About 10 new questions, not very easy.
Learn trace configuration with all parameters.
Still valid in Hungary. I passed more than 800 points. There were 7-10 new questions.
Still Valid in the Philippines
Passed Today at 831 :3
5-7 new questions
Thank you so much Brandy
Valid in Philippines passed today with the score of 756 but I got 10-15 new questions. Goodluck guys keep striving. Hardwork paidoff. Thanks for the person who uploaded this.
still valid. there's about 4-5 new question
valid in Russia, passed 823, 4-5 new questions
Partial valid in Poland.
About 10-12 new questions, majority about disposing resources.
Passed yesterday with 875.
Valid - a few new questions but should be good to pass the test
It's valid, passed today with 735 on the 15th Aug 2015,there are ab out 7 new Questions
Is it still valid?
This is mostly still valid. I would say roughly 1/2 of the questions were straight from this. Passed with a 752
hey i am planning to give my test on aug 5 2015 is this dump still valid???? pls rply.....
Still valid in morocco.
Passed yesterday with 943
Not valid anymore, All most questions are new, only a few question are from here.
Passed today with 701.
I have passed the exam today, this dump help me a lot but I got 10 to 15 new questions.
I have got 845.
It's valid passed with 805 on the 11th June 2015, about 10 new questions out of 55. But you must study hard both BRANDY and study guide helped me. From South Africa
Many wrong answers in this vce dumps, I did exam last Sunday and passed with 830/1000, about 8 new questions. I only learned PassLeader 70-483 vce dumps, all new questions came from it.
This dump is still valid in India.
I passed the exam with 82%.
I have pass this exam with 788/1000 points - 25/05/2015. 7 new questions.
Passed today 788pts/1000. 75 new questions
Passed today. Valid in india. 5 to 7 new questions and all are related to custom exception, await async methods, Activator methods etc.Some answers to questions are wrong
Passed today ~900pts. I'd say about only 1/2 of the questions are still valid.
I have pass this exam with 750 points. Questions from this dump are still valid, but answers did not for maybe 20 questions. But, thanks to this dump, I passed. ;-)
I didn't pass yesterday 16/5/2015 ...40% of the question are new :(
I did the exam, VCE file helped me, but some question answers are wrong, please be careful when u refer the questions.
Valid today in Nigeria, 11 new questions though. I scored 805, THANKS
I passed this exam yesterday with score 752. I had 7 new questions. Thank you Brandy for the material!
Q122 answers seems odd, Should be answer B.
Anyone ?
Still valid. Couple of new questions and some are a little changed than the ones in the dump.
I got 911 points.
I am from South Africa some of the stuffs are valid and some are new questions I have written this exam now twice and got 663 last time and there was some new questions
Anyone has new questions please upload it
valid in luxembourg
+900 points
Is this still valid in South Africa
Wrote exam with 70-483 231q vce and passed exam yesterday with 890 points, few new questions. Now I am preparing my next 70-484 exam, thanks all guys' share here!
is this still valid in the Philippines?
Dumb is still valid In Europe. Most of the questions are from the dumb (%80). Good Luck!
Is this still valid in europe?
valid dump.. passed today with 887 marks
This dump is still valid,most of the questions are from this dump.Today I have cleared the exam.
I have worked on the Microsoft.Actualtests.70-483.v2014-12-11.by.Alfred.185q.vce file to pass my exam.
do you think that if i have succeeded i can pass the new exam or do you think i have to train with this new file
Thanks a lot for your answer
i'm planning to write the exam next week can any one Please tel me what are all dumps i need to prepare.
Passed the exam today...5-7 new questions...dump still valid but need to study as well...
I passed. Dump valid in a european country. Use this dump but check every answer on the internet, there are a few mistakes.
Read what "FIRELORD" wrote.
hi. can anyone verify is this dump still valid in india
Does this dump is still valid in India? Please confirm.
This dump is valid in Malaysia, passed today with 887. The exam consist of 50 questions where 48 of them is directly from the VCE and the other 2 is new questions. Refer the comments especially Krish comments for correct answers. This dump is similar with Laura's dump which has 1 additional question.
Surprise and Itumeleng the same as brandy dumb or the add new query
still valid in SA passed on the 13-10-2014 with 850
still valid in south Africa passed today (12-11-2014)with 812
is that dump valid in morocco ?
Gus who wrote the exam this month and which dumb is valid help please
is this dump valid for pakistan
How many questions that come in the actual exam?
This dumb is valid...passed the exam today 812/1000....4 or 5 new questions
Valid in Mexico, I passed with 812
Some new questions and some were sligthly different.
I used this and the "Microsoft.ActualTests.70-483.v2013-04-19.by.SomeBody.64q" one
With those two you sould be ok c:
Thanks al lot!
Is this dumb still valid am writing next week please help
Which program do You use to open this file?
100% valid in Brazil
is this still valid
is this valid in south Africa
Still valid.. 4 new qtns.. But similar..
still valid in Indonesia, score 800 with this dump, just +-5 new question
Is this dump still valid in pakistan?
This dump is valid in Egypt .. I passed yesterday..
Hi !!...Is this dumb valid in France???
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