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Download Free 70-480 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
Size: | 5.52 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, December 26, 2012 |
# of downloads: | 2 |
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It very good. Gotta 960/1000
Scored 1000/1000. 40 questions.
- My exam didn't show some questions:
- about text-shadow
- about CSS order (user agent, user normal and so on).
- About the question regarding "web worker" and "main page" both must use "onmessage".
- I had a question like below (thanks for "Tim from Australia") and the correct answer is "absolute". In my exam I didn't have the question about a <p> inside another <p>.
<div style="position: relative">
Some text content here..
<p id="whatever"></p>
Great Dump Still Valid USA! Great format and everything showed up.
https://hotfile.com/dl/187632829/718d4ca/microsoft_70-480_dumps_by_CPP.rar.html link. (link of Chandra) Q25 of partB? what is the correct answer?
plz chk the link http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/179106/Web-Workers-in-HTML5 for Q27 then answer plz
Q 27 AB or BC? Q43?
dump still valid 920.
i was reading this-
but some answer from this sheet mismatch from yours. . like Q1 and Q2. So what should i do now. :s
awesome Tim, thanks for the info.
congrats on the exam
Fore-word: I passed my exam today with 1000/1000 and this dump is almost perfect, but does have some incorrect answers. The exam for me did contain some actual _fixes and corrections_ around various different questions. Mainly a whole swathe of little typo's that I'd noticed as I was studying. This leads me to the following:
Q31 regarding text-shadow, I found this error in several dumps. The important thing to note is that there must be a 5px blur radius. Even if all the answers are wrong.. blur radius *seems* to be the source of truth for the answer. Don't take my words as gospel, though. I didn't see the question in my actual exam, but given the other fixes I saw, it's likely that this has been updated.
Q46 regarding absolute vs relative. The HTML in question had been updated on my exam, approximately as follows:
<div style="position: relative">
Some text content here..
<p id="whatever"></p>
We can note that now, to have "whatever" appear exactly 15px from the top left of its containing div, it _must_ be position:absolute, since position:relative would incorrectly move it 15px from its location in the normal rendered flow of the page, which is of course below that extra text they've thrown in.
As always, your mileage may vary depending on where and when you sit the exam.. so study hard! :)
Hi Tim and hkayne.
Q46 is the only one I actually agree with Chandra.
It's hard to tell but I tested in IE10 and the relative position adds an awkward behavior to the inner paragraph. Setting #inner{left:15px; position:absolute;} seems to be a good answer.
It's kind of silly really, because html5 does not allow paragraph nesting.
Vow! Great dump today i passed exam with 940 marks
option 31 (A), text-shadow. a and d do not contain a vertical offset. b and c do not contain a drop shadow radius. 1 inch = 72 pt. is it just me or none of the answers are right?
This dump has excellent formatting, as stated by michael.
Very very good quality, however I think the following questions have incorrect answers:
Q34 - None of the provided answers are 100% correct. The dump says the answer is B, but user normal style sheets should come immediately after user agent style sheets. This is clearly just a typo / accident, since the link provided in the dump's Answer area actually orders the style sheets correctly.
User Agent
User Normal
Author Normal
Author Important
User Important
Q46 - Answer should be A (absolute). If you check in IE9, you'll see that a using position: relative on the <p> tag will only push the paragraph to the left, but will not push the element down at all, while position: absolute pushes the element to the left as expected, but will also push the paragraph element down.
@Lucas This is because WebWorkers cannot access DOM objects, window, etc.
JSON is parseable JavaScript (it parses into a normal, native object).
String is an object native to the JavaScript language.
JavaScript, I believe this is actually referring to JavaScript native objects such as those that you would create yourself using a constructor function or something similar.
In Q62, is indicating that the right answers are JSON, String and JavaScript (ADE). Why JavaScript?
Valid dump, passed today with 920.
Question 10 from exam A was slightly different:
- attribute "Maxlength" instead of "Max" (maybe an error in real exam?)
- new attribute "Step" (don't know the correct value)
valid dump score 900
It is valid dump score 900.
Best Dump.Still Valid.Only 1 qtn out of the dump.
Great dump Thanks man
best dump ever saw, well formatted.
Valid in Egypt Passed 940 some answers options are different.
Dump is valid in Morocco. Passed with 940.
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