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Download Free 70-463 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-463 - MCSA Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 |
Size: | 933.65 KB |
Posted Date: | Sunday, February 24, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 3 |
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valid in turkey. 13 q were out of dump.
Still valid?
Be careful with that pdf file that was posted by Jason, I'm a quarter of the way through it and every "drag and drop" answer has been incorrect so far. The questions are accurate to the exam though.
@Jason: How many questions came from this dump? Is it enough if I read only this material?
Hi Friends,
Download the Latest pdf version of the dumps from pass4sure
using the below link. Best of luck :)
Hi guys.... Is this dump still valid in SA? Want to take the exam on Friday.
Thanks guys. I passed today with 87x. The dump was quite helpful, but you need to know what you are doing. There were about 35 new questions i would say. Quite a lot on deployment, logging and Data quality.
Passed with 904.No new Questions Still Valid.
User administration of DQS is via SSMS
Dump valid.
Very good dump, just one question from outside this content. Got 906
Passed today with 918, dump is still valid, no new questions
Passed today with 943, this dump is 100% valid.
passed wit 9xx. 2 new quest. valid qus paper
Passed it today! It's still valid and there were some new questions.
Thanks for the dump!
Passed 931. Dump still valid.
I think in Q 97 and 98 the correct answers are Data Quality Client.
Only study this file, I got 945 today. Thank you very much for providing this file. No new question in my exam. There are 55 questions. About 40 minutes for me to answer and check the questions. Here lists the new options in my exam:
Q20. B. Change the similarity threahold to 0.85
Q50. E. SSIS Upgrade Wizard in SQL Server Management Studio.
In my opinion, the original answers are correct.
How much time you are given for the exam, and how much time you actually need to complete? I need to plan for time off. How many questions are there?
Passed with 9XX TODAY. All questions are valid.
Just passed with 904. This dump is valid in Romania. One new question only.
@Heintz & @Aussie
Q44: Sorry but I do not agree with you re correct answer being F as the question mentions that "your solution must minimize development efforts" however creating an OnError Event Handler requires launching BIDS or Data Tools then re-deploy the package. I think the correct answer is J, run package using DTEXECUI and SQL Log Provider.
Anyone having other opinion?
Following a discussion started by rocky regarding Q24, he seems to be right. I've tested and [cdc].[fn_cdc_get_net_changes_Projects] function only works with all 3 arguments. Therefore the answer cannot be C. However this ( *_net_* function) seems to be the correct function to be used in our case, as it only returns the last update on a column where the *_all_* function returns one row for each update if argument 3 is 'all' and 2 records for each update if argument 3 is 'all update old', second one being the previous value of the column.
So my answer would depend:
1. If the exam will contain an answer with *_net_* containing all 3 arguments (Similar to this: [cdc].[fn_cdc_get_net_changes_Projects] (@from_lsn, @to_lsn, N' all'); ), then this is the correct answer (I've seem some questions on other tests where the dump had incorrect/incomplete questions so I'm hoping this is the case)
2. If not, then I would go with answer B - [cdc].[fn_cdc_get_all_changes_Projects] (@from_lsn, @to_lsn, N' all');
Passed with 9xx with 55Questions. Maybe 3 or 4 wrong answers in this dump. Got 2 new/similary to Q18+20.
In the dump is Q11+114 , 22+23 , 14+21 the same. Q29+93 are the same with different Answers.
pass today with 972 and no question
Excellent dump, only one question came extra in the exam. Qualified with 945. thank a lot.
Passed with 877 today.
Estimate about 47 of the 55 questions on the exam were from this dump with wording changed around a bit in some instances.
Please share the dumps file to my pillella.sudheer@gmail.com,i am not able to open the file.i am facing some problem.
Passed with 931
All questions from this dump, some wording changedin answers but not significant changes. not sure which questions are wrong through
The exam has 55 questions.
Passed today with 914 . think 4,5 Question I did wrong. But only one simple new questions. All other questions exact like in the dump
Passed today with 904 in South Africa. Dump is 100% valid. No new questions. Some of the answers are incorrect though. Still a completely valid dump.
I am planning to take this exam at this month end.Can I go with these two VCE files. Please confirm. Thanks for your help.
Question F24, the function has 3 argumets so B is correct, do you agree?
The dump is seriously valid! No new questions at all. This dump only is good enough to score in high 900s. Thanks PeterPan and 7thFreak. You guys are awesome! :)
Valid in SA, 9XX.thank you but read carefully as there are many changes in the exam
I think the anwser to Q40 is NOT K
Because you can't deploy to SSIS catalog using dtutil.exe
The storage type of the package is identified by the /SQL, /FILE, and /DTS options. No SSIS Catalog option available.
Passed with 903 . No new Question .
904/1000 , there was no new question, the dump is valid
Valid in Egypt
Thank you 7thFreak and Peter Pan!
Still valid, passed with 9XX.
Passed this dump is valid
Passed 931 score .valid dump
Q105: Answer must be "C Merge the Fact tables"
Valid Dump. Passed with 918. It seems there are some wrong answers in this dump. Any way Thnx for the upload.
@Heinz & @Laflak
Q38: I agree also with answer "G" because besides what you mentioned, the question also states "must minimize deployment and development efforts". using an "OnError" event handler requires development.
Q40: the following blog seems to confirm your thoughts about the answer being "K" rather than "H", especially since the Project deployment model allows for "the availability of log information through reports or T-SQL":
Q44: I agree with your analysis and choice "F". It happens while the job is executing, and that you need to ensure that logging occurs while executing. It doesn't say "you are executing the job" though, so that means it must be done programmatically.
Anyone else have any thoughts?
Enabling CLR is required to install the SSIS Catalog. SSIS Catalog is required for Project Deployment.
For the other question, I never heard of a time mapping table so I think that's wrong too, but I would answer
D. Change the level of granularity in both fact tables to be the same.
Merging seems right too, but that like going too far.
Q77: I agree with choice "F Start the SQL Server Agent Service" as one choice. Why is the other "B Enable CLR Integration" and not "A Enable XP Command Shell"?
Q105: why is answer "A Create a time mapping table" and not "C Merge the Fact tables"?
Anyone have any thoughts?
Just cleared this paper with 904 Marks.. Couple of new questions.
Still Valid. Passed with 9XX. 3-4 new questions. One on SCD, one on Hierarchy. Thanks Peterpan. :)
passed with 945. Valid dump with about 3 to 4 new questions.
Passed today with 931 XD, still valid with two new questions
Thanks a lot.
Where i can get free online videos for this course, like cbt nuggets of something like this?
Passed with 947!
Thank you!
PeterPan and theFreak both have approximately same Question;
but here Questions where we need to shuffle their options from left to Right are correct.
Anyway Cleared 463 yesterday with a good score and got MCSA (70-461/462/463)
Thank you guys both (PeterPan and theFreak) :)
Strange, but we all have the same score 921
Passed yesterday, score 921, the dump is valid and the questions are the same!
I believe Q75 is supposed to read SortKeyPosition as opposed to SorABCeyPosition
Valid passed today with 921
I agree on your choices for all the four questions.
I'm going to the exam tomorrow morning and that's I will uses as answers if I have these questions.
Suggestions regarding the logging series:
F38: Here the question starts with: "You are troubleshooting" so manual execution is done.
So answer makes sense to be: "G" run package with additional log provider
F39: Requires "all the logs in SQL Server" and "automated log achival" which is handled in Project Deployment Model
So answer "J"
F40: Similar to F40, central logging automatic purge, hints to Project Deployment Model (K)
F44: Different to F38 here a job execution is investigated. So I think it could be "F: Create an OnError event handler" It's asked for manual investigation
What do you think? Any opinion?
It's work. Pass with Score 921. Thank you Perter Pan
Hi, Q 40:
I think it's K, the Logprovide from answer H does not allow Automatic purge of old entries. But the SSIS Catalog stores the execution data and purges the history with an MSSQL Server agent job
Can someone post the PDF version of this?
883 passed. no new questions. thanks for Peter Pan and 7thFreak. who will exame 70-466 or 70-467? unusa@hotmail.com is my msn. we can chat about two exames.
Passed today with 934!! Thank you 7thFreak and Peter Pan!
unusa - the answer to your question is that in question number 76, they are talking about "Project" level and in question number 69 they are talking about "Package" level.
Question 83.
Are you sure that answer D is correct?
Records are loaded weekly. Maybe partition by week would be more reasonable solution?
Also compression of data can decrease performance.
100% valid no new questios
Passed with 804. No new questions
Why the 69 and 76 have same quesiton,but different answer? which on is true? why ?????
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